Global | Description |
Noa | Root class of the noa engine Extends: |
Camera | Manages the camera, exposes camera position, direction, mouse sensitivity. |
Container | Wraps |
Entities | Wrangles entities. Aliased as This class is an instance of ECS, and as such implements the usual ECS methods. It's also decorated with helpers and accessor functions for getting component existence/state. Expects entity definitions in a specific format - see source |
Inputs | Abstracts key/mouse input. For docs see andyhall/game-inputs |
Physics | Wrapper module for the physics engine. For docs see andyhall/voxel-physics-engine |
Registry | for registering block types, materials & properties |
Rendering | Manages all rendering, and the BABYLON scene, materials, etc. |
World | Manages the world and its chunks Extends |
Global | Description |
names | Hash containing the component names of built-in components. |
hasPhysics | |
cameraSmoothed | |
hasMesh | |
hasPosition | |
getPositionData |
Global | Description |
isPlayer(id) | |
_localGetPosition(id) | |
getPosition(id) | |
_localSetPosition(id) | |
setPosition(id,) | |
setEntitySize(id,) |
Root class of the noa engine
Extends: EventEmitter
- Noa
- new Engine()
- .version
- .worldName
- .container :
- .inputs :
- .registry :
- .world :
- .rendering :
- .physics :
- .entities :
- .playerEntity
- .camera :
- .blockTargetIdCheck
- .targetedBlock
- .globalToLocal()
- .localToGlobal()
- .setPaused(paused)
- .getBlock(x,y,z)
- .setBlock(id,x,y,z)
- .addBlock(id,x,y,z)
- .pick(pos, vec, dist, blockTestFunction)
- ._localPick(pos, vec, dist, blockTestFunction)
Main engine object. Takes a big options object full of flags and settings as a parameter.
var opts = {
debug: false,
silent: false,
playerHeight: 1.8,
playerWidth: 0.6,
playerStart: [0, 10, 0],
playerAutoStep: false,
tickRate: 30, // ticks per second
maxRenderRate: 0, // max FPS, 0 for uncapped
blockTestDistance: 10,
stickyPointerLock: true,
dragCameraOutsidePointerLock: true,
stickyFullscreen: false,
skipDefaultHighlighting: false,
originRebaseDistance: 25,
var NoaEngine = require('noa-engine')
var noa = NoaEngine(opts)
All option parameters are, well, optional. Note that
the root opts
parameter object is also passed to
noa's child modules (rendering, camera, etc).
See docs for each module for which options they use.
version string, e.g. "0.25.4"
String identifier for the current world. (It's safe to ignore this if your game doesn't need to swap between levels/worlds.)
noa.container : Container
container (html/div) manager
noa.inputs : Inputs
inputs manager - abstracts key/mouse input
noa.registry : Registry
block/item property registry : World
world manager
noa.rendering : Rendering
Rendering manager
noa.physics : Physics
physics engine - solves collisions, properties, etc.
noa.entities : Entities
Entity manager / Entity Component System (ECS)
Aliased to noa.ents
for convenience.
Entity id for the player entity : Camera
Manages camera, view angle, etc.
function for which block IDs are targetable. Defaults to a solidity check, but can be overridden
Dynamically updated object describing the currently targeted block.
Gets updated each tick, to null
if not block is targeted, or
to an object like:
blockID, // voxel ID
position, // the (solid) block being targeted
adjacent, // the (non-solid) block adjacent to the targeted one
normal, // e.g. [0, 1, 0] when player is targting the top face of a voxel
Precisely converts a world position to the current internal local frame of reference.
See /doc/
for more info.
: input position in global coordsglobalPrecise
: (optional) sub-voxel offset to the global positionlocal
: output array which will receive the result
Precisely converts a world position to the current internal local frame of reference.
See /doc/
for more info.
: input array of local coordsglobal
: output array which receives the resultglobalPrecise
: (optional) sub-voxel offset to the output global position
If both output arrays are passed in, global
will get int values and
will get fractional parts. If only one array is passed in,
will get the whole output position.
Pausing the engine will also stop render/tick events, etc.
- paused
- x,y,z
- id,x,y,z
Adds a block unless obstructed by entities
- id,x,y,z
Raycast through the world, returning a result object for any non-air block
- pos - (default: to player eye position)
- vec - (default: to camera vector)
- dist - (default:
) - blockTestFunction - (default: voxel solidity)
Returns: null
, or an object with array properties: position
, _localPosition
See /doc/
for info on working with precise positions.
Do a raycast in local coords.
See /doc/
for more info.
- pos
- vec
- dist
- blockTestFunction
Manages the camera, exposes camera position, direction, mouse sensitivity.
Horizontal mouse sensitivity.
Same scale as Overwatch (typical values around 5..10
Vertical mouse sensitivity.
Same scale as Overwatch (typical values around 5..10
Mouse look inverse (horizontal)
Mouse look inverse (vertical)
Camera yaw angle (read only)
Returns the camera's rotation angle around the vertical axis. Range: 0..2π
Camera pitch angle (read only)
Returns the camera's up/down rotation angle. Range: -π/2..π/2
(The pitch angle is clamped by a small epsilon, such that
the camera never quite points perfectly up or down.
Entity ID of a special entity that exists for the camera to point at.
