This is where this project started. I knew that eventually this would have to run with something like Python, however I'm still fairly new to Python, so I thought I would proof of concept everything in Powershell first.
To install, simply download the module files and install to your choice of paths in $env:PSModulePath
Copy-Item <path-to-module> -Destination <PSModulePath>
Import-Module MikrotikPSwitchOS
PS C:\> $Credential = Get-Credential
PS C:\> $URL = ''
PS C:\> Get-MikrotikLinks -Credential $Credential -URL $URL
Enabled PortNumber PortType PortName LinkSpeed LinkActive AutoNeg FullDuplex
------- ---------- -------- -------- --------- ---------- ------- ----------
True 1 rj45 Router 1 True True True
True 2 rj45 Port2 1 True True True
True 3 rj45 Port3 1 True True True
True 4 rj45 Port4 1 True True True
True 5 rj45 Port5 0 False True False
True 6 rj45 Port6 0 False True False
True 7 rj45 Port7 0 False True False
PS C:\> $Credential = Get-Credential
PS C:\> $URL = ''
PS C:\> Get-MikrotikSFP -Credential $Credential -URL $URL
PortNumber PortName Vendor PartNumber Serial Type Temp Voltage
---------- -------- ------ ---------- ------ ---- ---- -------
25 SFP1 MikroTik S+RJ10 HCR01V1VFSK 1m copper 83 3.272
26 SFP2 Ubiquiti Inc. UC-DAC-SFP+ AH22018007220 1m copper 0 0
27 SFP3 0 0
28 SFP4 0 0
PS C:\> $Credential = Get-Credential
PS C:\> $URL = ''
PS C:\> Get-MikrotikVLANs -Credential $Credential -URL $URL
PortNumber PortName VLANMode VLANReceive VLANID ForceVLANID
---------- -------- -------- ----------- ------ -----------
1 Router Optional Any 1 False
2 Port2 Optional Any 88 False
3 Port3 Optional Any 88 False
4 Port4 Optional Any 88 False
5 Port5 Optional Any 88 False
6 Port6 Optional Any 88 False
7 Port7 Optional Any 88 False
PS C:\> $Credential = Get-Credential
PS C:\> $URL = ''
PS C:\> Get-MikrotikLinks -Credential $Credential -URL $URL
Enabled PortNumber PortType PortName LinkSpeed LinkActive AutoNeg FullDuplex
------- ---------- -------- -------- --------- ---------- ------- ----------
True 1 rj45 Router 1 True True True
True 2 rj45 Port2 1 True True True
True 3 rj45 Port3 1 True True True
True 4 rj45 Port4 1 True True True
True 5 rj45 Port5 0 False True False
True 6 rj45 Port6 0 False True False
True 7 rj45 Port7 0 False True False
PS C:\> Set-MikrotikSwitchPort -PortNumber 6 -PortName Testing -Enabled $false -Credential $Credential -URL $URL
PS C:\> Get-MikrotikLinks -Credential $Credential -URL $URL
Enabled PortNumber PortType PortName LinkSpeed LinkActive AutoNeg FullDuplex
------- ---------- -------- -------- --------- ---------- ------- ----------
True 1 rj45 Router 1 True True True
True 2 rj45 Port2 1 True True True
True 3 rj45 Port3 1 True True True
True 4 rj45 Port4 1 True True True
True 5 rj45 Port5 0 False True False
False 6 rj45 Testing 0 False True False
True 7 rj45 Port7 0 False True False
PS C:\> $Credential = Get-Credential
PS C:\> $URL = ''
PS C:\> Get-MikrotikVLANs -Credential $Credential -URL $URL
PortNumber PortName VLANMode VLANReceive VLANID ForceVLANID
---------- -------- -------- ----------- ------ -----------
1 Router Optional Any 1 False
2 Port2 Optional Any 88 False
3 Port3 Optional Any 88 False
4 Port4 Optional Any 88 False
5 Port5 Optional Any 88 False
6 Port6 Optional Any 88 False
7 Port7 Optional Any 88 False
PS C:\> Set-MikrotikVLAN -PortNumber 6 -VLANMode Disabled -VLANReceive 'Only Tagged' -VLANID 99 -Credential $Credential -URL $URL
PS C:\> Get-MikrotikLinks -Credential $Credential -URL $URL
PortNumber PortName VLANMode VLANReceive VLANID ForceVLANID
---------- -------- -------- ----------- ------ -----------
1 Router Optional Any 1 False
2 Port2 Optional Any 88 False
3 Port3 Optional Any 88 False
4 Port4 Optional Any 88 False
5 Port5 Optional Any 88 False
6 Port6 Disabled Only Tagged 99 False
7 Port7 Optional Any 88 False