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SubproblemManager #57

ValentinKaisermayer opened this issue Jan 18, 2022 · 9 comments

SubproblemManager #57

ValentinKaisermayer opened this issue Jan 18, 2022 · 9 comments


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ValentinKaisermayer commented Jan 18, 2022

It crashed Julia. What does this mean?

Warning: SubproblemManager::clear() called on non-empty SubproblemManager

Source in C++ code:

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Warning: SubproblemManager::clear() called on non-empty SubproblemManager
Error: Subproblem not found for Algorithm MADS
Call stack:
    MADS Initialization

Call stack:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'NOMAD_4_0_0::StepException'
  what():  NOMAD::Exception thrown (/workspace/srcdir/nomad/src/Algos/SubproblemManager.cpp, 102) Warning: SubproblemManager could not remove subproblem for Algorithm MADS

signal (22): SIGABRT

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@ValentinKaisermayer this is strange. The only way where it could happen is if you solve several subproblems of the main optimization problem, but I do not see how you can have access to this feature via NOMAD.jl. Could you provide an example which triggers it ?

If you use parallelism, try to avoid it, as mixing Julia and C++ is not really robust with threads at this time.

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Ok, it is the mutli-threading. Would downgrading Julia to the LTS version help?

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I am not sure it will change something. Correctly calling C/C++ code in a multithread environment of julia is a long issue, see for example JuliaLang/julia#17573 or jump-dev/KNITRO.jl#93.

If you have a short example which triggers this issue, I could maybe use it to investigate further. Otherwise, you can directly use the Nomad solver in commandline and call your parallelized julia blackbox (infortunately, you will get a penalty time due to the julia program starting time and the precompilation). In this case, it should work.

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I was using multi-threading to solve multiple optimization problems in parallel.

I'm not able to share my original code but maybe I can come up with a MWE.

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ValentinKaisermayer commented Jan 19, 2022

import GalacticOptim
import NOMAD

rosenbrock(x, p) =  (p[1] - x[1])^2 + p[2] * (x[2] - x[1]^2)^2
p  = [1.0, 100.0]

