rm(list = ls())
Reading MIF Line Files
map_w_furniture = readOGR("Maps_Analysis/1_With_Furniture.mif", verbose = FALSE)
map_wo_furniture = readOGR("Maps_Analysis/2_Without_Furniture.mif", verbose = FALSE)
## Warning in readOGR("Maps_Analysis/2_Without_Furniture.mif", verbose = FALSE):
## Dropping null geometries: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35,
## 48, 49, 50, 51, 170, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185,
## 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 200, 201, 202
#map_ac = readOGR("Maps_Analysis/3_ac.dxf", verbose = FALSE)
Make Grid on Depthmap and Conduct Basic VGA Processes
rdepthmap::importLines(map_w_furniture, "Maps_Analysis/1_With_Furniture.graph")
rdepthmap::createGrid("Maps_Analysis/1_With_Furniture.graph", gridSize = 700)
rdepthmap::fillGrid("Maps_Analysis/1_With_Furniture.graph", fillX = -39506, fillY = -9412)
gallery_w_furniture = rdepthmap::getPointmapData("Maps_Analysis/1_With_Furniture.graph")$map
rdepthmap::importLines(map_wo_furniture, "Maps_Analysis/2_Without_Furniture.graph")
rdepthmap::createGrid("Maps_Analysis/2_Without_Furniture.graph", gridSize = 700)
rdepthmap::fillGrid("Maps_Analysis/2_Without_Furniture.graph", fillX = -39506, fillY = -9412)
gallery_wo_furniture = rdepthmap::getPointmapData("Maps_Analysis/2_Without_Furniture.graph")$map
#rdepthmap::importLines(map_ac, "Maps_Analysis/3_Accessibility.graph")
#rdepthmap::createGrid("Maps_Analysis/3_Accessibility.graph", gridSize = 700)
#rdepthmap::fillGrid("Maps_Analysis/3_Accessibility.graph", fillX = -53601, fillY = -9458)
gallery_ac = rdepthmap::getPointmapData("Maps_Analysis/3_Accessibility.graph")$map
Test Plot
plot(gallery_w_furniture[, "Point.First.Moment"])
plot(gallery_wo_furniture[, "Point.First.Moment"])
plot(gallery_ac[, "Point.First.Moment"])
1) Process VGA Analysis : map with furniture
rdepthmap::VGA("Maps_Analysis/1_With_Furniture.graph", vgaMode = "visibility-local", radii = c("2,3,4,5,6,7"))
rdepthmap::VGA("Maps_Analysis/1_With_Furniture.graph", vgaMode = "visibility-global", radii = c("2"))
rdepthmap::VGA("Maps_Analysis/1_With_Furniture.graph", vgaMode = "visibility-global", radii = c("3"))
rdepthmap::VGA("Maps_Analysis/1_With_Furniture.graph", vgaMode = "visibility-global", radii = c("4"))
rdepthmap::VGA("Maps_Analysis/1_With_Furniture.graph", vgaMode = "visibility-global", radii = c("5"))
rdepthmap::VGA("Maps_Analysis/1_With_Furniture.graph", vgaMode = "visibility-global", radii = c("6"))
rdepthmap::VGA("Maps_Analysis/1_With_Furniture.graph", vgaMode = "visibility-global", radii = c("7"))
gallery_w_furniture = rdepthmap::getPointmapData("Maps_Analysis/1_With_Furniture.graph")$map
- Process VGA Analysis : map without furniture
rdepthmap::VGA("Maps_Analysis/2_Without_Furniture.graph", vgaMode = "visibility-local", radii = c("2,3,4,5,6,7"))
rdepthmap::VGA("Maps_Analysis/2_Without_Furniture.graph", vgaMode = "visibility-global", radii = c("2"))
rdepthmap::VGA("Maps_Analysis/2_Without_Furniture.graph", vgaMode = "visibility-global", radii = c("3"))
rdepthmap::VGA("Maps_Analysis/2_Without_Furniture.graph", vgaMode = "visibility-global", radii = c("4"))
rdepthmap::VGA("Maps_Analysis/2_Without_Furniture.graph", vgaMode = "visibility-global", radii = c("5"))
rdepthmap::VGA("Maps_Analysis/2_Without_Furniture.graph", vgaMode = "visibility-global", radii = c("6"))
