- Day 1 - Second Largest
- Day 2 - Move All Zeroes to End
- Day 3 - Reverse an Array
- Day 4 - Rotate Array
- Day 5 - Next Permutation
- Day 6 - Majority Element II
- Day 7 - Stock Buy and Sell – Multiple Transaction Allowed
- Day 8 - Stock Buy and Sell – Max one Transaction Allowed
- Day 9 - Minimize the Heights II
- Day 10 - Kadane's Algorithm
- Day 11 - Maximum Product Subarray
- Day 12 - Max Circular Subarray Sum
- Day 13 - Smallest Positive Missing Number
- Day 14 - Implement Atoi
- Day 15 - Add Binary Strings
- Day 16 - Anagram
- Day 17 - Non Repeating Character
- Day 18 - Search Pattern (KMP-Algorithm)
- Day 19 - Min Chars to Add for Palindrome
- Day 20 - Strings Rotations of Each Other
- Day 21 - Sort 0s, 1s and 2s
- Day 22 - Find H-Index
- Day 23 - Count Inversions
- Day 24 - Overlapping Intervals
- Day 25 - Insert Interval
- Day 26 - Non-overlapping Intervals
- Day 27 - Merge Without Extra Space
- Day 28 - Number of occurrence
- Day 29 - Sorted and Rotated Minimum
- Day 30 - Search in Rotated Sorted Array
- Day 31 - Peak element
- Day 32 - K-th element of two Arrays
- Day 33 - Aggressive Cows
- Day 34 - Allocate Minimum Pages
- Day 35 - Kth Missing Positive Number in a Sorted Array
- Day 36 - Spirally traversing a matrix
- Day 37 - Rotate by 90 degree
- Day 38 - Search in a Row-Column sorted matrix
- Day 39 - Search in a row-wise sorted matrix
- Day 40 - Search in a sorted Matrix
- Day 41 - Set Matrix Zeroes
- Day 42 - Two Sum - Pair with Given Sum
- Day 43 - Count pairs with given sum
- Day 44 - Find All Triplets with Zero Sum
- Day 45 - Intersection of Two arrays with Duplicate Elements
- Day 46 - Union of Arrays with Duplicates
- Day 47 - Longest Consecutive Subsequence
- Day 48 - Print Anagrams Together
- Day 49 - Subarrays with sum K
- Day 50 - Count Subarrays with given XOR