sols = Dict()
Threads.@threads for i in 1:10
    x0 = -1 .+ 2 .* rand(2)
    optprob = GalacticOptim.OptimizationFunction(rosenbrock)
    prob = GalacticOptim.OptimizationProblem(optprob, x0, p, lb=[-1.0, -1.0], ub=[1.0, 1.0])
    sol = GalacticOptim.solve(prob, GalacticOptim.NOMADOpt())
    sols[i] = sol
Please submit a bug report with steps to reproduce this fault, and any error messages that follow (in their entirety). Thanks.
Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION at 0x7ffa513a7192 -- local_Rb_tree_rotate_left at /workspace/srcdir/gcc-11.1.0/libstdc++-v3/src/c++98\ [inlined]
_Rb_tree_insert_and_rebalance at /workspace/srcdir/gcc-11.1.0/libstdc++-v3/src/c++98\
in expression starting at test_NOMAD.jl:8
local_Rb_tree_rotate_left at /workspace/srcdir/gcc-11.1.0/libstdc++-v3/src/c++98\ [inlined]
_Rb_tree_insert_and_rebalance at /workspace/srcdir/gcc-11.1.0/libstdc++-v3/src/c++98\
_ZNSt8_Rb_treeINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEESt4pairIKS5_S5_ESt10_Select1stIS8_ESt4lessIS5_ESaIS8_EE16_M_insert_uniqueIRS6_IS5_S5_EEES6_ISt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIS8_EbEOT_.constprop.1025 at .julia\artifacts\afc55cad05cdd4def2b270e9e0e8261c242e5645\bin\libnomadUtils.dll (unknown line)
_ZN11NOMAD_4_0_010Parameters17registerAttributeIbJRKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEES9_S9_EEEvS7_T_bbbDpOT0_ at .julia\artifacts\afc55cad05cdd4def2b270e9e0e8261c242e5645\bin\libnomadUtils.dll (unknown line)
_ZN11NOMAD_4_0_010Parameters18registerAttributesERKSt6vectorINS_19AttributeDefinitionESaIS2_EE at .julia\artifacts\afc55cad05cdd4def2b270e9e0e8261c242e5645\bin\libnomadUtils.dll (unknown line)     
_ZN11NOMAD_4_0_013RunParameters4initEv at .julia\artifacts\afc55cad05cdd4def2b270e9e0e8261c242e5645\bin\libnomadUtils.dll (unknown line)
createNomadProblem at .julia\artifacts\afc55cad05cdd4def2b270e9e0e8261c242e5645\bin\libnomadCInterface.dll (unknown line)
create_c_nomad_problem at .julia\packages\NOMAD\sZkMd\src\c_wrappers.jl:65
unknown function (ip: 000000003f72e96f)
solve at .julia\packages\NOMAD\sZkMd\src\core.jl:608
#__solve#146 at .julia\packages\GalacticOptim\diXWZ\src\solve\nomad.jl:80
__solve at .julia\packages\GalacticOptim\diXWZ\src\solve\nomad.jl:44 [inlined]
#solve#480 at .julia\packages\SciMLBase\jj8Ix\src\solve.jl:3 [inlined]
solve at .julia\packages\SciMLBase\jj8Ix\src\solve.jl:3
unknown function (ip: 000000003f72d370)
macro expansion at test_NOMAD.jl:12 [inlined]
#221#threadsfor_fun at .\threadingconstructs.jl:85
#221#threadsfor_fun at .\threadingconstructs.jl:52
unknown function (ip: 000000003f6f1da3)
jl_apply at /cygdrive/c/buildbot/worker/package_win64/build/src\julia.h:1788 [inlined]
start_task at /cygdrive/c/buildbot/worker/package_win64/build/src\task.c:877
Allocations: 42927396 (Pool: 42910858; Big: 16538); GC: 40
julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.7.1
Commit ac5cc99908 (2021-12-22 19:35 UTC)       
Platform Info:
  OS: Windows (x86_64-w64-mingw32)
  CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6200U CPU @ 2.30GHz
  WORD_SIZE: 64    
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-12.0.1 (ORCJIT, skylake)

  [a75be94c] GalacticOptim v2.3.1
  [02130f1c] NOMAD v2.2.0

With an Optim.jl solver it works fine.

sols = Dict()
Threads.@threads for i in 1:10
    x0 = -1 .+ 2 .* rand(2)
    optprob = GalacticOptim.OptimizationFunction(rosenbrock, GalacticOptim.AutoForwardDiff())
    prob = GalacticOptim.OptimizationProblem(optprob, x0, p, lb=[-1.0, -1.0], ub=[1.0, 1.0])
    sol = GalacticOptim.solve(prob, Optim.Fminbox(Optim.NelderMead()))
    sols[i] = sol.u

julia> sols
Dict{Any, Any} with 10 entries:
  5  => [1.0, 1.0]
  4  => [1.0, 1.0]
  6  => [-0.628642, 1.49224]
  7  => [-1.11821, -0.90395]
  2  => [-0.14978, -1.2824]
  10 => [1.0, 1.0]
  9  => [1.0, 1.0]
  8  => [1.0, 1.0]
  3  => [1.0, 1.0]
  1  => [1.0, 1.0]

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Ok I confirm I can reproduce the bug on my machine (MacOS). By using a Distributed strategy, it works on my environment. The bug must come from the C++ part (maybe due to the use of a static cache).

I will keep this example and investigate it, but there is an important risk the modifications (if they are done) are considerable. Hence it will take a lot of time.

I will add a message in the documentation noting that one should not use thread parallelism with this package. With Distributed, it should work.

Thanks once again for the example and your feedback.

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Can you share the @distributed version that works?

