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Installation Instructions


Installing MongoDB 3.6 on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Install the dependecies:

sudo apt install gnupg wget apt-transport-https ca-certificates software-properties-common

Download/Install the GPG Keys for MongoDB:

curl -fsSL |  sudo gpg -o /usr/share/keyrings/mongodb-server-6.0.gpg --dearmor

Setup the MongoDB Apt repository:

echo "deb [ arch=amd64,arm64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/mongodb-server-6.0.gpg ] jammy/mongodb-org/6.0 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-6.0.list

Use apt to install MongoDB:

apt-get update
apt-get install mongodb-org

Start MongoDB and setup to start at boot:

systemctl start mongod
systemctl status mongod
systemctl enable mongod

Installing NodeJS/npm on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Download the nvm install script:

wget -qO- | bash

Install the LTS version of NodeJS using nvm

export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"
nvm install --lts
NODE_VERSION=`node -v`
sudo ln -s $HOME/.nvm/versions/node/${NODE_VERSION}/bin/npm /usr/local/bin/
sudo ln -s $HOME/.nvm/versions/node/${NODE_VERSION}/bin/node /usr/local/bin/

Clone the repository

git clone

This should clone the repo to a directory called sealog-server

Create the new configurations files

cd ./sealog-server
cp ./config/db_constants.js.dist ./config/db_constants.js
cp ./config/email_settings.js.dist ./config/email_settings.js
cp ./config/manifest.js.dist ./config/manifest.js
cp ./config/server_settings.js.dist ./config/server_settings.js
cp ./config/secret.js.dist ./config/secret.js

Modify the configuration files

Set the sealogDB and sealogDB_devel names in the ./config/db_constants.js file to meet your specific installation requirements. If you are only running one instance of Sealog Server on the server then the defaults are sufficient

Set the senderAddress and notificationEmailAddresses locations in the ./config/email_settings.js file to meet your specific installation requirements.

You will also need to uncomment the type of email integration used. By default email is disabled but the distribution file includes commented code blocks for gmail, mailgun and mailjet integration.

Set the host, port, wsPort, and prefix values in the ./config/manifest.js file to meet your specific installation requirements. There are 3 sets of these variables for the various ways sealog-server can be run. If you are only running one instance of Sealog Server on the server then the defaults are sufficient

Set the imagePath, cruisePath and loweringPath locations in the ./config/server_settings.js file to meet your specific installation requirements. These paths are where the framegrabber image files, cruise files and lowering files are located on the server.

Create a secret JWT encryption key and save it to the ./config/secret.js file. Create the key by running the following command:

node -e "console.log(require('crypto').randomBytes(256).toString('base64'));"

Save the key between the single quotes in the secrets.js file i.e. module.exports = '<replace with secret key>'

Move installation to production location

sudo mv sealog-server /opt/
cd /opt/sealog-server`

Install the nodeJS modules

npm install

Starting the sealog-server in development mode

From a terminal run:

cd /opt/sealog-server
npm run start-devel

This will start the server in development mode. This means that the server is in uber-verbose mode and that a new clean database is created each time the server starts (i.e. any data added from a previous run is blown away).

Running in development mode will create an admin account (testadmin:password) and regular user account (testuser:password).

Starting the server in production mode

From a terminal run:

cd /opt/sealog-server
npm start

This will start the server in production mode. This mode will connect to a mongo database that was already setup for use with sealog-server. If no database is found, sealog-server will attempt to create it. Running in production mode for the first time will create an admin account (admin:demo) and 1 regular user account (guest). There is no password set for the regular account.

The recommended way to setup Sealog to start at boot is to use Supervisor. To install Supervisor no Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install supervisor

Create a supervisor configuration file:

sudo pico /etc/supervisor/conf.d/sealog-server.conf

Copy/Paste the following into the file and that the desired user is sealog):

command=node server.js

Start the sealog-server supervisor task:

sudo supervisorctl start sealog-server:

Need to make everything available over port 80?

Sometimes on vessel networks it's only possible to access web-services using the standard network ports (i.e. 80, 443). To use sealog server on these types of networks the API and websocket services will need to be tunnelled through port 80... luckily Apache makes this relatively easy.


Make sure these modules have been enabled within Apache and that Apache has been restarted since the modules were enabled.

