As mentioned in chapter 6, transfer transactions are only one of multiple transaction types available in NEM. In this chapter we will look at other transaction types and how to generate.
Here are operations that might have to be done similarly for multiple transaction types. Rahter than repeating them they are all mentioned here at once.
As previously, the timestamp of the transaction is obtained from an instance of SystemTimeProvider:
timeProvider=new SystemTimeProvider()
The account of the sender as as previously built from its private key:
private_key= PrivateKey.fromHexString("5e7cfb371bd02616747900a1ec223675036ca5de56729b158012b086def6ae01")
sender_key_pair= new KeyPair(private_key)
sender_account=new Account(sender_key_pair)
From public key
new Account(Address.fromPublicKey(PublicKey.fromHexString("REPLACE_WITH_HEX_STRING")))
or from account:
new Account(Address.fromEncoded("REPLACE_WITH_ACCOUNT".replaceAll("-","")))
// serialize transaction
final byte[] transferBytes = BinarySerializer.serializeToBytes(transaction.asNonVerifiable());
final Signer signer = transaction.getSigner().createSigner();
new File('').bytes = transferBytes
new File('tx.sign').bytes = signer.sign(transferBytes).getBytes()
Initialise the announce:
final RequestAnnounce announce = new RequestAnnounce( transferBytes, signature);
and send it to NIS (see chapter 6 for details):
f = conn.postAsync( node,
new HttpJsonPostRequest(announce))
Converting an account to a multisig account is also done by a transaction: MultisigAggregateModificationTransaction. The arguments of the contructor of this transaction are:
- the transaction timestamp (TimeInstant instance)
- the sender (Account instance)
- a list of modifications to apply (Collection).
The two first arguments are covered in the common operations of this chapter. The third one is specific.
After having initialised the account instance for the cosignatory, we build an ArrayList
of MultisigCosignatoryModification
to which we add an instance of MultisigCosignatoryModification
specifying the modification type (MultisigModificationType.AddCosignatory
and the cosignatory:
modifications = new ArrayList<MultisigCosignatoryModification>();
modification = new MultisigCosignatoryModification(MultisigModificationType.AddCosignatory, cosignatory);
modifications.add( modification );
Now we can initialised an instance of MultisigAggregateModificationTransaction
transaction=new MultisigAggregateModificationTransaction(timeProvider.getCurrentTime(),
which can then be serialised and announced.
Find a working offline transaction creator code in code/08/offline_multisig_conversion.groovy