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import GalacticOptim
import NOMAD
import Distributed
import SharedArrays

Distributed.@everywhere begin
    rosenbrock(x, p) =  (p[1] - x[1])^2 + p[2] * (x[2] - x[1]^2)^2
    p  = [1.0, 100.0]

sols = SharedArrays.SharedArray{Float64}(2,10)
Distributed.@sync Distributed.@distributed for i in 1:10
    x0 = -1 .+ 2 .* rand(2)
    optprob = GalacticOptim.OptimizationFunction(rosenbrock)
    prob = GalacticOptim.OptimizationProblem(optprob, x0, p, lb=[-1.0, -1.0], ub=[1.0, 1.0])
    sol = GalacticOptim.solve(prob, GalacticOptim.NOMADOpt())
    sols[:,i] = sol.u


Machine version

Julia Version 1.7.1
Commit ac5cc99908 (2021-12-22 19:35 UTC)
Platform Info:
  OS: macOS (x86_64-apple-darwin19.5.0)
  CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6267U CPU @ 2.90GHz
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-12.0.1 (ORCJIT, skylake)

Running this script with four processors:

julia -p 4 script.jl
      From worker 4:	BBE OBJ
      From worker 4:	1  33.73713
      From worker 4:	2  22.393944
      From worker 4:	4   6.374351
      From worker 4:	6   2.731737
      From worker 4:	9   0.124707
      From worker 3:	BBE OBJ
      From worker 3:	1  20.556451
      From worker 3:	2   7.68111
      From worker 2:	BBE OBJ
      From worker 2:	1  68.819916
      From worker 2:	2   7.223481
      From worker 2:	4   0.995488
      From worker 3:	6   3.952837
      From worker 4:	10   0.005097
      From worker 3:	9   3.338515
      From worker 3:	15   3.334383
      From worker 4:	19   0.003075
      From worker 4:	21   0.001244
      From worker 2:	20   0.851151
      From worker 5:	BBE OBJ
      From worker 5:	1  24.497929
      From worker 5:	2   4.371252
      From worker 5:	6   0.476184
      From worker 3:	29   2.257916
      From worker 4:	28   0.000877
      From worker 2:	25   0.697234
      From worker 2:	26   0.675916
      From worker 2:	34   0.670079
      From worker 2:	36   0.657172
      From worker 2:	37   0.641443
      From worker 2:	38   0.626147
      From worker 2:	39   0.595923
      From worker 2:	40   0.588393
      From worker 2:	42   0.536443
      From worker 2:	43   0.48392
      From worker 2:	46   0.412762
      From worker 2:	47   0.359362
      From worker 2:	50   0.305265
      From worker 2:	51   0.246524
      From worker 2:	57   0.214063
      From worker 2:	58   0.208873
      From worker 2:	59   0.205061
      From worker 2:	61   0.172935
      From worker 2:	64   0.146752
      From worker 2:	68   0.130228
      From worker 2:	69   0.125943
      From worker 2:	70   0.104491
      From worker 2:	73   0.07683
      From worker 5:	21   0.466619
      From worker 3:	31   1.184677
      From worker 4:	38   0
      From worker 2:	85   0.064659
      From worker 2:	86   0.059078
      From worker 2:	87   0.000252
      From worker 3:	50   0.989552
      From worker 3:	51   0.884018
      From worker 3:	52   0.598236
      From worker 3:	53   0.377092
      From worker 3:	55   0.308768
      From worker 3:	57   0.269274
      From worker 3:	59   0.218733
      From worker 3:	64   0.157411
      From worker 3:	65   0.111961
      From worker 3:	69   0.088518
      From worker 3:	70   0.067514
      From worker 3:	72   0.046627
      From worker 3:	77   0.026996
      From worker 3:	80   0.020108
      From worker 5:	55   0.342873
      From worker 3:	86   0.015191
      From worker 3:	87   0.009445
      From worker 5:	58   0.306074
      From worker 5:	59   0.268518
      From worker 5:	67   0.260619
      From worker 5:	68   0.243413
      From worker 5:	71   0.216656
      From worker 5:	72   0.204304
      From worker 5:	74   0.196287
      From worker 5:	75   0.168647
      From worker 5:	76   0.147212
      From worker 5:	77   0.137025
      From worker 5:	78   0.113907
      From worker 5:	79   0.086064
      From worker 5:	80   0.054341
      From worker 5:	86   0.041428
      From worker 5:	89   0.031191
