In the realm of JavaScript, enter the dynamic duo: async
and await
. These keywords team up to revolutionize asynchronous programming, much like the lead pair in your favorite action-packed blockbuster. Let's uncover their roles in our coding saga.
In the vast script of JavaScript, an async
function emerges as the protagonist—an asynchronous hero ready to unfold a captivating tale. Let's dive into the prologue of our cinematic code journey with an async
// Async Function Definition
async function getMovieTitle() {
return "Mankatha";
// Calling the Async Function
const movieTitlePromise = getMovieTitle();
Meet our Async Hero, getMovieTitle
. This function is marked as async
, signaling its prowess in handling asynchronous tasks. Its mission: retrieve the title of an epic movie—let's call it "Mankatha."
The script, eager to reveal the movie title, calls our Async Hero—getMovieTitle
. But here's the twist: instead of immediately getting the title, it receives a Promise in return. The plot thickens!
console.log(movieTitlePromise); // Promise {<fulfilled>: "Mankatha"}
Output :
Promise {<fulfilled>: "Mankatha"}
[[Prototype]]: Promise
[[PromiseState]]: "fulfilled"
[[PromiseResult]]: "Mankatha"
holds a Promise—a commitment from our Async Hero that the movie title will be revealed. The script, undeterred by the asynchronous nature, patiently awaits the outcome.
Asynchronously, when the movie title is ready, the then
method steps in to capture the climax. It logs the awaited movie title, giving closure to this part of the code tale.
movieTitlePromise.then((title) => {
console.log("Movie Title:", title); // Movie Title: Mankatha
The log statement unveils the movie title, bringing the prologue to a satisfying end. In the upcoming acts, we'll delve into more complex plotlines, exploring the full potential of async functions. Get ready for an exciting code narrative reminiscent of your favorite cinematic adventures! 🚀🎥
// Async Function Definition
async function playSuspensefulMusic(minutes) {
console.log("Enchanting suspenseful music echoes...");
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("Suspense Revealed");
resolve("Vinayak Mahadev and Prithvi walk away with bags of money");
}, minutes * 60 * 1000);
// Async Function Call
async function climaxScene() {
console.log('Vinayak whispers "Action King" over the phone');
const result = await playSuspensefulMusic(3);
console.log("Climax Revealed:", result);
// Initiating the Climax Scene
Our script orchestrates the scene with an asynchronous function named playSuspensefulMusic
. This function simulates enchanting suspenseful music and introduces a promise-based time delay to build anticipation.
The protagonist, climaxScene
, steps in to initiate the suspenseful sequence. It whispers the phrase "Action King" and eagerly awaits the outcome of playSuspensefulMusic
using the await
keyword, adding a touch of cinematic tension.
As the suspenseful music echoes, the await
keyword gracefully pauses the script, allowing it to patiently await the resolution of the asynchronous playSuspensefulMusic
function. The countdown begins!
Finally, the suspense is unveiled, and the script continues its execution. The result of the suspenseful theme music is captured in the variable result
and is then vividly logged.
Expected Output:
Vinayak whispers "Action King" over the phone
Enchanting suspenseful music echoes...
Suspense Revealed
Climax Revealed: Vinayak Mahadev and Prithvi walk away with bags of money
The script crafts a cinematic experience, complete with suspense, anticipation, and a climactic revelation. As we explore more scenes in the upcoming acts, be prepared for a riveting code tale that mirrors the excitement of your favorite cinematic adventures! 🍿🎬✨
In the ever-evolving script of JavaScript, the plot thickens with the introduction of error handling using try
and catch
. Let's embark on the next chapter of our cinematic code journey, exploring the intricacies of these constructs.
In the ongoing cinematic code tale, our script introduces an async
function named unexpectedTwist
. This function represents a critical plot point, where the storyline could take an unexpected turn—either leading to the hero's success or presenting an unforeseen obstacle.
The protagonist,
, steps in to navigate the uncertain plot. The try
block encapsulates the asynchronous call to unexpectedTwist
, aiming to capture the outcome. However, the catch
block stands ready to handle any plot twists or unexpected challenges that may arise.
Within the try
block, the script awaits the resolution of unexpectedTwist
. If all goes well, and the hero prevails against the odds, the outcome is captured and vividly logged. This represents the success path of the storyline.
In case of an unforeseen obstacle disrupting the plot, the catch
block gracefully catches the error, preventing it from derailing the entire script. The error is logged, adding depth to the narrative, and the script proceeds with grace.
Now, let's explore the code that brings these elements to life.
// Async Function Definition
async function unexpectedTwist() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const randomEvent = Math.random();
// Simulating an unexpected event (error or success)
if (randomEvent < 0.5) {
console.log("The plot takes an unexpected twist!");
resolve("The hero prevails against all odds");
} else {
console.log("An unforeseen obstacle disrupts the storyline!");
reject("The hero faces a sudden challenge");
// Async Function Call with Try-Catch
async function continuePlot() {
try {
const outcome = await unexpectedTwist();
console.log("Outcome:", outcome);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Plot Twist Error:", error);
// Initiating the Next Scene
Expected Output (Example):
The plot takes an unexpected twist!
Outcome: The hero prevails against all odds
An unforeseen obstacle disrupts the storyline!
Plot Twist Error: The hero faces a sudden challenge
The script, equipped with try-catch error handling, ensures that the cinematic code tale continues seamlessly, adapting to unexpected twists and challenges. As we progress through the subsequent scenes, anticipate more plot developments and twists in this thrilling coding saga! 🍿🎬🌟