the sources should be available at $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
go build
cd $GOPATH/src/
bdate=$(date +"%Y/%m/%d")
go build -ldflags "-X '$version' -X '$bdate' -X '%{GONS}/%{name}/system.RPMBldVers=$bvers'"
gofmt -d *
golint ./...
go vet -composites=false ./...
and run the unit tests (in a docker container)
after committing the changes to git travis is used for automatic testing
But before committing the sources, run the tests locally by using docker and the same workflow as with github actions
su -
systemctl start docker
cd $GOPATH/src/
docker run --name saptune-ci --privileged --tmpfs /run -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:rw --cgroupns=host -td -v "$(pwd):/app"
docker exec -t saptune-ci /bin/sh -c "cd /app; ./;"
in $GOPATH/src/
go tool cover -html=c.out -o coverage.html; sed -i 's/black/whitesmoke/g' coverage.html
and check the file 'coverage.html' in your Browser to see the coverage
make changes to the source files
and run the tests again
docker exec -t saptune-ci /bin/sh -c "cd /app; ./;"
clean up when finished with your tests
docker stop saptune-ci
docker rm saptune-ci
saptune is build on ibs (and not obs, as saptune is not available on Factory)
branch from a maintained project (see
osc -A bco -M SUSE:SLE-12-SP2:Update saptune
build the source archive from the github repository (something like tar -czvf ../saptune-\<release\>.tgz .
) and move it to your obs directory
Or - if the new version is already created in github -
copy the archive from to your obs directory
change the saptune.spec file, at least the version field
change the saptune.changes file.
- first line should be '- update version of saptune v2 to <new version>'
- Add a description of the changes and do not forget to add the bsc# or jsc# reference to these changes.
- And don't forget the line length restriction :-)
- Important - changes of SAP Notes need to be mentioned in the changes file
change the _service file and add the new version number
change the _servicedata and add the commit id
commit the changes to the obs sub project and check the build
test the resulting package (initial install and update installations) before submitting a maintenance request.