      From worker 3:	96   0.00081
      From worker 2:	106   0
      From worker 5:	103   0.028363
      From worker 5:	104   0.002146
      From worker 3:	113   0.000003
      From worker 5:	120   0.000002
      From worker 5:	121   0
      From worker 4:	A termination criterion is reached: No termination (all). Min mesh size reached (Algo)
      From worker 4:
      From worker 4:	Best feasible solution:     #2736 (   0.999938   0.999927 )	Evaluation OK	 f = 0	 h = 0
      From worker 4:
      From worker 4:	Best infeasible solution:   Undefined.
      From worker 4:
      From worker 4:	Blackbox evaluations:        125
      From worker 4:	Total sgte evaluations:      5301
      From worker 4:	Cache hits:                  79
      From worker 4:	Total number of evaluations: 204
      From worker 3:	127   0.000002
      From worker 3:	129   0
      From worker 2:	A termination criterion is reached: No termination (all). Min mesh size reached (Algo)
      From worker 2:
      From worker 2:	Best feasible solution:     #3320 (   0.999969   0.999952 )	Evaluation OK	 f = 0	 h = 0
      From worker 2:
      From worker 2:	Best infeasible solution:   Undefined.
      From worker 2:
      From worker 2:	Blackbox evaluations:        185
      From worker 2:	Total sgte evaluations:      5177
      From worker 2:	Cache hits:                  67
      From worker 2:	Total number of evaluations: 252
      From worker 4:	1  19.168576
      From worker 4:	2   9.283188
      From worker 4:	5   3.979058
      From worker 4:	6   0.99815
      From worker 4:	20   0.644646
      From worker 4:	23   0.485317
      From worker 4:	26   0.37442
      From worker 4:	31   0.364017
      From worker 4:	33   0.28892
      From worker 4:	35   0.286807
      From worker 4:	37   0.278017
      From worker 4:	39   0.266063
      From worker 4:	42   0.256852
      From worker 4:	43   0.246863
      From worker 4:	44   0.240982
      From worker 4:	45   0.224452
      From worker 4:	46   0.196784
      From worker 4:	47   0.16513
      From worker 4:	49   0.134775
      From worker 4:	50   0.126065
      From worker 4:	51   0.111366
      From worker 4:	54   0.091919
      From worker 4:	56   0.077657
      From worker 4:	60   0.059894
      From worker 4:	61   0.055747
      From worker 4:	62   0.000024
      From worker 5:	A termination criterion is reached: No termination (all). Min mesh size reached (Algo)
      From worker 5:
      From worker 5:	Best feasible solution:     #3604 (   0.999909   0.999748 )	Evaluation OK	 f = 0	 h = 0
      From worker 5:
      From worker 5:	Best infeasible solution:   Undefined.
      From worker 5:
      From worker 5:	Blackbox evaluations:        208
      From worker 5:	Total sgte evaluations:      5510
      From worker 5:	Cache hits:                  57
      From worker 5:	Total number of evaluations: 265
      From worker 3:	A termination criterion is reached: No termination (all). Min mesh size reached (Algo)
      From worker 3:
      From worker 3:	Best feasible solution:     #5412 (   0.99991    0.999782 )	Evaluation OK	 f = 0	 h = 0
      From worker 3:
      From worker 3:	Best infeasible solution:   Undefined.
      From worker 3:
      From worker 3:	Blackbox evaluations:        204
      From worker 3:	Total sgte evaluations:      6743
      From worker 3:	Cache hits:                  86
      From worker 3:	Total number of evaluations: 290
      From worker 2:	1  50.495849
      From worker 4:	84   0
      From worker 2:	2  20.810501
      From worker 2:	3  11.26114
      From worker 2:	6   0.390202
      From worker 2:	14   0.182232
      From worker 5:	1  21.44384
      From worker 5:	3   0.716439
      From worker 5:	6   0.20573
      From worker 3:	1  11.467042
      From worker 3:	2  11.425159
      From worker 3:	6   2.999912
      From worker 3:	8   2.570502
      From worker 3:	9   0.983477
      From worker 3:	11   0.391366
