- Title:
- User Story: As a user, I want to have a solution to this maze, so that I can solve it.
- Feature Tasks:
- User selects to solve maze
- User selects maze
- User sees unsolved maze
- User confirms before solution is found
- Acceptance Tests:
- Validate that upload file is working
- Validate maze is proper file type
- Validate maze is proper format
- Validate transform to graph is working
- Validate networkx is working
- Title:
- User Story: As a user, I want to be able to see the solution, so that I can better understand it.
- Feature Tasks:
- ...
- User sees solution if it exists
- User chooses whether to save files
- User provides file names
- Acceptance Tests:
- ...
- Validate that maze to image is working
- Validate that save image is working
- Validate that save binary maze file is working
- Validate that gui is functional
- Title:
- User Story: As a user, I want to understand the algorithm that created the solution, so I can make observations about it's efficiency/implementation/downsides.
- Feature Tasks:
- ...
- User selects solving algorithm
- Acceptance Tests:
- ...
- Validate that networkx can solve test maze with several different algorithms
- Title:
- User Story: As a user, I want to be able to generate a new maze, so that I can test different maze solver algorithms.
- Feature Tasks:
- ...
- User selects that they want to create a new maze
- User input maze dimensions
- User sees new maze
- User chooses whether to save maze
- User provides file name
- Acceptance Tests:
- ...
- Validate that maze creation works
- Validate that user input is valid maze dimensions or file name
- Title:
- User Story: As a user, I want to see a video of the solution being made, so that I can better understand the algorithm.
- Feature Tasks:
- ...
- User sees solution movie
- User chooses whether to save maze
- User provides file name
- Acceptance Tests:
- ...
- Validate movie creation
- Validate movie can be saved
- Validate that user input is valid file name