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File metadata and controls

executable file
1454 lines (1256 loc) · 35.1 KB


First, run cp .env.sample .env if you haven't already and make sure CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, and FINGERPRINT are set.

Start a console that will load this gem and your settings from .env automatically.

$ ./bin/console


args = {
  # synapse client_id
  client_id:        ENV.fetch('CLIENT_ID'),
  # synapse client_secret
  client_secret:    ENV.fetch('CLIENT_SECRET'),
  # a hashed value, either unique to user or static for app
  fingerprint:      ENV.fetch('FINGERPRINT'),
  # the user's IP
  ip_address:       '',
  # (optional) requests go to sandbox endpoints if true
  development_mode: true,
  # (optional) if true logs requests to stdout
  logging:          true,
  # (optional) file path to write logs to
  log_to:           nil
  # (optional) URL used to proxy outbound requests
  proxy_url:        nil

client =
# => #<SynapsePayRest::Client>

User Methods

All Users

args = {
  client:   client,
  # (optional) uses API default unless specified
  page:     1,
  # (optional) uses API default of 20 unless specified, larger values take longer
  per_page: 50,
  # (optional) filters by name/email match
  query:    nil

users = SynapsePayRest::User.all(args)
  # => [#<SynapsePayRest::User>, #<SynapsePayRest::User>, ...]

Find a User by User ID

user = SynapsePayRest::User.find(client: client, id: '57e97ab786c2737f4ccd4dc1')
# => #<SynapsePayRest::User>

# full_dehydrate: 'yes' optional, see docs for response example (
user = SynapsePayRest::User.find(client: client, id: '57e97ab786c2737f4ccd4dc1', full_dehydrate: 'yes')

sample full_dehydrate response (**note some fields will be 'nil' if full_dehydrate='no'):

#<SynapsePayRest: : User: 0x007fc2a2a62d88@client=
  "Test User"
@note="Interesting user",
  #<SynapsePayRest: : BaseDocument: 0x007fc2a2a601f0@id="189d2fc37c1ee5694aa62f302bcd7c0efaae2c0229f45bfc8bb3470f6f7ab92a",
  @user=#<SynapsePayRest: : User: 0x007fc2a2a62d88...>,
  @name="Charlie Brown",
  @entity_scope="Arts & Entertainment",
  @address_street="170 St Germain Ave",
    #<SynapsePayRest: : PhysicalDocument: 0x007fc2a2a61cf8@type="GOVT_ID",
    @base_document=#<SynapsePayRest: : BaseDocument: 0x007fc2a2a601f0...>>
    #<SynapsePayRest: : SocialDocument: 0x007fc2a2a61820@type="FACEBOOK",
    @base_document=#<SynapsePayRest: : BaseDocument: 0x007fc2a2a601f0...>>,
    #<SynapsePayRest: : SocialDocument: 0x007fc2a2a613c0@type="EMAIL",
    @base_document=#<SynapsePayRest: : BaseDocument: 0x007fc2a2a601f0...>>,
    #<SynapsePayRest: : SocialDocument: 0x007fc2a2a61190@type="IP",
    @base_document=#<SynapsePayRest: : BaseDocument: 0x007fc2a2a601f0...>>,
    #<SynapsePayRest: : SocialDocument: 0x007fc2a2a60d58@type="PHONE_NUMBER",
    @base_document=#<SynapsePayRest: : BaseDocument: 0x007fc2a2a601f0...>>
    #<SynapsePayRest: : VirtualDocument: 0x007fc2a2a608a8@type="SSN",
    @base_document=#<SynapsePayRest: : BaseDocument: 0x007fc2a2a601f0...>>

Search for a User by Name/Email

users = client, query: 'Steven')
# => [#<SynapsePayRest::User>, #<SynapsePayRest::User>, ...]

Create User

user_create_settings = {
  client:        client,
  logins:        [{email: ''}],
  phone_numbers: ['555-555-5555'],
  legal_names:   ['Steven Broderick']

user = SynapsePayRest::User.create(user_create_settings)
# => #<SynapsePayRest::User>

Update a User's Personal Info

Note: this returns a new instance, so remember to reassign the user variable to the method output.

user_update_settings = {
  login:                {email: ''}, # add a login email
  phone_number:         '415-555-5555',                # add a phone number
  legal_name:           'Big Bird',                    # add a legal name
  remove_phone_number:  '555-555-5555',                # remove a phone number
  remove_legal_name:    'Big Bird',                    # remove a legal name
  remove_login:          nil                           # remove a login email