      From worker 3:	13   0.269394
      From worker 5:	9   0.055966
      From worker 2:	28   0.063012
      From worker 5:	18   0.048939
      From worker 5:	22   0.00205
      From worker 2:	37   0.040386
      From worker 2:	45   0.033811
      From worker 2:	47   0.032364
      From worker 2:
      From worker 2:	BBE OBJ
      From worker 2:	49   0.015625
      From worker 2:	50   0.014279
      From worker 2:	52   0.001785
      From worker 3:	17   0.268737
      From worker 2:	68   0
      From worker 3:	33   0.259737
      From worker 3:	34   0.239235
      From worker 3:	35   0.221269
      From worker 3:	39   0.199595
      From worker 3:	40   0.173725
      From worker 3:
      From worker 3:	BBE OBJ
      From worker 3:	42   0.151642
      From worker 3:	44   0.135033
      From worker 3:	45   0.120088
      From worker 3:	47   0.078947
      From worker 3:	48   0.057955
      From worker 3:	56   0.035913
      From worker 3:	62   0.028929
      From worker 3:	63   0.01818
      From worker 3:	65   0.012553
      From worker 3:	73   0.007808
      From worker 5:	40   0
      From worker 3:	78   0.000358
      From worker 4:	A termination criterion is reached: No termination (all). Min mesh size reached (Algo)
      From worker 4:
      From worker 4:	Best feasible solution:     #2393 (   0.999981   0.999909 )	Evaluation OK	 f = 0	 h = 0
      From worker 4:
      From worker 4:	Best infeasible solution:   Undefined.
      From worker 4:
      From worker 4:	Blackbox evaluations:        174
      From worker 4:	Total sgte evaluations:      4749
      From worker 4:	Cache hits:                  68
      From worker 4:	Total number of evaluations: 242
      From worker 3:	92   0.000106
      From worker 3:	98   0.000002
      From worker 2:	A termination criterion is reached: No termination (all). Min mesh size reached (Algo)
      From worker 2:
      From worker 2:	Best feasible solution:     #1818 (   0.999988   0.999939 )	Evaluation OK	 f = 0	 h = 0
      From worker 2:
      From worker 2:	Best infeasible solution:   Undefined.
      From worker 2:
      From worker 2:	Blackbox evaluations:        149
      From worker 2:	Total sgte evaluations:      4292
      From worker 2:	Cache hits:                  79
      From worker 2:	Total number of evaluations: 228
      From worker 2:	1 223.603799
      From worker 2:	2   2.13726
      From worker 5:	A termination criterion is reached: No termination (all). Min mesh size reached (Algo)
      From worker 5:
      From worker 5:	Best feasible solution:     #2269 (   0.999974   0.999971 )	Evaluation OK	 f = 0	 h = 0
      From worker 5:
      From worker 5:	Best infeasible solution:   Undefined.
      From worker 5:
      From worker 5:	Blackbox evaluations:        127
      From worker 5:	Total sgte evaluations:      4087
      From worker 5:	Cache hits:                  60
      From worker 5:	Total number of evaluations: 187
      From worker 2:	20   2.113913
      From worker 2:	22   2.093671
      From worker 2:	24   1.968391
      From worker 2:	27   1.866073
      From worker 2:	29   1.694038
      From worker 2:	35   1.649773
      From worker 2:	36   1.63325
      From worker 2:	39   1.612402
      From worker 2:	40   1.581272
      From worker 2:	41   1.53912
      From worker 2:	42   1.531969
      From worker 2:	43   1.418954
      From worker 2:	44   1.359027
      From worker 2:	48   1.230305
      From worker 2:	49   1.181162
      From worker 3:	114   0.000001
      From worker 2:	52   1.082456
      From worker 2:	53   0.979387
      From worker 2:	55   0.970117
      From worker 2:	57   0.865671
      From worker 2:	60   0.775835
      From worker 2:	63   0.718757
      From worker 2:	64   0.631321
      From worker 2:	68   0.605121
      From worker 2:	69   0.566626
      From worker 2:	70   0.533486
      From worker 2:	72   0.43379
      From worker 2:	73   0.364997
      From worker 2:	77   0.266785
      From worker 2:	81   0.237296
