title | author | date | output |
Feature Definitions |
Thanneer Malai Perumal |
Mon Jun 26 17:46:41 2017 |
html_document |
Feature Name | Definition |
meanTapInter | mean tapping interval |
medianTapInter | median tapping interval |
iqrTapInter | interquartile range tapping interval |
minTapInter | minimum tapping interval |
maxTapInter | maximum tapping interval |
skewTapInter | skewness tapping interval |
kurTapInter | kurtosis tapping interval |
sdTapInter | standard deviation tapping interval |
madTapInter | mean absolute deviation tapping interval |
cvTapInter | coefficient of variation tapping interval |
rangeTapInter | range tapping interval |
tkeoTapInter | teager-kaiser energy operator tapping interval |
ar1TapInter | autocorrelation (lag = 1) tapping interval |
ar2TapInter | autocorrelation (lag = 2) tapping interval |
fatigue10TapInter | difference in mean tapping interval between the first and last 10% of the tapping interval series |
fatigue25TapInter | difference in mean tapping interval between the first and last 25% of the tapping interval series |
fatigue50TapInter | difference in mean tapping interval between the first and last 50% of the tapping interval series |
meanDriftLeft | mean drift in the left button |
medianDriftLeft | median drift in the left button |
iqrDriftLeft | interquartile range of drift in the left button |
minDriftLeft | minimum of drift in the left button |
maxDriftLeft | maximum of drift in the left button |
skewDriftLeft | skewness of drift in the left button |
kurDriftLeft | kurtosis of drift in the left button |
sdDriftLeft | standard deviation of drift in the left button |
madDriftLeft | mean absolute deviation of drift in the left button |
cvDriftLeft | coefficient of variation of drift in the left button |
rangeDriftLeft | range of drift in the left button |
meanDriftRight | mean drift in the right button |
medianDriftRight | median drift in the right button |
iqrDriftRight | interquartile range of drift in the right button |
minDriftRight | minimum of drift in the right button |
maxDriftRight | maximum of drift in the right button |
skewDriftRight | skewness of drift in the right button |
kurDriftRight | kurtosis of drift in the right button |
sdDriftRight | standard deviation of drift in the right button |
madDriftRight | mean absolute deviation of drift in the right button |
cvDriftRight | coefficient of variation of drift in the right button |
rangeDriftRight | range of drift in the right button |
numberTap | number of taps |
buttonNoneFreq | frequency where neither the left or right buttons were hit |
corXY | correlation between the X and Y coordinates of the hits |
Feature Name | Definition |
Median F0 | Median of all possible pitch estimates |
Mean Jitter | Mean of all possible jitter estimates |
Median Jitter | Median of all possible jitter estimates |
Mean Shimmer | Mean of all possible shimmer estimates |
Median Shimmer | Median of all possible shimmer estimates |
MFCC Band 1 | Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Band 1 |
MFCC Band 2 | Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Band 2 |
MFCC Band 3 | Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Band 3 |
MFCC Band 4 | Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Band 4 |
MFCC Jitter Band 1 Positive | Positive change in Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Band 1 over time |
MFCC Jitter Band 2 Positive | Positive change in Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Band 2 over time |
MFCC Jitter Band 3 Positive | Positive change in Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Band 3 over time |
MFCC Jitter Band 4 Positive | Positive change in Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Band 4 over time |
Feature Name | Definition |
meanX | mean of the X acceleration series |
sdX | standard deviation of the X acceleration series |
modeX | mode of the X acceleration series |
skewX | skewness of the X acceleration series |
kurX | kurtosis of the X acceleration series |
q1X | first quartile of the X acceleration series |
medianX | median of the X acceleration series |
q3X | third quartile of the X acceleration series |
iqrX | interquartile range of the X acceleration series |
rangeX | range of the X acceleration series |
acfX | autocorrelation (lag = 1) of the X acceleration series |
zcrX | zero-crossing rate of the X acceleration series |
dfaX | scaling exponent of the detrended fluctuation analysis of the X acceleration series |
cvX | coefficient of variation of the X acceleration series |
tkeoX | teager-kaiser energy operator of the X acceleration series |
F0X | frequency at which the maximum peak of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram occurred for the X acceleration series |
P0X | maximum power in the inspected frequency interval of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram for the X acceleration series |
F0FX | frequency at which the maximum peak of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram occurred for the X acceleration series, with frequencies limited to (0.2,5) Hz |
P0FX | maximum power in the inspected frequency interval of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram for the X acceleration, with frequencies limited to (0.2,5) Hz series |
meanY | mean of the Y acceleration series |
sdY | standard deviation of the Y acceleration series |
modeY | mode of the Y acceleration series |
skewY | skewness of the Y acceleration series |
kurY | kurtosis of the Y acceleration series |
q1Y | first quartile of the Y acceleration series |
medianY | median of the Y acceleration series |
q3Y | third quartile of the Y acceleration series |
iqrY | interquartile range of the Y acceleration series |
rangeY | range of the Y acceleration series |
acfY | autocorrelation (lag = 1) of the Y acceleration series |
zcrY | zero-crossing rate of the Y acceleration series |
dfaY | scaling exponent of the detrended fluctuation analysis of the Y acceleration series |
cvY | coefficient of variation of the Y acceleration series |
tkeoY | teager-kaiser energy operator of the Y acceleration series |
F0Y | frequency at which the maximum peak of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram occurred for the Y acceleration series |
P0Y | maximum power in the inspected frequency interval of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram for the Y acceleration series |
