A little about us:
- We are a research center at UT Austin
- ~160 Staff, 85% funding from external grants
- We support over 10,000 users on ~2,300 active projects
Mission: "To enable discoveries that advance science and society through the application of advanced computing technologies."
As we log in and prepare to use Lonestar5, it is important to understand the basic architecture. Think of an HPC resource as a very large and complicated lab instrument. Users need to learn how to:
- Interface with it / push the right buttons (Linux)
- Load samples (data)
- Run experiments (jobs)
- Interpret the results (data analysis / vis)
Read the documentation.
- Learn node schematics, limitations, file systems, rules
- Learn about the scheduler, queues, policies
- Determine the right resource for the job
HPC systems are shared resources. Your jobs and activity on a cluster, if mismanaged, can affect others. TACC staff are always available to help.
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