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Feature Definitions
Thanneer Malai Perumal
Mon Jun 26 17:46:41 2017


Feature Name Definition
meanTapInter mean tapping interval
medianTapInter median tapping interval
iqrTapInter interquartile range tapping interval
minTapInter minimum tapping interval
maxTapInter maximum tapping interval
skewTapInter skewness tapping interval
kurTapInter kurtosis tapping interval
sdTapInter standard deviation tapping interval
madTapInter mean absolute deviation tapping interval
cvTapInter coefficient of variation tapping interval
rangeTapInter range tapping interval
tkeoTapInter teager-kaiser energy operator tapping interval
ar1TapInter autocorrelation (lag = 1) tapping interval
ar2TapInter autocorrelation (lag = 2) tapping interval
fatigue10TapInter difference in mean tapping interval between the first and last 10% of the tapping interval series
fatigue25TapInter difference in mean tapping interval between the first and last 25% of the tapping interval series
fatigue50TapInter difference in mean tapping interval between the first and last 50% of the tapping interval series
meanDriftLeft mean drift in the left button
medianDriftLeft median drift in the left button
iqrDriftLeft interquartile range of drift in the left button
minDriftLeft minimum of drift in the left button
maxDriftLeft maximum of drift in the left button
skewDriftLeft skewness of drift in the left button
kurDriftLeft kurtosis of drift in the left button
sdDriftLeft standard deviation of drift in the left button
madDriftLeft mean absolute deviation of drift in the left button
cvDriftLeft coefficient of variation of drift in the left button
rangeDriftLeft range of drift in the left button
meanDriftRight mean drift in the right button
medianDriftRight median drift in the right button
iqrDriftRight interquartile range of drift in the right button
minDriftRight minimum of drift in the right button
maxDriftRight maximum of drift in the right button
skewDriftRight skewness of drift in the right button
kurDriftRight kurtosis of drift in the right button
sdDriftRight standard deviation of drift in the right button
madDriftRight mean absolute deviation of drift in the right button
cvDriftRight coefficient of variation of drift in the right button
rangeDriftRight range of drift in the right button
numberTap number of taps
buttonNoneFreq frequency where neither the left or right buttons were hit
corXY correlation between the X and Y coordinates of the hits


Feature Name Definition
Median F0 Median of all possible pitch estimates
Mean Jitter Mean of all possible jitter estimates
Median Jitter Median of all possible jitter estimates
Mean Shimmer Mean of all possible shimmer estimates
Median Shimmer Median of all possible shimmer estimates
MFCC Band 1 Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Band 1
MFCC Band 2 Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Band 2
MFCC Band 3 Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Band 3
MFCC Band 4 Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Band 4
MFCC Jitter Band 1 Positive Positive change in Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Band 1 over time
MFCC Jitter Band 2 Positive Positive change in Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Band 2 over time
MFCC Jitter Band 3 Positive Positive change in Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Band 3 over time
MFCC Jitter Band 4 Positive Positive change in Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Band 4 over time