rdepthmap::VGA("Maps_Analysis/2_Without_Furniture.graph", vgaMode = "visibility-global", radii = c("7"))
gallery_wo_furniture = rdepthmap::getPointmapData("Maps_Analysis/2_Without_Furniture.graph")$map
- Process VGA Analysis : map for accessibility
rdepthmap::VGA("Maps_Analysis/3_Accessibility.graph", vgaMode = "visibility-local", radii = c("2,3,4,5,6,7"))
rdepthmap::VGA("Maps_Analysis/3_Accessibility.graph", vgaMode = "visibility-global", radii = c("2"))
rdepthmap::VGA("Maps_Analysis/3_Accessibility.graph", vgaMode = "visibility-global", radii = c("3"))
rdepthmap::VGA("Maps_Analysis/3_Accessibility.graph", vgaMode = "visibility-global", radii = c("4"))
rdepthmap::VGA("Maps_Analysis/3_Accessibility.graph", vgaMode = "visibility-global", radii = c("5"))
rdepthmap::VGA("Maps_Analysis/3_Accessibility.graph", vgaMode = "visibility-global", radii = c("6"))
rdepthmap::VGA("Maps_Analysis/3_Accessibility.graph", vgaMode = "visibility-global", radii = c("7"))
gallery_ac = rdepthmap::getPointmapData("Maps_Analysis/3_Accessibility.graph")$map
List of metrics
## [1] "Ref" "Connectivity"
## [3] "Point.First.Moment" "Point.Second.Moment"
## [5] "Visual.Entropy.R2" "Visual.Entropy.R3"
## [7] "Visual.Entropy.R4" "Visual.Entropy.R5"
## [9] "Visual.Entropy.R6" "Visual.Entropy.R7"
## [11] "Visual.Integration..HH..R2" "Visual.Integration..HH..R3"
## [13] "Visual.Integration..HH..R4" "Visual.Integration..HH..R5"
## [15] "Visual.Integration..HH..R6" "Visual.Integration..HH..R7"
## [17] "Visual.Integration..P.value..R2" "Visual.Integration..P.value..R3"
## [19] "Visual.Integration..P.value..R4" "Visual.Integration..P.value..R5"
## [21] "Visual.Integration..P.value..R6" "Visual.Integration..P.value..R7"
## [23] "Visual.Integration..Tekl..R2" "Visual.Integration..Tekl..R3"
## [25] "Visual.Integration..Tekl..R4" "Visual.Integration..Tekl..R5"
## [27] "Visual.Integration..Tekl..R6" "Visual.Integration..Tekl..R7"
## [29] "Visual.Mean.Depth.R2" "Visual.Mean.Depth.R3"
## [31] "Visual.Mean.Depth.R4" "Visual.Mean.Depth.R5"
## [33] "Visual.Mean.Depth.R6" "Visual.Mean.Depth.R7"
## [35] "Visual.Node.Count.R2" "Visual.Node.Count.R3"
## [37] "Visual.Node.Count.R4" "Visual.Node.Count.R5"
## [39] "Visual.Node.Count.R6" "Visual.Node.Count.R7"
## [41] "Visual.Relativised.Entropy.R2" "Visual.Relativised.Entropy.R3"
## [43] "Visual.Relativised.Entropy.R4" "Visual.Relativised.Entropy.R5"
## [45] "Visual.Relativised.Entropy.R6" "Visual.Relativised.Entropy.R7"
## [47] "i" "j"
eth.grid = as(eth,"SpatialPixelsDataFrame")
plot(eth.grid[, "Verified8k"])
plot(eth.grid[, "Verified9k"])
v_8k_df = data.frame(values)
v_8k_df$risk = eth$Verified8k
rsq_8k_df = purrr::map(v_8k_df[,-1], ~lm(risk ~ .x, data = v_8k_df)) %>%
purrr::map(broom::glance) %>%
dplyr::bind_rows(.id = "variable") %>%
dplyr::select(variable, r.squared)
f_rsq_8k_df = rsq_8k_df %>%
.[-c(46, 47, 48, 49,50), ] %>%
v_9k_df = data.frame(values)
v_9k_df$risk = eth$Verified9k
rsq_9k_df = purrr::map(v_9k_df[,-1], ~lm(risk ~ .x, data = v_9k_df)) %>%
purrr::map(broom::glance) %>%
dplyr::bind_rows(.id = "variable") %>%
dplyr::select(variable, r.squared)
f_rsq_9k_df = rsq_9k_df %>%
.[-c(46, 47, 48, 49,50), ] %>%
p_8k <- ggplot(data=f_rsq_8k_df, aes(x=variable, y=r.squared)) +
p_8k + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1))
p_9k <- ggplot(data=f_rsq_9k_df, aes(x=variable, y=r.squared)) +
p_9k + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1))
