Some examples to demonstrate the usage of the XFDTD Core library.
- C++ compiler supporting C++20
- CMake 3.20 or later
- XFDTD Core library
target list:
- cylinder_scatter_2d: 2D TEz scattering by a cylinder
- debye_sphere_scatter: 3D scattering by a Debye sphere
- drude_sphere_scatter: 3D scattering by a Drude sphere
- lorentz_sphere_scatter: 3D scattering by a Lorentz sphere
- dielectric_cube_scatter: 3D scattering by a dielectric cube
- dielectric_sphere_scatter: 3D scattering by a dielectric sphere
- half_wave_dipole: 3D half-wave dipole radiation
- inverted_f_antenna: 3D inverted-F antenna radiation
- microstrip_branch_line_coupler: 3D microstrip branch-line coupler
- microstrip_line: 3D microstrip line
- microstrip_low_pass: 3D microstrip low-pass filter
- quarter_wave_transformer: 3D quarter-wave transformer
- rlc_circuit: 3D RLC circuit
- simple_capacitor: 3D simple capacitor
- simple_circuit: 3D simple circuit
- slab_refection_transmission: 1D slab reflection and transmission
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build -t ${target}
If you want to build all targets, you can use the following command:
cmake --build build -t build-examples
Enable MPI support:
cmake -S . -B build -DXFDTD_CORE_WITH_MPI=ON
cmake --build build -t ${target}
all targets can be found in the build/bin
Running with MPI:
mpirun -n ${n} ./build/bin/${target}
Running all targets:
chmod +x ./
./ ./build/bin
If nothing goes wrong, you can find the output data in the ./data
Use Python
to process the data.
The script file in the ./plot_script
directory can be used to plot the data.
Can't run with MPI.