diff --git a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/.signature.p7s b/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/.signature.p7s deleted file mode 100644 index 488f18f6..00000000 Binary files a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/.signature.p7s and /dev/null differ diff --git a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0.nupkg b/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0.nupkg deleted file mode 100644 index 4965365c..00000000 Binary files a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0.nupkg and /dev/null differ diff --git a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ThirdPartyNotices.txt b/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ThirdPartyNotices.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 55cfb208..00000000 --- a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ThirdPartyNotices.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ -This Microsoft .NET Library may incorporate components from the projects listed -below. Microsoft licenses these components under the Microsoft .NET Library -software license terms. The original copyright notices and the licenses under -which Microsoft received such components are set forth below for informational -purposes only. Microsoft reserves all rights not expressly granted herein, -whether by implication, estoppel or otherwise. - -1. .NET Core (https://github.com/dotnet/core/) - -.NET Core -Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and Contributors - -The MIT License (MIT) - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all -copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/dotnet_library_license.txt b/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/dotnet_library_license.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 92b6c443..00000000 --- a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/dotnet_library_license.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,128 +0,0 @@ - -MICROSOFT SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS - - -MICROSOFT .NET LIBRARY - -These license terms are an agreement between Microsoft Corporation (or based on where you live, one of its affiliates) and you. Please read them. They apply to the software named above, which includes the media on which you received it, if any. The terms also apply to any Microsoft - -· updates, - -· supplements, - -· Internet-based services, and - -· support services - -for this software, unless other terms accompany those items. If so, those terms apply. - -BY USING THE SOFTWARE, YOU ACCEPT THESE TERMS. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THEM, DO NOT USE THE SOFTWARE. - - -IF YOU COMPLY WITH THESE LICENSE TERMS, YOU HAVE THE PERPETUAL RIGHTS BELOW. - -1. INSTALLATION AND USE RIGHTS. - -a. Installation and Use. You may install and use any number of copies of the software to design, develop and test your programs. - -b. Third Party Programs. The software may include third party programs that Microsoft, not the third party, licenses to you under this agreement. Notices, if any, for the third party program are included for your information only. - -2. ADDITIONAL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS AND/OR USE RIGHTS. - -a. DISTRIBUTABLE CODE. The software is comprised of Distributable Code. “Distributable Code” is code that you are permitted to distribute in programs you develop if you comply with the terms below. - -i. Right to Use and Distribute. - -· You may copy and distribute the object code form of the software. - -· Third Party Distribution. You may permit distributors of your programs to copy and distribute the Distributable Code as part of those programs. - -ii. Distribution Requirements. For any Distributable Code you distribute, you must - -· add significant primary functionality to it in your programs; - -· require distributors and external end users to agree to terms that protect it at least as much as this agreement; - -· display your valid copyright notice on your programs; and - -· indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Microsoft from any claims, including attorneys’ fees, related to the distribution or use of your programs. - -iii. Distribution Restrictions. You may not - -· alter any copyright, trademark or patent notice in the Distributable Code; - -· use Microsoft’s trademarks in your programs’ names or in a way that suggests your programs come from or are endorsed by Microsoft; - -· include Distributable Code in malicious, deceptive or unlawful programs; or - -· modify or distribute the source code of any Distributable Code so that any part of it becomes subject to an Excluded License. An Excluded License is one that requires, as a condition of use, modification or distribution, that - -· the code be disclosed or distributed in source code form; or - -· others have the right to modify it. - -3. SCOPE OF LICENSE. The software is licensed, not sold. This agreement only gives you some rights to use the software. Microsoft reserves all other rights. Unless applicable law gives you more rights despite this limitation, you may use the software only as expressly permitted in this agreement. In doing so, you must comply with any technical limitations in the software that only allow you to use it in certain ways. You may not - -· work around any technical limitations in the software; - -· reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the software, except and only to the extent that applicable law expressly permits, despite this limitation; - -· publish the software for others to copy; - -· rent, lease or lend the software; - -· transfer the software or this agreement to any third party; or - -· use the software for commercial software hosting services. - -4. BACKUP COPY. You may make one backup copy of the software. You may use it only to reinstall the software. - -5. DOCUMENTATION. Any person that has valid access to your computer or internal network may copy and use the documentation for your internal, reference purposes. - -6. EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. The software is subject to United States export laws and regulations. You must comply with all domestic and international export laws and regulations that apply to the software. These laws include restrictions on destinations, end users and end use. For additional information, see www.microsoft.com/exporting. - -7. SUPPORT SERVICES. Because this software is “as is,” we may not provide support services for it. - -8. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This agreement, and the terms for supplements, updates, Internet-based services and support services that you use, are the entire agreement for the software and support services. - -9. APPLICABLE LAW. - -a. United States. If you acquired the software in the United States, Washington state law governs the interpretation of this agreement and applies to claims for breach of it, regardless of conflict of laws principles. The laws of the state where you live govern all other claims, including claims under state consumer protection laws, unfair competition laws, and in tort. - -b. Outside the United States. If you acquired the software in any other country, the laws of that country apply. - -10. LEGAL EFFECT. This agreement describes certain legal rights. You may have other rights under the laws of your country. You may also have rights with respect to the party from whom you acquired the software. This agreement does not change your rights under the laws of your country if the laws of your country do not permit it to do so. - -11. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY. THE SOFTWARE IS LICENSED “AS-IS.” YOU BEAR THE RISK OF USING IT. MICROSOFT GIVES NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES, GUARANTEES OR CONDITIONS. YOU MAY HAVE ADDITIONAL CONSUMER RIGHTS OR STATUTORY GUARANTEES UNDER YOUR LOCAL LAWS WHICH THIS AGREEMENT CANNOT CHANGE. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED UNDER YOUR LOCAL LAWS, MICROSOFT EXCLUDES THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. - -FOR AUSTRALIA – YOU HAVE STATUTORY GUARANTEES UNDER THE AUSTRALIAN CONSUMER LAW AND NOTHING IN THESE TERMS IS INTENDED TO AFFECT THOSE RIGHTS. - -12. LIMITATION ON AND EXCLUSION OF REMEDIES AND DAMAGES. YOU CAN RECOVER FROM MICROSOFT AND ITS SUPPLIERS ONLY DIRECT DAMAGES UP TO U.S. $5.00. YOU CANNOT RECOVER ANY OTHER DAMAGES, INCLUDING CONSEQUENTIAL, LOST PROFITS, SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES. - -This limitation applies to - -· anything related to the software, services, content (including code) on third party Internet sites, or third party programs; and - -· claims for breach of contract, breach of warranty, guarantee or condition, strict liability, negligence, or other tort to the extent permitted by applicable law. - -It also applies even if Microsoft knew or should have known about the possibility of the damages. The above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you because your country may not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental, consequential or other damages. - -Please note: As this software is distributed in Quebec, Canada, some of the clauses in this agreement are provided below in French. - -Remarque : Ce logiciel étant distribué au Québec, Canada, certaines des clauses dans ce contrat sont fournies ci-dessous en français. - -EXONÉRATION DE GARANTIE. Le logiciel visé par une licence est offert « tel quel ». Toute utilisation de ce logiciel est à votre seule risque et péril. Microsoft n’accorde aucune autre garantie expresse. Vous pouvez bénéficier de droits additionnels en vertu du droit local sur la protection des consommateurs, que ce contrat ne peut modifier. La ou elles sont permises par le droit locale, les garanties implicites de qualité marchande, d’adéquation à un usage particulier et d’absence de contrefaçon sont exclues. - -LIMITATION DES DOMMAGES-INTÉRÊTS ET EXCLUSION DE RESPONSABILITÉ POUR LES DOMMAGES. Vous pouvez obtenir de Microsoft et de ses fournisseurs une indemnisation en cas de dommages directs uniquement à hauteur de 5,00 $ US. Vous ne pouvez prétendre à aucune indemnisation pour les autres dommages, y compris les dommages spéciaux, indirects ou accessoires et pertes de bénéfices. - -Cette limitation concerne : - -· tout ce qui est relié au logiciel, aux services ou au contenu (y compris le code) figurant sur des sites Internet tiers ou dans des programmes tiers ; et - -· les réclamations au titre de violation de contrat ou de garantie, ou au titre de responsabilité stricte, de négligence ou d’une autre faute dans la limite autorisée par la loi en vigueur. - -Elle s’applique également, même si Microsoft connaissait ou devrait connaître l’éventualité d’un tel dommage. Si votre pays n’autorise pas l’exclusion ou la limitation de responsabilité pour les dommages indirects, accessoires ou de quelque nature que ce soit, il se peut que la limitation ou l’exclusion ci-dessus ne s’appliquera pas à votre égard. - -EFFET JURIDIQUE. Le présent contrat décrit certains droits juridiques. Vous pourriez avoir d’autres droits prévus par les lois de votre pays. Le présent contrat ne modifie pas les droits que vous confèrent les lois de votre pays si celles-ci ne le permettent pas. - - diff --git a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/lib/MonoAndroid10/_._ b/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/lib/MonoAndroid10/_._ deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29b..00000000 diff --git a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/lib/MonoTouch10/_._ b/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/lib/MonoTouch10/_._ deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29b..00000000 diff --git a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/lib/xamarinios10/_._ b/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/lib/xamarinios10/_._ deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29b..00000000 diff --git a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/lib/xamarinmac20/_._ b/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/lib/xamarinmac20/_._ deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29b..00000000 diff --git a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/lib/xamarintvos10/_._ b/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/lib/xamarintvos10/_._ deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29b..00000000 diff --git a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/lib/xamarinwatchos10/_._ b/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/lib/xamarinwatchos10/_._ deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29b..00000000 diff --git a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/MonoAndroid10/_._ b/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/MonoAndroid10/_._ deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29b..00000000 diff --git a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/MonoTouch10/_._ b/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/MonoTouch10/_._ deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29b..00000000 diff --git a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/netstandard1.3/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.xml b/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/netstandard1.3/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.xml deleted file mode 100644 index d40c856a..00000000 --- a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/netstandard1.3/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,276 +0,0 @@ - - - - System.IO.Compression.ZipFile - - - - Provides static methods for creating, extracting, and opening zip archives. - - - Creates a zip archive that contains the files and directories from the specified directory. - The path to the directory to be archived, specified as a relative or absolute path. A relative path is interpreted as relative to the current working directory. - The path of the archive to be created, specified as a relative or absolute path. A relative path is interpreted as relative to the current working directory. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - or is null. - In or , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length. For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - already exists.-or-A file in the specified directory could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the directory specified in or the file specified in . - - or contains an invalid format.-or-The zip archive does not support writing. - - - Creates a zip archive that contains the files and directories from the specified directory, uses the specified compression level, and optionally includes the base directory. - The path to the directory to be archived, specified as a relative or absolute path. A relative path is interpreted as relative to the current working directory. - The path of the archive to be created, specified as a relative or absolute path. A relative path is interpreted as relative to the current working directory. - One of the enumeration values that indicates whether to emphasize speed or compression effectiveness when creating the entry. - true to include the directory name from at the root of the archive; false to include only the contents of the directory. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - or is null. - In or , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length. For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - already exists.-or-A file in the specified directory could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the directory specified in or the file specified in . - - or contains an invalid format.-or-The zip archive does not support writing. - - - Creates a zip archive that contains the files and directories from the specified directory, uses the specified compression level and character encoding for entry names, and optionally includes the base directory. - The path to the directory to be archived, specified as a relative or absolute path. A relative path is interpreted as relative to the current working directory. - The path of the archive to be created, specified as a relative or absolute path. A relative path is interpreted as relative to the current working directory. - One of the enumeration values that indicates whether to emphasize speed or compression effectiveness when creating the entry. - true to include the directory name from at the root of the archive; false to include only the contents of the directory. - The encoding to use when reading or writing entry names in this archive. Specify a value for this parameter only when an encoding is required for interoperability with zip archive tools and libraries that do not support UTF-8 encoding for entry names. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or- is set to a Unicode encoding other than UTF-8. - - or is null. - In or , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length. For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - already exists.-or-A file in the specified directory could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the directory specified in or the file specified in . - - or contains an invalid format.-or-The zip archive does not support writing. - - - Extracts all the files in the specified zip archive to a directory on the file system. - The path to the archive that is to be extracted. - The path to the directory in which to place the extracted files, specified as a relative or absolute path. A relative path is interpreted as relative to the current working directory. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - or is null. - The specified path in or exceeds the system-defined maximum length. For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - The specified path is invalid (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - The directory specified by already exists.-or-The name of an entry in the archive is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or-Extracting an archive entry would create a file that is outside the directory specified by . (For example, this might happen if the entry name contains parent directory accessors.) -or-An archive entry to extract has the same name as an entry that has already been extracted from the same archive. - The caller does not have the required permission to access the archive or the destination directory. - - or contains an invalid format. - - was not found. - The archive specified by is not a valid zip archive.-or-An archive entry was not found or was corrupt.-or-An archive entry was compressed by using a compression method that is not supported. - - - Extracts all the files in the specified zip archive to a directory on the file system and uses the specified character encoding for entry names. - The path to the archive that is to be extracted. - The path to the directory in which to place the extracted files, specified as a relative or absolute path. A relative path is interpreted as relative to the current working directory. - The encoding to use when reading or writing entry names in this archive. Specify a value for this parameter only when an encoding is required for interoperability with zip archive tools and libraries that do not support UTF-8 encoding for entry names. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or- is set to a Unicode encoding other than UTF-8. - - or is null. - The specified path in or exceeds the system-defined maximum length. For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - The specified path is invalid (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - The directory specified by already exists.