The Notecard is a wireless, secure abstraction for device connectivity, that can be used to enable ANY* device with I2C, or UART, to connect to the Arduino IoT Cloud via cellular, LoRa, satellite or Wi-Fi!
As a result, your existing device architecture can now have first class support in the Arduino IoT Cloud, by using a Notecard as a secure communication channel.
*While any device with I2C/UART may use the Notecard, the Arduino IoT Cloud library is not supported by the AVR toolchain. Therefore, devices based on the AVR architecture cannot access the Arduino IoT Cloud via the Notecard.
However, any device (including AVR), may use the Notecard library to send data to Notehub, then that data may be routed to any endpoint of your choosing. See the Notecard Routing Guide for more information...
Architecture Diagram:
-------- ------------ ----------- -----------
| | | | | | | |
| Host | | | Secure | | | Arduino |
| MCU |---<I2C/UART>---| Notecard | ( ( Wireless ) ) | Notehub |---<TLS>---| IoT |
| | | | Protocol | | | Cloud |
|______| |__________| |_________| |_________|
Using the Notecard only requires a couple of easy steps:
- Purchase a Notecard (and
Notecarrier) that fits the
needs of your device.
NOTE: We recommend starting with our Dev Kit if you are unsure.
- Setup a Notehub account.
NOTE: Notehub accounts are free (no credit card required).
- Create a project on your Notehub account.
- In
, replace "" (fromNOTECARD_PRODUCT_UID
) with the ProductUID of your new Notehub project.
- Connect the Notecard to your Host MCU
- Flash the
example sketch to your device. You should see the device reporting itself as online in your Notehub Project.
- Create a "MANUAL Device" in the Arduino IoT Cloud, then add environment
variables for the "Device ID" and "Secret Key" to your Notecard in Notehub.
: <Device ID>_secret_key
: <Secret Key>
For more information about the Notecard and Notehub in general, please see our Quickstart Guide for a general overview of how the Notecard and Notehub are designed to work.