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468 lines (379 loc) · 14.2 KB

Nextlinux Kubernetes Inventory

Go Report Card GitHub release License: Apache-2.0

nextlinux-k8s-inventory polls the Kubernetes API on an interval to retrieve which images are currently in use.

It can be run inside a cluster (under a Service Account) or outside (via any provided kubeconfig).

Getting Started

Install the binary or Download the Docker image


nextlinux-k8s-inventory can be run as a CLI, Docker Container, or Helm Chart

By default, nextlinux-k8s-inventory will look for a kubeconfig in the home directory to use to authenticate (when run as a CLI).


$ nextlinux-k8s-inventory --verbose-inventory-reports
  "cluster_name": "docker-desktop",
  "containers": [
      "id": "docker://911d2cf6351cbafc349f131aeef1b1fb295a889504d38c89a065da1a91d828b9",
      "image_digest": "sha256:76049887f07a0476dc93efc2d3569b9529bf982b22d29f356092ce206e98765c",
      "image_tag": "",
      "name": "dashboard-metrics-scraper",
      "pod_uid": "c5b40099-20a5-4b46-8062-cf84f9d6ac23"
      "id": "docker://a9cd75ad99dd4363bbd882b40e753b58c62bfd7b03cabeb764c1dac97568ad26",
      "image_digest": "sha256:2e500d29e9d5f4a086b908eb8dfe7ecac57d2ab09d65b24f588b1d449841ef93",
      "image_tag": "",
      "name": "kubernetes-dashboard",
      "pod_uid": "72ba7e4e-6e35-48c0-bff7-558a525074d5"
  "namespaces": [
      "labels": {
        "": "kube-public"
      "name": "kube-public",
      "uid": "dd561bf1-11ff-4381-8a1f-f156c206fe13"
      "labels": {
        "": "kube-system"
      "name": "kube-system",
      "uid": "012ebe67-dd49-4fd9-b604-258385df3957"
  "nodes": [
      "annotations": {
        "": "unix:///var/run/cri-dockerd.sock",
        "": "0",
        "": "true"
      "arch": "arm64",
      "container_runtime_version": "docker://20.10.23",
      "kernel_version": "5.15.49-linuxkit",
      "kube_proxy_version": "v1.26.1",
      "kubelet_version": "v1.26.1",
      "labels": {
        "": "arm64",
        "": "linux",
        "": "arm64",
        "": "minikube",
        "": "linux",
        "": "ddac20b4b34a9c8c857fc602203b6ba2679794d3",
        "": "minikube",
        "": "true",
        "": "2023_04_11T11_20_54_0700",
        "": "v1.29.0",
        "": "",
        "": ""
      "name": "minikube",
      "operating_system": "linux",
      "uid": "b8334e25-68a5-4cbc-bf7a-fc188f2c6023"
  "pods": [
      "annotations": {
        "": "runtime/default"
      "labels": {
        "k8s-app": "dashboard-metrics-scraper",
        "pod-template-hash": "5c6664855"
      "name": "dashboard-metrics-scraper-5c6664855-s8lpc",
      "namespace_uid": "c1d98ff5-6689-4016-aef3-8802790c3b10",
      "node_uid": "b8334e25-68a5-4cbc-bf7a-fc188f2c6023",
      "uid": "c5b40099-20a5-4b46-8062-cf84f9d6ac23"
      "labels": {
        "gcp-auth-skip-secret": "true",
        "k8s-app": "kubernetes-dashboard",
        "pod-template-hash": "55c4cbbc7c"
      "name": "kubernetes-dashboard-55c4cbbc7c-6p28m",
      "namespace_uid": "c1d98ff5-6689-4016-aef3-8802790c3b10",
      "node_uid": "b8334e25-68a5-4cbc-bf7a-fc188f2c6023",
      "uid": "72ba7e4e-6e35-48c0-bff7-558a525074d5"
  "serverVersionMetadata": {
    "major": "1",
    "minor": "26",
    "gitVersion": "v1.26.1",
    "gitCommit": "8f94681cd294aa8cfd3407b8191f6c70214973a4",
    "gitTreeState": "clean",
    "buildDate": "2023-01-18T15:51:25Z",
    "goVersion": "go1.19.5",
    "compiler": "gc",
    "platform": "linux/arm64"
  "timestamp": "2023-05-03T12:34:13Z"