-or-The name of an entry in the archive is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or-Extracting an archive entry would create a file that is outside the directory specified by . (For example, this might happen if the entry name contains parent directory accessors.) -or-An archive entry to extract has the same name as an entry that has already been extracted from the same archive. - The caller does not have the required permission to access the archive or the destination directory. - - or contains an invalid format. - - was not found. - The archive specified by is not a valid zip archive.-or-An archive entry was not found or was corrupt.-or-An archive entry was compressed by using a compression method that is not supported. - - - Opens a zip archive at the specified path and in the specified mode. - The opened zip archive. - The path to the archive to open, specified as a relative or absolute path. A relative path is interpreted as relative to the current working directory. - One of the enumeration values that specifies the actions which are allowed on the entries in the opened archive. - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - is null. - In , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length. For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - could not be opened.-or- is set to , but the file specified in already exists. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the file specified in . - - specifies an invalid value. - - is set to , but the file specified in is not found. - - contains an invalid format. - - could not be interpreted as a zip archive.-or- is , but an entry is missing or corrupt and cannot be read.-or- is , but an entry is too large to fit into memory. - - - Opens a zip archive at the specified path, in the specified mode, and by using the specified character encoding for entry names. - The opened zip archive. - The path to the archive to open, specified as a relative or absolute path. A relative path is interpreted as relative to the current working directory. - One of the enumeration values that specifies the actions that are allowed on the entries in the opened archive. - The encoding to use when reading or writing entry names in this archive. Specify a value for this parameter only when an encoding is required for interoperability with zip archive tools and libraries that do not support UTF-8 encoding for entry names. - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or- is set to a Unicode encoding other than UTF-8. - - is null. - In , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length. For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - could not be opened.-or- is set to , but the file specified in already exists. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the file specified in . - - specifies an invalid value. - - is set to , but the file specified in is not found. - - contains an invalid format. - - could not be interpreted as a zip archive.-or- is , but an entry is missing or corrupt and cannot be read.-or- is , but an entry is too large to fit into memory. - - - Opens a zip archive for reading at the specified path. - The opened zip archive. - The path to the archive to open, specified as a relative or absolute path. A relative path is interpreted as relative to the current working directory. - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - is null. - In , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length. For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the file specified in . - The file specified in is not found. - - contains an invalid format. - - could not be interpreted as a zip archive. - - - Provides extension methods for the and classes. - - - Archives a file by compressing it and adding it to the zip archive. - A wrapper for the new entry in the zip archive. - The zip archive to add the file to. - The path to the file to be archived. You can specify either a relative or an absolute path. A relative path is interpreted as relative to the current working directory. - The name of the entry to create in the zip archive. - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or- is . - - or is null. - In , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length. For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - The file specified by cannot be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the file specified by . - The file specified by is not found. - The parameter is in an invalid format.-or-The zip archive does not support writing. - The zip archive has been disposed. - - - Archives a file by compressing it using the specified compression level and adding it to the zip archive. - A wrapper for the new entry in the zip archive. - The zip archive to add the file to. - The path to the file to be archived. You can specify either a relative or an absolute path. A relative path is interpreted as relative to the current working directory. - The name of the entry to create in the zip archive. - One of the enumeration values that indicates whether to emphasize speed or compression effectiveness when creating the entry. - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or- is . - - or is null. - - is invalid (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - In , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length. For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - The file specified by cannot be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the file specified by . - The file specified by is not found. - The parameter is in an invalid format.-or-The zip archive does not support writing. - The zip archive has been disposed. - - - Extracts all the files in the zip archive to a directory on the file system. - The zip archive to extract files from. - The path to the directory to place the extracted files in. You can specify either a relative or an absolute path. A relative path is interpreted as relative to the current working directory. - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - is null. - The specified path exceeds the system-defined maximum length. For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - The specified path is invalid (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - The directory specified by already exists.-or-The name of an entry in the archive is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or-Extracting an entry from the archive would create a file that is outside the directory specified by . (For example, this might happen if the entry name contains parent directory accessors.) -or-Two or more entries in the archive have the same name. - The caller does not have the required permission to write to the destination directory. - - contains an invalid format. - An archive entry cannot be found or is corrupt.-or-An archive entry was compressed by using a compression method that is not supported. - - - Extracts an entry in the zip archive to a file. - The zip archive entry to extract a file from. - The path of the file to create from the contents of the entry. You can specify either a relative or an absolute path. A relative path is interpreted as relative to the current working directory. - - is a zero-length string, contains only white space, or contains one or more invalid characters as defined by .-or- specifies a directory. - - is null. - The specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length. For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - The specified path is invalid (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - already exists.-or- An I/O error occurred.-or-The entry is currently open for writing.-or-The entry has been deleted from the archive. - The caller does not have the required permission to create the new file. - The entry is missing from the archive, or is corrupt and cannot be read.-or-The entry has been compressed by using a compression method that is not supported. - The zip archive that this entry belongs to has been disposed. - - is in an invalid format. -or-The zip archive for this entry was opened in mode, which does not permit the retrieval of entries. - - - Extracts an entry in the zip archive to a file, and optionally overwrites an existing file that has the same name. - The zip archive entry to extract a file from. - The path of the file to create from the contents of the entry. You can specify either a relative or an absolute path. A relative path is interpreted as relative to the current working directory. - true to overwrite an existing file that has the same name as the destination file; otherwise, false. - - is a zero-length string, contains only white space, or contains one or more invalid characters as defined by .-or- specifies a directory. - - is null. - The specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length. For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - The specified path is invalid (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - already exists and is false.-or- An I/O error occurred.-or-The entry is currently open for writing.-or-The entry has been deleted from the archive. - The caller does not have the required permission to create the new file. - The entry is missing from the archive or is corrupt and cannot be read.-or-The entry has been compressed by using a compression method that is not supported. - The zip archive that this entry belongs to has been disposed. - - is in an invalid format. -or-The zip archive for this entry was opened in mode, which does not permit the retrieval of entries. - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/netstandard1.3/de/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.xml b/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/netstandard1.3/de/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.xml deleted file mode 100644 index d39add69..00000000 --- a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/netstandard1.3/de/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - System.IO.Compression.ZipFile - - - - Stellt statische Methoden zum Erstellen, Extrahieren und Öffnen von Zip-Archiven bereit. - - - Erstellt ein ZIP-Archiv, das die Dateien und Verzeichnisse im angegebenen Verzeichnis enthält. - Der Pfad zum Verzeichnis, das archiviert werden soll, angegeben als relativer oder absoluter Pfad.Ein relativer Pfad wird relativ zum aktuellen Arbeitsverzeichnis interpretiert. - Der Pfad des zu erstellenden Archivs, angegeben als relativer oder absoluter Pfad.Ein relativer Pfad wird relativ zum aktuellen Arbeitsverzeichnis interpretiert. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - or is null. - In or , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - already exists.-or-A file in the specified directory could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the directory specified in or the file specified in . - - or contains an invalid format.-or-The zip archive does not support writing. - - - Erstellt ein ZIP-Archiv, das die Dateien und Verzeichnisse im angegebenen Verzeichnis enthält, verwendet die angegebene Komprimierungsebene und optional das Basisverzeichnis. - Der Pfad zum Verzeichnis, das archiviert werden soll, angegeben als relativer oder absoluter Pfad.Ein relativer Pfad wird relativ zum aktuellen Arbeitsverzeichnis interpretiert. - Der Pfad des zu erstellenden Archivs, angegeben als relativer oder absoluter Pfad.Ein relativer Pfad wird relativ zum aktuellen Arbeitsverzeichnis interpretiert. - Einer der Enumerationswerte, der angibt, ob Geschwindigkeit oder Komprimierungseffektivität priorisiert wird, wenn der Eintrag erstellt. - true, um den Verzeichnisnamens von am Stamm des Archivs einzuschließen; false, um nur der Inhalt des Verzeichnisses einzuschließen. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - or is null. - In or , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - already exists.-or-A file in the specified directory could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the directory specified in or the file specified in . - - or contains an invalid format.-or-The zip archive does not support writing. - - - Erstellt ein ZIP-Archiv, das die Dateien und Verzeichnisse im angegebenen Verzeichnis enthält, die angegebene Komprimierungsebene und der angegebenen Zeichencodierung für Eintragsnamen verwendet und optional das Basisverzeichnis mit einbezieht. - Der Pfad zum Verzeichnis, das archiviert werden soll, angegeben als relativer oder absoluter Pfad.Ein relativer Pfad wird relativ zum aktuellen Arbeitsverzeichnis interpretiert. - Der Pfad des zu erstellenden Archivs, angegeben als relativer oder absoluter Pfad.Ein relativer Pfad wird relativ zum aktuellen Arbeitsverzeichnis interpretiert. - Einer der Enumerationswerte, der angibt, ob Geschwindigkeit oder Komprimierungseffektivität priorisiert wird, wenn der Eintrag erstellt. - true, um den Verzeichnisnamens von am Stamm des Archivs einzuschließen; false, um nur der Inhalt des Verzeichnisses einzuschließen. - Die Codierung, die beim Lesen oder Schreiben von Eintragsnamen in diesem Archiv verwendet werden soll.Geben Sie einen Wert für diesen Parameter nur an, wenn eine Codierung für die Interoperabilität mit ZIP-Archiv-Tools und -Bibliotheken erforderlich ist, die die UTF-8-Codierung für Eintragsnamen nicht unterstützen. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or- is set to a Unicode encoding other than UTF-8. - - or is null. - In or , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - already exists.-or-A file in the specified directory could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the directory specified in or the file specified in . - - or contains an invalid format.-or-The zip archive does not support writing. - - - Extrahiert alle Dateien im angegebenen ZIP-Archiv in ein Verzeichnis im Dateisystem. - Der Pfad zum Archiv, das extrahiert werden soll. - Der Pfad zum Verzeichnis, in dem die extrahierten Dateien abgelegt werden sollen, angegeben als relativer oder absoluter Pfad.Ein relativer Pfad wird relativ zum aktuellen Arbeitsverzeichnis interpretiert. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - or is null. - The specified path in or exceeds the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - The specified path is invalid (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - The directory specified by already exists.-or-The name of an entry in the archive is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or-Extracting an archive entry would create a file that is outside the directory specified by .(For example, this might happen if the entry name contains parent directory accessors.)-or-An archive entry to extract has the same name as an entry that has already been extracted from the same archive. - The caller does not have the required permission to access the archive or the destination directory. - - or contains an invalid format. - - was not found. - The archive specified by is not a valid zip archive.-or-An archive entry was not found or was corrupt.-or-An archive entry was compressed by using a compression method that is not supported. - - - Extrahiert alle Dateien im angegebenen ZIP-Archiv in ein Verzeichnis im Dateisystem und verwendet die angegebene Zeichencodierung für Eintragsnamen. - Der Pfad zum Archiv, das extrahiert werden soll. - Der Pfad zum Verzeichnis, in dem die extrahierten Dateien abgelegt werden sollen, angegeben als relativer oder absoluter Pfad.Ein relativer Pfad wird relativ zum aktuellen Arbeitsverzeichnis interpretiert. - Die Codierung, die beim Lesen oder Schreiben von Eintragsnamen in diesem Archiv verwendet werden soll.Geben Sie einen Wert für diesen Parameter nur an, wenn eine Codierung für die Interoperabilität mit ZIP-Archiv-Tools und -Bibliotheken erforderlich ist, die die UTF-8-Codierung für Eintragsnamen nicht unterstützen. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or- is set to a Unicode encoding other than UTF-8. - - or is null. - The specified path in or exceeds the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - The specified path is invalid (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - The directory specified by already exists.-or-The name of an entry in the archive is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or-Extracting an archive entry would create a file that is outside the directory specified by .(For example, this might happen if the entry name contains parent directory accessors.)-or-An archive entry to extract has the same name as an entry that has already been extracted from the same archive. - The caller does not have the required permission to access the archive or the destination directory. - - or contains an invalid format. - - was not found. - The archive specified by is not a valid zip archive.-or-An archive entry was not found or was corrupt.-or-An archive entry was compressed by using a compression method that is not supported. - - - Öffnet ein Zip-Archiv unter dem angegebenen Pfad und im angegebenen Modus. - Das geöffnete ZIP-Archiv. - Der Pfad zum Archiv, dass geöffnet werden soll, angegeben als relativer oder absoluter Pfad.Ein relativer Pfad wird relativ zum aktuellen Arbeitsverzeichnis interpretiert. - Einer der Enumerationswerte, der die Aktionen angibt, die bei den Einträgen im geöffneten Archiv zulässig sind. - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - is null. - In , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - could not be opened.-or- is set to , but the file specified in already exists. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the file specified in . - - specifies an invalid value. - - is set to , but the file specified in is not found. - - contains an invalid format. - - could not be interpreted as a zip archive.-or- is , but an entry is missing or corrupt and cannot be read.-or- is , but an entry is too large to fit into memory. - - - Öffnet ein Zip-Archiv im angegebenen Pfad im angegebenen Modus und mit der angegebenen Zeichencodierung für Eintragsnamen. - Das geöffnete ZIP-Archiv. - Der Pfad zum Archiv, dass geöffnet werden soll, angegeben als relativer oder absoluter Pfad.Ein relativer Pfad wird relativ zum aktuellen Arbeitsverzeichnis interpretiert. - Einer der Enumerationswerte, der die Aktionen angibt, die bei den Einträgen im geöffneten Archiv zulässig sind. - Die Codierung, die beim Lesen oder Schreiben von Eintragsnamen in diesem Archiv verwendet werden soll.Geben Sie einen Wert für diesen Parameter nur an, wenn eine Codierung für die Interoperabilität mit ZIP-Archiv-Tools und -Bibliotheken erforderlich ist, die die UTF-8-Codierung für Eintragsnamen nicht unterstützen. - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or- is set to a Unicode encoding other than UTF-8. - - is null. - In , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - could not be opened.-or- is set to , but the file specified in already exists. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the file specified in . - - specifies an invalid value. - - is set to , but the file specified in is not found. - - contains an invalid format. - - could not be interpreted as a zip archive.-or- is , but an entry is missing or corrupt and cannot be read.