If you're running a local machine and not a cloud-based VM -
- Go to your BIOS menu
- Enable SGX (Software controlled is not enough)
- Disable Secure Boot
Note: sgx_linux_x64_driver_2.6.0_602374c.bin
is the latest driver as of July 13, 2020. Please check under https://download.01.org/intel-sgx/sgx-linux/ that this is still the case. If not, please send us a PR or notify us.
#! /bin/bash
UBUNTUVERSION=$(lsb_release -r -s | cut -d '.' -f 1)
PSW_PACKAGES='libsgx-enclave-common libsgx-urts sgx-aesm-service libsgx-uae-service autoconf libtool make gcc'
if (($UBUNTUVERSION < 16)); then
echo "Your version of Ubuntu is not supported. Must have Ubuntu 16.04 and up. Aborting installation script..."
exit 1
elif (($UBUNTUVERSION < 18)); then
echo "\n\n###############################################"
echo "##### Installing Intel SGX driver #####"
echo "###############################################\n\n"
# download SGX driver
wget "https://download.01.org/intel-sgx/sgx-linux/2.10/distro/${OS}/sgx_linux_x64_driver_2.6.0_602374c.bin"
# Make the driver installer executable
chmod +x ./sgx_linux_x64_driver_*.bin
# Install the driver
sudo ./sgx_linux_x64_driver_*.bin
# Remount /dev as exec, also at system startup
sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/remount-dev-exec.service >/dev/null <<EOF
Description=Remount /dev as exec to allow AESM service to boot and load enclaves into SGX
ExecStart=/bin/mount -o remount,exec /dev
sudo systemctl enable remount-dev-exec
sudo systemctl start remount-dev-exec
echo "\n\n###############################################"
echo "##### Installing Intel SGX PSW #####"
echo "###############################################\n\n"
# Add Intels's SGX PPA
echo "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.01.org/intel-sgx/sgx_repo/ubuntu $DISTRO main" |
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/intel-sgx.list
wget -qO - https://download.01.org/intel-sgx/sgx_repo/ubuntu/intel-sgx-deb.key |
sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt update
# Install libprotobuf
if (($UBUNTUVERSION > 18)); then
sudo apt install -y gdebi
# Install all the additional necessary dependencies (besides the driver and the SDK)
# for building a rust enclave
wget -O /tmp/libprotobuf10_3.0.0-9_amd64.deb http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/pool/main/p/protobuf/libprotobuf10_3.0.0-9_amd64.deb
yes | sudo gdebi /tmp/libprotobuf10_3.0.0-9_amd64.deb
PSW_PACKAGES+=' libprotobuf-dev'
sudo apt install -y $PSW_PACKAGES
First, make sure you have Rust installed: https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install
Once Rust is installed, install the
toolchain:rustup toolchain install nightly
Then you can use this script (or run the commands one-by-one), which was tested on Ubuntu 20.04 with SGX driver/sdk version 2.10 intended for Ubuntu 18.04:
#! /bin/bash
UBUNTUVERSION=$(lsb_release -r -s | cut -d '.' -f 1)
if (($UBUNTUVERSION < 16)); then
echo "Your version of Ubuntu is not supported. Must have Ubuntu 16.04 and up. Aborting installation script..."
exit 1
elif (($UBUNTUVERSION < 18)); then
echo "\n\n#######################################"
echo "##### Installing missing packages #####"
echo "#######################################\n\n"
# Install needed packages for script
sudo apt install -y lynx parallel gdebi make
# Create a working directory to download and install the SDK inside
mkdir -p "$HOME/.sgxsdk"
# In a new sub-shell cd into our working directory so to no pollute the
# original shell's working directory
cd "$HOME/.sgxsdk"
echo "\n\n################################################"
echo "##### Downloading Intel SGX driver and SDK #####"
echo "################################################\n\n"
# 1. Go to https://download.01.org/intel-sgx/sgx-linux
# 2. Step into the latest version
# 3. Step into `distro/$LATEST_UBUNTU_YOU_SEE_THERE`
# 4. Download `sgx_linux_x64_driver_*.bin` and `sgx_linux_x64_sdk_*.bin`
lynx -dump -listonly -nonumbers https://download.01.org/intel-sgx/sgx-linux/ |
grep -P 'sgx-linux/(\d\.?)+/' |
sort -V |
tail -1 |
parallel --bar --verbose lynx -dump -listonly -nonumbers "{}/distro" |
grep -P 'ubuntu\d\d' |
sort -V |
tail -1 |
parallel --bar --verbose lynx -dump -listonly -nonumbers |
grep -P '\.bin$' |
