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File metadata and controls

290 lines (217 loc) · 8.26 KB


a mechanism for front-end web applications to provide intuitive and safe links into remote web-accessible back-end storage



Debian's service provides a mechanism to access point-in-time views of the Debian archive.

In order to avoid duplicating archive items (many versions of a package might refer to the same upstream source tarball, say), the back-end storage stores archive items with names based on the SHA1 checksum the contents of the archive item in a hashed directory structure.

For example, instead of storing archive items by file name:


the back-end stores them by hash name:


The front-end provides the mapping between the archive item's front-end file name and back-end hash name.


Debian's service currently provides access to 25 TB of archive items. The archive is growing at 5 TB/yr.

Debian is actively seeking partners to host the archive items since Debian's current storage infrastructure is reaching capacity.

This necessitates an examination of the service from the perspective of splitting the front-end from the back-end such that partners willing to provide the back-end are not required to makesignificant changes to their web server configuration.

That said, it is a requirement that the mapping between the front-end and the back-end be both intuitive (users can access archive items by file name rather than by hash name) and safe (users can trust the mapping between the file name and the hash name).


Borrowing concepts from nginx's secure_link and lighttpd's mod_secdownload, the proposal is to configure the front-end to generate a secure link that, when interpreted by the back-end, have three features:

  1. provide a mapping between the file name and the hash name for the archive item
  2. provide a content type for the archive item
  3. provide non-repudiation of the mapping and content-type

Specifically, the proposed mode of operation is:

  • the user searches for a specific file (blah-1.2.tar.gz, say) via the front-end
  • the front-end provides a link to the desired file
  • the user requests to download the linked-to file
  • the front-end responds with 302, redirecting the user to http://[host][src]/[hmac]/[hash]/[type]/[file] where
    • [host] is the hostname of the back-end
    • [src] is the source URI path
    • [hmac] is the MD5 HMAC where
    • [key] is the shared secret known to both the front-end and back-end
    • [msg] is the concatenation of [hash], [type] and [file] separated by forward slash
    • [hash] is the hash name of the archive item
    • [type] is the content type of the archive item (base16 encoded)
    • [file] is the file name of the archive item
  • the back-end compares the computed HMAC with the received HMAC and, if equal,
    • sets the content type to [type] (decoded), and
    • rewrites the request URI to /[tgt]/[dir1]/[dir2]/[hash] where
      • [tgt] is the target URI path
      • [dir1] is first two hex digits of [hash]
      • [dir2] is next two hex digits of [hash]
  • the user's browser will either display (inline) or offer to save (attachment) the file depending on the content type

The purpose of the [src] to [tgt] rewriting is to allow the back-end operator to specify secure link rewriting for request URIs in the [src] namespace while simultaneously serving the hash files from the [tgt] namespace.


Suppose that the parameters are as follows:

host = ""
src  = "/foo"
tgt  = "/bar"
hash = "2816d3b56ebeaabd4af3a31d9b1c17f545a8898a"
type = "6170706c69636174696f6e2f782d677a6970" -- "application/x-gzip" base16-encoded
file = "blah-1.2.tar.gz"
key  = "secret"

Then the hmac is computed as:

hmac = hmac_md5(key, hash .. "/" .. type .. "/" .. file)


hmac = "e54b536a0d3f695112bb5790bd741206"

The redirection URL that the front-end generates is composed as:

uri = "https://" .. host .. src .. "/" .. hmac .. "/" .. hash .. "/" .. type .. "/" .. file


uri = ""

After verifying the hmac, the back-end rewrites the request URI to:

uri = "https://" .. host .. tgt .. "/" .. dir1 .. "/" .. dir2 .. "/" .. hash


uri = ""

The client saves the content as:


since the original request to the front-end ended in blah-1.2.tar.gz and because the response header contains:

Content-Type: application/x-gzip

Getting Started


The back-end secure link capability is provided via a lua script. Consequently, the web-server deployed on the back-end must support URI rewriting via call-out to an external script. This is true of nginx, lighttpd and apache2 in Debian wheezy.


apt-get install nginx-extras lua-md5


apt-get install lighttpd-mod-magnet lua-md5


apt-get install apache2 lua5.1 lua-md5


Copy the web server-specific script and the shared script to the web server's configuration directory.


wget -P /etc/nginx
wget -P /etc/nginx


wget -P /etc/lighttpd
wget -P /etc/lighttpd


wget -P /etc/apache2
wget -P /etc/apache2



The configuration for nginx on the back-end is trivial, primarily due to nginx's excellent use of lua as an well-integrated mechanism for extending functionality.

server {
  location /foo/ {
    set $key "secret";
    set $src "/foo";
    set $tgt "/bar";
    rewrite_by_lua_file securelink-nginx.lua;


The configuration for lighttpd on the back-end is also trivial but leverages mod_magnet. Thus, it is important that the lua script never blocks and returns quickly.

server.modules = {

$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/foo/" {
  setenv.add-environment = ("key" => "secret", "src" => "/foo", "tgt" => "/bar")
  magnet.attract-physical-path-to = ("/etc/lighttpd/securelink-lighttpd.lua")


The configuration for apache2 is more complex as it leverages mod_rewrite's RewriteMap which passes context into scripts via STDIN and expects responses via STDOUT. Thus, the input parameters ([key], [src], [tgt] and [uri]) are concatenated into a single input string and the output string is parsed for two output parameters ([uri], now rewritten, and [type]).

RewriteLock /var/run/apache2/rewrite.lock

<VirtualHost ...>
  RewriteEngine On
  RewriteMap securelink prg:/etc/apache2/securelink-apache2.lua
  RewriteRule ^(/foo/.+) ${securelink:secret+/foo+/bar+%{REQUEST_URI}} [C,DPI]
  RewriteRule ^(/bar/[^+]+)+(.+) $1 [L,T=$2]