This Data Pack is used to approximate the Luma Sample Data installed via multiple modules or by the commerce cli command bin/magento sampledata:deploy
Sample Data not included in this version: Orders, Invoices, Credit Memos, Shipments, Gift Registry, Wishlists, Tax Rules and Rates
Addition of the Data Installer: composer config repositories.installer git;composer require magentoese/module-data-install:dev-master
then run bin/magento setup:upgrade
To add this package via composer:
composer config repositories.luma git;composer require magentoese/vertical-data-luma:dev-main
No need to run setup:upgrade
Standalone - Adds Luma to an empty instance on default site/store. This is the default behavior
bin/magento gxd:datainstall MagentoEse_VerticalDataLuma
Website - Adds Luma as its own website in a multi-site configuration
bin/magento gxd:datainstall MagentoEse_VerticalDataLuma --load=website