F0FY | frequency at which the maximum peak of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram occurred for the Y acceleration series, with frequencies limited to (0.2,5) Hz |
P0FY | maximum power in the inspected frequency interval of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram for the Y acceleration, with frequencies limited to (0.2,5) Hz series |
meanZ | mean of the Z acceleration series |
sdZ | standard deviation of the Z acceleration series |
modeZ | mode of the Z acceleration series |
skewZ | skewness of the Z acceleration series |
kurZ | kurtosis of the Z acceleration series |
q1Z | first quartile of the Z acceleration series |
medianZ | median of the Z acceleration series |
q3Z | third quartile of the Z acceleration series |
iqrZ | interquartile range of the Z acceleration series |
rangeZ | range of the Z acceleration series |
acfZ | autocorrelation (lag = 1) of the Z acceleration series |
zcrZ | zero-crossing rate of the Z acceleration series |
dfaZ | scaling exponent of the detrended fluctuation analysis of the Z acceleration series |
cvZ | coefficient of variation of the Z acceleration series |
tkeoZ | teager-kaiser energy operator of the Z acceleration series |
F0Z | frequency at which the maximum peak of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram occurred for the Z acceleration series |
P0Z | maximum power in the inspected frequency interval of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram for the Z acceleration series |
F0FZ | frequency at which the maximum peak of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram occurred for the Z acceleration series, with frequencies limited to (0.2,5) Hz |
P0FZ | maximum power in the inspected frequency interval of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram for the Z acceleration, with frequencies limited to (0.2,5) Hz series |
meanAA | mean of the average acceleration series |
sdAA | standard deviation of the average acceleration series |
modeAA | mode of the average acceleration series |
skewAA | skewness of the average acceleration series |
kurAA | kurtosis of the average acceleration series |
q1AA | first quartile of the average acceleration series |
medianAA | median of the average acceleration series |
q3AA | third quartile of the average acceleration series |
iqrAA | interquartile range of the average acceleration series |
rangeAA | range of the average acceleration series |
acfAA | autocorrelation (lag = 1) of the average acceleration series |
zcrAA | zero-crossing rate of the average acceleration series |
dfaAA | scaling exponent of the detrended fluctuation analysis of the average acceleration Series |
cvAA | coefficient of variation of the average acceleration series |
tkeoAA | teager-kaiser energy operator of the average acceleration series |
F0AA | frequency at which the maximum peak of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram occured for the average acceleration series |
P0AA | maximum power in the inspected frequency interval of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram for the average acceleration series |
F0FAA | frequency at which the maximum peak of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram occurred for the AA acceleration series, with frequencies limited to (0.2,5) Hz |
P0FAA | maximum power in the inspected frequency interval of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram for the AA acceleration, with frequencies limited to (0.2,5) Hz series |
meanAJ | mean of the average jerk series |
sdAJ | standard deviation of the average jerk series |
modeAJ | mode of the average jerk series |
skewAJ | skewness of the average jerk series |
kurAJ | kurtosis of the average jerk series |
q1AJ | first quartile of the average jerk series |
medianAJ | median of the average jerk series |
q3AJ | third quartile of the average jerk series |
iqrAJ | interquartile range of the average jerk series |
rangeAJ | range of the average jerk series |
acfAJ | autocorrelation (lag = 1) of the average jerk series |
zcrAJ | zero-crossing rate of the average jerk series |
dfaAJ | scaling exponent of the detrended fluctuation analysis of the average jerk series |
cvAJ | coefficient of variation of the average jerk series |
tkeoAJ | teager-kaiser energy operator of the average jerk series |
F0AJ | frequency at which the maximum peak of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram occurred for the average jerk series |
P0AJ | maximum power in the inspected frequency interval of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram for the average jerk series |
F0FAJ | frequency at which the maximum peak of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram occurred for the AA acceleration series, with frequencies limited to (0.2,5) Hz |
P0FAJ | maximum power in the inspected frequency interval of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram for the AJ acceleration, with frequencies limited to (0.2,5) Hz series |
corXY | correlation between the X and Y acceleration |
corXZ | correlation between the X and Z acceleration |
corYZ | correlation between the Y and Z acceleration |
AA = sqrt(X^2 + Y^2 + Z^2)
AJ = sqrt((diff(X))^2 + (diff(Y))^2 + (diff(Z))^2)
Feature Name | Definition |
meanAA | mean of the average acceleration series |
sdAA | standard deviation of the average acceleration series |
modeAA | mode of the average acceleration series |
skewAA | skewness of the average acceleration series |
kurAA | kurtosis of the average acceleration series |
q1AA | first quartile of the average acceleration series |
medianAA | median of the average acceleration series |
q3AA | third quartile of the average acceleration series |
iqrAA | interquartile range of the average acceleration series |
rangeAA | range of the average acceleration series |
acfAA | autocorrelation (lag = 1) of the average acceleration series |
zcrAA | zero-crossing rate of the average acceleration series |
dfaAA | scaling exponent of the detrended fluctuation analysis of the average acceleration series |
turningTime | turning time |
Postpeak | posture peak |
Postpower | posture power |
Alpha | scaling exponent of the detrended fluctuation analysis of the force vector magnitute series |
dVol | displacement volume (volume of the box around the displacement across the X, Y, and Z directions) |
ddVol | delta displacement volume |