- updated chromedriver to chromedriver 104
- added documentation on chromedriver to keep the bot functional
- fixed a bot crashing issue
- Check your chrome browser version (must be 104 since it's included in this bot's version)
- Alternatively, after you check your chrome browser version, head to: https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads and download the version that matches your current chrome browser version and put it in the same folder as the bot.
- Head to Google App Password
- In "Select app" field, select Custome and name it whatever you want (recommend ReadEmail) and hit Generate
- Copy the password that it gives you and keep it somewhere save, do not share that with anyone.
- Download and unzip the bot, and run 'run_gmail.bat'
- Type in NetID and password
- Type in Gmail and paste in the generated password from google app password
- The bot will now wait until there's a notification for open seats and will start yoinking it.
- Make sure to have installed python (the one from windows store is recommended)
- Make sure to have install outlook (for the people that works in the school and have to use outlook as their UIC mail)
- Make sure that outlook is running before running the bot.
- Note: (Use the minimize when close options to put Outlook away and still running)
- Always have to keep running in the background
- Run 'run_outlook.bat' and type in your NetID and password
- Leave it there. Once it ran, the moment you receive an open seat notification it will automatically grab that seat for you.
- common ones are :
- just a wait list
- time conflict
- not sure, if anything else goes wrong report to issues, ty.