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File metadata and controls

82 lines (73 loc) · 4.21 KB


Shared repository for the sensorized needle robot collaboration between BWH and JHU. This repository controls the linear guides and the measurement of depth and orientation will be implemented. Please also refer to instructions in the Readme located under stage_control folder.


Clone repository into the src folder of a colcon workspace, and then run rosdep to install dependencies:

rosdep update
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -y

Then build:

colcon build --symlink-install

You might need to install control-msgs using:

sudo apt install ros-foxy-control-msgs

Or manullay by cloning repository: 


Launch the file

ros2 launch adaptive_guide sim_level:=<0,1,2,3>

The sim_level argument controls whether Gazebo simulation, physical hardware, or both will be used:

  • sim_level:=0 : Emulated (dummy nodes) stage and sensors only
  • sim_level:=1 : Virtual stage and sensors, simulated in Gazebo (Not yet fully implemented)
  • sim_level:=2 : Physical stage and sensors (Depth and rotation sensors currently only emulated)
  • sim_level:=3 : Both virtual and physical sensors

Motorized Stage Control - John & Hannah

Packages to provide actions to control the motorized stage hardware and virtual copy, as well as provide topics for stage position and needle pose.

Relevant packages:

  • adaptive_guide: provides launch file to bring-up full system
  • adaptive_guide_description: description files for virtual robot
  • adaptive_guide_gazebo: launches robot in Gazebo simulation
  • needle_path_control: provides controllers for virtual robot
  • needle_pose_sensors: connects to needle pose sensors and publishes needle pose
  • stage_control: provides action server to control motorized stage
  • stage_control_interfaces: message, service, and action definitions for stage_control


Motorized Stage Control for Compensation Algorithm

The stage control node exposes the /move_stage action which takes a /stage_control_interfaces/action/MoveStage action message of the format:

float64 x
float64 z
float64 eps
float64 x
float64 z
float64 time
float64 error
int32 error_code
float64 x
float64 z
float64 error
float64 time

Goal: x and z in the goal section represent the target position in millimeters for the motorized stage with respect to the home position of the controller. eps is the error in position in millimeters that the stage will try to achieve before stopping.
Result: x and z in the result section represents the achieved x and z position. time is the number of seconds it took to reach the position. error is the final positional error. error_code is 0 if the movement succeeded.
Feedback: x and z in the feedback section represents the current position at the time the message was published. error is the current error in position. time is the elapsed time in seconds.

Pose Topics

The following topics are also exposed:

  • /needle/state/pose: A geometry_msgs/msg/PoseStamped message that includes needle depth and rotation.
  • /stage/state/pose: A geometry_msgs/msg/PoseStamped message that includes the x and z position of the needle guide.
  • /stage/state/needle_pose: A geometry_msgs/msg/PoseStamped message that combines the needle and stage pose into one pose message.

Virtual Needle Control

The following topics can be published to in order to change the pose of the virtual needle.

  • /virtual_stage/y_position_controller/command: A std_msgs/msg/Float64 topic to change the y (insertion) position of the needle in meters.
  • /virtual_Stage/theta_position_controller/command: A std_msgs/msg/Float64 topic to change the rotation of the needle about the y-axis in radians.

The following topics can be subscribed to in order to monitor the insertion depth and rotation of the virtual needle.

  • /virtual_stage/joint_states/y: A std_msgs/msg/Float64 topic for the insertion depth of the y (insertion) position of the needle in meters.
  • /virtual_stage/joint_states/theta: A std_msgs/msg/Float64 topic for the rotation of the needle about the y-axis in radians.