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CF Genesis Kit

File metadata and controls

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CF Genesis Kit Explanation

#work #genesis #cf

A per-VM drill-down of each one’s responsibilities. Something wrong, outdated, or needs clarification? Message me in Slack :)

Access VM

Has two jobs: file_server and ssh_proxy, which serves all static files used by CF apps and brokers SSH connections for cf ssh respectively. Both these jobs come from diego-release


  • cloud_controller_ng (from capi-release) The actual Cloud Controller API which provides all the REST endpoints for managing CF. If you’re using the CLI, you’re hitting all the endpoints that cloud_controller_ng exposes. It’s where all the operator orchestration occurs.

It maintains all data about spaces|organizations|etc. in a database provided by the Genesis deployment manifest.

  • cloud_controller_worker (from capi-release) Responsible for executing the actual tasks that are called by the API. Abstraction layer between the RESTful endpoints and the actual work that gets done.

  • cloud_controller_clock (from capi-release) A scheduler that triggers periodic tasks for the Cloud Controller.

  • policy-server (from cf-networking-release) Responsible for maintaining all policies about internal networking and providing that to the vxlan-policy-server located on the cell VM.

  • policy-server-internal (from cf-networking-release) Funky abstraction layer that policy-server uses to communicate with vxlan-policy-agent


  • bbs (from diego-release) Maintains Diego state within the database chosen during Genesis deploy (which could be external MySQL, PSQL, or internal PSQL.

  • silk-controller (from cf-networking-release) Maintains all Silk policies and state within the database chosen during Genesis deploy.

  • locket (from diego-release) A distributed locking service to prevent resource usage collision. Maintains state within the database chosen during Genesis deploy.

Blobstore VM

blobstore (from capi-release) This VM is optional, and only deployed if the Genesis manifest requests a local blobstore. This VM stores all static app files. Typically, you use the Blobstore offering provided by the IaaS, but if you’re using vSphere to deploy CF you’ll need to roll your own blobstore. Hence, this VM.

Cell VM

Cell is where CF apps are containerized & ran. It has the following CF jobs:

  • garden (from garden-runc-release) The actual container runtime within Diego.

  • rep (from diego-release) The container manager, responsible for placing containers into which cell; taking app stdout/stderr and handing it to syslog collection & app log collection.

  • cflinuxfs2-rootfs-setup (from cflinuxfs2-release) The filesystem where apps are mounted in. The filesystem also contains a whole linux operating system. In our case, it’s Ubuntu Trusty 14.04.

  • garden-cni (from cf-networking-release) The Garden Container Networking Interface. Responsible for container (app) networking. It’s running Silk which is Cloud Foundry’s own policy-based network interface.

  • netmon (from cf-networking-release) A monitoring tool, used for traffic capture and protocol analysis.

  • vxlan-policy-agent (from cf-networking-release) Responsible for enforcing network policy rules between applications. Discovers network policies from policy-server, sets iptables rules within the Diego cell for ingress traffic, and tags egress traffic with UUIDs.

  • silk-daemon (from cf-networking-release) Responsible for providing/assigning IP addresses to the app containers.

  • cni (from cf-networking-release) Abstraction layer for Silk to communicate to Diego via the CNI API.

Consul etcd VM

  • etcd (from etcd-release) A distributed key-value store. Fully superseded by Consul, but still in the kit while we find time to remove it. Still used by some other VMs in our current Genesis CF kit.

Diego VM

  • auctioneer (from diego-release) Responsible for auctioning off new app containers, each auction is taken by a Rep process running on a cell VM.

  • tps (from capi-release) Provides information about apps (instance count, etc.) to the CF API for commands like cf app

  • cc_uploader (from capi-release) Abstraction layer for rep (essentially, diego), to upload files to the Cloud Controller’s blobstore.

  • route_emitter (from diego-release) Monitors app states, and broadcasts route registration and unregistration messages for app instances.

  • scheduler (from cf-syslog-drain) Sits on app instances and periodically (on a schedule that’s algorithmically [automatically] determined) sends all syslog entries to syslogger

Doppler VM

  • doppler (from loggregator-release) Intermediary between the metron-agent (which grabs the stdout/stdin of the app instances) and loggregator.

HAProxy VM

  • haproxy (from haproxy-release) Acts as the frontend load balancer for the CF API and all external routes. Can be optionally deployed. The actual, public carts are placed on these VMs for external traffic.

Loggregator Trafficcontroller VM

  • loggregator_trafficcontroller (from loggregator-release) Handles client requests for logs (cf logs <app>) by ferrying content from the doppler processes. Also responsible for the firehose.

  • reverse_log_proxy (from loggregator-release) Collects logs from the doppler processes and forwards them to the scalable syslog adapter.


  • nats (from nats-release) A distributed pubsub messaging queue, used for any CF component to communicate across the internal CF network. Route registration, for example, uses NATS for communicating route setups.


  • uaa (from uaa-release) The identity management service for CF, handles tenancy, privileges, and authentication. It’s a sprawling release, needless to say, and any questions about it are best directed to their Github Repo

Tasks Found in Various VMs

  • consul-agent Used for service discovery, distributed lock system, and key-value store. Allows passing of information between VMs easily.

  • route_registrar (from routing-release) Responsible for periodically broadcasting route information to the go-router. Apps and services use this for external domain access (i.e.

  • statsd_injector (from statsd_injector) Responsible for grabbing metrics from a VM and sending them to loggregator for use in monitoring software.