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 When I noticed the A2C-MC does not convergent, I turned to use the A2C-TD algorithm which the paper used.  It is the MC algorithm can't learn every stuation preciously due to be trained only once in the end of a cycle.
 This is a basic model describing a car runs to goal in limited time by using A2C algorithm to determine its acceleration.  Go to see MC-model from my previous work.

Reward shaping

 The work in this model is very simple.
 Input [real_speed, target_speed, elapsed_time_ratio, distance_to_goal,reward,done,time_pass,over]  Station representation: [real_speed, target_speed, elapsed_time_ratio, distance_to_goal]  Output accelerate.  Action representation [acceleration].

 The car will learn to control its accelerate with the restructions shown below:
 Reward shaping:

  • rt = r terminal + r danger + r speed
  • r terminal: -0.013(target_speed > real_speed) or -0.01(target_speed < real_speed):crash / time expires 0.005:non-terminal state
  • r speed: related to the target speed
  • if sa ≤st: 0.05 - 0.036*(target_speed / real_speed)
  • if sa > st: 0.05 - 0.033*(real_speed / target_speed )

 In my experiment it's obviously I desire the agent to learn controling its speed around the target-speed.


       time_target <- int((distance_left/100)*5)+ rnd(3); 
       target_speed<- distance_left/time_target;
       random_node <- int(rnd(12));
       target<- node_agt(random_node);
       true_target <- node_agt(random_node);
       final_target <- node_agt(random_node).location;	
       location <- any_location_in(node_agt(5)); 

 There are 12 nodes in the intersection map and the start point is fixed at the 5th point. Every time before a cycle there will be a random number between 0 and 12 used to choose destination node. And the target-time and target speed will also be changed.

In other words, I let the agent to learn 3*11=33 situations.  The rewards depend on the situation, so it will change every cycle.

The model will be trained every step(TD).


Hyperparameter optimization

 Station representation: [real_speed, target_speed, elapsed_time_ratio, distance_to_goal]
 Action representation [accelerate].

representations' values are very small

tanh funtion --acceleration can be positive or negative values

sigmoid funtion --acceleration can only be positive values (learning faster)

 I use tanh funtion as the actor/critic network's output layer which can output positive or negative values, while I use sigmoid funtion as the actor/critic network's output layer which can only output positive values(speed up only).  To prevent vanishing gradient problem the value used for backpropagate should be close to 0.

The agent was trying to reach a very fast speed to reduce steps and thus penalties

  • r speed: related to the target speed
  • if sa ≤st: 0.05 - 0.033*(target_speed / real_speed)
  • if sa > st: 0.05 - 0.036*(real_speed / target_speed )
     So the faster the speed, the greater the penalty. The same goes for the very low speed.  The value of reward-speed can be positive or negative.  Over or under speeding is be balanced.

Over time penalty

 -0.013(target_speed > real_speed) or -0.01(target_speed < real_speed):crash / time expires  The formost issue is acceleration, so the value of over time penalty should much smaller than the value of reward-speed.  The reason 0.013>0.01 is that lower speeds lead to over time more likely.

Input's and output's values should not be too different

 In fact the values sent from the GAMA side is [real_speed/10, target_speed/10, elapsed_time_ratio, distance_left/100,reward,done,over].  SO the station representation is [real_speed/10, target_speed/10, elapsed_time_ratio, distance_left/100].  And the action representation is [accelerate*10].  In this way, the loss will not violently oscillate and the image of learning curve will be more cognizable.

Learning rate weakened

        if episode > 50 : 
            new_lr = lr * (0.94 ** ((episode-40) // 10)) 
            optimizerA = optim.Adam(actor.parameters(), new_lr, betas=(0.95, 0.999))
            optimizerC = optim.Adam(critic.parameters(), new_lr, betas=(0.95, 0.999))

Final result

 The TD algorithm convergents within 800 cycles.

(acceleration > 0 OR acceleration < 0; tanh())


Only speed up (acceleration > 0; sigmoid())


Learning rate isn't weakened


Learning rate is weakened too late


About GAMA

 The GAMA is a platefrom to do simulations.
 I have a GAMA-modle "simple_intersection.gaml", which is assigned a car and some traffic lights. The model will sent some data
 [real_speed, target_speed, elapsed_time_ratio, distance_to_goal,reward,done,time_pass,over]
 as a matrix to python environment, calculating the car's accelerate by A2C. And applying to the Markov Decision Process framework, the car in the GAMA will take up the accelerate and send the latest data to python again and over again until reaching the destination.


 The interaction between the GAMA platform and python environment is built on csv files I/O. So GAMA model needs to use R-plugin and the R environment needs package "reticulate" to connect with python (I use python more usually).


image A3C-architecture



Synchronous A3C (A2C) .