## Scatter different Visual Metrics
#ggplot(v_8k_df, aes(x=v_8k_df$risk, y=v_8k_df$Visual.Node.Count.R3)) + geom_point()
ggplot(v_8k_df, aes(x=v_8k_df$risk, y=v_8k_df$Visual.Relativised.Entropy.R6)) + geom_point(shape=1,size=5)
#plot(gallery_w_furniture[, "Visual.Node.Count.R3"])
plot(gallery_w_furniture[, "Visual.Relativised.Entropy.R6"])
plot(gallery_w_furniture[, "Visual.Integration..P.value..R7"])
eth.grid = as(eth,"SpatialPixelsDataFrame")
plot(eth.grid[, "Verified8k"])
plot(eth.grid[, "Verified9k"])
#Visualize Points
pd = readOGR("Maps_Ethnography/Deaths.mif")
## OGR data source with driver: MapInfo File
## Source: "D:\Google Drive 0\GitHub\AmongUsVGA\Maps_Ethnography\Deaths.mif", layer: "Deaths"
## with 102 features
## It has 1 fields
plot(gallery_w_furniture[, "Visual.Integration..Tekl..R7"])
plot(pd, add = TRUE, col = "red")
Kernel Density Graph at 2500 RADIUS
ma = as(eth.grid[, "Verified8k"],"owin")
pp = as(pd,"ppp")
marks(pp) = NULL
Window(pp) = ma
K <- density(pp,sigma = 3000) #more is more spread
plot(K, main=NULL, las=1)
contour(K, add=TRUE)
Convert Kernel Density Graph into SPDF to Visualize
d = eth
d1 = cbind(d,K)
d1$x <- NULL
d1$y <- NULL
d1$optional <- NULL
d.grid = as(d1,"SpatialPixelsDataFrame")
plot(d.grid[, "value"])
pd = readOGR("Maps_Ethnography/Deaths.mif")
## OGR data source with driver: MapInfo File
## Source: "D:\Google Drive 0\GitHub\AmongUsVGA\Maps_Ethnography\Deaths.mif", layer: "Deaths"
## with 102 features
## It has 1 fields
plot(pd, add = TRUE, col = "red")
v_0k_df = data.frame(values)
v_0k_df$risk = d1$value
rsq_0k_df = purrr::map(v_0k_df[,-1], ~lm(risk ~ .x, data = v_0k_df)) %>%
purrr::map(broom::glance) %>%
dplyr::bind_rows(.id = "variable") %>%
dplyr::select(variable, r.squared)
## Warning in summary.lm(x): essentially perfect fit: summary may be unreliable
## Warning in summary.lm(x): essentially perfect fit: summary may be unreliable
f_rsq_0k_df = rsq_0k_df %>%
.[-c(46, 47, 48, 49,50), ] %>%
p_0k <- ggplot(data=f_rsq_0k_df, aes(x=variable, y=r.squared)) +
p_0k + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1))
#Visualize Heatmap Diagram
death = readOGR("Maps_Ethnography/Ethnography_2.mif")
## OGR data source with driver: MapInfo File
## Source: "D:\Google Drive 0\GitHub\AmongUsVGA\Maps_Ethnography\Ethnography_2.mif", layer: "Ethnography_2"
## with 2998 features
## It has 7 fields
death.grid = as(death,"SpatialPixelsDataFrame")
plot(death.grid[, "one"])
plot(death.grid[, "onehalf"])
plot(death.grid[, "two"])
plot(death.grid[, "twohalf"])
Check Distribution of Values (TOTAL 3000 points)
Correlation Test
p_1k <- ggplot(data=f_rsq_1k_df, aes(x=variable, y=r.squared)) +
p_1k + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1))
p_1_5k <- ggplot(data=f_rsq_1_5k_df, aes(x=variable, y=r.squared)) +
p_1_5k + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1))
p_2k <- ggplot(data=f_rsq_2k_df, aes(x=variable, y=r.squared)) +
p_2k + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1))
p_2_5k <- ggplot(data=f_rsq_2_5k_df, aes(x=variable, y=r.squared)) +
p_2_5k + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1))
overlapsPD = over(pd,gallery_w_furniture)
overlapsPD.a <- scale(overlapsPD[,2:46],center=T,scale=T)
overlapsPD.b =
overlapsPD.b$Ref =overlapsPD$Ref
DAT.melt = melt(overlapsPD.b,id=c("Ref"))
ggplot(DAT.melt, aes(x=variable,y=value) ) + geom_point(shape=1,size=4) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1))
