Free and open-source Qt Media Player library based on FFmpeg with a predictable behavior and control.
QAVPlayer supports playing from an url or QIODevice or from avdevice:
player.setSource(""); player.setSource("/home/lana/The Matrix"); // Playing from qrc QFile file(QLatin1String(":/alarm.wav"));; player.setSource("alarm", &file); // Getting frames from the camera in Linux player.setSource("-f v4l2 -i /dev/video0"); // Or Windows player.setSource("-f dshow -i video=Integrated Camera"); // Or MacOS player.setSource("-f avfoundation -i default"); // Or Android player.setSource("-f android_camera -i 0:0"); // Using various protocols player.setSource("subfile,,start,0,end,0,,:/root/Downloads/why-qtmm-must-die.mkv");
Easy getting video and audio frames:
QObject::connect(&player, &QAVPlayer::videoFrame, [&](const QAVVideoFrame &frame) { // QAVVideoFrame is comppatible with QVideoFrame QVideoFrame videoFrame = frame; // QAVVideoFrame can be converted to various pixel formats auto convertedFrame = frame.convert(AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P); // Easy getting data from video frame auto mapped =; // downloads data if it is in GPU qDebug() << mapped.format << mapped.size; // The frame might contain OpenGL or MTL textures, for copy-free rendering qDebug() << frame.handleType() << frame.handle(); }); // Audio frames could be played using QAVAudioOutput QAVAudioOutput audioOutput; QObject::connect(&player, &QAVPlayer::audioFrame, [&](const QAVAudioFrame &frame) { // Access to the data qDebug() << autioFrame.format() <<;; }); QObject::connect(&p, &QAVPlayer::subtitleFrame, &p, [](const QAVSubtitleFrame &frame) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < frame.subtitle()->num_rects; ++i) { if (frame.subtitle()->rects[i]->type == SUBTITLE_TEXT) qDebug() << "text:" << frame.subtitle()->rects[i]->text; else qDebug() << "ass:" << frame.subtitle()->rects[i]->ass; } });
Each action is confirmed by a signal:
// All signals are added to a queue and guaranteed to be emitted in proper order. QObject::connect(&player, &QAVPlayer::played, [&](qint64 pos) { qDebug() << "Playing started from pos" << pos; }); QObject::connect(&player, &QAVPlayer::paused, [&](qint64 pos) { qDebug() << "Paused at pos" << pos; }); QObject::connect(&player, &QAVPlayer::stopped, [&](qint64 pos) { qDebug() << "Stopped at pos" << pos; }); QObject::connect(&player, &QAVPlayer::seeked, [&](qint64 pos) { qDebug() << "Seeked to pos" << pos; }); QObject::connect(&player, &QAVPlayer::stepped, [&](qint64 pos) { qDebug() << "Made a step to pos" << pos; }); QObject::connect(&player, &QAVPlayer::mediaStatusChanged, [&](QAVPlayer::MediaStatus status) { switch (status) { case QAVplayer::EndOfMedia: qDebug() << "Finished to play, no frames in queue"; break; case QAVplayer::NoMedia: qDebug() << "Demuxer threads are finished"; break; default: break; } });
Accurate seek:
QObject::connect(&p, &QAVPlayer::seeked, &p, [&](qint64 pos) { seekPosition = pos; }); QObject::connect(&player, &QAVPlayer::videoFrame, [&](const QAVVideoFrame &frame) { seekFrame = frame; }); QTRY_COMPARE(seekPosition, 5000); QTRY_COMPARE(seekFrame.pts(), 5.0);
If there is a frame with needed pts, it will be returned as first frame.
FFmpeg filters:
player.setFilter("crop=iw/2:ih:0:0,split[left][tmp];[tmp]hflip[right];[left][right] hstack"); // Render bundled subtitles player.setFilter("subtitles=file.mkv"); // Render subtitles from srt file player.setFilter("");
Step by step:
// Pausing will always emit one frame QObject::connect(&player, &QAVPlayer::videoFrame, [&](const QAVVideoFrame &frame) { receivedFrame = frame; }); if (player.state() != QAVPlayer::PausedState) { // No frames if it is already paused player.pause(); QTRY_VERIFY(receivedFrame); } // Always makes a step forward and emits only one frame player.stepForward(); // the same here but backward player.stepBackward();
Multiple streams:
qDebug() << "Audio streams" << player.audioStreams().size(); qDebug() << "Current audio stream" << player.audioStream().index() << player.audioStream().metadata(); player.setAudioStream(player.audioStream());
HW accelerations:
- VA-API for Linux: DRM with EGL or X11 with GLX.
- VDPAU for Linux.
- Video Toolbox for macOS and iOS.
- D3D11 for Windows.
- MediaCodec for Android.
QT_AVPLAYER_NO_HWDEVICE can be used to force using software decoding. The video codec is negotiated automatically.
QtMultimedia could be used to render video frames to QML or Widgets. See examples.
Qt 5.12 - 6.x is supported
cd build; /opt/cmake-3.19.2/bin/cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/dev/qtbase/lib/cmake/Qt5 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/QtAVPlayer/install -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH="/opt/dev/qtbase/lib;/opt/ffmpeg/install/lib" -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES=/opt/ffmpeg/install/include
Install ffmpeg visible with pkg-config.
$ cd QtAVPlayer && qmake && make -j8
macOS and iOS:
$ export FFMPEG_ROOT=/usr/local/Cellar/ffmpeg/4.3_1
$ cd QtAVPlayer && qmake && make -j8
Set vars that point to libraries in armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86 and x86_64 target archs.
$ export AVPLAYER_ANDROID_LIB_ARMEABI_V7A=/opt/mobile-ffmpeg/prebuilt/android-arm/ffmpeg/lib
$ export AVPLAYER_ANDROID_LIB_ARMEABI_V8A=/opt/mobile-ffmpeg/prebuilt/android-arm64/ffmpeg/lib
$ export AVPLAYER_ANDROID_LIB_X86=/opt/mobile-ffmpeg/prebuilt/android-x86/ffmpeg/lib
$ export AVPLAYER_ANDROID_LIB_X86_64=/opt/mobile-ffmpeg/prebuilt/android-x86_64/ffmpeg/lib
$ export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/opt/mobile-ffmpeg/prebuilt/android-arm64/ffmpeg/include:$CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH
$ cd QtAVPlayer && qmake && make -j8
Windows and MSVC:
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=c:\dev\qtbase\lib\cmake\Qt5 -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH="c:\dev\qtbase\lib;c:\ffmpeg\lib" -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES=c:\ffmpeg\include -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=c:\QtAVPlayer\install
msbuild QtAVPlayer.sln
cmake --build . --target install
SET FFMPEG=C:\ffmpeg
cd QtAVPlayer && qmake && nmake