Tools to convert the DokuWiki syntax to Markdown syntax.
Please note it has some specific Liquibase regular expressions in scripts/DocuwikiToMarkdownExtra.php
<del> is replaced by `<del>`. It should re replaced by <strike> - without the `` wrap
\\ should be replaced by 4 spaces and a line break
Links should be encapsulated by <>
bullets (like * or -) should have no spaces in front of them, and only one after
rowspans (:::) in tables are not supported
Place a file in the input dir, and run:
php convert.php input/myfile.txt
This will convert your file, and place a
next to your file.
scp -P 2222 -r <username>@myserver:/sites/mysite/www/assets/data/pages/* input/
cd scripts
php Translate.php ../input <../output> < template.txt>
- if output is not supplied it will print the conversion to stdout
- at the moment it only prepends the content of the template to each file it converts.
This project was forked from the SilverStripe Documentation Restructuring Project
and was edited to add some extra functionality by ludoza.
It has subsequently been forked from ludoza's fork by titledk with the
aim of creating a common way to export dokuwiki files to markdown (which is what we need in our 2013 restructuring here