## Warning: Removed 102 rows containing missing values (geom_point).
plot(gallery_w_furniture[, "Visual.Integration..HH..R2"])
plot(gallery_w_furniture[, "Visual.Integration..HH..R3"])
plot(gallery_w_furniture[, "Visual.Integration..HH..R7"])
plot(gallery_wo_furniture[, "Visual.Integration..HH..R2"])
plot(gallery_wo_furniture[, "Visual.Integration..HH..R3"])
plot(gallery_wo_furniture[, "Visual.Integration..HH..R7"])
plot(gallery_ac[, "Visual.Integration..HH..R2"])
plot(gallery_ac[, "Visual.Integration..HH..R3"])
plot(gallery_ac[, "Visual.Integration..HH..R7"])
plot(gallery_w_furniture[, "Visual.Integration..HH..R7"])
plot(gallery_wo_furniture[, "Visual.Integration..HH..R7"])
plot(gallery_w_furniture[, "Visual.Relativised.Entropy.R6"])
plot(gallery_wo_furniture[, "Visual.Relativised.Entropy.R6"])
feature_layer = readOGR("Maps_Analysis/Feature_Polygon2.mif", verbose = FALSE)
plot(gallery_w_furniture[, "Visual.Integration..HH..R7"])
plot(feature_layer, add = TRUE, col = "red")
overlapsDF = over(gallery_w_furniture[, "Visual.Integration..HH..R7"], feature_layer)
visi_df = aggregate(gallery_w_furniture$Visual.Integration..HH..R7, by = list(overlapsDF$Layer,overlapsDF$Text,overlapsDF$LengthTask,overlapsDF$VisualTask), mean, areaWeighted = TRUE)
vif = visi_df %>% arrange(Group.4)
visi_df %>%
group_by(Group.1) %>%
summarise(V_r7 = mean(x))
## # A tibble: 5 x 2
## Group.1 V_r7
## <chr> <dbl>
## 1 emergency 8.52
## 2 sabotage 3.14
## 3 surveillance 3.43
## 4 tasks 3.87
## 5 vents 3.79
visi_df %>%
filter(Group.1 == "tasks" | Group.1 == "hotpink" | Group.1 == "lightpink") %>%
group_by(Group.3) %>%
summarise(V_r7 = mean(x))
## # A tibble: 3 x 2
## Group.3 V_r7
## <chr> <dbl>
## 1 Common 4.00
## 2 Long 4.34
## 3 Short 3.61
visi_df %>%
filter(Group.1 == "tasks" | Group.1 == "hotpink" | Group.1 == "lightpink") %>%
group_by(Group.4) %>%
summarise(V_r7 = mean(x))
## # A tibble: 2 x 2
## Group.4 V_r7
## <chr> <dbl>
## 1 "" 3.66
## 2 "Visual" 4.96
Plot of Visibility for Each Tasks
task_all_df = visi_df %>% filter(Group.1 == "tasks") %>% .[c(3,5)]
task_time_df = visi_df %>% filter(Group.1 == "tasks") %>% .[c(3,5)]
task_visual_df = visi_df %>% filter(Group.1 == "tasks") %>% .[c(4,5)]
task_all_df$Group.3 = "All"
taskall = melt(task_all_df,id=c("Group.3"))
tasklength = melt(task_time_df,id=c("Group.3"))
taskvisual = melt(task_visual_df,id=c("Group.4")) %>% filter(Group.4 == 'Visual')
names(taskvisual)[1] <- "Group.3"
task_df = rbind(taskall,tasklength,taskvisual)
ggplot(task_df, aes(x=Group.3,y=value, color = Group.3) ) + geom_boxplot(shape=2,size=1) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 0, vjust = 0.5, hjust=0.5)) + labs(x="")
visi_df %>% filter(Group.1 == "tasks")
