A GUI app that organizes your files through easily created filters.
The gold is to provide a GUI to setup how files should be organized automatically in your system. The files will move from what we call origin folders to destination folders through Filters which are a way to describe what's the trigger and how should the file be organized; Filters are regex expressions basically, and the specific type of filters 'name' and 'format' are just some particular regex. Eventually i'd be great to provide some backup system.
- Python 3.10.5.
- PyQT5 (documentation)
- Organization of files.
- Backup of files.
Project is: in progress.
To make the GUI we use designer-qt5
sh editGui.sh
sh test.sh
sh compile.sh
- ALL.
@TomiVidal99 (https://tomasvidal.xyz/)
This project is open source and available under the MIT License.