Releases: RevoLand/Steam-Library-Manager
Releases · RevoLand/Steam-Library-Manager
[] - 2018-08-12
- Compress/Decompress within the same library.
- Support for Origin manifest file version 3.0
Thank you for your suggestion using the Suggestion Form.
[] - 2018-06-29
- CompressionLevel setting for Compressing apps.
- Suggestion Form button to get feedback for future of SLM.
- Handling of PathTooLongException in CopyFilesAsync (The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.)
- Handling of UnauthorizedAccessException in SteamLibrary.AddNew (Отказано в доступе по пути "H:\Program Files (x86)\Steam.dll".)
- Handling of FileNotFoundException in CopyFilesAsync while compressing files. (Could not find file 'J:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Commandos 3 Destination Berlin\Legacy\Data2.PCK'.)
- InvalidOperationException in LibraryGrid_Drop
- KeyNotFoundException (#22 - The given key was not present in the dictionary.)
- FileNotFoundException in AddSteamApp (Could not find file 'S:\Game\Steam\SteamBackup\SteamApps\'.)
- IOException in CopyFilesAsync (The process cannot access the file 'E:\SteamArchive\SteamApps\' because it is being used by another process.)
- InvalidOperationException in UpdateAppList (Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.)
- DivideByZeroException in CopyFilesAsync function. (Attempted to divide by zero.)
- ArgumentNullException in SteamAppInfo.GetFileList function (Value cannot be null. Parameter name: collection)
- Custom Theme options also changes the current theme.
- IOException (The process cannot access the file 'C:\Users\revoland\Downloads.slmcache\CustomTheme.xaml' because it is being used by another process.)
- NullReferenceException in TaskManager_ContextMenu_Click (Object reference not set to an instance of an object.)
Despite the versioning, this is not the latest version/latest beta, please do not use or refer to this version. Thanks.
Origin needs to be restarted after installing a game through SLM!
Known issues & things to do:
- Missing game header images
- Parsing unknown metadata file versions (if needed?)
- Testing game movement & installation
- Ask user for installation locale from available locale list
Please join our Discord channel and help further development of SLM. Need your feedback on Origin.
[] - 2018-06-03
- Library Creation Button (Thank you Catalin Chelariu for suggestion)
- Settings tab to tabcontrol
- Steam restart function updated
- File movement order
- Reflection of disk size changes
- "If you click check for backup updates while a backup is being performed, the game you are backing up will reappear" - Thank you Mobeeuz, like always.
- "Remove from List" origin context menu item appearing for Steam / SLM libraries.
- SLM Libraries being duplicated on save.
- Settings button from top right corner.
[] - 2018-05-29
- NLog (
- Buffer size for file movement
- SaveWindowPlacement is set to True
- Parsed form parts into user controls for easier access & edit.
- Custom file logger
- ConfigureAwait calls
[] - 2018-01-13
- Custom styling support
- FileNotFoundException happens on getting version info.
- InvalidOperationException happens on getting junk files.
- IOException happens on library cleaner.
- DirectoryNotFoundException and IOException on GetCommonFiles.
- ArgumentNullException caused by IOException on DeleteFilesAsync method.
- ArgumentOutOfRangeException happens on generating Steam library list.
[] - 2018-01-08
- FileNotFoundException happens on file removal which caused by cached file properties.
- InvalidOperationException happens on updating junk list.
- Workshop files for tasked items are being detected by junk cleaner.
- ArgumentException happens on getting disk details for mapped network locations.(Haven't tried mapped location yet, not sure if it works or not)
- ArgumentOutOfRangeException on generating SLM library list.
- Handling of UnauthorizedAccessException on CopyFilesAsync/Steam method.
- InvalidOperationException happens on Updating application list for Steam.