Minecraft datapack that adds Hats
Overview of important parts:
🖿 src
🖿 datapack
🖿 resourcepack
🗎 hats.yml # Defines hats and their properties
🗎 cmds.yml # Assigns custom model data to hats
🗎 categories.yml # Split hats into categories. Used by jinja and loot tables
🗎 tags.yml # Assing tags to hats. Used by jinja and loot tables
🗎 recipes.yml # Used to generate custom crafting recipes
🗎 settings.yml # Used to generate in-game datapack configuration
🖿 hats
🖿 plugins # Custom beet plugins
🖿 registries # Data managers used in all parts of the project
🗎 options.py # Wrapper for project options configured in beet.yml
🖿 jinja # Jinja templating files
🗎 beet.yml # Beet configuration
🗎 beet-release.yml # Beet configuration for release mode
🗎 .pre-commit-config.yaml # Configuration for git commit hooks
🗎 pyproject.toml # Python project configuration using 'Poetry'
🗎 commit-parser.py # Custom commit parser. Used for custom CHANGELOG generation