-or- is , but an entry is too large to fit into memory. - - - Öffnet ein Zip-Archiv für das Lesen im angegebenen Pfad. - Das geöffnete ZIP-Archiv. - Der Pfad zum Archiv, dass geöffnet werden soll, angegeben als relativer oder absoluter Pfad.Ein relativer Pfad wird relativ zum aktuellen Arbeitsverzeichnis interpretiert. - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - is null. - In , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the file specified in . - The file specified in is not found. - - contains an invalid format. - - could not be interpreted as a zip archive. - - - Stellt Erweiterungsmethoden für die - und -Klassen bereit. - - - Archiviert eine Datei durch Komprimieren und Hinzufügen zum ZIP-Archiv. - Ein Wrapper für den neuen Eintrag im ZIP-Archiv. - Das der Datei hinzuzufügende ZIP-Archiv. - Der Pfad zu der zu archivierenden Datei.Sie können einen absoluten oder relativen Pfad angeben.Ein relativer Pfad wird relativ zum aktuellen Arbeitsverzeichnis interpretiert. - Der Name des Eintrags, der im ZIP-Archiv erstellt werden soll. - - ist , enthält nur Leerraum oder mindestens ein ungültiges Zeichen.- oder - ist . - - oder ist null. - Im überschreiten der angegebene Pfad und/oder der Dateiname die vom System vorgegebene Höchstlänge.Beispielsweise müssen Pfade auf Windows-Plattformen weniger als 248 Zeichen und Dateinamen weniger als 260 Zeichen haben. - - ist ungültig (z. B. befindet er sich auf einem nicht zugeordneten Laufwerk). - Die anhand der angegebene Datei kann nicht geöffnet werden. - - gibt ein Verzeichnis an.- oder -Der Aufrufer verfügt nicht über die erforderliche Berechtigung für den Zugriff auf die durch angegebene Datei. - Die von angegebene Datei wird nicht gefunden. - Der -Parameter hat ein ungültiges Format.- oder -Das ZIP-Archiv unterstützt keine Schreibvorgänge. - Die ZIP-Archiv wurde freigegeben. - - - Archiviert eine Datei durch Komprimieren mithilfe der angegebenen Komprimierungsebene und Hinzufügen zum ZIP-Archiv. - Ein Wrapper für den neuen Eintrag im ZIP-Archiv. - Das der Datei hinzuzufügende ZIP-Archiv. - Der Pfad zu der zu archivierenden Datei.Sie können einen absoluten oder relativen Pfad angeben.Ein relativer Pfad wird relativ zum aktuellen Arbeitsverzeichnis interpretiert. - Der Name des Eintrags, der im ZIP-Archiv erstellt werden soll. - Einer der Enumerationswerte, der angibt, ob Geschwindigkeit oder Komprimierungseffektivität priorisiert wird, wenn der Eintrag erstellt. - - ist , enthält nur Leerraum oder mindestens ein ungültiges Zeichen.- oder - ist . - - oder ist null. - - ist ungültig (z. B. befindet er sich auf einem nicht zugeordneten Laufwerk). - Im überschreiten der angegebene Pfad und/oder der Dateiname die vom System vorgegebene Höchstlänge.Beispielsweise müssen Pfade auf Windows-Plattformen weniger als 248 Zeichen und Dateinamen weniger als 260 Zeichen haben. - Die anhand der angegebene Datei kann nicht geöffnet werden. - - gibt ein Verzeichnis an.- oder -Der Aufrufer verfügt nicht über die erforderliche Berechtigung für den Zugriff auf die durch angegebene Datei. - Die von angegebene Datei wird nicht gefunden. - Der -Parameter hat ein ungültiges Format.- oder -Das ZIP-Archiv unterstützt keine Schreibvorgänge. - Die ZIP-Archiv wurde freigegeben. - - - Extrahiert alle Dateien im ZIP-Archiv in ein Verzeichnis im Dateisystem. - Das Zip-Archiv, aus dem Dateien extrahiert werden sollen. - Der Pfad zum Verzeichnis, in dem die extrahierten Dateien abgelegt werden sollen.Sie können einen absoluten oder relativen Pfad angeben.Ein relativer Pfad wird relativ zum aktuellen Arbeitsverzeichnis interpretiert. - - ist , enthält nur Leerraum oder mindestens ein ungültiges Zeichen. - - ist null. - Der angegebene Pfad überschreitet die im System definierte maximale Länge ().Beispielsweise müssen Pfade auf Windows-Plattformen weniger als 248 Zeichen und Dateinamen weniger als 260 Zeichen haben. - Der angegebene Pfad ist ungültig (z. B. befindet er sich auf einem nicht zugeordneten Laufwerk). - Das von angegebene Verzeichnis ist bereits vorhanden.- oder -Der Name eines Eintrags im Archiv ist , enthält nur Leerraum oder enthält mindestens ein ungültiges Zeichen.- oder -Das Extrahieren eines Eintrags aus dem Archiv wird eine Datei erstellen, die sich außerhalb des Verzeichnisses befindet, das von angegeben wird. (Zum Beispiel geschähe dies möglicherweise, wenn der Eintragsname Accessoren des übergeordneten Verzeichnisses enthält.) - oder -Zwei oder mehr Einträge im Archiv haben denselben Namen. - Der Aufrufer verfügt nicht über die erforderliche Berechtigung zum Schreiben in das Zielverzeichnis. - - enthält ein ungültiges Format. - Ein Archiveintrag wurde nicht gefunden oder ist beschädigt.- oder -Ein Archiveintrag wurde mit einer nicht unterstützten Komprimierungsmethode komprimiert. - - - Extrahiert einen Eintrag im ZIP-Archiv in eine Datei. - Der Zip-Archiveintrag zum Extrahieren einer Datei. - Der Pfad der Datei, die aus dem Eintragsinhalt erstellt werden soll.Sie können einen absoluten oder relativen Pfad angeben.Ein relativer Pfad wird relativ zum aktuellen Arbeitsverzeichnis interpretiert. - - ist eine Zeichenfolge der Länge 0, besteht nur aus Leerraum oder enthält ein oder mehr durch definierte ungültige Zeichen.- oder - gibt ein Verzeichnis an. - - ist null. - Der angegebene Pfad und/oder der Dateiname überschreiten die vom System vorgegebene Höchstlänge.Beispielsweise müssen Pfade auf Windows-Plattformen weniger als 248 Zeichen und Dateinamen weniger als 260 Zeichen haben. - Der angegebene Pfad ist ungültig (z. B. befindet er sich auf einem nicht zugeordneten Laufwerk). - - ist bereits vorhanden.- oder - Ein E/A-Fehler ist aufgetreten.- oder -Der Eintrag ist derzeit zum Schreiben geöffnet.- oder -Der Eintrag wurde vom Archiv gelöscht. - Der Aufrufer verfügt nicht über die erforderliche Berechtigung für die Erstellung der neuen Datei. - Der Eintrag fehlt im Archiv, oder ist beschädigt und kann nicht gelesen werden.- oder -Der Eintrag wurde mit einer nicht unterstützten Komprimierungsmethode komprimiert. - Das Zip-Archiv, zu dem dieser Eintrag gehört, wurde freigegeben. - Das Format von ist ungültig. - oder -Das Zip-Archiv für diesen Eintrag wurde im -Modus geöffnet, der den Abruf von Einträgen nicht zulässt. - - - Extrahiert einen Eintrag im ZIP-Archiv in eine Datei, wobei optional eine vorhandene Datei überschrieben wird, die den gleichen Namen hat. - Der Zip-Archiveintrag zum Extrahieren einer Datei. - Der Pfad der Datei, die aus dem Eintragsinhalt erstellt werden soll.Sie können einen absoluten oder relativen Pfad angeben.Ein relativer Pfad wird relativ zum aktuellen Arbeitsverzeichnis interpretiert. - true, um eine vorhandene Datei zu überschreiben, die den gleichen Namen wie die Zieldatei hat; andernfalls false. - - ist eine Zeichenfolge der Länge 0, besteht nur aus Leerraum oder enthält ein oder mehr durch definierte ungültige Zeichen.- oder - gibt ein Verzeichnis an. - - ist null. - Der angegebene Pfad und/oder der Dateiname überschreiten die vom System vorgegebene Höchstlänge.Beispielsweise müssen Pfade auf Windows-Plattformen weniger als 248 Zeichen und Dateinamen weniger als 260 Zeichen haben. - Der angegebene Pfad ist ungültig (z. B. befindet er sich auf einem nicht zugeordneten Laufwerk). - - ist bereits vorhanden und ist false.- oder - Ein E/A-Fehler ist aufgetreten.- oder -Der Eintrag ist derzeit zum Schreiben geöffnet.- oder -Der Eintrag wurde vom Archiv gelöscht. - Der Aufrufer verfügt nicht über die erforderliche Berechtigung für die Erstellung der neuen Datei. - Der Eintrag fehlt im Archiv, oder er ist beschädigt und kann nicht gelesen werden.- oder -Der Eintrag wurde mit einer nicht unterstützten Komprimierungsmethode komprimiert. - Das Zip-Archiv, zu dem dieser Eintrag gehört, wurde freigegeben. - Das Format von ist ungültig. - oder -Das Zip-Archiv für diesen Eintrag wurde im -Modus geöffnet, der den Abruf von Einträgen nicht zulässt. - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/netstandard1.3/es/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.xml b/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/netstandard1.3/es/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.xml deleted file mode 100644 index 65c09716..00000000 --- a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/netstandard1.3/es/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - System.IO.Compression.ZipFile - - - - Proporciona métodos estáticos para crear, extraer y abrir archivos zip. - - - Crea un archivo zip que contiene los archivos y directorios del directorio especificado. - La ruta de acceso al directorio que se va a almacenar, especificada como una ruta de acceso relativa o absoluta.Una ruta de acceso relativa se interpreta en relación con el directorio de trabajo actual. - La ruta de acceso del archivo que se creará, especificada como una ruta de acceso relativa o absoluta.Una ruta de acceso relativa se interpreta en relación con el directorio de trabajo actual. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - or is null. - In or , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - already exists.-or-A file in the specified directory could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the directory specified in or the file specified in . - - or contains an invalid format.-or-The zip archive does not support writing. - - - Crea un archivo zip que contiene los archivos y directorios del directorio especificado, utiliza el nivel de compresión especificado y, opcionalmente, incluye el directorio base. - La ruta de acceso al directorio que se va a almacenar, especificada como una ruta de acceso relativa o absoluta.Una ruta de acceso relativa se interpreta en relación con el directorio de trabajo actual. - La ruta de acceso del archivo que se creará, especificada como una ruta de acceso relativa o absoluta.Una ruta de acceso relativa se interpreta en relación con el directorio de trabajo actual. - Uno de los valores de enumeración que indica si se va a hacer hincapié en la velocidad o en la eficacia de compresión al crear la entrada. - true para incluir el nombre de directorio de en la raíz del archivo; false para incluir solo el contenido del directorio. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - or is null. - In or , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - already exists.-or-A file in the specified directory could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the directory specified in or the file specified in . - - or contains an invalid format.-or-The zip archive does not support writing. - - - Crea un archivo zip que contiene los archivos y directorios del directorio especificado, utiliza el nivel de compresión y la codificación de caracteres especificados para los nombres de entrada y, opcionalmente, incluye el directorio base. - La ruta de acceso al directorio que se va a almacenar, especificada como una ruta de acceso relativa o absoluta.Una ruta de acceso relativa se interpreta en relación con el directorio de trabajo actual. - La ruta de acceso del archivo que se creará, especificada como una ruta de acceso relativa o absoluta.Una ruta de acceso relativa se interpreta en relación con el directorio de trabajo actual. - Uno de los valores de enumeración que indica si se va a hacer hincapié en la velocidad o en la eficacia de compresión al crear la entrada. - true para incluir el nombre de directorio de en la raíz del archivo; false para incluir solo el contenido del directorio. - Codificación que se va a usar al leer o escribir nombres de entrada en este archivo.Especifique un valor para este parámetro únicamente cuando se necesite una codificación para la interoperabilidad con herramientas y bibliotecas de archivos zip que no admiten la codificación UTF-8 para los nombres de entrada. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or- is set to a Unicode encoding other than UTF-8. - - or is null. - In or , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - already exists.-or-A file in the specified directory could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the directory specified in or the file specified in . - - or contains an invalid format.-or-The zip archive does not support writing. - - - Extrae todos los archivos del archivo zip especificado en un directorio del sistema de archivos. - La ruta de acceso al archivo que se va a extraer. - La ruta de acceso al directorio en el que se van a colocar los archivos extraídos, especificada como una ruta de acceso relativa o absoluta.Una ruta de acceso relativa se interpreta en relación con el directorio de trabajo actual. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - or is null. - The specified path in or exceeds the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - The specified path is invalid (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - The directory specified by already exists.-or-The name of an entry in the archive is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or-Extracting an archive entry would create a file that is outside the directory specified by .(For example, this might happen if the entry name contains parent directory accessors.)-or-An archive entry to extract has the same name as an entry that has already been extracted from the same archive. - The caller does not have the required permission to access the archive or the destination directory. - - or contains an invalid format. - - was not found. - The archive specified by is not a valid zip archive.-or-An archive entry was not found or was corrupt.-or-An archive entry was compressed by using a compression method that is not supported. - - - Extrae todos los archivos de archivo zip especificado en un directorio del sistema de archivos y utiliza la codificación de caracteres especificada para los nombres de entrada. - La ruta de acceso al archivo que se va a extraer. - La ruta de acceso al directorio en el que se van a colocar los archivos extraídos, especificada como una ruta de acceso relativa o absoluta.Una ruta de acceso relativa se interpreta en relación con el directorio de trabajo actual. - Codificación que se va a usar al leer o escribir nombres de entrada en este archivo.Especifique un valor para este parámetro únicamente cuando se necesite una codificación para la interoperabilidad con herramientas y bibliotecas de archivos zip que no admiten la codificación UTF-8 para los nombres de entrada. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or- is set to a Unicode encoding other than UTF-8. - - or is null. - The specified path in or exceeds the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - The specified path is invalid (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - The directory specified by already exists.-or-The name of an entry in the archive is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or-Extracting an archive entry would create a file that is outside the directory specified by .(For example, this might happen if the entry name contains parent directory accessors.)-or-An archive entry to extract has the same name as an entry that has already been extracted from the same archive. - The caller does not have the required permission to access the archive or the destination directory. - - or contains an invalid format. - - was not found. - The archive specified by is not a valid zip archive.-or-An archive entry was not found or was corrupt.-or-An archive entry was compressed by using a compression method that is not supported. - - - Abre un archivo .zip en la ruta de acceso especificada y en el modo especificado. - El archivo zip abierto. - La ruta de acceso al archivo que se va a abrir, especificada como una ruta de acceso relativa o absoluta.Una ruta de acceso relativa se interpreta en relación con el directorio de trabajo actual. - Uno de los valores de enumeración que especifica las acciones que se permiten en las entradas del archivo abierto. - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - is null. - In , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - could not be opened.-or- is set to , but the file specified in already exists. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the file specified in . - - specifies an invalid value. - - is set to , but the file specified in is not found. - - contains an invalid format. - - could not be interpreted as a zip archive.-or- is , but an entry is missing or corrupt and cannot be read.-or- is , but an entry is too large to fit into memory. - - - Abre un archivo zip en la ruta de acceso especificada, en el modo especificado, y usando la codificación de caracteres especificada para los nombres de entrada. - El archivo zip abierto. - La ruta de acceso al archivo que se va a abrir, especificada como una ruta de acceso relativa o absoluta.Una ruta de acceso relativa se interpreta en relación con el directorio de trabajo actual. - Uno de los valores de enumeración que especifica las acciones que se permiten en las entradas del archivo abierto. - Codificación que se va a usar al leer o escribir nombres de entrada en este archivo.Especifique un valor para este parámetro únicamente cuando se necesite una codificación para la interoperabilidad con herramientas y bibliotecas de archivos zip que no admiten la codificación UTF-8 para los nombres de entrada. - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or- is set to a Unicode encoding other than UTF-8. - - is null. - In , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - could not be opened.-or- is set to , but the file specified in already exists. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the file specified in . - - specifies an invalid value. - - is set to , but the file specified in is not found. - - contains an invalid format. - - could not be interpreted as a zip archive.-or- is , but an entry is missing or corrupt and cannot be read.