There are a few levels at which we can follow the workflows running in Balsam, diagnose errors, and gain insight into recent progress or efficiency. We can always use the Python API or CLI to perform flexible queries:
- tracking Job states with
balsam job ls
- tracking BatchJob states with
balsam queue ls
We can also simply read the files generated at the Balsam site. Job-level standard
output and error streams will appear in the job.out
file of each Job's working
directory. We can also search the Balsam logs for informative messages (e.g.
when a Job is launched or an uncaught exception is thrown):
- reading the output of Jobs in the
directory - reading pre-/post-processing logs generated by the Balsam site agent
) - reading Job execution logs generated by the Balsam launcher
for the respective job modes)
Finally, Balsam provides an EventLog
API that we can use to flexibly query Job
events (state transitions) and visualize metrics like throughput or utilization
within a particular subset of Jobs or BatchJobs:
- querying recent events with
- generating visual reports using
The timestamp of each Job state transition (e.g. PREPROCESSED
) is
recorded in the Balsam EventLog
API. We can leverage standard Balsam API
queries to obtain a relevant set of Events to answer many
interesting questions.
Here, we print all the event details for each Job tagged with experiment="foo"
from balsam.api import EventLog
for evt in EventLog.objects.filter(tags={"experiment": "foo"}):
print(evt.job_id) # Job ID
print(evt.timestamp) # Time of state change (UTC)
print(evt.from_state) # From which state the job transitioned
print(evt.to_state) # To which state
print( # optional payload
Refer to the EventLog.objects.filter
docstrings for a comprehensive listing of
the possible query parameters. Here, we list just a few of the most useful queries.
Get all EventLogs
for a particular set of Job IDs:
EventLog.objects.filter(job_id=[123, 124, 125])
Get EventLogs
for all the Jobs that ran in a particular BatchJob
EventLog.objects.filter(batch_job_id=123) # Using Balsam's intrinsic BatchJob ID (revealed by balsam queue ls --history)
EventLog.objects.filter(scheduler_id=456) # Using the HPC scheduler's own ID (e.g. Cobalt ID)
Get EventLogs
for all the Jobs having a set of matching tags:
EventLog.objects.filter(tags={"experiment": "ffn-1", "scale_nodes": "512"})
Get EventLogs
for a particular state transition:
EventLog.objects.filter(to_state="RUNNING") # all Job startup events
EventLog.objects.filter(from_state="RESTART_READY", to_state="RUNNING") # Only *restart* Events
Get EventLogs
that occured within a certain UTC time range:
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
yesterday = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=1)
EventLog.objects.filter(timestamp_after=yesterday) # Only events more recent than 1 day
We can certainly process the EventLog
queries above however we want (e.g. to
count how many Jobs started in a certain experiment or a certain time interval).
However, the
provides convenience methods for the most common
Balsam Event processing tasks.
In particular, we can use this module to visualize:
- Throughput: the finished Job count as a function of time
- Utilization: how many Jobs were running as a function of time
- Node availability: how many compute nodes were actively running a Balsam launcher as a function of time
To perform these analyses, we simply call one of the following methods to generate time-series data:
throughput_report(eventlog_query, to_state="JOB_FINISHED")
utilization_report(eventlog_query, node_weighting=True)
Each of these methods returns a 2-tuple of (X, Y)
data that fits seamlessly
within a matplotlib
visualization workflow. We show some specific examples
In this example, we visualize the Job throughput versus elapsed minutes in one particular launcher run:
from balsam.api import EventLog
from import throughput_report
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
events = EventLog.objects.filter(scheduler_id=123)
times, done_counts = throughput_report(events, to_state="RUN_DONE")
t0 = min(times)
elapsed_minutes = [(t - t0).total_seconds() / 60 for t in times]
plt.step(elapsed_minutes, done_counts, where="post")
We can look at how many nodes were actively running a Job at any given time
using the same EventLog
query from above. In this example, keeping the default
kwarg ensures that each Job is weighted by its resource
requirements (so that 8 simultaneous jobs with node_packing_count=8
to the overall utilization):
from balsam.api import EventLog
from import utilization_report
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
events = EventLog.objects.filter(scheduler_id=123)
times, util = utilization_report(events, node_weighting=True)
t0 = min(times)
elapsed_minutes = [(t - t0).total_seconds() / 60 for t in times]
plt.step(elapsed_minutes, util, where="post")
It's often most interesting to super-impose the utilization with the total
number of available compute nodes. For one BatchJob
this is really easy: we
just plot a horizontal line at the node count. If we are using auto scaling or
have several BatchJob allocations overlapping in time, the available node count becomes a more
complex step function in time. We can generate this from a BatchJob query in Balsam:
from balsam.api import BatchJob
from import available_nodes
foo_batchjobs = BatchJob.objects.filter(
filter_tags={"experiment": "foo"}
times, node_counts = available_nodes(foo_batchjobs)
By overlaying this timeline with the Job utilization from above, we get an
intuitive visual representation of how efficiently Balsam is using the available
resources. An example is shown below, where the thick, gray trace shows the
, while the thin blue trace shows the utilization_report