Hey! Thanks for checking out Skyrim, your support would be invaluable advance the frontier of AI applied to chaotic systems, first step is taming the weather and this is Skyrim.
- Fork and clone this repository
- Do the changes on your fork
- Ensure all tests pass & pre-commit installed (see below).
- When all is done, send in your PR!
We are following more or less this guide.
pre-commit install
If you plan to work on the non-core (i.e. libs etc.) this would be sufficient:
make install
For full core contribution:
make install-core
make lint
Ensure the linter does not have any warnings before submitting a pull request.
make format
For unittest only:
make test-unit
For all tests:
make test
Currently, it done by the core team and not automated, but will keep here updated if there is any change.