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Philip Maechling edited this page Feb 7, 2017
19 revisions
NAME ucvm_query SYNOPSIS ucvm_query [-h] [-f config] [-m model] [-c coordtype] [-v] [-z zmin,zmax] DESCRIPTION The command ucvm_query queries an installed velocity model to retreive its material properties at a particular latitude and longitude. Any set of crustal and GTL velocity models may be selected and queried in order of preference. Points may be queried by (lon,lat,dep) or (lon,lat,elev) and the coordinate conversions for a particular model are handled transparently. Common Paramters -h Displays the help message. -f Location of the configuration file, config, that tells the program which velocity models are installed. -m A comma-separated list of models to query. Less Used Parameters -c Z-coordinate mode. Geo-depth (default) is "gd", but queries can also be done by elevation as specified by "ge". -v Display model version information only. -z Specifies depth range for gtl/crust interpolation. EXAMPLE ucvm_query -f ../conf/ucvm.conf -m cvms Input format is: lon lat Z Output format is: lon lat Z surf vs30 crustal cr_vp cr_vs cr_rho gtl gtl_vp gtl_vs gtl_rho cmb_algo cmb_vp cmb_vs cmb_rho SEE ALSO basin_query(1) Linux January 25, 2017 Linux
NAME basin_query SYNOPSIS basin_query [-h] [-f config-file] [-m model] [-v vs-threshold] [-z zmin,zmax] [-d max-depth] [-i interval] < DESCRIPTION The command basin_query allows you to retrieve the depth at which vs-threshold is first crossed. By default, vs-threshold is set to be 1000m/s, but that can easily be changed. Common Paramters -f Location of the UCVM configuration file. Typically, this is ../conf/ucvm.conf. -m Model to query. Usually model is either cvms, cvmh, cvmsi, or cencal. -v Vs threshold to use. By default this is 1000m/s, but other common values include 2500m/s and 3000m/s. -z Custom depth range for GTL/crust interpolation. -d Maximum depth, in meters, to search. Default is 15000m. -i Interval, in meters, go go by when searching for the depth. Default is 20m. So basin_query will get the Vs value at 0m, 20m, 40m, and so on. EXAMPLE basin_query -f ../conf/ucvm.conf -m cvms -v 2500 Input: -118.0 34.0 Output: -118.0000 34.0000 4780.000 4780.000 SEE ALSO ucvm_query(1) Linux January 25, 2017
#UCVM Regular Meshing Programs
NAME ucvm2mesh SYNOPSIS ucvm2mesh [-h] -f config DESCRIPTION The command ucvm2mesh generates a mesh in either IJK-12, IJK-20, IJK-32, or SORD format. It does so by reading in the specifications in a given configuration file, config. This mesh can then be used in forward 3D wave propagation simulation software such as AWP-ODC. -h Displays the help message. -f Uses configuration file, config. EXAMPLE ucvm2mesh -f ./ucvm2mesh_example.conf Where ucvm2mesh_example.conf is: # List of CVMs to query ucvmlist=cvmh # UCVM conf file ucvmconf=../conf/kraken/ucvm.conf # Gridding cell centered or vertex gridtype=CENTER # Spacing of cells spacing=2000.0 # Projection proj=+proj=utm +datum=WGS84 +zone=11 rot=-40.0 x0=-122.3 y0=34.7835 z0=0.0 # Number of cells along each dim nx=384 ny=248 nz=25 # Partitioning of grid among processors px=2 py=2 pz=5 # Vs/Vp minimum vp_min=0 vs_min=0 # Mesh and grid files, format meshfile=/lustre/scratch/user/ gridfile=/lustre/scratch/user/mesh_cvmh_ijk12_2000m.grid meshtype=IJK-12 # Location of scratch dir scratch=/lustre/scratch/user/scratch SEE ALSO ucvm2mesh-mpi(1) Linux January 25, 2017
NAME ucvm2mesh-mpi SYNOPSIS ucvm2mesh-mpi [-h] -f config DESCRIPTION Notice: ucvm2mesh-mpi is meant to be run as a MPI job, not as a standalone executable. The command ucvm2mesh-mpi generates a mesh in either IJK-12, IJK-20, IJK-32, or SORD format. Unlike its serial version, ucvm2mesh this command can use multiple cores to generate the mesh. It does so by reading in the specifications in a given configuration file, config. This mesh can then be used in forward 3D wave propagation simulation software such as AWP-ODC. -h Displays the help message. -f Uses configuration file, config. EXAMPLE mpirun -np [procs] ucvm2mesh-mpi -f ./ucvm2mesh_example.conf Where ucvm2mesh_example.conf is: # List of CVMs to query ucvmlist=cvmh # UCVM conf file ucvmconf=../conf/kraken/ucvm.conf # Gridding cell centered or vertex gridtype=CENTER # Spacing of cells spacing=2000.0 # Projection proj=+proj=utm +datum=WGS84 +zone=11 rot=-40.0 x0=-122.3 y0=34.7835 z0=0.0 # Number of cells along each dim nx=384 ny=248 nz=25 # Partitioning of grid among processors px=2 py=2 pz=5 # Vs/Vp minimum vp_min=0 vs_min=0 # Mesh and grid files, format meshfile=/lustre/scratch/user/ gridfile=/lustre/scratch/user/mesh_cvmh_ijk12_2000m.grid meshtype=IJK-12 # Location of scratch dir scratch=/lustre/scratch/user/scratch SEE ALSO ucvm2mesh(1) Linux January 25, 2017