In order to run nextlinux-k8s-inventory as a container, it needs a kubeconfig

~ docker run -it --rm -v ~/.kube/config:/.kube/config nextlinux/k8s-inventory:latest --verbose-inventory-reports

Helm Chart

Nextlinux-k8s-inventory is the foundation of Nextlinux Enterprise's Runtime Inventory feature. Running nextlinux-k8s-inventory via Helm is a great way to retrieve your Kubernetes Image inventory without providing Cluster Credentials to Nextlinux.

Nextlinux-k8s-inventory runs as a read-only service account in the cluster it's deployed to.

In order to report the inventory to Nextlinux, nextlinux-k8s-inventory does require authentication material for your Nextlinux Enterprise deployment. nextlinux-k8s-inventory's helm chart automatically creates a kubernetes secret for the Nextlinux Password based on the values file you use, Ex.:

    password: foobar

It will set the following environment variable based on this: NEXTLINUX_K8S_INVENTORY_NEXTLINUX_PASSWORD=foobar.

If you don't want to store your Nextlinux password in the values file, you can create your own secret to do this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: nextlinux-k8s-inventory-nextlinux-password
type: Opaque

and then provide it to the helm chart via the values file:

  existingSecret: nextlinux-k8s-inventory-nextlinux-password

nextlinux-k8s-inventory's helm chart is part of the repo. You can install it via:

helm repo add nextlinux
helm install <release-name> -f <values.yaml> nextlinux/nextlinux-k8s-inventory

A basic values file can always be found here


# same as -q ; suppress all output (except for the inventory results)
quiet: false

  # use structured logging
  structured: false

  # the log level; note: detailed logging suppress the ETUI
  level: "debug"

  # location to write the log file (default is not to have a log file)
  file: "./nextlinux-k8s-inventory.log"

# enable/disable checking for application updates on startup
check-for-app-update: true

  cluster: docker-desktop
  server:  # ex. https://kubernetes.docker.internal:6443
    type:  # valid: [private_key, token]

# enable/disable printing inventory reports to stdout
verbose-inventory-reports: false

Namespace selection

Configure which namespaces nextlinux-k8s-inventory should search.

  • include section
    • A list of explicit strings that will detail the list of namespaces to capture image data from.
    • If left as an empty list [] all namespaces will be searched
    • Example:
  - default
  - kube-system
  - prod-app
  • exclude section
    • A list of explicit strings and/or regex patterns for namespaces to be excluded.
    • A regex is determined if the string does not match standard DNS name requirements.
    • Example:
  - default
  - ^kube-*
  - ^prod-*
# Which namespaces to search or exclude.
  # Namespaces to include as explicit strings, not regex
  # NOTE: Will search ALL namespaces if left as an empty array
  include: []

  # List of namespaces to exclude, can use explicit strings and/or regexes.
  # For example
  # list:
  # - default
  # - ^kube-*
  # Will exclude the default, kube-system, and kube-public namespaces
  exclude: []

Kubernetes API Parameters

This section will allow users to tune the way nextlinux-k8s-inventory interacts with the kubernetes API server.

# Kubernetes API configuration parameters (should not need tuning)
  # Sets the request timeout for kubernetes API requests
  request-timeout-seconds: 60

  # Sets the number of objects to iteratively return when listing resources
  request-batch-size: 100

  # Worker pool size for collecting pods from namespaces. Adjust this if the api-server gets overwhelmed
  worker-pool-size: 100

nextlinux-k8s-inventory mode of operation

# Can be one of adhoc, periodic (defaults to adhoc)
mode: adhoc

# Only respected if mode is periodic
polling-interval-seconds: 300

Missing Tag Policy

There are cases where images in Kubernetes do not have an associated tag - for example when an image is deployed using the digest.

kubectl run python --image=python@sha256:f0a210a37565286ecaaac0529a6749917e8ea58d3dfc72c84acfbfbe1a64a20a

Nextlinux Enterprise will use the image digest to process an image but it still requires a tag to be associated with the image. The missing-tag-policy lets you configure the best way to handle the missing tag edge case in your environment.

digest will use the image digest as a dummy tag.

