Project Taste is an interactive simulation of a coffee vending machine, developed using GNU Octave as part of the coursework for the subject Introduction to Engineering (ENS101). It is primarily aimed at providing an immersive and realistic user experience that closely resembles the principles on which coffee vending machines operate in the real world. Featuring a friendly graphical user interface that is intuitive and easy to navigate, as well as an extensive variety of coffee types, users have the ability to choose from a wide array of options and perform various operations that effectively emulate functionalty seen in such machines. In addition, it leverages GNU Octave's capabilities to accurately model the complex processes involved in a coffee vending machine, such as selecting the coffee type, inserting money, collecting change and dispensing coffee.
🕒 Current time display
☕ Seamless coffee type selection
💰 Menubar for coin insertion, change and coffee collection
🎵 Audio playback
🔄 Prompt message alteration
💪 Customizable preferences
And more!