# reassign user to the output because it returns a new instance
user = user.update(args)
# => #<SynapsePayRest::User>

Add CIP Base Document to a User

a) User#create_base_document
args = {
  email:                '',
  phone_number:         '415-555-5555',
  ip:                   '',
  name:                 'Steven Broderick',
  aka:                  'Steven Broderick',
  entity_type:          'NOT_KNOWN',
  entity_scope:         'Doctor',
  birth_day:            3,
  birth_month:          19,
  birth_year:           1912,
  address_street:       '123 Synapse St',
  address_city:         'San Francisco',
  address_subdivision:  'CA',
  address_postal_code:  '94114',
  address_country_code: 'US'

# reassign user to the output because it returns a new instance
base_document = user.create_base_document(args)
# => #<SynapsePayRest::BaseDocument>
b) BaseDocument#create
args = {
  user:                 user,
  email:                '',
  phone_number:         '415-555-5555',
  ip:                   '',
  name:                 'Steven Broderick',
  aka:                  'Steven Broderick',
  entity_type:          'NOT_KNOWN',
  entity_scope:         'Doctor',
  birth_day:            3,
  birth_month:          19,
  birth_year:           1912,
  address_street:       '123 Synapse St',
  address_city:         'San Francisco',
  address_subdivision:  'CA',
  address_postal_code:  '94114',
  address_country_code: 'US'

# reassign base_doc to the output because it returns a new instance
base_doc = SynapsePayRest::BaseDocument.create(args)
# => #<SynapsePayRest::BaseDocument>

# reassign user to this if you need the updated user
user = base_doc.user

Update User's Existing Base Document

things_to_update = {
  entity_scope: 'Lawyer',
  birth_day:    22

base_doc = base_doc.update(things_to_update)
# => #<SynapsePayRest::BaseDocument>

Add a Physical Document to a CIP Base Document using image file path

physical_doc = SynapsePayRest::PhysicalDocument.create(
  type:  'GOVT_ID',
  file_path: '/path/to/file.png'

# reassign base_doc to the output because it returns a new instance
base_doc = base_doc.add_physical_documents(physical_doc)
# => #<SynapsePayRest::BaseDocument>

Add a Physical Document to a CIP Base Document using image URL

physical_doc = SynapsePayRest::PhysicalDocument.create(
  type:  'GOVT_ID',
  url: ''

# reassign base_doc to the output because it returns a new instance
base_doc = base_doc.add_physical_documents(physical_doc)
# => #<SynapsePayRest::BaseDocument>

Add a Physical Document to a CIP Base Document using byte stream

physical_doc = SynapsePayRest::PhysicalDocument.create(
  type:  'GOVT_ID',
  byte_stream: '\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00...',
  mime_type: 'image/png'

# reassign base_doc to the output because it returns a new instance
base_doc = base_doc.add_physical_documents(physical_doc)
# => #<SynapsePayRest::BaseDocument>

Add a Physical Document to a CIP Base Document using base64

physical_doc = SynapsePayRest::PhysicalDocument.create(
  type:  'GOVT_ID',
  value: ''

# reassign base_doc to the output because it returns a new instance
base_doc = base_doc.add_physical_documents(physical_doc)
# => #<SynapsePayRest::BaseDocument>

Add a Social Document to a CIP Base Document

social_doc = SynapsePayRest::SocialDocument.create(
  type:  'FACEBOOK',
  value: ''

# reassign base_doc to the output because it returns a new instance
base_doc = base_doc.add_social_documents(social_doc)
# => #<SynapsePayRest::BaseDocument>

Add a Virtual Document to a CIP Base Document

virtual_doc = SynapsePayRest::VirtualDocument.create(
  type:  'SSN',
  value: '3333'

# reassign base_doc to the output because it returns a new instance
base_doc = base_doc.add_virtual_documents(virtual_doc)
# => #<SynapsePayRest::BaseDocument>

Add and verify email and phone number 2fa

social_doc = SynapsePayRest::SocialDocument.create(
  type:  'EMAIL_2FA',
  value: '1111111111'

# reassign base_doc to the output because it returns a new instance
base_doc = base_doc.add_social_documents(social_doc)
# => #<SynapsePayRest::BaseDocument>

# find the social doc with the same doc type
social_doc_email = base_doc.social_documents.find { |doc| doc.type == 'EMAIL_2FA' }

#verify the mfa_answer sent
social_doc_email.verify_2fa(mfa_answer: '123456' , value: '1111111111')

Node Methods

All Nodes for a User

a) User#nodes
nodes = user.nodes(page: 2, per_page: 5, type: 'ACH-US')
# => [#<SynapsePayRest::AchUsNode>, #<SynapsePayRest::AchUsNode>, ...]
b) Node#all
nodes = SynapsePayRest::Node.all(user: user, page: 2, per_page: 5)
# => [#<SynapsePayRest::AchUsNode>, #<SynapsePayRest::SynapseUsNode>, ...]

