PiLink is design to be run on a RasberryPi running on Linux. UN*X skills are necessary to be able to complete the installation.
On the hardware side, you will need:
- RaspberryPi board (with casing & power supply)
- MicroSD card for OS installation
- USB WIFI interface
- USB Midi interface
Install the latest version of Raspbian on the MicroSD card. And confirm you can logon the device using SSH.
Once this is done, plug your midi device into the Raspberry Pi. This is to confirm that Linux is correctly reconized your usb midi interface. You can do a 'ls -l /dev/midi*' to see if a midi interface is available.
Also, note the RasberryPi IP/hostname so you will be able to configure it using the web interface.
To simplify the installation, PiLink will be installed in the home directory of the 'pi' user. Simply download the latest version of PiLink to the home directory and unzip-it. This will create the pilink directory automatically.
/home/pi $ unzip pilink-master.zip
Then add the 'execute' right to the main startup script :
/home/pi $ chown +x pilink/pilink.sh
Before adding this script to the "rc.local" of the Rasberry Pi, it is suggested to run it locally to test if everything is working. Used CTRL-C to stop the process once you are done testing.
/home/ip $ pilink/pilink.sh
You can test the web interface if you point your browser directly to your Pi device
http://raspberry pi hostname:8080
Once it is working, you can added it to the OS startup script. Use your favorite editor to modify /etc/rc.local and add this line at the end :
/home/pi/pilink/pilink.sh &
And reboot the device to confirm that the startup process worked.
To greatly simplify the configuration of PiLink, you can configure you Rasberry Pi to act as a WIFI access point. This way, you can simply connect your tablet to 'pi' access point and point to the router IP (should be static) to be able to configure it.