After the workshop, the learner can:
- create a public repository
- create a GitHub profile (for individuals)
- create a .txt file
- make changes to a .txt file
- see the history of changes to a specific file
- look up collaborators by searching for their usernames on GitHub
- look up other repositories on GitHub
- create a pull-request
- understand that this action automatically creates a copy of another repository and adds it to their user
- understand what action the terms 'to fork', 'fork' refer to in the context of GitHub
- understand what action the term 'Pull request' refers to in the context of GitHub
- understand the concept of 'main' and 'branch'
- review changes that have been made to a file
- 'merge' a Pull request
- understand what action the term 'to merge' refers to in the context of GitHub
- invite a collaborator to a repository
- manage rights of collaborator
- create an 'Issue'
- comment on an 'issue' and comment on a 'Pull request'
- change a file name from .txt to .md (Markdown)
- understand what Markdown is
- use Markdown to create human and machine-readable files with basic formatting
- create a static website using GitHub Pages
- delete a repository
- use and understand the actions 'delete repository' and 'delete profile'
- connect a GitHub repository to a local computer using GitHub Desktop and Atom
- chose the appropriate license for their repository
- make an informed decision what kind of data and research software they put in their repositories