      From worker 2:	82   0.184999
      From worker 2:	87   0.150489
      From worker 2:	91   0.137709
      From worker 2:	92   0.123053
      From worker 2:	93   0.099156
      From worker 2:
      From worker 2:	BBE OBJ
      From worker 2:	94   0.072941
      From worker 2:	98   0.054943
      From worker 2:	99   0.027963
      From worker 2:	107   0.005423
      From worker 2:	117   0.002977
      From worker 2:	119   0.001142
      From worker 3:	122   0
      From worker 2:	128   0.000764
      From worker 2:	134   0.000686
      From worker 2:	136   0.000392
      From worker 2:	139   0.000235
      From worker 2:	140   0.000049
      From worker 2:	152   0
      From worker 3:	A termination criterion is reached: No termination (all). Min mesh size reached (Algo)
      From worker 3:
      From worker 3:	Best feasible solution:     #5251 (   0.999911   0.999848 )	Evaluation OK	 f = 0	 h = 0
      From worker 3:
      From worker 3:	Best infeasible solution:   Undefined.
      From worker 3:
      From worker 3:	Blackbox evaluations:        202
      From worker 3:	Total sgte evaluations:      6460
      From worker 3:	Cache hits:                  74
      From worker 3:	Total number of evaluations: 276
      From worker 3:	1 252.812005
      From worker 3:	2   1.513057
      From worker 3:	21   1.317592
      From worker 3:	24   1.298625
      From worker 3:	25   1.233473
      From worker 3:	29   1.174417
      From worker 3:	32   1.100755
      From worker 3:	36   1.083512
      From worker 3:	38   1.035323
      From worker 3:	39   1.012917
      From worker 3:	40   0.960168
      From worker 3:	41   0.903475
      From worker 3:	43   0.75423
      From worker 3:	44   0.655924
      From worker 3:	46   0.508425
      From worker 3:	53   0.414748
      From worker 3:	54   0.385368
      From worker 3:	56   0.344196
      From worker 3:	59   0.330914
      From worker 3:	60   0.257732
      From worker 3:	61   0.227407
      From worker 3:	63   0.175866
      From worker 3:	64   0.152041
      From worker 3:	67   0.133797
      From worker 3:	68   0.106231
      From worker 3:
      From worker 3:	BBE OBJ
      From worker 3:	72   0.048585
      From worker 3:	73   0.025429
      From worker 3:	79   0.00631
      From worker 3:	80   0.003542
      From worker 3:	87   0.003261
      From worker 3:	94   0.001787
      From worker 3:	101   0
      From worker 2:	A termination criterion is reached: No termination (all). Min mesh size reached (Algo)
      From worker 2:
      From worker 2:	Best feasible solution:     #3020 (   0.99997    0.999921 )	Evaluation OK	 f = 0	 h = 0
      From worker 2:
      From worker 2:	Best infeasible solution:   Undefined.
      From worker 2:
      From worker 2:	Blackbox evaluations:        234
      From worker 2:	Total sgte evaluations:      5606
      From worker 2:	Cache hits:                  69
      From worker 2:	Total number of evaluations: 303
      From worker 3:	A termination criterion is reached: No termination (all). Min mesh size reached (Algo)
      From worker 3:
      From worker 3:	Best feasible solution:     #1576 (   0.999937   0.999939 )	Evaluation OK	 f = 0	 h = 0
      From worker 3:
      From worker 3:	Best infeasible solution:   Undefined.
      From worker 3:
      From worker 3:	Blackbox evaluations:        186
      From worker 3:	Total sgte evaluations:      3642
      From worker 3:	Cache hits:                  62
      From worker 3:	Total number of evaluations: 248
[0.9997881664469066 0.9999382713454753 0.9998703958987838 0.9997789748396068 0.9998136026540877 0.9997451999415156 0.9997719949345826 0.999896376830331 0.9996399679942679 0.9999491129009155; 0.9995763703850106 0.9999140130561478 0.9997574494720326 0.9995823580700176 0.9996475566889773 0.9994386759300575 0.9995439268190351 0.9997978074811389 0.9992484632915588 0.99992145627526]

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