A very basic and simple image hosting service, available to vintage and modern browsers alike.
The service allows images up to 4 MB in size to be uploaded - keep in mind that we do not manipulate images, therefore metadata is not scrubbed.
It is intended mainly for hosting images in relation to Macintosh Garden, but not limited to this space.
Anyone can use the service - free from ads, time constraints, registration, tracking, manipulation.
The service currently handles the following basic formats; GIF, JPG/JPEG, PICT, PNG/APNG, WebP
Note that the service will not accept image files without a proper file extension attached.
There are minor known issues with PICT images, though generally works 99% of the time.
Version 2.0.0 officially released on May 20th, 2023.
This is a complete rewrite of the entire image hosting service, improving stability and performance.