By default this entity follows the player entity, so you can
change the player's eye height by changing the follow
component's offset:
var followState = noa.ents.getState(, 'followsEntity')
followState.offset[1] = 0.9 * myPlayerHeight
For customized camera controls you can change the follow target to some other entity, or override the behavior entirely:
// make cameraTarget stop following the player
noa.ents.removeComponent(, 'followsEntity')
// control cameraTarget position directly (or whatever..)
noa.ents.setPosition(, [x,y,z])
How far back the camera is zoomed from the camera target
How quickly the camera moves to its zoomDistance
Current actual zoom distance. This differs from zoomDistance
the camera is in the process of moving towards the desired distance,
or when it's obstructed by solid terrain behind the player.
Camera target position (read only)
This returns the point the camera looks at - i.e. the player's
eye position. When the camera is zoomed
all the way in, this is equivalent to camera.getPosition()
Returns the current camera position (read only)
Returns the camera direction vector (read only)
uses the following options (from the root noa(opts)
inverseX: false,
inverseY: false,
sensitivityX: 15,
sensitivityY: 15,
initialZoom: 0,
zoomSpeed: 0.2,
Wraps game-shell
and manages HTML container, canvas, etc.
DOMready, gainedPointerLock,event: PointerLock
Wrangles entities. Aliased as noa.ents
This class is an instance of ECS, and as such implements the usual ECS methods. It's also decorated with helpers and accessor functions for getting component existence/state.
Expects entity definitions in a specific format - see source components
folder for examples.
- id,name,state
- x,y,z
- box
Helper to set up a general entity, and populate with some common components depending on arguments.
Parameters: position, width, height [, mesh, meshOffset, doPhysics, shadow]
- position
- width - .
- mesh
Abstracts key/mouse input. For docs see andyhall/game-inputs
Wrapper module for the physics engine. For docs see andyhall/voxel-physics-engine
for registering block types, materials & properties
Register (by integer ID) a block type and its parameters.
param: integer, currently 1..255. This needs to be passed in by the
client because it goes into the chunk data, which someday will get serialized.
param: Recognized fields for the options object:
- material: can be:
- one (String) material name
- array of 2 names: [top/bottom, sides]
- array of 3 names: [top, bottom, sides]
- array of 6 names: [-x, +x, -y, +y, -z, +z] If not specified, terrain won't be meshed for the block type
- solid: (true) solidity for physics purposes
- opaque: (true) fully obscures neighboring blocks
- fluid: (false) whether nonsolid block is a fluid (buoyant, viscous..)
- blockMesh: (null) if specified, noa will create a copy this mesh in the voxel
- fluidDensity: (1.0) for fluid blocks
- viscosity: (0.5) for fluid blocks
- onLoad(): block event handler
- onUnload(): block event handler
- onSet(): block event handler
- onUnset(): block event handler
- onCustomMeshCreate(): block event handler
Register (by name) a material and its parameters.
- name
- color
- textureURL
- texHasAlpha
- renderMaterial - an optional BABYLON material to be used for block faces with this block material
block solidity (as in physics)
- id
block opacity - whether it obscures the whole voxel (dirt) or can be partially seen through (like a fencepost, etc)
- id
block is fluid or not
- id
Get block property object passed in at registration
- id
Manages all rendering, and the BABYLON scene, materials, etc.
The Babylon scene
object representing the game world.
Add a mesh to the scene's octree setup so that it renders.
- mesh: - the mesh to add to the scene
- isStatic: - pass in true if mesh never moves (i.e. change octree blocks)
- position: - (optional) global position where the mesh should be
- chunk: - (optional) chunk to which the mesh is statically bound
Undoes everything addMeshToScene
uses the following options (from the root noa(opts)
showFPS: false,
antiAlias: true,
clearColor: [0.8, 0.9, 1],
ambientColor: [1, 1, 1],
lightDiffuse: [1, 1, 1],
lightSpecular: [1, 1, 1],
groundLightColor: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5],
useAO: true,
AOmultipliers: [0.93, 0.8, 0.5],
reverseAOmultiplier: 1.0,
preserveDrawingBuffer: true,
Manages the world and its chunks
Extends EventEmitter
worldDataNeeded(id, ndarray, x, y, z,event: worldName)
chunkBeingRemoved(id, ndarray,event: userData)
- x,y,z
- x,y,z
- x,y,z
- x,y,z
- x,y,z
- val,x,y,z
- box
client should call this after creating a chunk's worth of data (as an ndarray)
If userData is passed in it will be attached to the chunk
- id
- array
- userData
Tells noa to discard voxel data within a given AABB
(e.g. because
the game client received updated data from a server).
The engine will mark all affected chunks for disposal, and will later emit
new worldDataNeeded
events (if the chunk is still in draw range).
Note that chunks invalidated this way will not emit a chunkBeingRemoved
for the client to save data from.
When manually controlling chunk loading, tells the engine that the chunk containing the specified (x,y,z) needs to be created and loaded.
Note: has no effect when
is not set.
- x, - y, z
When manually controlling chunk loading, tells the engine that the chunk containing the specified (x,y,z) needs to be unloaded and disposed.
Note: has no effect when
is not set.
- x, - y, z
Hash containing the component names of built-in components.
- id
- id
- id
- id
- id
- id
- id
- id
- id
- id, - positionArr
- id, - xs, ys, zs