diff --git a/docs/functionalities/recurring-events.md b/docs/functionalities/recurring-events.md
index 445b219793a..7efac8f4ecc 100644
--- a/docs/functionalities/recurring-events.md
+++ b/docs/functionalities/recurring-events.md
@@ -164,8 +164,9 @@ A document containing the properties that represents the recurrence rule followe
recurrenceRuleString: string
frequency: ["DAILY", "WEEKLY", "MONTHLY", "YEARLY"]
weekdays: ["MONDAY", ... , "SUNDAY"]
+ interval: number
count: number
- // ...more rrule fields could be added
+ weekDayOccurenceInMonth: number
baseRecurringEventId: ObjectId
@@ -173,8 +174,12 @@ A document containing the properties that represents the recurrence rule followe
- **recurrenceRuleString**: an `rrule` string that would be used to generate an `rrule` object, from which we would generate the recurrence dates.
- **frequency**: Frequency of recurrence.
- **weekDays**: The days of the week at which the instances would be scheduled.
+- **interval**: Interval of recurrence, i.e every day, every other day, every 5th day, etc.
- **count**: The number of instances following that recurrence rule.
-- ...more recurrence specific properties could be added to this interface.
+- **weekDayOccurenceInMonth**: The occurence of weekDay in month, i.e whether it's the first Monday, third Monday, or last Monday. It is to be used with Monthly frequency, and a weekDay, e.g.:
+ - for `frequency: MONTHLY` and `weekDays: ["MONDAY"]`:
+ - if `weekDayOccurenceInMonth:2`, it would mean that the recurring event occurs every **_Second Monday_** every month.
+ - if `weekDayOccurenceInMonth:-1`, it would mean every **_Last Monday_** every month.
- **baseRecurringEventId**: The `BaseRecurringEvent` for that recurring event.
### BaseRecurringEvent
@@ -228,7 +233,10 @@ Every instance of a recurring event would have these fields:
This is the approach we're following for the _**creation and management of recurring events**_.
-_**The functionalities have been implemented with this issue**_: [Recurring Events](https://github.com/PalisadoesFoundation/talawa-api/issues/1583)
-_Go through the **issue** and the associated **PR**s for more details._
+_**The functionalities are being implemented with these issues:**_
+1) [Recurring Events Api](https://github.com/PalisadoesFoundation/talawa-api/issues/1583)
+2) [Recurring Events Admin](https://github.com/PalisadoesFoundation/talawa-admin/issues/1643)
-Last updated on _**March 5, 2024**_
+_Go through the **issues** and the associated **PR**s for more details._
+Last updated on _**March 29, 2024**_