Feature Name Definition
meanX mean of the X acceleration series
sdX standard deviation of the X acceleration series
modeX mode of the X acceleration series
skewX skewness of the X acceleration series
kurX kurtosis of the X acceleration series
q1X first quartile of the X acceleration series
medianX median of the X acceleration series
q3X third quartile of the X acceleration series
iqrX interquartile range of the X acceleration series
rangeX range of the X acceleration series
acfX autocorrelation (lag = 1) of the X acceleration series
zcrX zero-crossing rate of the X acceleration series
dfaX scaling exponent of the detrended fluctuation analysis of the X acceleration series
cvX coefficient of variation of the X acceleration series
tkeoX teager-kaiser energy operator of the X acceleration series
F0X frequency at which the maximum peak of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram occurred for the X acceleration series
P0X maximum power in the inspected frequency interval of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram for the X acceleration series
F0FX frequency at which the maximum peak of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram occurred for the X acceleration series, with frequencies limited to (0.2,5) Hz
P0FX maximum power in the inspected frequency interval of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram for the X acceleration, with frequencies limited to (0.2,5) Hz series
meanY mean of the Y acceleration series
sdY standard deviation of the Y acceleration series
modeY mode of the Y acceleration series
skewY skewness of the Y acceleration series
kurY kurtosis of the Y acceleration series
q1Y first quartile of the Y acceleration series
medianY median of the Y acceleration series
q3Y third quartile of the Y acceleration series
iqrY interquartile range of the Y acceleration series
rangeY range of the Y acceleration series
acfY autocorrelation (lag = 1) of the Y acceleration series
zcrY zero-crossing rate of the Y acceleration series
dfaY scaling exponent of the detrended fluctuation analysis of the Y acceleration series
cvY coefficient of variation of the Y acceleration series
tkeoY teager-kaiser energy operator of the Y acceleration series
F0Y frequency at which the maximum peak of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram occurred for the Y acceleration series
P0Y maximum power in the inspected frequency interval of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram for the Y acceleration series
F0FY frequency at which the maximum peak of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram occurred for the Y acceleration series, with frequencies limited to (0.2,5) Hz
P0FY maximum power in the inspected frequency interval of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram for the Y acceleration, with frequencies limited to (0.2,5) Hz series
meanZ mean of the Z acceleration series
sdZ standard deviation of the Z acceleration series
modeZ mode of the Z acceleration series
skewZ skewness of the Z acceleration series
kurZ kurtosis of the Z acceleration series
q1Z first quartile of the Z acceleration series
medianZ median of the Z acceleration series
q3Z third quartile of the Z acceleration series
iqrZ interquartile range of the Z acceleration series
rangeZ range of the Z acceleration series
acfZ autocorrelation (lag = 1) of the Z acceleration series
zcrZ zero-crossing rate of the Z acceleration series
dfaZ scaling exponent of the detrended fluctuation analysis of the Z acceleration series
cvZ coefficient of variation of the Z acceleration series
tkeoZ teager-kaiser energy operator of the Z acceleration series
F0Z frequency at which the maximum peak of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram occurred for the Z acceleration series
P0Z maximum power in the inspected frequency interval of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram for the Z acceleration series
F0FZ frequency at which the maximum peak of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram occurred for the Z acceleration series, with frequencies limited to (0.2,5) Hz
P0FZ maximum power in the inspected frequency interval of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram for the Z acceleration, with frequencies limited to (0.2,5) Hz series
meanAA mean of the average acceleration series
sdAA standard deviation of the average acceleration series
modeAA mode of the average acceleration series
skewAA skewness of the average acceleration series
kurAA kurtosis of the average acceleration series
q1AA first quartile of the average acceleration series
medianAA median of the average acceleration series
q3AA third quartile of the average acceleration series
iqrAA interquartile range of the average acceleration series
rangeAA range of the average acceleration series
acfAA autocorrelation (lag = 1) of the average acceleration series
zcrAA zero-crossing rate of the average acceleration series
dfaAA scaling exponent of the detrended fluctuation analysis of the average acceleration Series
cvAA coefficient of variation of the average acceleration series
tkeoAA teager-kaiser energy operator of the average acceleration series
F0AA frequency at which the maximum peak of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram occured for the average acceleration series
P0AA maximum power in the inspected frequency interval of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram for the average acceleration series
F0FAA frequency at which the maximum peak of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram occurred for the AA acceleration series, with frequencies limited to (0.2,5) Hz
P0FAA maximum power in the inspected frequency interval of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram for the AA acceleration, with frequencies limited to (0.2,5) Hz series
meanAJ mean of the average jerk series
sdAJ standard deviation of the average jerk series
modeAJ mode of the average jerk series
skewAJ skewness of the average jerk series
kurAJ kurtosis of the average jerk series
q1AJ first quartile of the average jerk series
medianAJ median of the average jerk series
q3AJ third quartile of the average jerk series
iqrAJ interquartile range of the average jerk series
rangeAJ range of the average jerk series
acfAJ autocorrelation (lag = 1) of the average jerk series
zcrAJ zero-crossing rate of the average jerk series
dfaAJ scaling exponent of the detrended fluctuation analysis of the average jerk series
cvAJ coefficient of variation of the average jerk series
tkeoAJ teager-kaiser energy operator of the average jerk series
F0AJ frequency at which the maximum peak of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram occurred for the average jerk series
P0AJ maximum power in the inspected frequency interval of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram for the average jerk series
F0FAJ frequency at which the maximum peak of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram occurred for the AA acceleration series, with frequencies limited to (0.2,5) Hz
P0FAJ maximum power in the inspected frequency interval of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram for the AJ acceleration, with frequencies limited to (0.2,5) Hz series
corXY correlation between the X and Y acceleration
corXZ correlation between the X and Z acceleration
corYZ correlation between the Y and Z acceleration


AA = sqrt(X^2 + Y^2 + Z^2)

AJ = sqrt((diff(X))^2 + (diff(Y))^2 + (diff(Z))^2)


Feature Name Definition
meanAA mean of the average acceleration series
sdAA standard deviation of the average acceleration series
modeAA mode of the average acceleration series
skewAA skewness of the average acceleration series
kurAA kurtosis of the average acceleration series
q1AA first quartile of the average acceleration series
medianAA median of the average acceleration series
q3AA third quartile of the average acceleration series
iqrAA interquartile range of the average acceleration series
rangeAA range of the average acceleration series
acfAA autocorrelation (lag = 1) of the average acceleration series
zcrAA zero-crossing rate of the average acceleration series
dfaAA scaling exponent of the detrended fluctuation analysis of the average acceleration series
turningTime turning time
Postpeak posture peak
Postpower posture power
Alpha scaling exponent of the detrended fluctuation analysis of the force vector magnitute series
dVol displacement volume (volume of the box around the displacement across the X, Y, and Z directions)
ddVol delta displacement volume