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Standing Up a GCP Instance with Genesis

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Standing Up a GCP Instance with Genesis Drilldown

Setting up GCP

This section will go over creating and initializing a GCP project.

Create a GCP Project

And wait.

Enabling GCP APIs

A few APIs are necessary to get started. Using the search feature in the blue navigation bar, search for (and enable) the following APIs * Cloud Resource Manager API * Identity and Access Management API * Compute Engine API * Google Cloud SQL API

Raise GCP Quotas

Go to the menu (☰), and navigate to “IAM & Admin” -> “Quotas”. Increase the following: * Global In-use IP addresses * Set to 50 * Global CPUs * Set to 100 * Regional CPUs (the region you’re deploying in) * Set to 100

Setting up Terraform

  1. Clone the repository git clone
  2. Move to the Google Terraform cd codex/terraform/google
  3. Initialize Terraform terraform init
  4. Grab credentials from GCP with GCC (the >_ icon in the Cloud Console)
export project_id=$(gcloud config get-value project)
export region=us-east1
export zone=us-east1-d
export service_account_email=terraform@${project_id}

gcloud config set compute/zone ${zone}
gcloud config set compute/region ${region}

gcloud iam service-accounts create terraform --display-name terraform
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ~/terraform.key.json \
  --iam-account ${service_account_email}

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${project_id} \
  --member serviceAccount:${service_account_email} \
  --role roles/owner
  1. Download terraform.key.json using the GCP GCC interface, and place it within keys/ as iam.json

⚠️ Keep iam.json secure! It has ownership-level access to your GCP project, which grants permission to do anything (including total deletion & access to billing information) to your project ⚠️

  1. Begin populating google.tfvars
    1. Make sure the two prefixes are globally unique, and that they’re all lower-case a-z (no numbers!)
  2. Generate SSH keys for the bastion host:
ssh-keygen -f keys/gce </dev/null
chmod 0400 keys/*
echo "/keys" >> .gitignore

⚠️ Keep the generated SSH key secure. This key has total access to your bastion host, and by proxy, all of your GCP infrastructure. ⚠️