-or- is , but an entry is too large to fit into memory. - - - Abre un archivo zip para leer en la ruta de acceso especificada. - El archivo zip abierto. - La ruta de acceso al archivo que se va a abrir, especificada como una ruta de acceso relativa o absoluta.Una ruta de acceso relativa se interpreta en relación con el directorio de trabajo actual. - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - is null. - In , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the file specified in . - The file specified in is not found. - - contains an invalid format. - - could not be interpreted as a zip archive. - - - Proporciona métodos de extensión para las clases y . - - - Archiva un archivo comprimiéndolo y agregándolo al archivo zip. - Un contenedor para la nueva entrada en el archivo zip. - Archivo .zip al que se agrega el archivo. - Ruta de acceso al archivo que se va a archivar.Puede especificar una ruta de acceso relativa o absoluta.Una ruta de acceso relativa se interpreta en relación con el directorio de trabajo actual. - Nombre de la entrada que se va a crear en el archivo zip. - - es , contiene solo espacios en blanco o contiene al menos un carácter no válido.O bien es . - - o es null. - En , la ruta de acceso especificada, el nombre de archivo o ambos superan la longitud máxima definida por el sistema.Por ejemplo, en las plataformas basadas en Windows, las rutas de acceso no deben superar 248 caracteres y los nombres de archivo no deben superar 260 caracteres. - El valor de no es válido (por ejemplo, se encuentra en una unidad no asignada). - No se puede abrir el archivo especificado por . - - especifica un directorio.O bienEl autor de la llamada no tiene el permiso necesario para obtener acceso al archivo que especifica . - No se encuentra el archivo especificado por . - El parámetro no tiene un formato válido.O bienEl archivo zip no admite escritura. - El archivo .zip se ha desechado. - - - Archiva un archivo comprimiéndolo mediante el nivel especificado de compresión y agregándolo al archivo zip. - Un contenedor para la nueva entrada en el archivo zip. - Archivo .zip al que se agrega el archivo. - Ruta de acceso al archivo que se va a archivar.Puede especificar una ruta de acceso relativa o absoluta.Una ruta de acceso relativa se interpreta en relación con el directorio de trabajo actual. - Nombre de la entrada que se va a crear en el archivo zip. - Uno de los valores de enumeración que indica si se va a hacer hincapié en la eficacia de velocidad o de compresión al crear la entrada. - - es , contiene solo espacios en blanco o contiene al menos un carácter no válido.O bien es . - - o es null. - El valor de no es válido (por ejemplo, se encuentra en una unidad no asignada). - En , la ruta de acceso especificada, el nombre de archivo o ambos superan la longitud máxima definida por el sistema.Por ejemplo, en las plataformas basadas en Windows, las rutas de acceso no deben superar 248 caracteres y los nombres de archivo no deben superar 260 caracteres. - No se puede abrir el archivo especificado por . - - especifica un directorio.O bienEl autor de la llamada no tiene el permiso necesario para obtener acceso al archivo que especifica . - No se encuentra el archivo especificado por . - El parámetro no tiene un formato válido.O bienEl archivo zip no admite escritura. - El archivo .zip se ha desechado. - - - Extrae todos los archivos del archivo zip a un directorio del sistema de archivos. - El archivo zip del que se van a extraer archivos. - La ruta de acceso al directorio donde se van a colocar los archivos extraídos.Puede especificar una ruta de acceso relativa o absoluta.Una ruta de acceso relativa se interpreta en relación con el directorio de trabajo actual. - - es , contiene solo espacios en blanco o contiene al menos un carácter no válido. - - es null. - La ruta de acceso supera la longitud máxima definida por el sistema.Por ejemplo, en las plataformas basadas en Windows, las rutas de acceso no deben superar 248 caracteres y los nombres de archivo no deben superar 260 caracteres. - La ruta de acceso especificada no es válida (por ejemplo, se encuentra en una unidad de red no asignada). - El directorio que especifica ya existe.O bienEl nombre de una entrada en el archivo es , contiene solo espacios en blanco, o contiene al menos un carácter no válido.O bienLa extracción de una entrada del archivo crearía un archivo que está fuera del directorio especificado por . (Por ejemplo, esto puede ocurrir si el nombre de la entrada contiene descriptores de acceso del directorio primario). O bienDos o más entradas del archivo tienen el mismo nombre. - El llamador no tiene el permiso para escribir en el directorio de destino. - - contiene un formato no válido. - Una entrada de archivo no se encuentra o está dañada.O bienUna entrada de archivo se ha comprimido mediante un método de compresión que no se admite. - - - Dibuja una entrada del archivo zip a un archivo. - La entrada del archivo zip del que se va a extraer un archivo. - La ruta de acceso del archivo que se va a crear a partir del contenido de la entrada.Puede especificar una ruta de acceso relativa o absoluta.Una ruta de acceso relativa se interpreta en relación con el directorio de trabajo actual. - - es una cadena de longitud cero, contiene solo espacios en blanco o contiene uno o varios de los caracteres no válidos definidos por .O bien especifica un directorio. - - es null. - La ruta de acceso especificada, el nombre de archivo o ambos superan la longitud máxima definida por el sistema.Por ejemplo, en las plataformas basadas en Windows, las rutas de acceso no deben superar 248 caracteres y los nombres de archivo no deben superar 260 caracteres. - La ruta de acceso especificada no es válida (por ejemplo, se encuentra en una unidad de red no asignada). - - ya existe.O bien Error de E/S.O bienLa entrada está actualmente abierta para escribir en ella.O bienSe ha eliminado el entrada del archivo. - El autor de la llamada no tiene el permiso necesario para crear un archivo nuevo. - La entrada falta en el archivo o está dañada y no se puede leer.O bienLa entrada se ha comprimido mediante un método de compresión que no se admite. - Se ha desechado el archivo zip al que pertenece esta entrada. - - tiene un formato no válido. O bienEl archivo zip para esta entrada se ha abierto en modo , que no permite la recuperación de entradas. - - - Extrae una entrada del archivo zip a un archivo, y sobrescribe opcionalmente un archivo existente que tiene el mismo nombre. - La entrada del archivo zip del que se va a extraer un archivo. - La ruta de acceso del archivo que se va a crear a partir del contenido de la entrada.Puede especificar una ruta de acceso relativa o absoluta.Una ruta de acceso relativa se interpreta en relación con el directorio de trabajo actual. - true para sobrescribir un archivo existente que tiene el mismo nombre que el archivo de destino; si no, false. - - es una cadena de longitud cero, contiene solo espacios en blanco o contiene uno o varios de los caracteres no válidos definidos por .O bien especifica un directorio. - - es null. - La ruta de acceso especificada, el nombre de archivo o ambos superan la longitud máxima definida por el sistema.Por ejemplo, en las plataformas basadas en Windows, las rutas de acceso no deben superar 248 caracteres y los nombres de archivo no deben superar 260 caracteres. - La ruta de acceso especificada no es válida (por ejemplo, se encuentra en una unidad de red no asignada). - - ya existe y es false.O bien Error de E/S.O bienLa entrada está actualmente abierta para escribir en ella.O bienSe ha eliminado el entrada del archivo. - El autor de la llamada no tiene el permiso necesario para crear un archivo nuevo. - La entrada falta en el archivo o está dañada y no se puede leer.O bienLa entrada se ha comprimido mediante un método de compresión que no se admite. - Se ha desechado el archivo zip al que pertenece esta entrada. - - tiene un formato no válido. O bienEl archivo zip para esta entrada se ha abierto en modo , que no permite la recuperación de entradas. - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/netstandard1.3/fr/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.xml b/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/netstandard1.3/fr/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.xml deleted file mode 100644 index 6dbdb4c1..00000000 --- a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/netstandard1.3/fr/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - System.IO.Compression.ZipFile - - - - Fournit des méthodes statiques pour la création, l'extraction et l'ouverture des archives zip. - - - Crée une archive zip qui contient les fichiers et les répertoires à partir du répertoire spécifié. - Chemin d'accès au répertoire à archiver, spécifié sous forme de chemin d'accès relatif ou absolu.Un chemin d'accès relatif est interprété comme étant relatif au répertoire de travail actif. - Chemin d'accès de l'archive à créer, spécifié sous forme de chemin d'accès relatif ou absolu.Un chemin d'accès relatif est interprété comme étant relatif au répertoire de travail actif. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - or is null. - In or , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - already exists.-or-A file in the specified directory could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the directory specified in or the file specified in . - - or contains an invalid format.-or-The zip archive does not support writing. - - - Crée une archive zip qui contient les fichiers et les répertoires du répertoire spécifié, utilise le niveau de compression spécifié et inclut éventuellement le répertoire de base. - Chemin d'accès au répertoire à archiver, spécifié sous forme de chemin d'accès relatif ou absolu.Un chemin d'accès relatif est interprété comme étant relatif au répertoire de travail actif. - Chemin d'accès de l'archive à créer, spécifié sous forme de chemin d'accès relatif ou absolu.Un chemin d'accès relatif est interprété comme étant relatif au répertoire de travail actif. - Une des valeurs d'énumération qui indique s'il faut privilégier la rapidité ou l'efficacité de la compression lors de la création de l'entrée. - true pour inclure le nom de répertoire de à la racine de l'archive ; false pour inclure uniquement le contenu du répertoire. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - or is null. - In or , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - already exists.-or-A file in the specified directory could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the directory specified in or the file specified in . - - or contains an invalid format.-or-The zip archive does not support writing. - - - Crée une archive zip qui contient les fichiers et les répertoires du répertoire spécifié, utilise le niveau de compression et l'encodage de caractères spécifiés pour les noms d'entrée, et inclut éventuellement le répertoire de base. - Chemin d'accès au répertoire à archiver, spécifié sous forme de chemin d'accès relatif ou absolu.Un chemin d'accès relatif est interprété comme étant relatif au répertoire de travail actif. - Chemin d'accès de l'archive à créer, spécifié sous forme de chemin d'accès relatif ou absolu.Un chemin d'accès relatif est interprété comme étant relatif au répertoire de travail actif. - Une des valeurs d'énumération qui indique s'il faut privilégier la rapidité ou l'efficacité de la compression lors de la création de l'entrée. - true pour inclure le nom de répertoire de à la racine de l'archive ; false pour inclure uniquement le contenu du répertoire. - Encodage à utiliser lors de la lecture ou de l'écriture des noms d'entrée dans cette archive.Spécifie une valeur pour ce paramètre seulement quand un encodage est obligatoire pour l'interopérabilité avec les outils et les bibliothèques d'archivage zip qui ne prennent pas en charge l'encodage UTF-8 pour les noms d'entrée. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or- is set to a Unicode encoding other than UTF-8. - - or is null. - In or , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - already exists.-or-A file in the specified directory could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the directory specified in or the file specified in . - - or contains an invalid format.-or-The zip archive does not support writing. - - - Extrait tous les fichiers de l'archive zip spécifiée vers un répertoire sur le système de fichiers. - Chemin d'accès à l'archive qui doit être extraite. - Chemin d'accès au répertoire où placer les fichiers extraits, spécifié sous forme de chemin d'accès relatif ou absolu.Un chemin d'accès relatif est interprété comme étant relatif au répertoire de travail actif. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - or is null. - The specified path in or exceeds the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - The specified path is invalid (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - The directory specified by already exists.-or-The name of an entry in the archive is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or-Extracting an archive entry would create a file that is outside the directory specified by .(For example, this might happen if the entry name contains parent directory accessors.)-or-An archive entry to extract has the same name as an entry that has already been extracted from the same archive. - The caller does not have the required permission to access the archive or the destination directory. - - or contains an invalid format. - - was not found. - The archive specified by is not a valid zip archive.-or-An archive entry was not found or was corrupt.-or-An archive entry was compressed by using a compression method that is not supported. - - - Extrait tous les fichiers de l'archive zip spécifiée vers un répertoire sur le système de fichiers et utilise l'encodage de caractères spécifié pour les noms d'entrée. - Chemin d'accès à l'archive qui doit être extraite. - Chemin d'accès au répertoire où placer les fichiers extraits, spécifié sous forme de chemin d'accès relatif ou absolu.Un chemin d'accès relatif est interprété comme étant relatif au répertoire de travail actif. - Encodage à utiliser lors de la lecture ou de l'écriture des noms d'entrée dans cette archive.Spécifie une valeur pour ce paramètre seulement quand un encodage est obligatoire pour l'interopérabilité avec les outils et les bibliothèques d'archivage zip qui ne prennent pas en charge l'encodage UTF-8 pour les noms d'entrée. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or- is set to a Unicode encoding other than UTF-8. - - or is null. - The specified path in or exceeds the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - The specified path is invalid (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - The directory specified by already exists.-or-The name of an entry in the archive is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or-Extracting an archive entry would create a file that is outside the directory specified by .(For example, this might happen if the entry name contains parent directory accessors.)-or-An archive entry to extract has the same name as an entry that has already been extracted from the same archive. - The caller does not have the required permission to access the archive or the destination directory. - - or contains an invalid format. - - was not found. - The archive specified by is not a valid zip archive.-or-An archive entry was not found or was corrupt.-or-An archive entry was compressed by using a compression method that is not supported. - - - Ouvre une archive zip dans le chemin d'accès et dans le mode spécifiés. - Archive zip ouverte. - Chemin d'accès de l'archive à ouvrir, spécifié sous forme de chemin d'accès relatif ou absolu.Un chemin d'accès relatif est interprété comme étant relatif au répertoire de travail actif. - Une des valeurs d'énumération spécifiant les actions qui sont autorisées sur les entrées de l'archive ouverte. - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - is null. - In , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - could not be opened.-or- is set to , but the file specified in already exists. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the file specified in . - - specifies an invalid value. - - is set to , but the file specified in is not found. - - contains an invalid format. - - could not be interpreted as a zip archive.-or- is , but an entry is missing or corrupt and cannot be read.-or- is , but an entry is too large to fit into memory. - - - Ouvre une archive zip dans le chemin d'accès spécifié, dans le mode spécifié et avec un encodage de caractères spécifié pour les noms d'entrée. - Archive zip ouverte. - Chemin d'accès de l'archive à ouvrir, spécifié sous forme de chemin d'accès relatif ou absolu.Un chemin d'accès relatif est interprété comme étant relatif au répertoire de travail actif. - Une des valeurs d'énumération spécifiant les actions qui sont autorisées sur les entrées de l'archive ouverte. - Encodage à utiliser lors de la lecture ou de l'écriture des noms d'entrée dans cette archive.Spécifie une valeur pour ce paramètre seulement quand un encodage est obligatoire pour l'interopérabilité avec les outils et les bibliothèques d'archivage zip qui ne prennent pas en charge l'encodage UTF-8 pour les noms d'entrée. - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or- is set to a Unicode encoding other than UTF-8. - - is null. - In , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - could not be opened.-or- is set to , but the file specified in already exists. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the file specified in . - - specifies an invalid value. - - is set to , but the file specified in is not found. - - contains an invalid format. - - could not be interpreted as a zip archive.-or- is , but an entry is missing or corrupt and cannot be read.-or- is , but an entry is too large to fit into memory. - - - Ouvre une archive zip pour la lecture au chemin d'accès spécifié. - Archive zip ouverte. - Chemin d'accès de l'archive à ouvrir, spécifié sous forme de chemin d'accès relatif ou absolu.Un chemin d'accès relatif est interprété comme étant relatif au répertoire de travail actif. - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - is null. - In , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the file specified in . - The file specified in is not found. - - contains an invalid format. - - could not be interpreted as a zip archive. - - - Fournit les méthodes d'extension pour les classes et . - - - Archive un fichier en le compressant et en l'ajoutant à l'archive ZIP. - Wrapper pour la nouvelle entrée dans l'archive ZIP. - Archive zip à ajouter au fichier. - Chemin d'accès du fichier à archiver.Spécification possible d'un chemin d'accès absolu ou relatif.Un chemin d'accès relatif est interprété comme étant relatif au répertoire de travail actif. - Nom de l'entrée à créer dans l'archive ZIP. - - est , ne contient qu'un espace blanc ou contient au moins un caractère non valide.ou a la valeur . - - ou est null. - Dans , le chemin d'accès spécifié, le nom de fichier spécifié ou les deux dépassent la longueur maximale définie par le système.Par exemple, sur les plateformes Windows, les chemins et les noms de fichiers ne doivent pas dépasser, respectivement, 248 et 260 caractères. - - n'est pas valide (par exemple, il se trouve sur un lecteur non mappé). - Le fichier spécifié par ne peut pas être ouvert. - - spécifie un répertoire.ouL'appelant n'a pas l'autorisation requise pour accéder au fichier spécifié par . - Le fichier spécifié par est introuvable. - Le format du paramètre n'est pas valide.ouL'archive zip ne prend pas en charge l'écriture. - L'archive zip de a été supprimée. - - - Archive un fichier en le compressant à l'aide du niveau de compression spécifié et en l'ajoutant à l'archive ZIP. - Wrapper pour la nouvelle entrée dans l'archive ZIP. - Archive zip à ajouter au fichier. - Chemin d'accès du fichier à archiver.Spécification possible d'un chemin d'accès absolu ou relatif.Un chemin d'accès relatif est interprété comme étant relatif au répertoire de travail actif. - Nom de l'entrée à créer dans l'archive ZIP. - L'une des valeurs d'énumération qui indique s'il faut mettre l'accent sur rapidité ou la compression en créant l'entrée. - - est , ne contient qu'un espace blanc ou contient au moins un caractère non valide.ou a la valeur . - - ou est null. - - n'est pas valide (par exemple, il se trouve sur un lecteur non mappé). - Dans , le chemin d'accès spécifié, le nom de fichier spécifié ou les deux dépassent la longueur maximale définie par le système.Par exemple, sur les plateformes Windows, les chemins et les noms de fichiers ne doivent pas dépasser, respectivement, 248 et 260 caractères. - Le fichier spécifié par ne peut pas être ouvert. - - spécifie un répertoire.ouL'appelant n'a pas l'autorisation requise pour accéder au fichier spécifié par . - Le fichier spécifié par est introuvable. - Le format du paramètre n'est pas valide.ouL'archive zip ne prend pas en charge l'écriture. - L'archive zip de a été supprimée. - - - Extrait tous les fichiers dans l'archive zip d'un répertoire sur le système de fichiers. - Archive ZIP depuis laquelle extraire les fichiers. - Chemin d'accès au répertoire dans lequel placer les fichiers extraits.Spécification possible d'un chemin d'accès absolu ou relatif.Un chemin d'accès relatif est interprété comme étant relatif au répertoire de travail actif. - - est , ne contient qu'un espace blanc ou contient au moins un caractère non valide. - - a la valeur null. - Le chemin d'accès spécifié dépasse la longueur maximale définie par le système.Par exemple, sur les