First of all you should read the great doc from docker What is a Container?
Keep in mind that containers are a virtualization technology, based on existing Linux tools such as cgroups and namespaces. Docker has been a long time dedicated to Unix machines. But now you can use it easily on Windows.
A container is a lightweight box, which use the host machine's OS in order to work. It is something portable, that ships an application and its dependencies and... thats it !
So if it is lightweight and portable, it is something easier to build, deploy and destroy than any virtual machine. It can be deployed as well on a virtual machine as on a bare-metal server. See this page from Docker's blog
Containers create a strong encapsulation, but it is another new abstraction level so it comes with its own vulnerabilities. You will have to be careful and respect security recommendations, when configuring Docker Engine, when creating images, when starting containers...etc.
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