The Approuter is a Node.js module, which is available in the npm repository. It represents a single entry point to an application, which might consist of several different apps (microservices). In our use case, it has the responsibility of performing authentication, authorization, and forwarding requests to Java based application Easy Franchise Service.
To understand how the Approuter is involved in the authentication flow and which routes are needed, see section Understand the Multitenancy Concept - Authentication Flow.
The routes are defined in xs-app.json. A route is a configuration that instructs the application router how to process an incoming request with a specific path.
In our case, we would like to route URLs matching the reg-expression ^/ui/(.*)$
to the destination ui. Destination configuration will be explained in the following section.
A scope check (authorization check) will also be performed automatically by the Approuter against the SAP Authorization and Trust Management service instance before forwarding the request to corresponding destination. In our case, the UI access is only allowed for the scope Display and Backend.
This is the corresponding ui route:
"source": "^/ui/(.*)$",
"target": "$1",
"destination": "ui",
"scope": ["$XSAPPNAME.Display", "$XSAPPNAME.Backend"]
You can find extended explanation in the Approuter documentation in section Routes.
As we have several routes, the xs-app.json is more complex and also defines the welcomeFile:
"welcomeFile": "/ui/index.html",
"routes": [
"source": "^/broker/(.*)$",
"target": "$1",
"destination": "broker"
"source": "^/ui/(.*)$",
"target": "$1",
"destination": "ui",
"scope": ["$XSAPPNAME.Display", "$XSAPPNAME.Backend"]
"source": "^/backend/(.*)$",
"target": "$1",
"destination": "ef-service",
"csrfProtection": false,
"scope": ["$XSAPPNAME.Backend"]
"source": "^/css/(.*)$",
"destination": "ui",
"authenticationType": "none"
"source": "^/js/(.*)$",
"destination": "ui",
"authenticationType": "none"
"source": "^/img/(.*)$",
"destination": "ui",
"authenticationType": "none"
Destinations such as ui or ef-service as needed in the routes configuration are defined in the ConfigMap section of the deployment.yaml. The URL behind each destination points to the corresponding service, which handles the request.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: destinations-config
namespace: integration
destinations: |
{"name":"ef-broker","url":"http://ef-broker.integration.svc.cluster.local:3002","forwardAuthToken" : true},
{"name":"ef-ui","url":"http://ef-ui.frontend.svc.cluster.local:80","forwardAuthToken" : true},
{"name":"ef-service","url":"http://efservice.backend.svc.cluster.local:80","forwardAuthToken" : true}
As the Easy Franchise application is multitenant, you need to provide the tenant ID by each request to the backend service Easy Franchise Service. Therefore, the Approuter is extended with a custom middleware. For that purpose, you use a custom approuter-start.js script, which is referenced in the package.json. With the help of this custom middleware, every request sent to the backend gets an HTTP header with tenant ID. The following code snippet shows the implementation:
Note: This is a technical requirement of our application and might not be applicable in general. Alternatively, the backend component (for example, the Easy Franchise service) could extract the tenant ID directly from the forwarded JWT token.
var ar = approuter();
ar.beforeRequestHandler.use('/backend', function (req, res, next) {
const token = req.user.token.accessToken;
if (!token) {
res.statusCode = 403;
res.end("Missing JWT Token");
}else {
const decodedToken = jwt_decode(token);
const tenant = decodedToken && decodedToken.ext_attr && decodedToken.ext_attr.subaccountid;
req.headers['x-tenant-id'] = tenant;
console.log("set header x-tenant-id to tenant id : "+ tenant);
You can find more details on extending Approuter in SAP BTP documentation.
The definition of the custom scopes and role collections are defined in the SAP Authorization and Trust Management service instance. Details can be found in the file deployment_service.yaml. The instance defines two scopes Display and Backend. In addition to that, two roles templates Viewer and Backend are defined respectively. Lastly, two role-collections are defined using role templates. Note that the name of role-collections must be unique across different subaccounts, otherwise the creation of the SAP Authorization and Trust Management service instance will fail in case of a name conflict. In our case, the subaccount domain is appended to make the role collection name unique.
Moreover, a standard callback scope is included in order to onboard/offboard new customers.
kind: ServiceInstance
name: xsuaa-service
clusterServiceClassExternalName: xsuaa
clusterServicePlanExternalName: broker # unified service plan 'broker':
xsappname: easyfranchise
tenant-mode: shared # use "shared" for multi-tenant application
- name: $XSAPPNAME.Display
description: Display Scope
- name: $XSAPPNAME.Backend
description: Backend Scope
- name: $XSAPPNAME.Callback
description: With this scope set, the callbacks for tenant onboarding, offboarding and getDependencies can be called.
- $XSAPPNAME(application,sap-provisioning,tenant-onboarding)
- name: Viewer
description: Easy Franchise Viewer Role-Template
scope-references: [$XSAPPNAME.Display]
- name: Backend
description: Easy Franchise Backend Role-Template
scope-references: [$XSAPPNAME.Backend]
- name: Easy Franchise Viewer (<provider-subdomain>)
description: Easy Franchise Viewer Role-Collection
role-template-references: [$XSAPPNAME.Viewer]
- name: Easy Franchise Backend (<provider-subdomain>)
description: Easy Franchise Backend Role-Collection
role-template-references: [$XSAPPNAME.Backend]
The SAP BTP has its own default identity provider. If needed, SAP BTP supports also identity federation, so that user identities from other systems can be used. To enable communication between SAP BTP and the custom identity provider (for example, Identity Authentication), you must cross-configure the communication endpoints of the involved systems, establishing a trust relationship between them. See the SAP BTP documentation for more details.