plateformes Windows, les chemins et les noms de fichiers ne doivent pas dépasser, respectivement, 248 et 260 caractères. - Le chemin d'accès spécifié n'est pas valide (il se trouve, par exemple, sur un lecteur non mappé). - Le répertoire spécifié par existe déjà.ouLe nom d'une entrée dans l'archive est , il contient uniquement des espaces blancs ou il contient au moins un caractère non valide.ouL'extraction d'une entrée de l'archive pourrait créer un fichier qui se trouve en dehors du répertoire spécifié par . (Par exemple, cela peut se produire si le nom d'entrée contient des accesseurs de répertoire parent.) ouPlusieurs entrées de l'archive portent le même nom. - L'appelant n'a pas l'autorisation requise pour écrire dans le répertoire de destination. - - contient un format non valide. - Entrée d'archive introuvable ou endommagée.ouL'entrée d'archive a été compressée à l'aide d'une méthode de compression non prise en charge. - - - Extrait une entrée de l'archive zip dans un fichier. - Entrée d'archive ZIP depuis laquelle extraire un fichier. - Chemin d'accès du fichier à créer à partir du contenu de l'entrée.Spécification possible d'un chemin d'accès absolu ou relatif.Un chemin d'accès relatif est interprété comme étant relatif au répertoire de travail actif. - - est une chaîne de longueur nulle, ne contient que des espaces blancs ou contient un ou plusieurs caractères non valides comme défini par .ou spécifie un répertoire. - - a la valeur null. - Le chemin d'accès, le nom de fichier spécifié ou les deux dépassent la longueur maximale définie par le système.Par exemple, sur les plateformes Windows, les chemins et les noms de fichiers ne doivent pas dépasser, respectivement, 248 et 260 caractères. - Le chemin d'accès spécifié n'est pas valide (il se trouve, par exemple, sur un lecteur non mappé). - - existe déjà.ou Une erreur d'E/S s'est produite.ouL'entrée est actuellement ouverte en écriture.ouL'entrée a été supprimée de l'archive. - L'appelant n'a pas l'autorisation requise pour créer le fichier. - L'entrée est manquante dans l'archive, ou est endommagée et ne peut pas être lue.ouL'entrée a été compressée à l'aide d'une méthode de compression non prise en charge. - L'archive ZIP à laquelle appartient cette entrée a été supprimée. - Le format de n'est pas valide. ouL'archive ZIP de cette entrée a été ouverte en mode , qui ne permet pas la récupération des entrées. - - - Extrait une entrée dans l'archive zip d'un fichier et remplace éventuellement un fichier existant qui porte le même nom. - Entrée d'archive ZIP depuis laquelle extraire un fichier. - Chemin d'accès du fichier à créer à partir du contenu de l'entrée.Spécification possible d'un chemin d'accès absolu ou relatif.Un chemin d'accès relatif est interprété comme étant relatif au répertoire de travail actif. - true pour remplacer un fichier existant portant le même nom que le fichier de destination ; sinon, false. - - est une chaîne de longueur nulle, ne contient que des espaces blancs ou contient un ou plusieurs caractères non valides comme défini par .ou spécifie un répertoire. - - a la valeur null. - Le chemin d'accès, le nom de fichier spécifié ou les deux dépassent la longueur maximale définie par le système.Par exemple, sur les plateformes Windows, les chemins et les noms de fichiers ne doivent pas dépasser, respectivement, 248 et 260 caractères. - Le chemin d'accès spécifié n'est pas valide (il se trouve, par exemple, sur un lecteur non mappé). - - existe déjà et a la valeur false.ou Une erreur d'E/S s'est produite.ouL'entrée est actuellement ouverte en écriture.ouL'entrée a été supprimée de l'archive. - L'appelant n'a pas l'autorisation requise pour créer le fichier. - L'entrée est manquante dans l'archive, ou est endommagée et ne peut pas être lue.ouL'entrée a été compressée à l'aide d'une méthode de compression non prise en charge. - L'archive ZIP à laquelle appartient cette entrée a été supprimée. - Le format de n'est pas valide. ouL'archive ZIP de cette entrée a été ouverte en mode , qui ne permet pas la récupération des entrées. - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/netstandard1.3/it/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.xml b/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/netstandard1.3/it/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.xml deleted file mode 100644 index d05e3761..00000000 --- a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/netstandard1.3/it/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,276 +0,0 @@ - - - - System.IO.Compression.ZipFile - - - - Fornisce metodi statici per la creazione, l'estrazione e l'apertura di archivi ZIP. - - - Crea un archivio ZIP che contiene i file e le directory della directory specificata. - Percorso della directory da archiviare, specificato come percorso relativo o assoluto.Un percorso relativo è interpretato rispetto alla directory di lavoro corrente. - Percorso dell'archivio da creare, specificato come percorso relativo o assoluto.Un percorso relativo è interpretato rispetto alla directory di lavoro corrente. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - or is null. - In or , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - already exists.-or-A file in the specified directory could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the directory specified in or the file specified in . - - or contains an invalid format.-or-The zip archive does not support writing. - - - Crea un archivio ZIP che contiene i file e le directory della directory specificata, usa il livello di compressione specificato e facoltativamente include la directory di base. - Percorso della directory da archiviare, specificato come percorso relativo o assoluto.Un percorso relativo è interpretato rispetto alla directory di lavoro corrente. - Percorso dell'archivio da creare, specificato come percorso relativo o assoluto.Un percorso relativo è interpretato rispetto alla directory di lavoro corrente. - Uno dei valori di enumerazione che indica se privilegiare la velocità o l'efficacia di compressione quando si crea la voce. - true per includere il nome della directory da nella directory radice dell'archivio; false per includere solo il contenuto della directory. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - or is null. - In or , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - already exists.-or-A file in the specified directory could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the directory specified in or the file specified in . - - or contains an invalid format.-or-The zip archive does not support writing. - - - Crea un archivio ZIP che contiene i file e le directory della directory specificata, usa il livello di compressione e la codifica caratteri specificati per i nomi di voce e facoltativamente include la directory di base. - Percorso della directory da archiviare, specificato come percorso relativo o assoluto.Un percorso relativo è interpretato rispetto alla directory di lavoro corrente. - Percorso dell'archivio da creare, specificato come percorso relativo o assoluto.Un percorso relativo è interpretato rispetto alla directory di lavoro corrente. - Uno dei valori di enumerazione che indica se privilegiare la velocità o l'efficacia di compressione quando si crea la voce. - true per includere il nome della directory da nella directory radice dell'archivio; false per includere solo il contenuto della directory. - La codifica da usate durante la lettura o la scrittura dei nomi delle voci in questo archivio.Specificare un valore per il parametro solo quando una codifica è obbligatoria per l'interoperabilità con gli strumenti e le librerie dell'archivio ZIP che non supportano la codifica UTF-8 per i nomi di voce. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or- is set to a Unicode encoding other than UTF-8. - - or is null. - In or , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - already exists.-or-A file in the specified directory could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the directory specified in or the file specified in . - - or contains an invalid format.-or-The zip archive does not support writing. - - - Estrae tutti i file nell'archivio ZIP specificato in una directory del file system. - Percorso dell'archivio da estrarre. - Percorso della directory in cui inserire i file estratti, specificato come percorso relativo o assoluto.Un percorso relativo è interpretato rispetto alla directory di lavoro corrente. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - or is null. - The specified path in or exceeds the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - The specified path is invalid (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - The directory specified by already exists.-or-The name of an entry in the archive is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or-Extracting an archive entry would create a file that is outside the directory specified by .(For example, this might happen if the entry name contains parent directory accessors.)-or-An archive entry to extract has the same name as an entry that has already been extracted from the same archive. - The caller does not have the required permission to access the archive or the destination directory. - - or contains an invalid format. - - was not found. - The archive specified by is not a valid zip archive.-or-An archive entry was not found or was corrupt.-or-An archive entry was compressed by using a compression method that is not supported. - - - Estrae tutti i file nell'archivio ZIP specificato in una directory del file system e usa la codifica caratteri specificata per i nomi di voci. - Percorso dell'archivio da estrarre. - Percorso della directory in cui inserire i file estratti, specificato come percorso relativo o assoluto.Un percorso relativo è interpretato rispetto alla directory di lavoro corrente. - La codifica da usate durante la lettura o la scrittura dei nomi delle voci in questo archivio.Specificare un valore per il parametro solo quando una codifica è obbligatoria per l'interoperabilità con gli strumenti e le librerie dell'archivio ZIP che non supportano la codifica UTF-8 per i nomi di voce. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or- is set to a Unicode encoding other than UTF-8. - - or is null. - The specified path in or exceeds the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - The specified path is invalid (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - The directory specified by already exists.-or-The name of an entry in the archive is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or-Extracting an archive entry would create a file that is outside the directory specified by .(For example, this might happen if the entry name contains parent directory accessors.)-or-An archive entry to extract has the same name as an entry that has already been extracted from the same archive. - The caller does not have the required permission to access the archive or the destination directory. - - or contains an invalid format. - - was not found. - The archive specified by is not a valid zip archive.-or-An archive entry was not found or was corrupt.-or-An archive entry was compressed by using a compression method that is not supported. - - - Apre un archivio ZIP in corrispondenza del percorso specificato e nella modalità specificata. - Archivio ZIP aperto. - Percorso dell'archivio da aprire, specificato come percorso relativo o assoluto.Un percorso relativo è interpretato rispetto alla directory di lavoro corrente. - Uno dei valori di enumerazione che specifica le azioni consentite sulle voci nell'archivio aperto. - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - is null. - In , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - could not be opened.-or- is set to , but the file specified in already exists. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the file specified in . - - specifies an invalid value. - - is set to , but the file specified in is not found. - - contains an invalid format. - - could not be interpreted as a zip archive.-or- is , but an entry is missing or corrupt and cannot be read.-or- is , but an entry is too large to fit into memory. - - - Apre un archivio ZIP nel percorso specificato, nella modalità specificata e usando la codifica caratteri specificata per i nomi delle voci. - Archivio ZIP aperto. - Percorso dell'archivio da aprire, specificato come percorso relativo o assoluto.Un percorso relativo è interpretato rispetto alla directory di lavoro corrente. - Uno dei valori di enumerazione che specifica le azioni consentite sulle voci nell'archivio aperto. - La codifica da usate durante la lettura o la scrittura dei nomi delle voci in questo archivio.Specificare un valore per il parametro solo quando una codifica è obbligatoria per l'interoperabilità con gli strumenti e le librerie dell'archivio ZIP che non supportano la codifica UTF-8 per i nomi di voce. - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or- is set to a Unicode encoding other than UTF-8. - - is null. - In , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - could not be opened.-or- is set to , but the file specified in already exists. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the file specified in . - - specifies an invalid value. - - is set to , but the file specified in is not found. - - contains an invalid format. - - could not be interpreted as a zip archive.-or- is , but an entry is missing or corrupt and cannot be read.-or- is , but an entry is too large to fit into memory. - - - Apre un archivio ZIP per la lettura nel percorso specificato. - Archivio ZIP aperto. - Percorso dell'archivio da aprire, specificato come percorso relativo o assoluto.Un percorso relativo è interpretato rispetto alla directory di lavoro corrente. - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - is null. - In , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the file specified in . - The file specified in is not found. - - contains an invalid format. - - could not be interpreted as a zip archive. - - - Fornisce metodi di estensione per le classi e . - - - Archivia un file comprimendolo e aggiungendolo all'archivio ZIP. - Wrapper per la nuova voce nell'archivio zip. - L'archivio ZIP a cui aggiungere il file. - Percorso del file da archiviare.È possibile specificare un percorso assoluto o un percorso relativo.Un percorso relativo è interpretato rispetto alla directory di lavoro corrente. - Nome della voce da creare nell'archivio ZIP. - - è , contiene solo spazi vuoti oppure almeno un carattere non valido.In alternativa è . - - o è null. - In , il percorso, il nome file o entrambi superano la lunghezza massima definita dal sistema.Su piattaforme Windows, ad esempio, i percorsi devono essere composti di un numero di caratteri inferiore a 248 e i nomi file devono essere composti di un numero di caratteri inferiore a 260. - - non è valido, poiché, ad esempio, si trova su un'unità non mappata. - Impossibile aprire il file specificato da . - - specifica una directory.In alternativaIl chiamante non dispone dell'autorizzazione richiesta per accedere al file specificato da . - Il file specificato dal parametro non è stato trovato. - Il parametro è in un formato non valido.In alternativaL'archivio ZIP non supporta la scrittura. - L'archivio ZIP è stato eliminato. - - - Archivia un file comprimendolo con il livello di compressione specificato e aggiungendolo all'archivio ZIP. - Wrapper per la nuova voce nell'archivio zip. - L'archivio ZIP a cui aggiungere il file. - Percorso del file da archiviare.È possibile specificare un percorso assoluto o un percorso relativo.Un percorso relativo è interpretato rispetto alla directory di lavoro corrente. - Nome della voce da creare nell'archivio ZIP. - Uno dei valori di enumerazione che indica se evidenziare l'efficacia di velocità o compressione quando si crea la voce. - - è , contiene solo spazi vuoti oppure almeno un carattere non valido.In alternativa è . - - o è null. - - non è valido, poiché, ad esempio, si trova su un'unità non mappata. - In , il percorso, il nome file o entrambi superano la lunghezza massima definita dal sistema.Su piattaforme Windows, ad esempio, i percorsi devono essere composti di un numero di caratteri inferiore a 248 e i nomi file devono essere composti di un numero di caratteri inferiore a 260. - Impossibile aprire il file specificato da . - - specifica una directory.In alternativaIl chiamante non dispone dell'autorizzazione richiesta per accedere al file specificato da . - Il file specificato dal parametro non è stato trovato. - Il parametro è in un formato non valido.In alternativaL'archivio ZIP non supporta la scrittura. - L'archivio ZIP è stato eliminato. - - - Estrae tutti i file nell'archivio zip in una directory del file system. - Archivio ZIP da cui estrarre i file. - Percorso della directory in cui inserire i file estratti.È possibile specificare un percorso assoluto o un percorso relativo.Un percorso relativo è interpretato rispetto alla directory di lavoro corrente. - - è , contiene solo spazi vuoti oppure almeno un carattere non valido. - - è null. - La lunghezza del percorso specificata supera la lunghezza massima definita dal sistema.Su piattaforme Windows, ad esempio, i percorsi devono essere composti di un numero di caratteri inferiore a 248 e i nomi file devono essere composti di un numero di caratteri inferiore a 260. - Il percorso specificato non è valido (ad esempio, si trova su un'unità non connessa). - La directory specificata da esiste già.In alternativaIl nome di una voce nell'archivio è , contiene solo spazi vuoti o contiene almeno un carattere non valido.In alternativaL'estrazione di una voce dall'archivio crea un file esterno alla directory specificata da . (Ad esempio, si potrebbe verificare se il nome dell'elemento contiene accessori della directory padre). In alternativaDue o più voci nell'archivio hanno lo stesso nome. - Il chiamante non dispone dell'autorizzazione necessaria per scrivere nella directory di destinazione. - - o contiene un formato non valido. - È impossibile trovare una voce dell'archivio o la voce è danneggiata.In alternativaUna voce dell'archivio è stata compressa con un metodo di compressione non supportato. - - - Estrae una voce nell'archivio ZIP in un file. - Voce dell'archivio ZIP da cui estrarre un file. - Percorso del file da creare dal contenuto della voce.È possibile specificare un percorso assoluto o un percorso relativo.Un percorso relativo è interpretato rispetto alla directory di lavoro corrente. - - è una stringa di lunghezza zero, contiene solo spazi vuoti oppure uno o più caratteri non validi definiti da .In alternativa specifica una directory. - - è null. - Il percorso, il nome file o entrambi superano la lunghezza massima definita dal sistema.Su piattaforme Windows, ad esempio, i percorsi devono essere composti di un numero di caratteri inferiore a 248 e i nomi file devono essere composti di un numero di caratteri inferiore a 260. - Il percorso specificato non è valido (ad esempio, si trova su un'unità non connessa). - - esiste già.In alternativa Si è verificato un errore di I/O.In alternativaLa voce è attualmente aperta in scrittura.In alternativaLa voce è stata eliminata dall'archivio. - Il chiamante non dispone dell'autorizzazione richiesta per creare il nuovo file. - La voce non è presente nell'archivio o è danneggiata e non può essere letta.In alternativaLa voce è stata compressa con un metodo di compressione non supportato. - L'archivio ZIP cui questa voce appartiene è stato eliminato. - - è in un formato non valido. In alternativaL'archivio ZIP per questa voce è stato aperto in modalità di , che non consente il recupero delle voci. - - - Estrae una voce nell'archivio ZIP in un file e facoltativamente sovrascrivere un file esistente con lo stesso nome. - Voce dell'archivio ZIP da cui estrarre un file. - Percorso del file da creare dal contenuto della voce.