Releases: allbertuu/portfolio-web
Releases · allbertuu/portfolio-web
1.0.0 (2023-04-16)
Bug Fixes
- aboutMe: fix start year at my course (f4d20a4)
- add better typography (62b26a7)
- add greater font size to body (1d64812)
- adjust text link to small devices (d730a1c)
- atoms: fix Link props and its types (5822c2b)
- change Container renderization of h3 to div (c9f16d8)
- change index.scss to global.scss (8842ae1)
- container: reduce padding on x axis (cd59420)
- correct colors and add translucid effect (c1083e9)
- expand about me's image (5320b93)
- fix import scrollWindowToTop (dcb499f)
- fix scrollbar style (822e04d)
- move @types folder to src folder (4b4e820)
- move arrow up to better position (09c7b98)
- Ongoing: fix layout colapse (d74cb85)
- projects section (59d2dbb)
- remove unused import (221bf65)
- reveal logo from top instead right (ec86cbd)
- section title text (a7866cc)
- techs on Ongoing page (38dca5c)
- tsconfig.json: rename utils folder path (75874e8)
- about me section (88e1af7)
- about-me: techs I have affinity (f934c0a)
- add aboutMe.json and navigation.json to data folder (8c01395)
- add ArrowUp styles as I wanted and fix behavior (c3a46d1)
- add card footer (a736e1e)
- add logo image (3c11981)
- add more infos at description meta tag and body tag (e205f35)
- add more words to keywords meta tag (c12823d)
- add OngoingPage (338df83)
- add other reveal configs (71bd817)
- add Presentation Section (e791e24)
- add scrollreveal init and update imports (67fa773)
- add selection pseudo tag on body (8daa29f)
- add socials data to aboutMe.json (080b3a4)
- add styles to scrollbar and improve responsiveness (3dc7d1c)
- add text prop and organize classes (5e72557)
- App.tsx: add aboutMe.json data to App component and use it to display profession, age and education in the introduction section (a97a271)
- App.tsx: add profession data to display projects dynamically (601f0b2)
- aria role to about me section (b6e9bf9)
- atoms: improve and update Link (74dfe40)
- components: add Container atom (ecfa560)
- components: add Link atom (ddfe152)
- components: add SectionTitle atom (3c2d7aa)
- finish ArrowUp component (e38af1b)
- Header: add icon to li (da6b7f2)
- Header: add reveal (07c7b59)
- Header: add sendEmail function to last nav item in desktop view (277ffb2)
- icons: github icon (aeecbcb)
- icons: moonlight icon (941405e)
- imgs: me and logo icon imgs (096d46c)
- Link: add hover opacity to svg sibling (d7af9a3)
- molecules: add mysocials container (b98fdd3)
- more infos to about me section (d84ff05)
- scripts: add instagram user (d506738)
- scrollreveal to about me section (d93ffae)
- text decoration style to body (f758f37)
- ui: separator component (b0254cd)
- utils: add classNames function (5956b34)
- vite.config: add vite-tsconfig-paths plugin (b782f01)