parallel --bar --verbose curl -OSs
# Make the driver and SDK installers executable
chmod +x ./sgx_linux_*.bin
echo "\n\n###############################################"
echo "##### Installing Intel SGX driver and SDK #####"
echo "###############################################\n\n"
# Install the driver
sudo ./sgx_linux_x64_driver_*.bin
# Remount /dev as exec, also at system startup
sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/remount-dev-exec.service >/dev/null <<EOF
Description=Remount /dev as exec to allow AESM service to boot and load enclaves into SGX
ExecStart=/bin/mount -o remount,exec /dev
sudo systemctl enable remount-dev-exec
sudo systemctl start remount-dev-exec
# Install the SDK inside ./sgxsdk/ which is inside $HOME/.sgxsdk
echo yes | ./sgx_linux_x64_sdk_*.bin
# Setup the environment variables for every new shell
echo "source '$HOME/.sgxsdk/sgxsdk/environment'" |
tee -a "$HOME/.bashrc" "$HOME/.zshrc" > /dev/null
echo "\n\n##############################################"
echo "##### Installing additional dependencies #####"
echo "##############################################\n\n"
# Add Intels's SGX PPA
echo "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.01.org/intel-sgx/sgx_repo/ubuntu $DISTRO main" |
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/intel-sgx.list
wget -qO - https://download.01.org/intel-sgx/sgx_repo/ubuntu/intel-sgx-deb.key |
sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt update
# Install all the additional necessary dependencies (besides the driver and the SDK)
# for building a rust enclave
wget -O /tmp/libprotobuf10_3.0.0-9_amd64.deb http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/pool/main/p/protobuf/libprotobuf10_3.0.0-9_amd64.deb
(sleep 3 ; echo y) | sudo gdebi /tmp/libprotobuf10_3.0.0-9_amd64.deb
sudo apt install -y libsgx-enclave-common libsgx-enclave-common-dev libsgx-urts sgx-aesm-service libsgx-uae-service libsgx-launch libsgx-aesm-launch-plugin libsgx-ae-le autoconf libtool
Note that sometimes after a system reboot you'll need to reinstall the driver (usually after a kernel upgrade):
sudo $HOME/.sgxsdk/sgx_linux_x64_driver_*.bin
See https://github.com/enigmampc/SecretNetwork/blob/master/docs/validators-and-full-nodes/verify-sgx.md for a guide how to test your setup
First, make sure you have Rust installed: https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install
- Once Rust is installed, install the
rustup toolchain install nightly
sudo apt install -y libssl-dev protobuf-compiler
cargo +nightly install fortanix-sgx-tools sgxs-tools
Should print at the end:
✔ Able to launch enclaves
✔ Debug mode
✔ Production mode (Intel whitelisted)
You're all set to start running SGX programs!
git clone --depth 1 -b v1.1.2 git@github.com:apache/incubator-teaclave-sgx-sdk.git
cd incubator-teaclave-sgx-sdk/samplecode/hello-rust
perl -i -pe 's/SGX_SDK \?=.+/SGX_SDK ?= \$(HOME)\/.sgxsdk\/sgxsdk/' Makefile
cd bin
Should print somting similar to this:
[+] Init Enclave Successful 2!
This is a normal world string passed into Enclave!
This is a in-Enclave Rust string!
gd: 1 0 0 1
static: 1 eremove: 0 dyn: 0
EDMM: 0, feature: 9007268790009855
supported sgx
[+] say_something success...
To uninstall the Intel(R) SGX Driver, run:
sudo /opt/intel/sgxdriver/uninstall.sh
The above command produces no output when it succeeds. If you want to verify that the driver has been uninstalled, you can run the following, which should print SGX Driver NOT installed
ls /dev/isgx &>/dev/null && echo "SGX Driver installed" || echo "SGX Driver NOT installed"
To uninstall the SGX SDK, run:
sudo "$HOME"/.sgxsdk/sgxsdk/uninstall.sh
rm -rf "$HOME/.sgxsdk"
To uninstall the rest of the dependencies, run:
sudo apt purge -y libsgx-enclave-common libsgx-enclave-common-dev libsgx-urts sgx-aesm-service libsgx-uae-service libsgx-launch libsgx-aesm-launch-plugin libsgx-ae-le
- https://github.com/apache/incubator-teaclave-sgx-sdk/wiki/Environment-Setup
- https://github.com/openenclave/openenclave/blob/master/docs/GettingStartedDocs/install_oe_sdk-Ubuntu_18.04.md
- https://github.com/apache/incubator-teaclave-sgx-sdk/blob/783f04c002e243d1022c5af8a982f9c2a7138f32/dockerfile/Dockerfile.1804.nightly
- https://edp.fortanix.com/docs/installation/guide/