È possibile specificare un percorso assoluto o un percorso relativo.Un percorso relativo è interpretato rispetto alla directory di lavoro corrente. - true per sovrascrivere un file esistente con lo stesso nome del file di destinazione; in caso contrario, false. - - è una stringa di lunghezza zero, contiene solo spazi vuoti oppure uno o più caratteri non validi definiti da .In alternativa specifica una directory. - - è null. - Il percorso, il nome file o entrambi superano la lunghezza massima definita dal sistema.Su piattaforme Windows, ad esempio, i percorsi devono essere composti di un numero di caratteri inferiore a 248 e i nomi file devono essere composti di un numero di caratteri inferiore a 260. - Il percorso specificato non è valido (ad esempio, si trova su un'unità non connessa). - - già esiste e è false.In alternativa Si è verificato un errore di I/O.In alternativaLa voce è attualmente aperta in scrittura.In alternativaLa voce è stata eliminata dall'archivio. - Il chiamante non dispone dell'autorizzazione richiesta per creare il nuovo file. - La voce non è presente nell'archivio o è danneggiata e non può essere letta.In alternativaLa voce è stata compressa con un metodo di compressione non supportato. - L'archivio ZIP cui questa voce appartiene è stato eliminato. - - è in un formato non valido. In alternativaL'archivio ZIP per questa voce è stato aperto in modalità di , che non consente il recupero delle voci. - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/netstandard1.3/ja/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.xml b/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/netstandard1.3/ja/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.xml deleted file mode 100644 index 502d7387..00000000 --- a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/netstandard1.3/ja/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,286 +0,0 @@ - - - - System.IO.Compression.ZipFile - - - - zip アーカイブの作成、抽出、および解凍の静的メソッドを提供します。 - - - 指定したディレクトリのファイルおよびディレクトリを含む zip アーカイブを作成します。 - アーカイブするディレクトリのパス。相対パスまたは絶対パスとして指定します。相対パスは、現在の作業ディレクトリに対して相対的に解釈されます。 - 作成するアーカイブのパス。相対パスまたは絶対パスとして指定します。相対パスは、現在の作業ディレクトリに対して相対的に解釈されます。 - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - or is null. - In or , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - already exists.-or-A file in the specified directory could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the directory specified in or the file specified in . - - or contains an invalid format.-or-The zip archive does not support writing. - - - 指定したディレクトリのファイルおよびディレクトリを含む zip アーカイブを作成し、指定した圧縮レベルを使用し、オプションでベース ディレクトリを含みます。 - アーカイブするディレクトリのパス。相対パスまたは絶対パスとして指定します。相対パスは、現在の作業ディレクトリに対して相対的に解釈されます。 - 作成するアーカイブのパス。相対パスまたは絶対パスとして指定します。相対パスは、現在の作業ディレクトリに対して相対的に解釈されます。 - エントリの作成時に速度または圧縮の有効性を強調するかどうかを示す列挙値の 1 つ。 - アーカイブのルートにある からのディレクトリ名を含める場合は true。ディレクトリの内容のみを含める場合は false。 - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - or is null. - In or , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - already exists.-or-A file in the specified directory could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the directory specified in or the file specified in . - - or contains an invalid format.-or-The zip archive does not support writing. - - - 指定したディレクトリのファイルおよびディレクトリを含む zip アーカイブを作成し、指定した圧縮レベルとエントリ名の文字エンコーディングを使用し、オプションでベース ディレクトリを含みます。 - アーカイブするディレクトリのパス。相対パスまたは絶対パスとして指定します。相対パスは、現在の作業ディレクトリに対して相対的に解釈されます。 - 作成するアーカイブのパス。相対パスまたは絶対パスとして指定します。相対パスは、現在の作業ディレクトリに対して相対的に解釈されます。 - エントリの作成時に速度または圧縮の有効性を強調するかどうかを示す列挙値の 1 つ。 - アーカイブのルートにある からのディレクトリ名を含める場合は true。ディレクトリの内容のみを含める場合は false。 - このアーカイブのエントリ名の読み取りまたは書き込み時に使用するエンコード。エントリ名の UTF-8 エンコードをサポートしない zip アーカイブ ツールとライブラリとの相互運用性のためにエンコードが必要な場合にのみ、このパラメーターの値を指定してください。 - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or- is set to a Unicode encoding other than UTF-8. - - or is null. - In or , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - already exists.-or-A file in the specified directory could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the directory specified in or the file specified in . - - or contains an invalid format.-or-The zip archive does not support writing. - - - 指定した zip アーカイブのすべてのファイルをファイル システムのディレクトリに抽出します。 - 抽出するアーカイブのパス。 - 抽出ファイルを置くディレクトリのパス。相対パスまたは絶対パスとして指定します。相対パスは、現在の作業ディレクトリに対して相対的に解釈されます。 - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - or is null. - The specified path in or exceeds the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - The specified path is invalid (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - The directory specified by already exists.-or-The name of an entry in the archive is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or-Extracting an archive entry would create a file that is outside the directory specified by .(For example, this might happen if the entry name contains parent directory accessors.)-or-An archive entry to extract has the same name as an entry that has already been extracted from the same archive. - The caller does not have the required permission to access the archive or the destination directory. - - or contains an invalid format. - - was not found. - The archive specified by is not a valid zip archive.-or-An archive entry was not found or was corrupt.-or-An archive entry was compressed by using a compression method that is not supported. - - - 指定した zip アーカイブのすべてのファイルをファイル システムのディレクトリに抽出し、エントリ名に指定した文字エンコーディングを使用します。 - 抽出するアーカイブのパス。 - 抽出ファイルを置くディレクトリのパス。相対パスまたは絶対パスとして指定します。相対パスは、現在の作業ディレクトリに対して相対的に解釈されます。 - このアーカイブのエントリ名の読み取りまたは書き込み時に使用するエンコード。エントリ名の UTF-8 エンコードをサポートしない zip アーカイブ ツールとライブラリとの相互運用性のためにエンコードが必要な場合にのみ、このパラメーターの値を指定してください。 - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or- is set to a Unicode encoding other than UTF-8. - - or is null. - The specified path in or exceeds the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - The specified path is invalid (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - The directory specified by already exists.-or-The name of an entry in the archive is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or-Extracting an archive entry would create a file that is outside the directory specified by .(For example, this might happen if the entry name contains parent directory accessors.)-or-An archive entry to extract has the same name as an entry that has already been extracted from the same archive. - The caller does not have the required permission to access the archive or the destination directory. - - or contains an invalid format. - - was not found. - The archive specified by is not a valid zip archive.-or-An archive entry was not found or was corrupt.-or-An archive entry was compressed by using a compression method that is not supported. - - - 指定したパスとモードで zip アーカイブを開きます。 - 開いている zip アーカイブ。 - 開くアーカイブのパス。相対パスまたは絶対パスとして指定します。相対パスは、現在の作業ディレクトリに対して相対的に解釈されます。 - 開いているアーカイブのエントリで許可されている操作を指定する列挙値の 1 つ。 - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - is null. - In , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - could not be opened.-or- is set to , but the file specified in already exists. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the file specified in . - - specifies an invalid value. - - is set to , but the file specified in is not found. - - contains an invalid format. - - could not be interpreted as a zip archive.-or- is , but an entry is missing or corrupt and cannot be read.-or- is , but an entry is too large to fit into memory. - - - 指定されたモードで、エントリ名に指定された文字エンコーディングを使用して指定されたパスの zip のアーカイブを開きます。 - 開いている zip アーカイブ。 - 開くアーカイブのパス。相対パスまたは絶対パスとして指定します。相対パスは、現在の作業ディレクトリに対して相対的に解釈されます。 - 開いているアーカイブのエントリで許可されている操作を指定する列挙値の 1 つ。 - このアーカイブのエントリ名の読み取りまたは書き込み時に使用するエンコード。エントリ名の UTF-8 エンコードをサポートしない zip アーカイブ ツールとライブラリとの相互運用性のためにエンコードが必要な場合にのみ、このパラメーターの値を指定してください。 - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or- is set to a Unicode encoding other than UTF-8. - - is null. - In , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - could not be opened.-or- is set to , but the file specified in already exists. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the file specified in . - - specifies an invalid value. - - is set to , but the file specified in is not found. - - contains an invalid format. - - could not be interpreted as a zip archive.-or- is , but an entry is missing or corrupt and cannot be read.-or- is , but an entry is too large to fit into memory. - - - 指定されたパスで読み取りのための zip のアーカイブを開きます。 - 開いている zip アーカイブ。 - 開くアーカイブのパス。相対パスまたは絶対パスとして指定します。相対パスは、現在の作業ディレクトリに対して相対的に解釈されます。 - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - is null. - In , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the file specified in . - The file specified in is not found. - - contains an invalid format. - - could not be interpreted as a zip archive. - - - - のクラスの拡張メソッドを提供します。 - - - 圧縮し、zip アーカイブに追加することでファイルをアーカイブします。 - zip アーカイブ内の新しいエントリのラッパー。 - ファイルに追加するzip アーカイブ。 - アーカイブするファイルへのパス。相対パスまたは絶対パスを指定できます。相対パスは、現在の作業ディレクトリに対して相対的に解釈されます。 - zip アーカイブ内に作成するエントリの名前。 - - であるか、空白文字のみが含まれているか、無効な文字が少なくとも 1 つ含まれています。または なので、 - - または が null です。 - - で、指定したパス、ファイル名、またはその両方がシステム定義の最大長を超えています。たとえば、Windows ベースのプラットフォームの場合、パスの長さは 248 文字未満、ファイル名の長さは 260 文字未満である必要があります。 - - が無効です (割り当てられていないドライブであるなど)。 - - で指定されたファイルを開けません。 - - はディレクトリを指定します。または によって指定されたファイルにアクセスするために必要なアクセス許可が呼び出し元にありません。 - - で指定されたファイルが見つかりません。 - - パラメーターの書式が無効です。またはzip アーカイブは書き込みをサポートしません。 - zip アーカイブが破棄されました。 - - - 指定した圧縮レベルで圧縮し、zip アーカイブに追加することでファイルをアーカイブします。 - zip アーカイブ内の新しいエントリのラッパー。 - ファイルに追加するzip アーカイブ。 - アーカイブするファイルへのパス。相対パスまたは絶対パスを指定できます。相対パスは、現在の作業ディレクトリに対して相対的に解釈されます。 - zip アーカイブ内に作成するエントリの名前。 - エントリの作成時に速度または圧縮の有効性を強調するかどうかを示す列挙値の 1 つ。 - - であるか、空白文字のみが含まれているか、無効な文字が少なくとも 1 つ含まれています。または なので、 - - または が null です。 - - が無効です (割り当てられていないドライブであるなど)。 - - で、指定したパス、ファイル名、またはその両方がシステム定義の最大長を超えています。たとえば、Windows ベースのプラットフォームの場合、パスの長さは 248 文字未満、ファイル名の長さは 260 文字未満である必要があります。 - - で指定されたファイルを開けません。 - - はディレクトリを指定します。または によって指定されたファイルにアクセスするために必要なアクセス許可が呼び出し元にありません。 - - で指定されたファイルが見つかりません。 - - パラメーターの書式が無効です。またはzip アーカイブは書き込みをサポートしません。 - zip アーカイブが破棄されました。 - - - zip アーカイブのすべてのファイルをファイル システムのディレクトリに抽出します。 - ファイルの抽出元となる zip アーカイブ。 - 抽出ファイルを置くディレクトリのパス。相対パスまたは絶対パスを指定できます。相対パスは、現在の作業ディレクトリに対して相対的に解釈されます。 - - であるか、空白文字のみが含まれているか、無効な文字が少なくとも 1 つ含まれています。 - - は null なので、 - 指定されたパスがシステムで定義されている最大長を超えています。たとえば、Windows ベースのプラットフォームの場合、パスの長さは 248 文字未満、ファイル名の長さは 260 文字未満である必要があります。 - 指定したパスが無効です (割り当てられていないドライブであるなど)。 - - で指定されたディレクトリは既に存在します。またはアーカイブ内のエントリの名前が であるか、名前に空白だけが含まれているか、無効な文字が少なくとも 1 つ含まれています。またはアーカイブからエントリを抽出すると、 で指定されているディレクトリの外部にファイルが作成されます。(たとえば、エントリ名に親ディレクトリのアクセサーが含まれている場合に発生する可能性があります。)またはアーカイブの複数のエントリの名前が同じです。 - 呼び出し元に、目的のディレクトリに書き込みするために必要な許可がありません。 - - に無効な書式指定が格納されています。 - アーカイブ エントリが見つからないか、破損しています。またはアーカイブ エントリはサポートされていない圧縮方法を使用して圧縮されました。 - - - zip アーカイブのエントリをファイルに抽出します。 - ファイルの抽出元となる zip アーカイブ エントリ。 - エントリの内容から作成するファイルのパス。相対パスまたは絶対パスを指定できます。相対パスは、現在の作業ディレクトリに対して相対的に解釈されます。 - - が、長さが 0 の文字列である、空白しか含んでいない、 で定義されている無効な文字を 1 つ以上含んでいます。または はディレクトリを指定します。 - - は null なので、 - 指定したパス、ファイル名、またはその両方がシステム定義の最大長を超えています。たとえば、Windows ベースのプラットフォームの場合、パスの長さは 248 文字未満、ファイル名の長さは 260 文字未満である必要があります。 - 指定したパスが無効です (割り当てられていないドライブであるなど)。 - - は既に存在します。またはI/O エラーが発生しました。または書き込みのため、エントリが現在開いています。またはエントリがアーカイブから削除されています。 - 新しいファイルを作成するために必要なアクセス許可が呼び出し元にありません。 - エントリがアーカイブにないか、または破損していて読み取ることができません。またはエントリは、サポートされていない圧縮方法を使用して圧縮されています。 - このエントリが属する zip アーカイブは破棄されています。 - - の形式が無効です。またはこのエントリの zip アーカイブは、エントリの取得が許可されない モードで開かれました。 - - - zip アーカイブのエントリをファイルに抽出し、オプションとして同じ名前を持つ既存のファイルを上書きします。 - ファイルの抽出元となる zip アーカイブ エントリ。 - エントリの内容から作成するファイルのパス。相対パスまたは絶対パスを指定できます。相対パスは、現在の作業ディレクトリに対して相対的に解釈されます。 - ターゲットのファイルと同じ名前を持つ既存のファイルを上書きする場合は true。それ以外の場合は false。 - - が、長さが 0 の文字列である、空白しか含んでいない、 で定義されている無効な文字を 1 つ以上含んでいます。または はディレクトリを指定します。 - - は null なので、 - 指定したパス、ファイル名、またはその両方がシステム定義の最大長を超えています。たとえば、Windows ベースのプラットフォームの場合、パスの長さは 248 文字未満、ファイル名の長さは 260 文字未満である必要があります。 - 指定したパスが無効です (割り当てられていないドライブであるなど)。 - - は既に存在しており、 が false です。またはI/O エラーが発生しました。または書き込みのため、エントリが現在開いています。またはエントリがアーカイブから削除されています。 - 新しいファイルを作成するために必要なアクセス許可が呼び出し元にありません。 - エントリがアーカイブにないか、または破損していて読み取ることができません。またはエントリは、サポートされていない圧縮方法を使用して圧縮されています。 - このエントリが属する zip アーカイブは破棄されています。 - - の形式が無効です。またはこのエントリの zip アーカイブは、エントリの取得が許可されない モードで開かれました。 - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/netstandard1.3/ko/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.xml b/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/netstandard1.3/ko/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.xml deleted file mode 100644 index 45984f6a..00000000 --- a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/netstandard1.3/ko/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,286 +0,0 @@ - - - - System.IO.Compression.ZipFile - - - - Zip 보관 파일 만들기, 추출 및 열기를 위한 정적 메서드를 제공합니다. - - - 지정된 디렉터리에서 파일 및 디렉터리를 포함하는 Zip 보관 파일을 만듭니다. - 보관되는 디렉터리의 경로(상대 또는 절대 경로로 지정)입니다.상대 경로는 현재 작업 디렉터리에 상대적으로 해석됩니다. - 만들 보관 파일의 경로(상대 또는 절대 경로로 지정)입니다.상대 경로는 현재 작업 디렉터리에 상대적으로 해석됩니다. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - or is null. - In or , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - already exists.-or-A file in the specified directory could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the directory specified in or the file specified in . - - or contains an invalid format.-or-The zip archive does not support writing. - - - 지정된 디렉터리의 파일 및 디렉터리를 포함하고 지정된 압축 수준을 사용하며 기본 디렉터리를 선택적으로 포함하는 Zip 보관 파일을 듭니다. - 보관되는 디렉터리의 경로(상대 또는 절대 경로로 지정)입니다.상대 경로는 현재 작업 디렉터리에 상대적으로 해석됩니다. - 만들 보관 파일의 경로(상대 또는 절대 경로로 지정)입니다.상대 경로는 현재 작업 디렉터리에 상대적으로 해석됩니다. - 항목을 만들 때 속도 또는 압축 효율을 강조할지를 나타내는 열거형 값 중 하나입니다. - 보관 파일 루트에 있는 의 디렉터리 이름을 포함하려면 true이고, 디렉터리의 내용만 포함하려면 false입니다. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - or is null. - In or , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - already exists.-or-A file in the specified directory could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the directory specified in or the file specified in . - - or contains an invalid format.-or-The zip archive does not support writing. - - - 지정된 디렉터리의 파일 및 디렉터리를 포함하고 항목 이름에 대해 지정된 압축 수준 및 문자 인코딩을 사용하며 기본 디렉터리를 선택적으로 포함하는 Zip 보관 파일을 만듭니다. - 보관되는 디렉터리의 경로(상대 또는 절대 경로로 지정)입니다.상대 경로는 현재 작업 디렉터리에 상대적으로 해석됩니다. - 만들 보관 파일의 경로(상대 또는 절대 경로로 지정)입니다.상대 경로는 현재 작업 디렉터리에 상대적으로 해석됩니다. - 항목을 만들 때 속도 또는 압축 효율을 강조할지를 나타내는 열거형 값 중 하나입니다. - 보관 파일 루트에 있는 의 디렉터리 이름을 포함하려면 true이고, 디렉터리의 내용만 포함하려면 false입니다. - 이 보관 파일에서 이름을 읽거나 쓰는 동안 사용할 인코딩입니다.인코딩이 항목 이름에 대해 UTF-8 인코딩을 지원하지 않는 Zip 보관 도구와 라이브러리를 사용하여 상호 운용성에 인코딩이 필요할 때만 이 매개 변수에 대한 값을 지정합니다. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or- is set to a Unicode encoding other than UTF-8. - - or is null. - In or , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - already exists.-or-A file in the specified directory could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the directory specified in or the file specified in . - - or contains an invalid format.-or-The zip archive does not support writing. - - - 지정된 Zip 보관 파일의 모든 파일을 파일 시스템의 디렉터리에 추출합니다. - 추출되는 보관 파일의 경로입니다. - 추출된 파일을 배치할 디렉터리의 경로이며 상대 경로 또는 절대 경로로 지정됩니다.상대 경로는 현재 작업 디렉터리에 상대적으로 해석됩니다. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - or is null. - The specified path in or exceeds the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - The specified path is invalid (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - The directory specified by already exists.-or-The name of an entry in the archive is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or-Extracting an archive entry would create a file that is outside the directory specified by .(For example, this might happen if the entry name contains parent directory accessors.)-or-An archive entry to extract has the same name as an entry that has already been extracted from the same archive. - The caller does not have the required permission to access the archive or the destination directory. - - or contains an invalid format. - - was not found. - The archive specified by is not a valid zip archive.-or-An archive entry was not found or was corrupt.-or-An archive entry was compressed by using a compression method that is not supported. - - - 지정된 Zip 보관 파일의 모든 파일을 파일 시스템의 디렉터리에 추출하고 항목 이름에 대한 지정된 문자 인코딩을 사용합니다. - 추출되는 보관 파일의 경로입니다. - 추출된 파일을 배치할 디렉터리의 경로이며 상대 경로 또는 절대 경로로 지정됩니다.상대 경로는 현재 작업 디렉터리에 상대적으로 해석됩니다. - 이 보관 파일에서 이름을 읽거나 쓰는 동안 사용할 인코딩입니다.인코딩이 항목 이름에 대해 UTF-8 인코딩을 지원하지 않는 Zip 보관 도구와 라이브러리를 사용하여 상호 운용성에 인코딩이 필요할 때만 이 매개 변수에 대한 값을 지정합니다. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or- is set to a Unicode encoding other than UTF-8. - - or is null. - The specified path in or exceeds the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - The specified path is invalid (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - The directory specified by already exists.-or-The name of an entry in the archive is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or-Extracting an archive entry would create a file that is outside the directory specified by .(For example, this might happen if the entry name contains parent directory accessors.)-or-An archive entry to extract has the same name as an entry that has already been extracted from the same archive. - The caller does not have the required permission to access the archive or the destination directory. - - or contains an invalid format. - - was not found. - The archive specified by is not a valid zip archive.-or-An archive entry was not found or was corrupt.-or-An archive entry was compressed by using a compression method that is not supported. - - - 지정된 경로와 지정된 모드에서 Zip 보관 파일을 엽니다. - 열린 Zip 보관 파일입니다. - 열 보관 파일의 경로(상대 또는 절대 경로로 지정)입니다.상대 경로는 현재 작업 디렉터리에 상대적으로 해석됩니다. - 열린 보관 파일의 항목에서 사용되는 동작을 지정하는 열거형 값 중 하나입니다. - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - is null. - In , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - could not be opened.-or- is set to , but the file specified in already exists. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the file specified in . - - specifies an invalid value. - - is set to , but the file specified in is not found. - - contains an invalid format. - - could not be interpreted as a zip archive.-or- is , but an entry is missing or corrupt and cannot be read.-or- is , but an entry is too large to fit into memory. - - - 지정된 모드의 지정된 경로에서 항목 이름에 대해 지정된 문자 인코딩을 사용하며 Zip 보관 파일을 엽니다. - 열린 Zip 보관 파일입니다. - 열 보관 파일의 경로(상대 또는 절대 경로로 지정)입니다.상대 경로는 현재 작업 디렉터리에 상대적으로 해석됩니다. - 열린 보관 파일의 엔트리에서 사용되는 동작을 지정하는 열거형 값 중 하나입니다. - 이 보관 파일에서 이름을 읽거나 쓰는 동안 사용할 인코딩입니다.인코딩이 항목 이름에 대해 UTF-8 인코딩을 지원하지 않는 Zip 보관 도구와 라이브러리를 사용하여 상호 운용성에 인코딩이 필요할 때만 이 매개 변수에 대한 값을 지정합니다. - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or- is set to a Unicode encoding other than UTF-8. - - is null. - In , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - could not be opened.-or- is set to , but the file specified in already exists. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the file specified in . - - specifies an invalid value. - - is set to , but the file specified in is not found. - - contains an invalid format. - - could not be interpreted as a zip archive.-or- is , but an entry is missing or corrupt and cannot be read.-or- is , but an entry is too large to fit into memory. - - - 지정된 경로에서 읽기 위해 Zip 보관 파일을 엽니다. - 열린 Zip 보관 파일입니다. - 열 보관 파일의 경로(상대 또는 절대 경로로 지정)입니다.