Find a User's Node by Node ID

a) User#find_node
node = user.find_node(id: '1a3efa1231as2f')
# => #<SynapsePayRest::EftNpNode>
b) Node#find
node = SynapsePayRest::Node.find(user: user, id: '1a3efa1231as2f')
# => #<SynapsePayRest::EftNpNode>

# full_dehydrate: 'yes' (optional) returns all trans data on node
node = SynapsePayRest::Node.find(user: user, id: '1a3efa1231as2f', full_dehydrate: 'yes')

sample full_dehydrate response (**note some fields will be 'nil' if full_dehydrate='no'):

#<SynapsePayRest: : AchUsNode: 0x007f867e14b070@user=#<SynapsePayRest: 
@nickname="SynapsePay Test Checking Account - 8901",
@name_on_account=" ",
@bank_long_name="CAPITAL ONE N.A.",
@bank_name="CAPITAL ONE N.A.",
@address="PO BOX 85139, RICHMOND, VA, US",
      "city"=>"San Francisco",
      "street"=>"3880 Castro St.",
    "Test User"
    "description"=>"CITI CARDS PPD:45367278097783",
    "description"=>"BK OF AM CRD PPD:42489094108452",
    "description"=>"CAPITAL ONE MOBILE PMT PPD:66159733534606",
    "description"=>"WF Credit Card PPD:15303774887880",
    "description"=>"CITI CARDS PPD:33669559685208",
    "description"=>"WF Credit Card PPD:12781852781478",
    "description"=>"BK OF AM CRD PPD:66137868896167",
    "description"=>"BK OF AM CRD PPD:63039795698738",
    "description"=>"AMEX EPAYMENT PPD:18493222207835",
    "description"=>"AMEX EPAYMENT PPD:28509869400705",
    "note"=>"Node created."
    "note"=>"Unable to send micro deposits as node allowed is not CREDIT."
    "note"=>"User locked. Thus node 'allowed' changed to LOCKED."
    "memo"=>"Payment to card ending 9990",
        "city"=>"San Francisco",
        "street"=>"1716 Castro St.",
      "name"=>"JP Morgan Chase",
      "nickname"=>"Payment to Joe's United card",
    "memo"=>"Payment to card ending 7770",
        "city"=>"San Francisco",
        "street"=>"7097 Castro St.",
      "name"=>"American Express",
      "nickname"=>"Old AMEX card",
    "memo"=>"Monthly Cable Payment",
        "city"=>"San Francisco",
        "street"=>"5205 Castro St.",
      "name"=>"Comcast Cable",
      "nickname"=>"cable at rental home",
    "memo"=>"Payment to card ending 7770",
        "city"=>"San Francisco",
        "street"=>"1022 Fulton St.",
      "name"=>"American Express",
      "nickname"=>"Old AMEX card",
    "memo"=>"Payment to card ending 7770",
        "city"=>"San Francisco",
        "street"=>"2681 Market St.",
      "name"=>"American Express",
      "nickname"=>"Old AMEX card",
    "memo"=>"Payment to card ending 9990",
        "city"=>"San Francisco",
        "street"=>"6950 Market St.",
      "name"=>"JP Morgan Chase",
      "nickname"=>"Payment to Joe's United card",
    "memo"=>"Payment to card ending 9990",
        "city"=>"San Francisco",
        "street"=>"4047 Market St.",
      "name"=>"JP Morgan Chase",
      "nickname"=>"Payment to Joe's United card",
      "name"=>"THE COLLEGE OF NJ",

Create ACH-US Node(s) via Bank Login

Returns a collection of AchUsNodes associated with the account unless bank requires MFA. Can also use AchUsNode.create_via_bank_login with the addition of a user argument.

login_info = {
  bank_name: 'fake',
  username:  'synapse_good',
  password:  'test1234'

nodes = user.create_ach_us_nodes_via_bank_login(login_info)
# => [#<SynapsePayRest::AchUsNode>, ...] if no MFA
# => SynapsePayRest::UnverifiedNode if MFA
Verify Bank Login MFA

If the bank requires MFA, you will need to resolve the MFA question(s):

