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File metadata and controls

executable file
240 lines (176 loc) · 8.58 KB

How to use this repo


  • For Hub cluster setup, a linux or mac terminal with Git installed - WSL works too.
  • A GitHub account - you can use other SCMs too but that's not covered here.
  • A RH Pull Secret stored at $HOME/rh-ocp-pull-secret.json

Fork this Repo

First thing's first, fork this repo - then clone it down and push it to a second remote endpoint. This second endpoint should be a new private repository:

## Clone the repo locally from your public fork
git clone
cd openshift-ztp

## Add a private remote to your private repo
git remote add private

## Touch a file
mkdir ztp-clusters
echo "# Take a seat" > ztp-clusters/.nofile

## Add the changes
git add ztp-clusters/

## Commit the changes
git commit -m "repo start"

## Push the changes
git push private main

Now that you have a private fork and can push to it, the Hub OpenShift cluster needs to be configured - then centralized credentials are set, and then spoke clusters can be defined and deployed in a single shot via an Ansible Tower survey.

Configure Hub cluster - One time process

There is a Hub Cluster, and a number of Spoke clusters. Before deploying Spoke clusters, the Hub cluster needs to be configured:

  • Install OpenShift 4.9+ via OAS (not sure on that last part, more testing to come for non-bare-metal deployments)
  • Install ODF Operator, set up ODF
  • Install ArgoCD Operator, deploy ArgoCD
  • Install Ansible Automation Platform 2 Operator, cluster-scoped, deploy a Controller
  • Install RH Advanced Cluster Management Operator, deploy a Hub

Once the Operators are installed and instantiated, configure them by running - you can also just start off after installing OpenShift with the following:

# configure the Hub cluster with all the operators, instances, and OAS for RHACM - it will prompt you and wait for you to manually configure a StorageSystem for ODF.

# configure Ansible - modify this file around the git credentials
./ ## Maybe run this twice if the Project doesnt show's idempotent
## IMPORTANT!!! take note of the token the first time the script is run
## It's also saved to ./aap2_user_application_token tho lol

# edit the argocd bootstrap file with your fork

# deploy and configure ArgoCD with an Application to start syncing from

At this point all the automation is set up - next, supply some credentials and spoke clusters.

Create Central Credentials

You need some credentials to connect to different vCenter appliances and Ansible Tower, in addition to a Pull Secret for OCP Containers from the RH Registry.

Install Reflector

Reflector will sync ConfigMaps and Secrets to multiple Namespaces.

## Add emberstack repo
helm repo add emberstack

## Update Helm repos
helm repo update

## Create a reflector project
oc new-project reflector

## Install the Helm chart
helm upgrade --install reflector emberstack/reflector --namespace reflector

## Add SCC to SA RBAC
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z default -n reflector
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z reflector -n reflector

Create Credentials Namespace

Credentials in a central namespace will be mirrored into spoke cluster namespaces - create that central namespace:

## Create a shared ZTP credential namespace
oc new-project ztp-credentials

GitHub Repo Credentials

If using the Create Spoke Manifests Ansible Playbook to create spoke cluster manifests from Tower, there is a Git credential secret that is needed to push generated manifests.

Modify the ./ansible/ file and run it, swapping out Git target and credentials to reflect your fork and credentials that can pull/push to it. It will create the secret/ztp-git-push-credentials in namespace/ztp-credentials

Ansible Tower Application OAuth Token Secret

say that three times fast

vSphere infrastructre is provisioned via Ansible Tower, specifically AnsibleJob CRDs that are synced to the hub cluster by ArgoCD.

The AnsibleJob CRD needs to have a token to access the Tower API - AAP2 and the Token are configured as part of the ./ can find the User Token at ./aap2_user_application_token

Take that token and the Route of the Tower instance and pass it to a Secret in the same ztp-credentials namespace as the GitHub credentials:

## Get AAP2 Controller/Tower Route
AAP_ROUTE="$(echo "https://$(oc get -n ansible-automation-platform route/ac-tower -o jsonpath='{}')")"

## Set your Tower Token
ANSIBLE_TOWER_TOKEN="$(cat ./aap2_user_application_token)"

## Create the Ansible Tower Credential
cat <<EOF | oc create -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: ansible-tower-credentials
  namespace: ztp-credentials
  annotations: "true" 'loe.*,.*ocp' 'true'
type: Opaque
  host: $AAP_ROUTE

Pull Secret...Secret

Take the RH Registry Pull Secret you stored at $HOME/rh-ocp-pull-secret.json and create a Secret from it:

## Set the Pull Secret Path

cat <<EOF | oc create -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: assisted-deployment-pull-secret
  namespace: ztp-credentials
  annotations: "true" 'loe.*,.*ocp' 'true'
type: Opaque
  .dockerconfigjson: '$(cat ${PULL_SECRET_PATH})'

This pull secret can be shared by spoke clusters to pull from the RH Registry for deployment - you would add other Pull Secret compositions for disconnected/offline registries.

Take the RH Registry Pull Secret you stored at $HOME/merged-pull-secret.json and create a Secret from it:

## Set the Pull Secret Path

cat <<EOF | oc create -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: tosinslab-jfrog-assisted-deployment-merged-pull-secret
  namespace: ztp-credentials
  annotations: "true" '.*' 'true'
type: Opaque
  .dockerconfigjson: '$(cat ${PULL_SECRET_PATH})'

vCenter Credentials

The vSphere infrastructure is created by Ansible via the vCenter modules/API I guess. You need to pass in some vCenter credentials is all I'm saying.

## Set the vCenter Connection Details

## Create the vSphere Credential
cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: loe-rdu-vcenter-credentials
  namespace: ztp-credentials
  annotations: "true" 'loe.*,.*ocp' 'true'
type: Opaque
  vcenter_fqdn: $VCENTER_FQDN
  vcenter_username: $VCENTER_USERNAME
  vcenter_password: $VCENTER_PASSWORD
  vcenter_validate_ssl: "true"

From this point, all the Secrets are pre-configured on the cluster, can be pulled from ExternalSecrets+Vault, blah blah - now you can have empty Secrets in Git and it'll just magically sync over with Reflector.

See Deployment Examples for different configuration settings

Create Spoke Clusters

The recommended way to do this is via Ansible Tower - if you used the ./ script then it's already set up, you just need to run the Create Spoke Manifest Job Template, or the Create Spoke Manifest - Survey to use an interactive version.

For Issues see Troubleshooting doc

oc annotate --overwrite AgentServiceConfig agent