name: &name "daniel" # anchor name doesn't have to be the same as key name occupation: 'student'
age: !!float 18 # 18.0 gpa: !!str 3.5 # "3.5"
fav_num: 1e+10
male: true
birthday: 2001-01-23 10:00:00
flaws: null
hobbies: - hiking - coding - movies - riding bike
movies: ['Dark Knight', "Good Will Hunting"]
- name: "steph" age: 22
- {name: 'Adam', age: 22}
- name: "joe" age: 23
description: > Labore officia laborum Lorem culpa excepteur anim et. Eiusmod non quis qui tempor ea proident consectetur eiusmod ipsum. Enim consequat proident nisi nostrud ea occaecat fugiat tempor in aliquip irure do minim. Sit esse non laborum et. Minim sit non Lorem esse et quis labore reprehenderit veniam minim. Consequat consequat amet enim magna ea veniam fugiat nulla anim reprehenderit qui irure. Qui aliqua irure sit cupidatat aute commodo cillum id.
signature: | Aiman PHHM Organization email -
id: *name # "daniel"
base: &base var1: 'value1' foo: <<: *base # expands to var1: 'value1' val2: 'value2'