#UCVM Etree Mesh Programs
NAME ucvm2etree SYNOPSIS ucvm2etree [-h] -f config DESCRIPTION The command ucvm2etree builds an e-tree from the specifications in a given configuration file, config. Note that this is the serial version of the command, meaning that it will only run on a single process. As such, building a large e-tree can be very slow. For large e-trees, we strongly recommend using ucvm2etree-extract-MPI, ucvm2etree-sort-MPI, and ucvm2etree-merge-MPI. -h Displays the help message. -f Uses configuration file, config. EXAMPLE ucvm2etree -f ./ucvm2etree_example.conf Where ucvm2etree_example.conf is: # Domain corners coordinates (clockwise, degrees): proj=geo-bilinear lon_0=-119.288842 lat_0=34.120549 lon_1=-118.354016 lat_1=35.061096 lon_2=-116.846030 lat_2=34.025873 lon_3=-117.780976 lat_3=33.096503 # Domain dimensions (meters): x-size=180000.0000 y-size=135000.0000 z-size=61875.0000 # Blocks partition parameters: nx=32 ny=24 # Max freq, points per wavelength, Vs min max_freq=0.5 ppwl=4.0 vs_min=200.0 # Max allowed size of octants in meters max_octsize=10000.0 # Etree parameters and info title=ChinoHills_0.5Hz_200ms author=D_Gill date=05/2011 outputfile=./cmu_cvmh_chino_0.5hz_200ms.e format=etree # UCVM parameters ucvmstr=cvms ucvm_interp_zrange=0.0,350.0 ucvmconf=../../conf/kraken/ucvm.conf # Scratch scratch=/lustre/scratch/scecdave/scratch # # Buffering parameters used by MPI version only # # Etree buffer size in MB buf_etree_cache=128 # Max octants to buffer for flat file during extraction buf_extract_mem_max_oct=4194304 # Max octants to save in flat file before reporting full during extraction buf_extract_ffile_max_oct=16000000 # Max octants to read from input flat file during sorting buf_sort_ffile_max_oct=20000000 # Minimum number of octants between reports during merging buf_merge_report_min_oct=10000000 # MPI send/recv octant buffer size during merging buf_merge_sendrecv_buf_oct=4096 # Etree read/write octant buffer size during merging buf_merge_io_buf_oct=4194304 SEE ALSO ucvm2etree-extract-MPI(1), ucvm2etree-sort-MPI(1), ucvm2etree-merge-MPI(1) Linux January 25, 2017
- ecompact.1
- ecoalesce.1
- ucvm2etree-sort-MPI.1
- ucvm2etree-merge-MPI.1
- ucvm2etree-extract-MPI.1
- mesh-strip-ijk.1
- mesh-op.1
- mesh-check.1
UCVM(1) BSD General Commands Manual UCVM(1) NAME grd_query SYNOPSIS grd_query [-h] [-e] [-v] -d datadir [-b bkgdir] < DESCRIPTION The command grd_query queries data from a set of ArcGIS grid files in GridFloat format. -h Shows the help message. -e Employ GRD bathymetry heuristic. -v Employ GRD vs30 heuristic. -d Main ArcGIS Gridfloat data directory. Default is ./ned. -b Background/Bathymetry data directory. Default is ./bath. EXAMPLE Input format is: lon lat Output format is: lon lat val valid SEE ALSO grd2etree(1) Linux February 6, 2017 Linux
- grd2etree.1
UCVM(1) BSD General Commands Manual UCVM(1) NAME grd2etree SYNOPSIS grd2etree [-h] -f config DESCRIPTION The command grd2etree extracts a SCEC-formatted Etree map from a set of DEM and Vs30 grid files in ArcGIS Grid- float format. Common Paramters -h Shows the help message. -f Specifies the location of the configuration file to use. EXAMPLE grd2etree -f ./grd2float_sample.conf Where grd2float_sample.conf looks like: # grd2etree UCM Map config file # Domain corners coordinates (degrees): proj=+proj=aeqd +lat_0=36.0 +lon_0=-120.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 lon_0=-129.75 lat_0=40.75 rot=55.0 # Domain dimensions (meters): x-size=1800000.0 y-size=900000.0 # Spacing spacing=250.0 # Etree parameters and info title=UCVM_Elev_Vs30_Map_Wills_Wald author=P_Small date=05/2011 output- file=../../model/ucvm/ucvm.e # Grid data directories elev_hr_dir=/home/scec-00/USER/opt/ned elev_lr_dir=/home/scec-00/USER/opt/bath vs30_hr_dir=/home/scec-00/USER/opt/vs30/wills_gridfloat vs30_lr_dir=/home/scec-00/USER/opt/vs30/wald_gridfloat SEE ALSO grd_query(1) Linux February 6, 2017 Linux
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