  "tag": "alpine:4ed1812024ed78962a34727137627e8854a3b414d19e2c35a1dc727a47e16fba",
  "repoDigest": "sha256:4ed1812024ed78962a34727137627e8854a3b414d19e2c35a1dc727a47e16fba"

insert will use a dummy tag configured by missing-tag-policy.tag

  "tag": "alpine:UNKNOWN",
  "repoDigest": "sha256:4ed1812024ed78962a34727137627e8854a3b414d19e2c35a1dc727a47e16fba"

drop will simply ignore the images that don't have tags.

# Handle cases where a tag is missing. For example - images designated by digest
  # One of the following options [digest, insert, drop]. Default is 'digest'
  # [digest] will use the image's digest as a dummy tag.
  # [insert] will insert a default tag in as a dummy tag. The dummy tag is
  #          customizable under missing-tag-policy.tag
  # [drop] will drop images that do not have tags associated with them. Not
  #        recommended.
  policy: digest

  # Dummy tag to use. Only applicable if policy is 'insert'. Defaults to UNKNOWN
  tag: UNKNOWN

Ignore images that are not yet in a Running state

# Ignore images out of pods that are not in a Running state
ignore-not-running: true

Nextlinux API configuration

Use this section to configure the Nextlinux Enterprise API endpoint

  url: <your nextlinux api url>
  user: <nextlinux-k8s-inventory_inventory_user>
    insecure: true
    timeout-seconds: 10

Behavior change (v0.5.0) (formerly KAI)

In versions of nextlinux-k8s-inventory < v0.5.0 the default behavior was to output the inventory report to stdout every time it was generated. nextlinux-k8s-inventory v0.5.0 changes this so it will not print to stdout unless verbose-inventory-reports: true is set in the config file or nextlinux-k8s-inventory is called with the --verbose-inventory-reports flag.

Configuration Changes (v0.2.2 -> v0.3.0) (formerly KAI)

There are a few configurations that were changed from v0.2.2 to v0.3.0


The request timeout for the kubernetes API was changed from

kubernetes-request-timeout-seconds: 60


  request-timeout-seconds: 60

nextlinux-k8s-inventory will still honor the old configuration. It will prefer the old configuration parameter until it is removed from the config entirely. It is safe to remove the old configuration in favor of the new config.


The namespace configuration was changed from

- all


  include: []
  exclude: []

namespace-selectors was added to eventually replace namespaces to allow for both include and exclude configs. The old namespaces array will be honored if namespace-selectors.include is empty. It is safe to remove namespaces entirely in favor of namespace-selectors



Note: This will drop the binary in the ./snapshot/ directory

On Mac

make mac-binary

On Linux

make linux-binary


The Makefile has testing built into it. For unit tests simply run

make unit


To build a docker image, you'll need to provide a kubeconfig.

Note: Docker build requires files to be within the docker build context

docker build -t localhost/nextlinux-k8s-inventory:latest --build-arg KUBECONFIG=./kubeconfig .

Shell Completion

nextlinux-k8s-inventory comes with shell completion for specifying namespaces, it can be enabled as follows. Run with the --help command to get the instructions for the shell of your choice

nextlinux-k8s-inventory completion <zsh|bash|fish>

Using Skaffold

You can use skaffold for dev. The 'bootstrap-skaffold' make target will clone the chart into the current directory to wire it up for skaffold to use. To trigger redeployments you'll need to run make linux-binary and skaffold will rebuild the image and update the helm release.

make bootstrap-skaffold
make linux-binary
skaffold dev


To create a release of nextlinux-k8s-inventory, a tag needs to be created that points to a commit in main that we want to release. This tag shall be a semver prefixed with a v, e.g. v0.2.7. This will trigger a GitHub Action that will create the release.

After the release has been successfully created, make sure to specify the updated version in both Enterprise and the nextlinux-k8s-inventory Helm Chart in nextlinux-charts.