# => false

# => "Enter the code we texted to your phone number."

nodes = nodes.answer_mfa('test_answer')
# => [#<SynapsePayRest::AchUsNode>, ...] if successful
# => SynapsePayRest::UnverifiedNode if additional MFA question (check node.mfa_message)
# => raises SynapsePayRest::Error if incorrect answer

# => true
Verify Bank Login MFA without existing node object

If you are unable to finish MFA in one session with AchUsNode.create_via_bank_login, you can create another unverified node with just the access token. Use AchUsNode.create_via_bank_login_mfa with the addition of an access_token argument.

unverified_node = user.create_ach_us_nodes_via_bank_login_mfa(access_token:)

Then proceed to resolve the MFA question(s) as before:

nodes = nodes.answer_mfa('test_answer')
# => [#<SynapsePayRest::AchUsNode>, ...] if successful
# => SynapsePayRest::UnverifiedNode if additional MFA question (check node.mfa_message)
# => raises SynapsePayRest::Error if incorrect answer

# => true

Create ACH-US Node via Account/Routing Number

Can also use AchUsNode.create with the addition of a user argument.

account_info = {
  nickname:       'Primary Joint Checking',
  account_number: '2222222222',
  routing_number: '051000017',
  account_type:   'PERSONAL',
  account_class:  'CHECKING'

node = user.create_ach_us_node(account_info)
# => #<SynapsePayRest::AchUsNode>
Verify Microdeposits

ACH-US Nodes added by account/routing must be verified with microdeposits:

node = node.verify_microdeposits(amount1: 0.1, amount2: 0.1)
# => #<SynapsePayRest::AchUsNode>

Create CHECK-US Node

check_info = {
  type:                   'CHECK-US',
  nickname:               'test check-us',
  payee_name:             'Test McTest',
  address_street:         '1 Market St',
  address_city:           'San Francisco',
  address_subdivision:    'CA',
  address_country_code:   'US',
  address_postal_code:    '94105'

node = user.create_check_us_node(check_info)
# => #<SynapsePayRest::CheckUsNode>


node_info = {
  nickname:               'my debit card',
  card_number:            [string of encrypted card number],
  exp_date:               [string of encrypted exp date (YYYYMM)],
  document_id:            [string of base doc id],

node = user.create_interchange_us_node(node_info)
# => #<SynapsePayRest::InterchangeUsNode>

Create CARD-US Node

id =

node_info = {
  nickname: 'Debit Card',
  document_id: id,
  card_type: 'PHYSICAL',
  card_style_id: '550' #optional -- only pass this in if there are multiple styles

card_node = user.create_card_us_node(node_info)
# => #<SynapsePayRest::CardUsNode>

Reorder CARD-US Node

node = card_node.reorder_card
# => #<SynapsePayRest::CardUsNode>

Reissue CARD-US Node

node = card_node.reissue_card
# => #<SynapsePayRest::CardUsNode>

Update CARD-US Preferences

card_prefs = {
    allow_foreign_transactions: true,
    atm_withdrawal_limit: 6000,
    max_pin_attempts: 4,
    pos_withdrawal_limit: 100,
    security_alerts: false

node = node.update_preferences(card_prefs)
# => #<SynapsePayRest::CardUsNode>

Deactivate a Node

This deactivates the node. It does not automatically cancel any transactions already underway.

# => :success

Transaction Methods

All Transactions from a Node

a) Node#transactions
transactions = node.transactions(page: 1, per_page: 15)
# => [#<SynapsePayRest::Transaction>, #<SynapsePayRest::Transaction>, ...]
b) Transaction#all
transactions = SynapsePayRest::Transaction.all(node: node, page: 1, per_page: 15)
# => [#<SynapsePayRest::Transaction>, #<SynapsePayRest::Transaction>, ...]

Find a Node's Transaction by ID

a) Node#find_transaction
transaction = node.find_transaction(id: '167e11516')
# => #<SynapsePayRest::Transaction>
b) Transaction#find
transaction = SynapsePayRest::Transaction.find(node: node, id: '57fab7d186c2733525dd7eac')
# => #<SynapsePayRest::Transaction>

Create a Transaction

a) Node#create_transaction
transaction_settings = {
  to_type:  'ACH-US',
  to_id:    '57fab4b286c2732210c73486',
  amount:   50.0,
  currency: 'USD',
  ip:       ''

transaction = node.create_transaction(transaction_settings)
# => #<SynapsePayRest::Transaction>
b) Transaction#create
transaction_settings = {
  node:     node,
  to_type:  'ACH-US',
  to_id:    '57fab4b286c2732210c73486',
  amount:   50.0,
  currency: 'USD',
  ip:       ''

transaction = SynapsePayRest::Transaction.create(transaction_settings)
# => #<SynapsePayRest::Transaction>

