Calculate the camera len's depth of field with this text UI calculator. Choose lens and enter valid aperture and distance to subject to start the calculator. It will output the focus distance range, depth of field distance, and hyperfocal point.
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The Depth of Field Calculator will calculate these following things:
- Focal Distance Range
- Depth of Field Distance
- Hyperfocal Point
JUnit testing is used for this calculator. Each calculator function is tested to ensure that the four function results the correct values. The unit tests are in
These are sample lens for the calculator
- Canon 50m F1.8
- Tamron 90m F2.8
- Sigma 200m F2.8
- Nikon 200m F4.0
To add additional lens, you must modify a java file. In CameraTextUI insert the following code after line 29.
manager.add(new Lens("Canon", 1.8, 50));
Modify the three arguments of the lens:
- Make (Canon)
- Max Aperture (1.8)
- Focal length in mm (50)
An Android app version is also avaliable here
With this run, the Canon lens is choosen with aperture of 1.8 and distance of 1.1.
Lenses to pick from:
0. Canon 50mm F1.8
1. Tamron 90mm F2.8
2. Sigma 200mm F2.8
3. Nikon 200mm F4.0
(-1 to exit)
Input: 0
Aperture [the F number]:
Input: 1.8
Distance to subject [m]:
Input: 1.1
In focus: 1.08m to 1.12m [DoF = 0.05m]
Hyperfocal point: 47.89m
Lenses to pick from:
0. Canon 50mm F1.8
1. Tamron 90mm F2.8
2. Sigma 200mm F2.8
3. Nikon 200mm F4.0
(-1 to exit)
Input: -1