All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.4.0 (2019-05-31)
- act: add info text for the ACT-to-ETH exchange rate (497eef1)
1.3.0 (2019-05-31)
- remove amount in words from ACT input field because the “number-to-words” package doesn’t support decimals (4ae0dfc)
- act: allow decimals in sell-act input field (23194aa)
- act: allow only up to 6 decimals for ACT input field (25acb78)
- act: turn off autocomplete for the sell-act input field (7215e86)
- act: use “toString()” instead of “toLocaleString()” to display all decimals of ACT balance (c1a57e3)
1.2.2 (2019-05-13)
- disallow decimal numbers in all input fields (BBK-MANAGER-4A in sentry) (a4ebad7)
- upgraded ‘notistack’ (and other deps) to latest version and fixed malfunctioning ‘Dismiss’-snackbar button (95ade21)
1.2.1 (2019-05-07)
- downgrade snackbar dependency to latest functioning version (latest version broke the dismiss button) (8f78374)
- activate-bbk: fix eternal spinner after denying metamask signature (b34cedd)
- cleanup: removed unused ‘use-act-balance-of’ folder (6041707)
1.2.0 (2019-05-07)
- typo in button text (974b535)
- build: added .versionrc file to allow customizing (b602f73)
- update dependencies (3328660)
- updated devDependencies (c262941)
- cleanup: removed unused ‘use-bbk-balances’ folder (81f1a59)
- display “Retry” as button text if approve or activate transaction failed (23d4852)
- BBK: added loading message informing users that transactions can take a long time and that they shouldn’t close their browser (0dd6118)
- error-handling: improve error reporting by co-locating the sentry calls with the actual code causing the errors (78bd6e6)
1.1.1 (2019-04-25)
- flow: fixed flow error in manually typed truffle-contract types (3c4a112)
- fixed test job due to missing NODE_PATH definition (ba6d874)
- flow: updated @brickblock/web3-utils to fix flow errors complaining about non-nullable Web3ProviderT types (1897a56)
- locking/unlocking: fixed form validation and limit max-length to 10 characters because the ‘number-to-words’ package can’t deal with infinitely high numbers (4cd5bd7)
- temporarily skip hadolint from running in CI because the CI image is missing the binary (b861e7d)
- update .yarnclean file to stop breaking the truffle-contract package (fc772f3)
- first working version (9a27941)
- make app production ready (env vars, stop using linked packages, dependency upgrades, stop using .env file) (34818a4)
- act: implemented convert-act-to-eth form (d62366a)
- ErrorBoundary: improved ErrorBoundary component (c7f5ba8)
- logging: handle error messages in the top-level component only (3f32de4)
- logging: truncate remaining full addresses for enhanced data privacy when logging to sentry (ba52b32)
- ManageACT: added error snackbar for displaying potential errors occurring during the sell-act flow (d859f06)
- update title copy for all boxes (190b157)