상대 경로는 현재 작업 디렉터리에 상대적으로 해석됩니다. - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - is null. - In , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the file specified in . - The file specified in is not found. - - contains an invalid format. - - could not be interpreted as a zip archive. - - - - 클래스에 대한 확장 메서드를 제공합니다. - - - 파일을 압축하고 ZIP 보관 위치에 추가하여 보관합니다. - ZIP 보관 위치에 있는 새 항목에 대한 래퍼입니다. - 파일을 추가할 zip 보관 위치입니다. - 보관할 파일의 경로입니다.상대 또는 절대 경로를 지정할 수 있습니다.상대 경로는 현재 작업 디렉터리에 상대적으로 해석됩니다. - zip 보관 위치에 만들 항목의 이름입니다. - - 이거나, 공백만 포함하거나 또는 잘못된 문자를 하나 이상 포함하는 경우또는입니다. - - 또는 가 null인 경우 - - 에서 지정된 경로, 파일 이름 또는 둘 다가 시스템에 정의된 최대 길이를 초과하는 경우예를 들어, Windows 기반 플랫폼에서는 경로에 248자 미만의 문자를 사용해야 하며 파일 이름에는 260자 미만의 문자를 사용해야 합니다. - - 가 잘못된 경우(예: 매핑되지 않은 드라이브의 경로를 지정한 경우) - - 으로 지정된 파일을 열 수 없는 경우 - - 은 디렉터리를 지정합니다.또는에서 지정한 파일에 액세스하는 데 필요한 권한이 호출자에게 없는 경우 - - 에서 지정한 파일을 찾을 수 없는 경우 - - 매개 변수가 잘못된 형식인 경우또는zip 보관 위치가 쓰기를 지원하지 않는 경우 - zip 보관 위치가 삭제되었습니다. - - - 지정된 압축 수준을 사용하여 압축하고 zip 보관 저장소에 추가하여 파일을 보관합니다. - ZIP 보관 위치에 있는 새 항목에 대한 래퍼입니다. - 파일을 추가할 zip 보관 위치입니다. - 보관할 파일의 경로입니다.상대 또는 절대 경로를 지정할 수 있습니다.상대 경로는 현재 작업 디렉터리에 상대적으로 해석됩니다. - zip 보관 위치에 만들 항목의 이름입니다. - 항목을 만들 때 속도 또는 압축 효율을 강조할지 여부를 나타내는 열거형 값 중 하나입니다. - - 이거나, 공백만 포함하거나 또는 잘못된 문자를 하나 이상 포함하는 경우또는입니다. - - 또는 가 null인 경우 - - 가 잘못된 경우(예: 매핑되지 않은 드라이브의 경로를 지정한 경우) - - 에서 지정된 경로, 파일 이름 또는 둘 다가 시스템에 정의된 최대 길이를 초과하는 경우예를 들어, Windows 기반 플랫폼에서는 경로에 248자 미만의 문자를 사용해야 하며 파일 이름에는 260자 미만의 문자를 사용해야 합니다. - - 으로 지정된 파일을 열 수 없는 경우 - - 은 디렉터리를 지정합니다.또는에서 지정한 파일에 액세스하는 데 필요한 권한이 호출자에게 없는 경우 - - 에서 지정한 파일을 찾을 수 없는 경우 - - 매개 변수가 잘못된 형식인 경우또는zip 보관 위치가 쓰기를 지원하지 않는 경우 - zip 보관 위치가 삭제되었습니다. - - - ZIP 보관 파일의 모든 파일을 파일 시스템의 디렉터리에 추출합니다. - 파일의 압축을 풀 zip 보관 위치입니다. - 추출된 파일을 넣을 디렉터리의 경로입니다.상대 또는 절대 경로를 지정할 수 있습니다.상대 경로는 현재 작업 디렉터리에 상대적으로 해석됩니다. - - 이거나, 공백만 포함하거나 또는 잘못된 문자를 하나 이상 포함하는 경우 - - 가 null입니다. - 지정된 경로가 시스템 정의 최대 길이를 초과합니다.예를 들어, Windows 기반 플랫폼에서는 경로에 248자 미만의 문자를 사용해야 하며 파일 이름에는 260자 미만의 문자를 사용해야 합니다. - 지정된 경로가 잘못된 경우(예: 매핑되지 않은 드라이브의 경로를 지정한 경우) - - 에서 지정한 디렉터리가 이미 있는 경우또는보관 파일에 있는 항목의 이름이 상태이며, 이 이름에 공백만 있거나 잘못된 문자가 하나 이상 포함되어 있습니다.또는보관 저장소에서 항목을 추출하면 으로 지정된 디렉터리 외부에 파일이 만들어집니다. (예를 들어 항목 이름에 부모 디렉터리 접근자가 포함된 경우 발생할 수 있습니다.) 또는보관 저장소에 있는 둘 이상의 항목이 같은 이름을 갖고 있습니다. - 호출자에게 대상 디렉터리에 쓸 수 있는 권한이 없는 경우 - - 에 잘못된 형식이 포함되어 있는 경우 - 보관 항목 찾을 수 없거나 손상되었습니다.또는보관 항목이 지원되지 않는 압축 방법으로 압축되었습니다. - - - ZIP 보관 파일의 항목을 파일에 추출합니다. - 파일의 압축을 풀 zip 보관 위치 항목입니다. - 항목의 내용에서 만들 파일의 경로입니다.상대 또는 절대 경로를 지정할 수 있습니다.상대 경로는 현재 작업 디렉터리에 상대적으로 해석됩니다. - - 가 길이가 0인 문자열이거나, 공백만 포함하거나, 로 정의된 하나 이상의 잘못된 문자를 포함하는 경우또는은 디렉터리를 지정합니다. - - 가 null입니다. - 지정된 경로 또는 파일 이름이 시스템에 정의된 최대 길이를 초과하는 경우.예를 들어, Windows 기반 플랫폼에서는 경로에 248자 미만의 문자를 사용해야 하며 파일 이름에는 260자 미만의 문자를 사용해야 합니다. - 지정된 경로가 잘못된 경우(예: 매핑되지 않은 드라이브의 경로를 지정한 경우) - - 이(가) 이미 있습니다.또는 I/O 오류가 발생하는 경우또는엔트리가 현재 쓰기용으로 열려 있습니다.또는엔트리가 보관 저장소에서 삭제되었습니다. - 새 파일을 만드는 데 필요한 권한이 호출자에게 없는 경우 - 항목이 보관 위치에 없거나 손상되어 열 수 없습니다.또는항목이 지원되지 않는 압축 방법으로 압축되었습니다. - 이 항목이 속하는 zip 보관 위치가 삭제되었습니다. - - 의 형식이 잘못된 경우 또는이 항목에 대한 zip 압축 파일이 항목을 검색할 수 없는 모드로 열렸습니다. - - - zip 보관 저장소의 항목을 파일에 추출하고 이름이 같은 기존 파일을 선택적으로 덮어씁니다. - 파일의 압축을 풀 zip 보관 위치 항목입니다. - 항목의 내용에서 만들 파일의 경로입니다.상대 또는 절대 경로를 지정할 수 있습니다.상대 경로는 현재 작업 디렉터리에 상대적으로 해석됩니다. - 대상 파일과 이름이 같은 기존 파일을 덮어쓰려면 true이고, 그렇지 않으면 false입니다. - - 가 길이가 0인 문자열이거나, 공백만 포함하거나, 로 정의된 하나 이상의 잘못된 문자를 포함하는 경우또는은 디렉터리를 지정합니다. - - 가 null입니다. - 지정된 경로 또는 파일 이름이 시스템에 정의된 최대 길이를 초과하는 경우.예를 들어, Windows 기반 플랫폼에서는 경로에 248자 미만의 문자를 사용해야 하며 파일 이름에는 260자 미만의 문자를 사용해야 합니다. - 지정된 경로가 잘못된 경우(예: 매핑되지 않은 드라이브의 경로를 지정한 경우) - - 이 이미 있고 가 false인 경우또는 I/O 오류가 발생하는 경우또는엔트리가 현재 쓰기용으로 열려 있습니다.또는엔트리가 보관 저장소에서 삭제되었습니다. - 새 파일을 만드는 데 필요한 권한이 호출자에게 없는 경우 - 항목이 보관 위치에 없거나 손상되어 열 수 없습니다.또는항목이 지원되지 않는 압축 방법으로 압축되었습니다. - 이 항목이 속하는 zip 보관 위치가 삭제되었습니다. - - 의 형식이 잘못된 경우 또는이 항목에 대한 zip 압축 파일이 항목을 검색할 수 없는 모드로 열렸습니다. - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/netstandard1.3/ru/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.xml b/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/netstandard1.3/ru/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.xml deleted file mode 100644 index b8b8cdd7..00000000 --- a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/netstandard1.3/ru/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,264 +0,0 @@ - - - - System.IO.Compression.ZipFile - - - - Предоставляет статические методы для создания, извлечения и открытия ZIP-архивов. - - - Создает ZIP архив, содержащий файлы и каталоги из указанного каталога. - Путь к архивируемому каталогу, заданный как относительный или абсолютный путь.Относительный путь интерпретируется относительно текущего рабочего каталога. - Путь создаваемого архива, заданный как относительный или абсолютный путь.Относительный путь интерпретируется относительно текущего рабочего каталога. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - or is null. - In or , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - already exists.-or-A file in the specified directory could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the directory specified in or the file specified in . - - or contains an invalid format.-or-The zip archive does not support writing. - - - Создает ZIP-архив, содержащий файлы и каталоги из указанного каталога, использует указанный уровень сжатия и необязательно включает базовый каталог. - Путь к архивируемому каталогу, заданный как относительный или абсолютный путь.Относительный путь интерпретируется относительно текущего рабочего каталога. - Путь создаваемого архива, заданный как относительный или абсолютный путь.Относительный путь интерпретируется относительно текущего рабочего каталога. - Одно из значений перечисления, указывающее, акцентировать ли внимание на скорости или эффективности сжатия при создании записи. - Значение true, чтобы включить имя каталога из параметра в корень архива; значение false, чтобы включать только содержимое этого каталога. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - or is null. - In or , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - already exists.-or-A file in the specified directory could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the directory specified in or the file specified in . - - or contains an invalid format.-or-The zip archive does not support writing. - - - Создает ZIP-архив, содержащий файлы и каталоги из указанного каталога, использует указанный уровень сжатия и кодировку символов для имен записей и необязательно включает базовый каталог. - Путь к архивируемому каталогу, заданный как относительный или абсолютный путь.Относительный путь интерпретируется относительно текущего рабочего каталога. - Путь создаваемого архива, заданный как относительный или абсолютный путь.Относительный путь интерпретируется относительно текущего рабочего каталога. - Одно из значений перечисления, указывающее, акцентировать ли внимание на скорости или эффективности сжатия при создании записи. - Значение true, чтобы включить имя каталога из параметра в корень архива; false — для включения только содержимого этого каталога. - Кодирование, используемое при чтении или записи имен записей в этом архиве.Задайте значение для этого параметра, только если кодирование требуется для взаимодействия с инструментами и библиотеками ZIP-архива, которые не поддерживают кодирование UTF-8 для имен записей. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or- is set to a Unicode encoding other than UTF-8. - - or is null. - In or , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - already exists.-or-A file in the specified directory could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the directory specified in or the file specified in . - - or contains an invalid format.-or-The zip archive does not support writing. - - - Извлекает все файлы в указанном ZIP-архиве в каталогу в файловой системе. - Путь к архиву, который требуется извлечь. - Путь к каталогу, в котором следует поместить извлеченные файлы, заданный как относительный или абсолютный путь.Относительный путь интерпретируется относительно текущего рабочего каталога. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - or is null. - The specified path in or exceeds the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - The specified path is invalid (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - The directory specified by already exists.-or-The name of an entry in the archive is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or-Extracting an archive entry would create a file that is outside the directory specified by .(For example, this might happen if the entry name contains parent directory accessors.)-or-An archive entry to extract has the same name as an entry that has already been extracted from the same archive. - The caller does not have the required permission to access the archive or the destination directory. - - or contains an invalid format. - - was not found. - The archive specified by is not a valid zip archive.-or-An archive entry was not found or was corrupt.-or-An archive entry was compressed by using a compression method that is not supported. - - - Извлекает все файлы в указанном ZIP-архиве к каталог в файловой системе и использует указанную кодировку для имен записей. - Путь к архиву, который требуется извлечь. - Путь к каталогу, в котором следует поместить извлеченные файлы, заданный как относительный или абсолютный путь.Относительный путь интерпретируется относительно текущего рабочего каталога. - Кодирование, используемое при чтении или записи имен записей в этом архиве.Задайте значение для этого параметра, только если кодирование требуется для взаимодействия с инструментами и библиотеками ZIP-архива, которые не поддерживают кодирование UTF-8 для имен записей. - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or- is set to a Unicode encoding other than UTF-8. - - or is null. - The specified path in or exceeds the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - The specified path is invalid (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - The directory specified by already exists.-or-The name of an entry in the archive is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or-Extracting an archive entry would create a file that is outside the directory specified by .(For example, this might happen if the entry name contains parent directory accessors.)-or-An archive entry to extract has the same name as an entry that has already been extracted from the same archive. - The caller does not have the required permission to access the archive or the destination directory. - - or contains an invalid format. - - was not found. - The archive specified by is not a valid zip archive.-or-An archive entry was not found or was corrupt.-or-An archive entry was compressed by using a compression method that is not supported. - - - Открывает ZIP-архив по указанному пути и в заданном режиме. - Открытый ZIP-архив. - Путь к открываемому архиву, заданный как относительный или абсолютный путь.Относительный путь интерпретируется относительно текущего рабочего каталога. - Одно из значений перечисления, указывающее действия, которые разрешены над записями в открытом архиве. - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - is null. - In , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - could not be opened.-or- is set to , but the file specified in already exists. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the file specified in . - - specifies an invalid value. - - is set to , but the file specified in is not found. - - contains an invalid format. - - could not be interpreted as a zip archive.-or- is , but an entry is missing or corrupt and cannot be read.-or- is , but an entry is too large to fit into memory. - - - Открывает ZIP-архив по указанному пути в указанном режиме и с использованием указанной кодировки символов для имен записей. - Открытый ZIP-архив. - Путь к открываемому архиву, заданный как относительный или абсолютный путь.Относительный путь интерпретируется относительно текущего рабочего каталога. - Одно из значений перечисления, указывающее действия, которые разрешены над записями в открытом архиве. - Кодирование, используемое при чтении или записи имен записей в этом архиве.Задайте значение для этого параметра, только если кодирование требуется для взаимодействия с инструментами и библиотеками ZIP-архива, которые не поддерживают кодирование UTF-8 для имен записей. - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or- is set to a Unicode encoding other than UTF-8. - - is null. - In , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - could not be opened.-or- is set to , but the file specified in already exists. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the file specified in . - - specifies an invalid value. - - is set to , but the file specified in is not found. - - contains an invalid format. - - could not be interpreted as a zip archive.-or- is , but an entry is missing or corrupt and cannot be read.-or- is , but an entry is too large to fit into memory. - - - Открывает для чтения ZIP-архив по указанному пути. - Открытый ZIP-архив. - Путь к открываемому архиву, заданный как относительный или абсолютный путь.Относительный путь интерпретируется относительно текущего рабочего каталога. - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - is null. - In , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the file specified in . - The file specified in is not found. - - contains an invalid format. - - could not be interpreted as a zip archive. - - - Предоставляет методы расширения для классов и . - - - Архивирует файл, сжимая его и добавляя его в ZIP-архив. - Программа-оболочка для новой записи в ZIP-архиве. - ZIP-архив, в который добавляется файл. - Путь к файлу, который необходимо заархивировать.Можно задавать абсолютный или относительный путь.Относительный путь интерпретируется относительно текущего рабочего каталога. - Имя записи, которую требуется создать в ZIP-архиве. - Параметр является , содержит только пробелы или хотя бы один недопустимый символ.-или-Параметр имеет значение . - Значение параметра или — null. - В длина указанного пути, имени файла или обоих параметров превышает установленное в системе максимальное значение.Например, для платформ на основе Windows длина пути не должна превышать 248 символов, а имена файлов не должны содержать более 260 символов. - Параметр недопустим (например, он соответствует неподключенному диску). - Не удается открыть файл, заданный параметром . - Параметр указывает каталог.-или-У вызывающего оператора отсутствует разрешение на доступ к файлу, указанному параметром . - Файл, заданный параметром , не найден. - Параметр имеет недопустимый формат.-или-ZIP-архив не поддерживает запись. - ZIP-архив был удален. - - - Архивирует файл, сжимая его с использованием заданного уровня сжатия и добавляя его в ZIP-архив. - Программа-оболочка для новой записи в ZIP-архиве. - ZIP-архив, в который добавляется файл. - Путь к файлу, который необходимо заархивировать.Можно задавать абсолютный или относительный путь.Относительный путь интерпретируется относительно текущего рабочего каталога. - Имя записи, которую требуется создать в ZIP-архиве. - Одно из значений перечисления, указывающее, акцентировать ли внимание на скорости или эффективности сжатия при создании записи. - Параметр является , содержит только пробелы или хотя бы один недопустимый символ.-или-Параметр имеет значение . - Значение параметра или — null. - Параметр недопустим (например, он соответствует неподключенному диску). - В длина указанного пути, имени файла или обоих параметров превышает установленное в системе максимальное значение.Например, для платформ на основе Windows длина пути не должна превышать 248 символов, а имена файлов не должны содержать более 260 символов. - Не удается открыть файл, заданный параметром . - Параметр указывает каталог.-или-У вызывающего оператора отсутствует разрешение на доступ к файлу, указанному параметром . - Файл, заданный параметром , не найден. - Параметр имеет недопустимый формат.-или-ZIP-архив не поддерживает запись. - ZIP-архив был удален. - - - Извлекает все файлы в ZIP-архиве в каталогу в файловой системе. - ZIP-архив, из которого требуется извлечь файлы. - Путь к каталогу, в который требуется поместить извлеченные файлы.Можно задавать абсолютный или относительный путь.Относительный путь интерпретируется относительно текущего рабочего каталога. - Параметр является , содержит только пробелы или хотя бы один недопустимый символ. - Параметр имеет значение null. - Указанная длина пути превышает максимальную длину, определенную в системе.Например, для платформ на основе Windows длина пути не должна превышать 248 символов, а имена файлов не должны содержать более 260 символов. - Указанный путь недопустим (например, он соответствует неподключенному диску). - Каталог, заданный параметром , уже существует.-или-Имя записи в архиве имеет значение , содержит только пробелы или содержит по крайней мере один недопустимый символ.-или-Извлечение записи из архива создаст файл, который находится вне каталога, заданного . (Например, это может произойти, если имя записи содержит методы доступа родительского каталога.) -или-Две или более записей в архиве имеют одинаковые имена. - Вызывающий код не имеет необходимого разрешения на запись в целевом каталоге. - - содержит недопустимый формат. - Не удалось найти запись архива или она повреждена.-или-Запись архива была сжата с помощью неподдерживаемого метода сжатия. - - - Извлекает запись в ZIP-архиве в файлу. - Запись ZIP-архива, из которой требуется извлечь файл. - Путь к файлу, создаваемому из содержимого записи.Можно задавать абсолютный или относительный путь.Относительный путь интерпретируется относительно текущего рабочего каталога. - - представляет собой строку нулевой длины, содержащую только пробелы или один или несколько недопустимых символов, как указано .-или-Параметр указывает каталог. - Параметр имеет значение null. - Длина указанного пути, имени файла или обоих параметров превышает установленное в системе максимальное значение.Например, для платформ на основе Windows длина пути не должна превышать 248 символов, а имена файлов не должны содержать более 260 символов. - Указанный путь недопустим (например, он соответствует неподключенному диску). - - уже существует.-или- Произошла ошибка ввода-вывода.-или-Сущность открыта для записи в данный момент.-или-Сущность была удалена из архива. - У вызывающего оператора отсутствует разрешение на создание нового файла. - Запись отсутствует в архиве или повреждена и не может быть прочитана.-или-Запись сжата с помощью неподдерживаемого метода сжатия. - ZIP-архив, которому принадлежит запись, был удален. - - имеет недопустимый формат. -или-ZIP-архив для данной записи был открыт в режиме , который не допускает извлечение записей. - - - Извлекает запись в ZIP-архиве в файлу и при необходимости перезаписывает существующий файл с тем же именем. - Запись ZIP-архива, из которой требуется извлечь файл. - Путь к файлу, создаваемому из содержимого записи.Можно задавать абсолютный или относительный путь.Относительный путь интерпретируется относительно текущего рабочего каталога. - Значение true, чтобы перезаписать существующий файл с таким же именем, что и конечный файл; в противном случае — значение false. - - представляет собой строку нулевой длины, содержащую только пробелы или один или несколько недопустимых символов, как указано .-или-Параметр указывает каталог. - Параметр имеет значение null. - Длина указанного пути, имени файла или обоих параметров превышает установленное в системе максимальное значение.Например, для платформ на основе Windows длина пути не должна превышать 248 символов, а имена файлов не должны содержать более 260 символов. - Указанный путь недопустим (например, он соответствует неподключенному диску). - - уже существует, и имеет значение false.