- Late in the evening, you are sitting at the Funky Punk Café
- and feeling a bit bored because you have not done any programming all day. You stare out of the window and see that
- the text on the neon signs gets reflected in a funny way: the
- letters are partially overlapping, because the window is made
- of double-paned glass. Would it be possible to automatically
- read the text of the sign, just by looking at this mangled reflection? With a burst of sudden inspiration, you grab your laptop
- and OCR2 camera from your bag, and start programming.
- Your OCR camera appears to correctly recognize the letters in
- the reflection when it accounts for the mirroring, except that all the letters are duplicated.
- Moreover, if the text on the sign contains double (or more) letters, their reflection partially
- overlaps, resulting in only one more letter than there would be in the original word. For
- example, the word “beer” is reflected as “bbeeerr”, and the word “ooo” is reflected as
- “oooo”. All that is left for you to do, is to write a program that converts these reflected
- words back to their original form.
+ Welcome to the FPC 2024 teaser! We hope you're excited for the upcoming edition of the Freshmen Programming
+ Contest. To get you in the mood, we've prepared a teaser puzzle for you. But first, some information that
+ could be useful to you:
- Sample Input |
- Sample Output |
- bbeeerr |
- beer |
- sskkiilllleesssnneesss |
- skilllessness |
- bbaalllooonnnoookkkeeeppeerr |
- balloonnookkeeper |
Introduction session
+ We will be hosting an introduction session to get familiar with how a programming contest works. This
+ introduction session will take place on April 30th in the afternoon. There is no need
+ to sign up, just show up if you're interested!
Final Test
- Input |
- Next Puzzle |
- yyoouuuuuaarreennoowwoonnneesstteeppccllooosseerriinntthhiisssseerriieesssooffpprroommoottiioonnaallppuuzzzzlleessffoorrtthheeffrreesshhmmeeennpprrooggrrraaammmmiinnggccoonntteessstt
- |
- https://chipcie.wisv.ch/fpc/<OUTPUT>
- |
FPC registration
+ Don't forget to register your team for the Freshmen Programming Contest! This can be done by visiting
+ https://wisv.ch/fpcregistration.
Let's get puzzeling!
+ Finally, let's get to the teaser! Start your journey by visiting
+ https://chipcie.wisv.ch/fpc/start. See you on the other side!