- Goal: Automatically Deploy Generative AI Go Web Applications from Version Control to Cloud Run.
- Apps Involved: Google Go, Google Cloud Shell, Google Cloud Run, Vertex AI and GitHub
- Follow the setup guide in https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/deploy-from-github.
- Workshop recording: https://cloudonair.withgoogle.com/events/gen-ai-for-go
- Hands-on workshop developing and deploying a generative AI application in Go, hosted on Google Cloud.
- Use GitHub, Cloud Build, and Cloud Run to automate deployment.
- Create a working web app, use Vertex AI to add generative AI functionality
- Deploy the application multiple times.
The Result: A small application and deployment pipeline, which to be used directly and modifiable to needs.
For inquiries, please contact max@noospheracr.com.