## Group.1 Group.2 Group.3 Group.4 x
## 1 tasks Fix Wiring [1] Common 3.714819
## 2 tasks Fix Wiring [2] Common 5.800073
## 3 tasks Fix Wiring [3] Common 4.576949
## 4 tasks Fix Wiring [4] Common 3.415989
## 5 tasks Fix Wiring [5] Common 2.404976
## 6 tasks Swipe Card Common 4.111414
## 7 tasks Fuel Engines Part 1 and 3 Long 3.863964
## 8 tasks Fuel Engines Part 2 Long 3.126319
## 9 tasks Fuel Engines Part 4 Long 2.767753
## 10 tasks Inspect Sample Long 3.915823
## 11 tasks Start Reactor Long 3.232568
## 12 tasks Accept Diverted Power Part 2 [1] Short 2.656431
## 13 tasks Accept Diverted Power Part 2 [2] Short 3.231415
## 14 tasks Accept Diverted Power Part 2 [3] Short 4.173330
## 15 tasks Accept Diverted Power Part 2 [4] Short 3.218441
## 16 tasks Accept Diverted Power Part 2 [5] Short 3.028439
## 17 tasks Accept Diverted Power Part 2 [6] Short 4.205980
## 18 tasks Accept Diverted Power Part 2 [7] Short 6.372041
## 19 tasks Accept Diverted Power Part 2 [8] Short 3.641347
## 20 tasks Align Engine Output (1/2) [1] Short 3.068366
## 21 tasks Align Engine Output (1/2) [2] Short 2.770892
## 22 tasks Callibrate Distributor Short 3.236655
## 23 tasks Chart Course Short 3.568187
## 24 tasks Clean O2 Filter Short 3.640360
## 25 tasks Divert Power Part 1 Short 2.401324
## 26 tasks Download Data Part 2 Short 4.328570
## 27 tasks Stabilize Steering Short 3.676948
## 28 tasks Unlock Manifolds Short 3.198719
## 29 tasks Upload Data Part 1 [1] Short 2.925612
## 30 tasks Upload Data Part 1 [2] Short 3.121275
## 31 tasks Upload Data Part 1 [3] Short 6.170896
## 32 tasks Clear Asteroids Long Visual 6.468803
## 33 tasks Empty Chute Part 1 Long Visual 3.638143
## 34 tasks Empty Garbage Part 1 Long Visual 6.372089
## 35 tasks Empty Garbage/Chute Part 2 Long Visual 6.069834
## 36 tasks Submit Scan Long Visual 3.934792
## 37 tasks Prime Shields Short Visual 3.251733
visi_df %>% filter(Group.1 == "sabotage")
## Group.1 Group.2 Group.3 Group.4 x
## 1 sabotage Communications Disabled 3.076162
## 2 sabotage Fix Lights 3.219213
## 3 sabotage Oxygen Depletion [1] 3.646781
## 4 sabotage Oxygen Depletion [2] 4.098094
## 5 sabotage Reactor Meltdown [1] 2.411017
## 6 sabotage Reactor Meltdown [2] 2.411449
visi_df %>% filter(Group.1 == "surveillance")
## Group.1 Group.2 Group.3 Group.4 x
## 1 surveillance Admin Map 4.142141
## 2 surveillance Security Camera 2.707994
visi_df %>% filter(Group.1 == "vents")
## Group.1 Group.2 Group.3 Group.4 x
## 1 vents vent@admin 3.088639
## 2 vents vent@cafeteria 6.507001
## 3 vents vent@electrical 2.399609
## 4 vents vent@hallway 3.873818
## 5 vents vent@lowerengine 3.365943
## 6 vents vent@navigations [1] 2.661428
## 7 vents vent@navigations [2] 2.658795
## 8 vents vent@reactor [1] 3.206355
## 9 vents vent@reactor [2] 3.195865
## 10 vents vent@security [1] 3.969348
## 11 vents vent@security [2] 3.155351
## 12 vents vent@shields 3.274905
## 13 vents vent@upperengine 4.285781
## 14 vents vent@weapons [1] 5.120081
## 15 vents vent@weapons [2] 6.062708
visi_df %>% filter(Group.3 == "Long") %>% select(-one_of(c("Group.1","Group.2")))