Add a Comment to a Transaction's Status

transaction = transaction.add_comment('this is my favorite transaction')
# => #<SynapsePayRest::Transaction>

Cancel a Transaction

transaction = transaction.cancel
# => #<SynapsePayRest::Transaction>

Subnet Methods

All Subnets from a Node

a) Node#subnets
subnets = node.subnets(page: 1, per_page: 15)
# => [#<SynapsePayRest::Subnet>, #<SynapsePayRest::Subnet>, ...]
b) Subnet#all
subnets = SynapsePayRest::Subnet.all(node: node, page: 1, per_page: 15)
# => [#<SynapsePayRest::Subnet>, #<SynapsePayRest::Subnet>, ...]

Find a Node's Subnet by ID

a) Node#find_subnet
subnet= node.find_subnet(id: '167e11516')
# => #<SynapsePayRest::Subnet>
b) Subnet#find
subnet = SynapsePayRest::Subnet.find(node: node, id: '57fab7d186c2733525dd7eac')
# => #<SynapsePayRest::Subnet>

Create a Subnet

a) Node#create_subnet
subnet_settings = {
  "nickname":"Test AC/RT"

subnet = node.create_subnet(subnet_settings)
# => #<SynapsePayRest::Subnet>
b) Subnet#create
subnet_settings = {
  "nickname":"Test AC/RT"

subnet = SynapsePayRest::Subnet.create(subnet_settings)
# => #<SynapsePayRest::Subnet>

To lock a Subnet

subnet = subnet.lock
# => #<SynapsePayRest::Subnet>

Issue Public Key Method

Issue Public Key From Client

a) Client#issue_public_key
public_key = client.issue_public_key(scope: ‘CLIENT|CONTROLS’)
# => #<SynapsePayRest::Public_key>
b) PublicKey#issue
public_key = SynapsePayRest::PublicKey.issue(client: client, scope: ‘CLIENT|CONTROLS')
# => #<SynapsePayRest::Public_key>

Crypto Quote Method

Get Crypto Quote From Client

a) Client#get_crypto_quotes
crypto_quotes = client.get_crypto_quotes
# => #<SynapsePayRest::CryptoQuote>
b) CryptoQuote#get
crypto_quote = SynapsePayRest::CryptoQuote.get(client: client)
# => #<SynapsePayRest::CryptoQuote>

Institution Method

Get Institutions

a) Institutions#all
institutions = SynapsePayRest::Institution.all(client: client)
# => [#<SynapsePayRest::Institution>, #<SynapsePayRest::Institution>, ...]

Locate ATM Method

Locate nearby ATMs with lat/lon or zipcode

a) ATM#locate
atm_info = {
  client: client,
  lat: '37.764832',
  lon: '-122.419304',
  radius: '5',
  page: 1,
  per_page: 10

atms = SynapsePayRest::Atm.locate(atm_info)
# => [#<SynapsePayRest::Atm>, #<SynapsePayRest::Atm>, ...]
b) ATM#locate
atm_args = {
  client: client,
  zip: '95131',
  radius: '10',
  page: 1,
  per_page: 10

atms = SynapsePayRest::Atm.locate(atm_args)
# => [#<SynapsePayRest::Atm>, #<SynapsePayRest::Atm>, ...]

Get Statement Method

Get Statement By User or Node

a) Statement#by_user
user = SynapsePayRest::User.find(client: client, id: '5b5f95dc83403300fbc76')

statements = SynapsePayRest::Statement.by_user(client: client, user: user)
# => [#<SynapsePayRest::Statement>, #<SynapsePayRest::Statement>, ...]
b) Statement#by_node
user = SynapsePayRest::User.find(client: client, id: '5b5f95dc83403300fbc76')

node = user.find_node(id: '5b634a241jngjnei04c7b39b1')

statements = SynapsePayRest::Statement.by_node(client: client, node: node)
# => [#<SynapsePayRest::Statement>, #<SynapsePayRest::Statement>, ...]
c) User#get_statement
user = SynapsePayRest::User.find(client: client, id: '5b5f95dc83403300fbc76')

statements = user.get_statement()
# => [#<SynapsePayRest::Statement>, #<SynapsePayRest::Statement>, ...]
d) Node#get_statement
user = SynapsePayRest::User.find(client: client, id: '5b5f95dc83403300fbc76')
node = user.find_node(id: '5b634a241jngjnei04c7b39b1')

statements = node.get_statement()
# => [#<SynapsePayRest::Statement>, #<SynapsePayRest::Statement>, ...]