Update the Apache site configuration

Add the following code block to the apache site configuration (on Ubuntu this is located at: /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf)

ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyRequests Off
ServerName <serverIP>
ProxyPass /sealog-server/ http://<serverIP>:8000/sealog-server/
ProxyPassReverse /sealog-server/ http://<serverIP>:8000/sealog-server/
ProxyPass /ws ws://<serverIP>:8000/
ProxyPassReverse /ws ws://<serverIP>:8000/

You will need to reload Apache for the changes to take affect.

service apache2 restart

If everything went correctly you should not be able to access the sealog-server API at http://<serverIP>:8000/sealog-server/ and the sealog websocket service at ws://<serverIP>:8000/ws

Need to make everything available over port https?

By default sealog-server runs over http. To run the server over https uncomment the following commented lines at the top of the ./config/manifest.js file and replace <privKey.pem> and <fullchain.pem> with the appropriate cert files:

// const Fs = require('fs')

// const tlsOptions = {
//   key: Fs.readFileSync(<privKey.pem>),
//   cert: Fs.readFileSync(<fullchain.pem>)
// };

AND the following line at line 103:

//    tls: tlsOptions,

Note: Make sure the user running the sealog-server process has read access to the certificate files.

Enabling Additional Functionality

Although Sealog-Server is written in NodeJS, many of the additional functionality is written in Python3 (v3.6+). These additional features are completely optional and do not have to be configured to install and run Sealog but greatly add to the overall usefulness of the platform.


It is recommended to setup a python virtual environment within the sealog-server root directory from which to run the python scripts.

Install the required packages:

sudo apt-get install python3 python3-dev python3-pip python3-venv

Goto the sealog-server installation directory and create the python virtual environment.

cd /opt/sealog-server
python3 -m venv ./venv

Activate the python virtual environment and install the requried python libraries

source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Automatic Snapshot (ASNAP)

Automatic snapshots or ASNAP is a service that when enabled will submit an ASNAP event to the sealog-server at a specifed interval. The ASNAP service is useful for ensuring there is a minimum resolution of events during a cruise or lowering. Without ASNAP there could be huge periods of a cruise or lowering where there is no information about the vessel or vehicle.

Configuring the ASNAP service:

cp /opt/sealog-server/misc/ /opt/sealog-server/misc/

Edit the supervisor configuration file:

sudo pico /etc/supervisor/conf.d/sealog-server.conf

Append the following to the supervisor configuration file (assumes the desired user is sealog):


The default ASNAP interval is 10 seconds. To change that add the --interval <seconds> argument to the command statement. i.e.

command=/opt/sealog-server/venv/bin/python --interval 300


Auto-Actions is a service that triggered additional actions based on submitted events. This can include setting lowering milestones in real-time via events, turning on/off the ASNAP service or really anything that can be initiated using python. The sealog-server repository includes a boilerplate auto-actions script that is useful to users of the sealog-client-vehicle project. In it's default behavior this script will enable/disable the ASNAP server when it detects a "Descending"/"On Surface" events. It will also update the lowering start/stop times and lowering milestones based on the corresponding events.

Configuring the Auto-Actions service:

cp /opt/sealog-server/misc/ /opt/sealog-server/misc/

Edit the supervisor configuration file:

sudo pico /etc/supervisor/conf.d/sealog-server.conf

Append the following to the supervisor configuration file (assumes the desired user is sealog):


Post-Lowering and Post-Cruise Data Exports

One of the first things operators will want to do after they install Sealog is figure out how to get data out of it an into files they can give to their customers. The sealog-server repository includes 2 files to help with the data export process. The file is for exporting sealog data from vehicle-focused installations. The file is for exporting sealog data from vessel-focused installations.

Configuring the data export script:

First the appropriate boilerplate file needs to be enabled.

cp /opt/sealog-server/misc/ /opt/sealog-server/misc/


cp /opt/sealog-server/misc/ /opt/sealog-server/misc/

Next the file needs to be customized for the actual installation. Open the file and change the following variables to match the desired behavior.

Sealog for Vehicles:

EXPORT_ROOT_DIR = '/data/sealog-export'
VEHICLE_NAME = 'Explorer'

Sealog for Vessels:

EXPORT_ROOT_DIR = '/data/sealog-export'
VESSEL_NAME = 'Discoverer'