## Group.3 Group.4 x
## 1 Long 3.863964
## 2 Long 3.126319
## 3 Long 2.767753
## 4 Long 3.915823
## 5 Long 3.232568
## 6 Long Visual 6.468803
## 7 Long Visual 3.638143
## 8 Long Visual 6.372089
## 9 Long Visual 6.069834
## 10 Long Visual 3.934792
visi_df %>% filter(Group.3 == "Common") %>% select(-one_of(c("Group.1","Group.2")))
## Group.3 Group.4 x
## 1 Common 3.714819
## 2 Common 5.800073
## 3 Common 4.576949
## 4 Common 3.415989
## 5 Common 2.404976
## 6 Common 4.111414
visi_df %>% filter(Group.3 == "Short") %>% select(-one_of(c("Group.1","Group.2")))
## Group.3 Group.4 x
## 1 Short 2.656431
## 2 Short 3.231415
## 3 Short 4.173330
## 4 Short 3.218441
## 5 Short 3.028439
## 6 Short 4.205980
## 7 Short 6.372041
## 8 Short 3.641347
## 9 Short 3.068366
## 10 Short 2.770892
## 11 Short 3.236655
## 12 Short 3.568187
## 13 Short 3.640360
## 14 Short 2.401324
## 15 Short 4.328570
## 16 Short 3.676948
## 17 Short 3.198719
## 18 Short 2.925612
## 19 Short 3.121275
## 20 Short 6.170896
## 21 Short Visual 3.251733
visi_df %>% filter(Group.4 == "Visual") %>% select(-one_of(c("Group.1")))
## Group.2 Group.3 Group.4 x
## 1 Clear Asteroids Long Visual 6.468803
## 2 Empty Chute Part 1 Long Visual 3.638143
## 3 Empty Garbage Part 1 Long Visual 6.372089
## 4 Empty Garbage/Chute Part 2 Long Visual 6.069834
## 5 Submit Scan Long Visual 3.934792
## 6 Prime Shields Short Visual 3.251733
visi_df %>% filter(Group.1 == "tasks" | Group.1 == "hotpink" | Group.1 == "lightpink") %>% filter(Group.4 != "Visual") %>% select(-one_of(c("Group.1")))
## Group.2 Group.3 Group.4 x
## 1 Fix Wiring [1] Common 3.714819
## 2 Fix Wiring [2] Common 5.800073
## 3 Fix Wiring [3] Common 4.576949
## 4 Fix Wiring [4] Common 3.415989
## 5 Fix Wiring [5] Common 2.404976
## 6 Swipe Card Common 4.111414
## 7 Fuel Engines Part 1 and 3 Long 3.863964
## 8 Fuel Engines Part 2 Long 3.126319
## 9 Fuel Engines Part 4 Long 2.767753
## 10 Inspect Sample Long 3.915823
## 11 Start Reactor Long 3.232568
## 12 Accept Diverted Power Part 2 [1] Short 2.656431
## 13 Accept Diverted Power Part 2 [2] Short 3.231415
## 14 Accept Diverted Power Part 2 [3] Short 4.173330
## 15 Accept Diverted Power Part 2 [4] Short 3.218441
## 16 Accept Diverted Power Part 2 [5] Short 3.028439
## 17 Accept Diverted Power Part 2 [6] Short 4.205980
## 18 Accept Diverted Power Part 2 [7] Short 6.372041
## 19 Accept Diverted Power Part 2 [8] Short 3.641347
## 20 Align Engine Output (1/2) [1] Short 3.068366
## 21 Align Engine Output (1/2) [2] Short 2.770892
## 22 Callibrate Distributor Short 3.236655
## 23 Chart Course Short 3.568187
## 24 Clean O2 Filter Short 3.640360
## 25 Divert Power Part 1 Short 2.401324
## 26 Download Data Part 2 Short 4.328570
## 27 Stabilize Steering Short 3.676948
## 28 Unlock Manifolds Short 3.198719
## 29 Upload Data Part 1 [1] Short 2.925612
## 30 Upload Data Part 1 [2] Short 3.121275
## 31 Upload Data Part 1 [3] Short 6.170896