thanks to ikthomas #84
- update galaxy lint requirements
- license file
- ansible version
- Addressed Bugs
- Added Fixes For Outstanding PR's
- #81 - Thanks @kdebisschop
- Fixed Linting Errors For Yamllint & Ansbile-Lint
- Adjusted Builtin to Posix For sysctl module.
- lint files updated
- ansible version updated
- Lots of lint and standardisation changes
- fqcn
- Assertions for root and grub passwords
- Import tasks to allow tags to be used
- Warnings made standard
- warn count feature added
- workflow updates
- wireless interface discovery
- idempotency checks and updates
reboot variable changed from ubtu20_skip_reboot to skip_reboot (still default true)
#1 set bootloader pwd - Allowed unrestricted by default but set new variables
- Added extra variable options ubtu20cis_set_grub_password and ubtu20cis_set_root_password (defaults true)
#2 Ensure locks for failed attempts
#3 root path integrity
thanks to @vbotka
- #63 parse_etc_password
thanks to @makefu
- #67 UFW incoming firewall ports (optional)
thanks to @CFoltin
- #68 logrotate alignment
- #69 stop rule overwrite UFW
thanks to @hackery
- #70 TMOUT stops being repeated
Many improvements on multiple controls Remediate and audit version now match. When using remediate will pull in latest version of audit for that release.
- updated goss version used
- aligned new variables with audit
- audit path used now default to /opt from /var/tmp