-или- Произошла ошибка ввода-вывода.-или-Сущность открыта для записи в данный момент.-или-Сущность была удалена из архива. - У вызывающего оператора отсутствует разрешение на создание нового файла. - Запись отсутствует в архиве или повреждена и не может быть прочитана.-или-Запись сжата с помощью неподдерживаемого метода сжатия. - ZIP-архив, которому принадлежит запись, был удален. - - имеет недопустимый формат. -или-ZIP-архив для данной записи был открыт в режиме , который не допускает извлечение записей. - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/netstandard1.3/zh-hans/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.xml b/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/netstandard1.3/zh-hans/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.xml deleted file mode 100644 index 2ba55c70..00000000 --- a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/netstandard1.3/zh-hans/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,279 +0,0 @@ - - - - System.IO.Compression.ZipFile - - - - 提供创建、解压缩和打开 zip 存档的静态方法。 - - - 创建 zip 存档,该存档包含指定目录的文件和目录。 - 要存档的目录的路径,指定为相对路径或绝对路径。相对路径是指相对于当前工作目录的路径。 - 要生成的存档路径,指定为相对路径或绝对路径。相对路径是指相对于当前工作目录的路径。 - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - or is null. - In or , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - already exists.-or-A file in the specified directory could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the directory specified in or the file specified in . - - or contains an invalid format.-or-The zip archive does not support writing. - - - 创建 zip 存档,该存档包括指定目录的文件和目录,使用指定压缩级别,以及可以选择包含基目录。 - 要存档的目录的路径,指定为相对路径或绝对路径。相对路径是指相对于当前工作目录的路径。 - 要生成的存档路径,指定为相对路径或绝对路径。相对路径是指相对于当前工作目录的路径。 - 指示创建项时是否强调速度或压缩有效性的枚举值之一。 - 包括从在存档的根的 的目录名称,则为 true;仅包含目录中的内容,则为 false。 - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - or is null. - In or , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - already exists.-or-A file in the specified directory could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the directory specified in or the file specified in . - - or contains an invalid format.-or-The zip archive does not support writing. - - - 创建 zip 存档,该存档包括文件和指定目录的目录,使用指定压缩级别和条目名称的字符编码,以及可以选择包含基目录。 - 要存档的目录的路径,指定为相对路径或绝对路径。相对路径是指相对于当前工作目录的路径。 - 要生成的存档路径,指定为相对路径或绝对路径。相对路径是指相对于当前工作目录的路径。 - 指示创建项时是否强调速度或压缩有效性的枚举值之一。 - 包括从在存档的根的 的目录名称,则为 true;仅包含目录中的内容,则为 false。 - 在存档中读取或写入项名时使用的编码。仅当需要针对具有不支持项名的 UTF-8 编码的 zip 归档工具和库的互操作性进行编码时,为此参数指定一个值。 - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or- is set to a Unicode encoding other than UTF-8. - - or is null. - In or , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - already exists.-or-A file in the specified directory could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the directory specified in or the file specified in . - - or contains an invalid format.-or-The zip archive does not support writing. - - - 将指定 zip 存档中的所有文件都解压缩到文件系统的一个目录下。 - 要解压缩存档的路径。 - 放置解压缩文件的目录的路径,指定为相对或绝对路径。相对路径是指相对于当前工作目录的路径。 - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - or is null. - The specified path in or exceeds the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - The specified path is invalid (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - The directory specified by already exists.-or-The name of an entry in the archive is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or-Extracting an archive entry would create a file that is outside the directory specified by .(For example, this might happen if the entry name contains parent directory accessors.)-or-An archive entry to extract has the same name as an entry that has already been extracted from the same archive. - The caller does not have the required permission to access the archive or the destination directory. - - or contains an invalid format. - - was not found. - The archive specified by is not a valid zip archive.-or-An archive entry was not found or was corrupt.-or-An archive entry was compressed by using a compression method that is not supported. - - - 将指定 zip 存档中的所有文件解压缩到文件系统的一目录下,并使用项名称的指定字符编码。 - 要解压缩存档的路径。 - 放置解压缩文件的目录的路径,指定为相对或绝对路径。相对路径是指相对于当前工作目录的路径。 - 在存档中读取或写入项名时使用的编码。仅当需要针对具有不支持项名的 UTF-8 编码的 zip 归档工具和库的互操作性进行编码时,为此参数指定一个值。 - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or- is set to a Unicode encoding other than UTF-8. - - or is null. - The specified path in or exceeds the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - The specified path is invalid (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - The directory specified by already exists.-or-The name of an entry in the archive is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or-Extracting an archive entry would create a file that is outside the directory specified by .(For example, this might happen if the entry name contains parent directory accessors.)-or-An archive entry to extract has the same name as an entry that has already been extracted from the same archive. - The caller does not have the required permission to access the archive or the destination directory. - - or contains an invalid format. - - was not found. - The archive specified by is not a valid zip archive.-or-An archive entry was not found or was corrupt.-or-An archive entry was compressed by using a compression method that is not supported. - - - 以指定的模式打开指定路径上的 zip 存档。 - 打开的 zip 存档。 - 要打开的存档的路径,指定为相对路径或绝对路径。相对路径是指相对于当前工作目录的路径。 - 指定允许对打开的存档中的项进行的操作的枚举值之一。 - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - is null. - In , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - could not be opened.-or- is set to , but the file specified in already exists. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the file specified in . - - specifies an invalid value. - - is set to , but the file specified in is not found. - - contains an invalid format. - - could not be interpreted as a zip archive.-or- is , but an entry is missing or corrupt and cannot be read.-or- is , but an entry is too large to fit into memory. - - - 在指定模式下,在指定路径中,使用项名称的指定字符编码打开 zip 存档。 - 打开的 zip 存档。 - 要打开的存档的路径,指定为相对路径或绝对路径。相对路径是指相对于当前工作目录的路径。 - 指定允许对打开的存档中的项进行的操作的枚举值之一。 - 在存档中读取或写入项名时使用的编码。仅当需要针对具有不支持项名的 UTF-8 编码的 zip 归档工具和库的互操作性进行编码时,为此参数指定一个值。 - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or- is set to a Unicode encoding other than UTF-8. - - is null. - In , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - could not be opened.-or- is set to , but the file specified in already exists. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the file specified in . - - specifies an invalid value. - - is set to , but the file specified in is not found. - - contains an invalid format. - - could not be interpreted as a zip archive.-or- is , but an entry is missing or corrupt and cannot be read.-or- is , but an entry is too large to fit into memory. - - - 打开在指定路径用于读取的 zip 存档。 - 打开的 zip 存档。 - 要打开的存档的路径,指定为相对路径或绝对路径。相对路径是指相对于当前工作目录的路径。 - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - is null. - In , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the file specified in . - The file specified in is not found. - - contains an invalid format. - - could not be interpreted as a zip archive. - - - 类提供扩展方法。 - - - 通过压缩并将其添加到邮编存档的存档文件。 - zip 存档中新项的包装。 - 要添加该文件的 zip 存档。 - 待存档的文件的路径。可以指定相对或绝对路径。相对路径被解释为相对于当前工作目录。 - 要在 zip 存档中生成的输入的名称。 - - ,仅包含空白,或包含至少一个无效字符。- 或 - - - 为 null。 - 内,指定的路径、文件名或者两者都超出了系统定义的最大长度。例如,在基于 Windows 的平台上,路径不得超过 248 个字符,文件名不得超过 260 个字符。 - - 无效(例如,在未映射的驱动器上)。 - 无法打开由 指定的文件。 - - 指定目录。- 或 -调用方没有访问 指定的文件的权限。 - 未找到 指定的文件。 - - 参数的格式无效。- 或 -zip 归档不支持写入。 - zip 存档已释放。 - - - 通过使用指定压缩级别压缩并将其添加到邮编存档的存档文件。 - zip 存档中新项的包装。 - 要添加该文件的 zip 存档。 - 待存档的文件的路径。可以指定相对或绝对路径。相对路径被解释为相对于当前工作目录。 - 要在 zip 存档中生成的输入的名称。 - 创建项时,指示是否要强调速度或压缩有效性的枚举值之一。 - - ,仅包含空白,或包含至少一个无效字符。- 或 - - - 为 null。 - - 无效(例如,在未映射的驱动器上)。 - 内,指定的路径、文件名或者两者都超出了系统定义的最大长度。例如,在基于 Windows 的平台上,路径不得超过 248 个字符,文件名不得超过 260 个字符。 - 无法打开由 指定的文件。 - - 指定目录。- 或 -调用方没有访问 指定的文件的权限。 - 未找到 指定的文件。 - - 参数的格式无效。- 或 -zip 归档不支持写入。 - zip 存档已释放。 - - - 将 zip 存档中的所有文件都解压到文件系统的一目录下。 - 从 zip 归档解压文件。 - 到放置解压缩文件的目录的路径。可以指定相对或绝对路径。相对路径被解释为相对于当前工作目录。 - - ,仅包含空白,或包含至少一个无效字符。 - - 为 null。 - 指定路径超过了系统定义的最大长度。例如,在基于 Windows 的平台上,路径不得超过 248 个字符,文件名不得超过 260 个字符。 - 指定的路径无效(例如,它位于未映射的驱动器上)。 - - 指定的目录已存在。- 或 -一个在存档中的输入名称是 ,仅包含空白或包含至少一个无效字符。- 或 -从存档中提取条目将生成在 指定的目录之外的一个文件。(例如,如果该输入名称包括父目录访问器,则这可能发生。)- 或 -存档中具有相同名称的两个或多个项。 - 调用方不具有所需权限以便写入到目标目录。 - - 包含无效格式。 - 未能找到归档项或已损坏。- 或 -通过一种不支持的压缩方法,对一个存档条目进行压缩。 - - - 将 zip 存档中的条目解压到文件下。 - 从 zip 归档项解压文件。 - 从输入的内容生成的文件的路径。可以指定相对或绝对路径。相对路径被解释为相对于当前工作目录。 - - 是一个零长度字符串,仅包含空白或者包含一个或多个由 定义的无效字符。- 或 - 指定目录。 - - 为 null。 - 指定的路径、文件名或者两者都超出了系统定义的最大长度。例如,在基于 Windows 的平台上,路径不得超过 248 个字符,文件名不得超过 260 个字符。 - 指定的路径无效(例如,它位于未映射的驱动器上)。 - - 已存在。- 或 -发生了 I/O 错误。- 或 -该项当前为编写开放。- 或 -已从存档中删除的项。 - 调用方没有创建新文件所需的权限。 - 该输入从存档中缺失,或损坏且无法读取。- 或 -该输入已经通过使用一种不被支持的压缩方法压缩。 - 已释放属于 zip 归档项。 - - 的格式无效。- 或 -该 zip 归档项在 模式中打开的,不允许项检索。 - - - 将 zip 存档中的条目解压到文件下,并可选择覆盖具有相同名称的现存文件。 - 从 zip 归档项解压文件。 - 从输入的内容生成的文件的路径。可以指定相对或绝对路径。相对路径被解释为相对于当前工作目录。 - 如果覆盖带与目标文件同名的名称的现有文件,则为 true;否则为 false。 - - 是一个零长度字符串,仅包含空白或者包含一个或多个由 定义的无效字符。- 或 - 指定目录。 - - 为 null。 - 指定的路径、文件名或者两者都超出了系统定义的最大长度。例如,在基于 Windows 的平台上,路径不得超过 248 个字符,文件名不得超过 260 个字符。 - 指定的路径无效(例如,它位于未映射的驱动器上)。 - - 已存在,且 是 false。- 或 -发生了 I/O 错误。- 或 -该项当前为编写开放。- 或 -已从存档中删除的项。 - 调用方没有创建新文件所需的权限。 - 该输入从存档中缺失或损坏且无法读取。- 或 -该输入已经通过使用一种不被支持的压缩方法压缩。 - 已释放属于 zip 归档项。 - - 的格式无效。- 或 -该 zip 归档项在 模式中打开的,不允许项检索。 - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/netstandard1.3/zh-hant/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.xml b/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/netstandard1.3/zh-hant/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.xml deleted file mode 100644 index 9afe8357..00000000 --- a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/netstandard1.3/zh-hant/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,279 +0,0 @@ - - - - System.IO.Compression.ZipFile - - - - 提供建立、解壓縮及開啟 zip 封存的靜態方法。 - - - 建立包含指定目錄中檔案及目錄的 zip 封存。 - 要封存的目錄路徑 (指定為相對或絕對路徑)。相對路徑會解譯為與目前的工作目錄相對。 - 要建立之封存的路徑 (指定為相對或絕對路徑)。相對路徑會解譯為與目前的工作目錄相對。 - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - or is null. - In or , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - already exists.-or-A file in the specified directory could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the directory specified in or the file specified in . - - or contains an invalid format.-or-The zip archive does not support writing. - - - 建立 zip 封存,這個封存包含指定之目錄中的檔案及目錄,使用指定的壓縮等級,並選擇性包含基底目錄。 - 要封存的目錄路徑 (指定為相對或絕對路徑)。相對路徑會解譯為與目前的工作目錄相對。 - 要建立之封存的路徑 (指定為相對或絕對路徑)。相對路徑會解譯為與目前的工作目錄相對。 - 其中一個列舉值,指出建立項目時是否要強調速度或壓縮的效益。 - true 表示從 (位於封存根目錄中) 包含目錄名稱,false 表示只包含目錄的內容。 - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - or is null. - In or , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - already exists.-or-A file in the specified directory could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the directory specified in or the file specified in . - - or contains an invalid format.-or-The zip archive does not support writing. - - - 建立 zip 封存,這個封存包含指定之目錄中的檔案及目錄,針對項目名稱使用指定的壓縮等級和字元編碼方式,並選擇性包含基底目錄。 - 要封存的目錄路徑 (指定為相對或絕對路徑)。相對路徑會解譯為與目前的工作目錄相對。 - 要建立之封存的路徑 (指定為相對或絕對路徑)。相對路徑會解譯為與目前的工作目錄相對。 - 其中一個列舉值,指出建立項目時是否要強調速度或壓縮的效益。 - true 表示從 (位於封存根目錄中) 包含目錄名稱,false 表示只包含目錄的內容。 - 在此封存中讀取或寫入項目名稱時要使用的編碼方式。只有需要編碼以與 Zip 封存工具和程式庫互通,且這類工具和程式庫不支援項目名稱使用 UTF-8 編碼時,才指定此參數的值。 - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or- is set to a Unicode encoding other than UTF-8. - - or is null. - In or , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - already exists.-or-A file in the specified directory could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the directory specified in or the file specified in . - - or contains an invalid format.-or-The zip archive does not support writing. - - - 將指定之 zip 封存中的所有檔案解壓縮到檔案系統上的目錄。 - 要擷取之封存的路徑。 - 要在其中放置解壓縮檔案的目錄路徑 (指定為相對或絕對路徑)。相對路徑會解譯為與目前的工作目錄相對。 - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - or is null. - The specified path in or exceeds the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - The specified path is invalid (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - The directory specified by already exists.-or-The name of an entry in the archive is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or-Extracting an archive entry would create a file that is outside the directory specified by .(For example, this might happen if the entry name contains parent directory accessors.)-or-An archive entry to extract has the same name as an entry that has already been extracted from the same archive. - The caller does not have the required permission to access the archive or the destination directory. - - or contains an invalid format. - - was not found. - The archive specified by is not a valid zip archive.-or-An archive entry was not found or was corrupt.-or-An archive entry was compressed by using a compression method that is not supported. - - - 將指定之 zip 封存中的所有檔案解壓縮到檔案系統上的目錄,並對項目名稱使用指定的字元編碼方式。 - 要擷取之封存的路徑。 - 要在其中放置解壓縮檔案的目錄路徑 (指定為相對或絕對路徑)。相對路徑會解譯為與目前的工作目錄相對。 - 在此封存中讀取或寫入項目名稱時要使用的編碼方式。只有需要編碼以與 Zip 封存工具和程式庫互通,且這類工具和程式庫不支援項目名稱使用 UTF-8 編碼時,才指定此參數的值。 - - or is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or- is set to a Unicode encoding other than UTF-8. - - or is null. - The specified path in or exceeds the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - The specified path is invalid (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - The directory specified by already exists.-or-The name of an entry in the archive is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or-Extracting an archive entry would create a file that is outside the directory specified by .(For example, this might happen if the entry name contains parent directory accessors.)-or-An archive entry to extract has the same name as an entry that has already been extracted from the same archive. - The caller does not have the required permission to access the archive or the destination directory. - - or contains an invalid format. - - was not found. - The archive specified by is not a valid zip archive.-or-An archive entry was not found or was corrupt.-or-An archive entry was compressed by using a compression method that is not supported. - - - 在指定路徑上以指定的模式開啟 zip 封存。 - 已開啟的 zip 封存。 - 要開啟之封存的路徑 (指定為相對或絕對路徑)。相對路徑會解譯為與目前的工作目錄相對。 - 其中一個列舉值,指定在開啟的封存檔中項目上所允許的動作。 - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - is null. - In , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - could not be opened.-or- is set to , but the file specified in already exists. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the file specified in . - - specifies an invalid value. - - is set to , but the file specified in is not found. - - contains an invalid format. - - could not be interpreted as a zip archive.-or- is , but an entry is missing or corrupt and cannot be read.-or- is , but an entry is too large to fit into memory. - - - 使用指定的模式,並將指定的字元編碼方式使用於項目名稱,即可開啟位於指定路徑的 zip 封存。 - 已開啟的 zip 封存。 - 要開啟之封存的路徑 (指定為相對或絕對路徑)。相對路徑會解譯為與目前的工作目錄相對。 - 其中一個列舉值,指定在開啟的封存檔中項目上所允許的動作。 - 在此封存中讀取或寫入項目名稱時要使用的編碼方式。只有需要編碼以與 Zip 封存工具和程式庫互通,且這類工具和程式庫不支援項目名稱使用 UTF-8 編碼時,才指定此參數的值。 - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character.-or- is set to a Unicode encoding other than UTF-8. - - is null. - In , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - could not be opened.-or- is set to , but the file specified in already exists. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the file specified in . - - specifies an invalid value. - - is set to , but the file specified in is not found. - - contains an invalid format. - - could not be interpreted as a zip archive.-or- is , but an entry is missing or corrupt and cannot be read.-or- is , but an entry is too large to fit into memory. - - - 開啟位於指定路徑的 zip 封存以讀取。 - 已開啟的 zip 封存。 - 要開啟之封存的路徑 (指定為相對或絕對路徑)。相對路徑會解譯為與目前的工作目錄相對。 - - is , contains only white space, or contains at least one invalid character. - - is null. - In , the specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length.For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must not exceed 248 characters, and file names must not exceed 260 characters. - - is invalid or does not exist (for example, it is on an unmapped drive). - - could not be opened. - - specifies a directory.-or-The caller does not have the required permission to access the file specified in . - The file specified in is not found. - - contains an invalid format. - - could not be interpreted as a zip archive. - - - 提供 類別的擴充方法。 - - - 透過將檔案壓縮並加入至 zip 封存的方式進行封存。 - zip 封存中之新項目的包裝函式。 - 要將檔案加入至其中的 Zip 封存。 - 要封存的檔案之路徑。您可以指定相對或相對路徑。相對路徑會解譯為與目前的工作目錄相對。 - 要在 Zip 封存中建立之項目的名稱。 - - ,只含有空白字元,或者含有至少一個無效字元。-或- - - 是 null。 - 中,指定的路徑、檔案名稱或兩者都超過系統定義的最大長度。例如:在 Windows 平台上,路徑不得超過 248 個字元,而檔案名稱不得超過 260 個字元。 - - 無效 (例如,位於未對應的磁碟機上)。 - 無法開啟 指定的檔案。 - - 指定目錄。-或-呼叫端沒有所需的使用權限來存取 指定的檔案。 - 找不到 所指定的檔案。 - - 參數的格式無效。-或-Zip 封存不支援寫入。 - Zip 封存已經處置。 - - - 透過將檔案以指定之壓縮等級壓縮並加入至 zip 封存的方式進行封存。 - zip 封存中之新項目的包裝函式。 - 要將檔案加入至其中的 Zip 封存。 - 要封存的檔案之路徑。您可以指定相對或相對路徑。相對路徑會解譯為與目前的工作目錄相對。 - 要在 Zip 封存中建立之項目的名稱。 - 其中一個列舉值,指出當建立項目時是否要強調速度或壓縮的效益。 - - ,只含有空白字元,或者含有至少一個無效字元。-或- - - 是 null。 - - 無效 (例如,位於未對應的磁碟機上)。 - 中,指定的路徑、檔案名稱或兩者都超過系統定義的最大長度。例如:在 Windows 平台上,路徑不得超過 248 個字元,而檔案名稱不得超過 260 個字元。 - 無法開啟 指定的檔案。 - - 指定目錄。-或-呼叫端沒有所需的使用權限來存取 指定的檔案。 - 找不到 所指定的檔案。 - - 參數的格式無效。-或-Zip 封存不支援寫入。 - Zip 封存已經處置。 - - - 將 zip 封存中的所有檔案解壓縮到檔案系統上的目錄。 - 做為檔案解壓縮來源的 zip 封存。 - 要在其中放置解壓縮檔案的目錄路徑。您可以指定相對或相對路徑。相對路徑會解譯為與目前的工作目錄相對。 - - ,只含有空白字元,或者含有至少一個無效字元。 - - 為 null。 - 指定的路徑超過系統定義的最大長度。例如:在 Windows 平台上,路徑不得超過 248 個字元,而檔案名稱不得超過 260 個字元。 - 指定的路徑無效 (例如,位於未對應的磁碟上)。 - - 指定的目錄已存在。-或-封存檔中的項目名稱是,只包含空白字元,或包含至少一個無效的字元。-或-從封存解壓縮封存項目會建立 所指定目錄外的檔案。(例如,如果項目名稱包含父目錄存取子,這就可能發生)。-或-在封存中兩個或多個項目具有相同的名稱。 - 呼叫端不具有寫入目的地目錄的必要權限。 - - 包含無效的格式。 - 找不到封存項目,或是其已損毀。-或-封存項目使用不支援的壓縮方法加以壓縮。 - - - 將 zip 封存中的項目解壓縮至檔案。 - 做為檔案解壓縮來源的 zip 封存項目。 - 要從項目內容建立的檔案的路徑。您可以指定相對或相對路徑。相對路徑會解譯為與目前的工作目錄相對。 - - 是長度為零的字串、只包含泛空白字元,或包含一個或多個無效的字元 (如 所定義)。-或- 指定目錄。 - - 為 null。 - 指定的路徑、檔案名稱或兩者都超過系統定義的最大長度。例如:在 Windows 平台上,路徑不得超過 248 個字元,而檔案名稱不得超過 260 個字元。 - 指定的路徑無效 (例如,位於未對應的磁碟上)。 - - 已存在。-或-發生 I/O 錯誤。-或-項目目前已開啟以進行寫入。-或-項目已經從封存中刪除。 - 呼叫端沒有所需的使用權限來建立新檔。 - 此項目可能是從封存中遺失,或已損毀且無法讀取。-或-藉由使用不支援的壓縮方法壓縮了項目。 - 這個項目所屬的 Zip 封存已經過處置。 - - 的格式無效。-或-這個項目的 Zip 封存的開啟模式是 ,該模式不允許擷取項目。 - - - 將 zip 封存中的項目解壓縮至檔案,並選擇性覆寫名稱相同的現有檔案。 - 做為檔案解壓縮來源的 zip 封存項目。 - 要從項目內容建立的檔案的路徑。您可以指定相對或相對路徑。相對路徑會解譯為與目前的工作目錄相對。 - true 表示要覆寫與目的檔案同名的現有檔案,否則為 false。 - - 是長度為零的字串、只包含泛空白字元,或包含一個或多個無效的字元 (如 所定義)。-或- 指定目錄。 - - 為 null。 - 指定的路徑、檔案名稱或兩者都超過系統定義的最大長度。例如:在 Windows 平台上,路徑不得超過 248 個字元,而檔案名稱不得超過 260 個字元。 - 指定的路徑無效 (例如,位於未對應的磁碟上)。 - - 已存在且 為 false。-或-發生 I/O 錯誤。-或-項目目前已開啟以進行寫入。-或-項目已經從封存中刪除。 - 呼叫端沒有所需的使用權限來建立新檔。 - 此項目可能是從封存中遺失,或已損毀且無法讀取。-或-藉由使用不支援的壓縮方法壓縮了項目。 - 這個項目所屬的 Zip 封存已經過處置。 - - 的格式無效。-或-這個項目的 Zip 封存的開啟模式是 ,該模式不允許擷取項目。 - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/xamarinios10/_._ b/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/xamarinios10/_._ deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29b..00000000 diff --git a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/xamarinmac20/_._ b/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/xamarinmac20/_._ deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29b..00000000 diff --git a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/xamarintvos10/_._ b/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/xamarintvos10/_._ deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29b..00000000 diff --git a/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/xamarinwatchos10/_._ b/packages/System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.4.3.0/ref/xamarinwatchos10/_._ deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29b..00000000