diff --git a/repo/lib/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.20.1-47.3.0/forge-1.20.1-47.3.0-installer.jar b/repo/lib/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.20.1-47.3.0/forge-1.20.1-47.3.0-installer.jar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc62841
Binary files /dev/null and b/repo/lib/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.20.1-47.3.0/forge-1.20.1-47.3.0-installer.jar differ
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/InvTweaks/InvTweaks.cfg b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/InvTweaks/InvTweaks.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3de2db8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/InvTweaks/InvTweaks.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#Inventory Tweaks Configuration
+#(Regarding shortcuts, all key names can be found at: http://legacy.lwjgl.org/javadoc/org/lwjgl/input/Keyboard.html)
+#Tue Mar 05 17:43:22 JST 2024
+shortcutKeyOneItem=LCONTROL, RCONTROL
+shortcutKeyDrop=LALT, RALT
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/InvTweaks/InvTweaksRules.txt b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/InvTweaks/InvTweaksRules.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8b0fa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/InvTweaks/InvTweaksRules.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+| INVENTORY TWEAKS Mod - https://inventory-tweaks.readthedocs.org |
+| Sorting rules and general configuration |
+====== [ SETTINGS ] ======
+======== [ GETTING STARTED ] ========
+# Each line you type is a new constraint you add for sorting your inventory.
+# After any change, just press the sorting key to reload the settings. Some examples:
+# * "D1 sword" puts any sword in row D, column 1 (see grid below)
+# * "A edibleFood" fills the A row with food
+# * "1 ironPickaxe" fills the 1 column with an iron pickaxe
+# * "A1-C4 blocks" fills the rectangle with any blocks
+# * "D LOCKED" avoids items from the hotbar to move out of it when sorting
+# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
+# A [A1][A2][A3][A4][A5][A6][A7][A8][A9]
+# B [B1][B2][B3][B4][B5][B6][B7][B8][B9]
+# C [C1][C2][C3][C4][C5][C6][C7][C8][C9]
+# D [D1][D2][D3][D4][D5][D6][D7][D8][D9]
+# Open the 'InvTweaksTree.txt' file for a list of available keywords. If an item
+# is missing from the item tree (for example mod items), you can add it there.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/InvTweaks/InvTweaksTree.txt b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/InvTweaks/InvTweaksTree.txt
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/InvTweaks/InvTweaksTree.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1210 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/InvTweaks/trees/readme.txt b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/InvTweaks/trees/readme.txt
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/InvTweaks/trees/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+You may add additional ".tree" files to this folder and they will be merged into either the "minecraft.tree" file if it is in this folder or the normal InvTweakTree.txt file if "minecraft.tree" does not exist. These tree files have the same structure as the InvTweakTree.txt file, and matching categories will be merged into one with nodes from the new tree file being added to the end of the matching category.
+You can find tree files maintained by IMarvinTPA at https://github.com/IMarvinTPA/InventoryTweaksTrees
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/appleskin.cfg b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/appleskin.cfg
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index 0000000..602f702
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/appleskin.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Configuration file
+# client
+# These config settings are client-side only
+client {
+ # If true, shows your food exhaustion as a progress bar behind the hunger bars
+ B:show.food.exhaustion.hud.underlay=true
+ # If true, adds a line that shows your hunger, saturation, and exhaustion level in the F3 debug overlay
+ B:show.food.stats.in.debug.overlay=true
+ # If true, shows the hunger (and saturation if show.saturation.hud.overlay is true) that would be restored by food you are currently holding
+ B:show.food.values.hud.overlay=true
+ # If true, shows the hunger and saturation values of food in its tooltip while holding SHIFT
+ B:show.food.values.in.tooltip=true
+ # If true, shows the hunger and saturation values of food in its tooltip automatically (without needing to hold SHIFT)
+ B:show.food.values.in.tooltip.always=true
+ # If true, shows your current saturation level overlayed on the hunger bar
+ B:show.saturation.hud.overlay=true
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/bbm/AI_Improvements.cfg b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/bbm/AI_Improvements.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4db012
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/bbm/AI_Improvements.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Configuration file
+general {
+ # Disabled the AI segment that controls entities looking at random locations [default: false]
+ B:RemoveEntityAILookIdle=false
+ # Disabled the AI segment that controls entities looking at the closest player [default: false]
+ B:RemoveEntityAIWatchClosest=false
+ # Replaces the EntityLookHelper with a more CPU efficient version [default: true]
+ B:ReplaceLookHelper=true
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/betterbiomeblend.cfg b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/betterbiomeblend.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f787f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/betterbiomeblend.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Configuration file
+general {
+ # Min: 0
+ # Max: 14
+ I:"Blend Radius"=14
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/betterfps.json b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/betterfps.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b15eaf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/betterfps.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/craftingtweaks.cfg b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/craftingtweaks.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8b9fce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/craftingtweaks.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Configuration file
+# addons
+# Here you can control whether support for a mod should be enabled, buttons_only, hotkeys_only or disabled. For Vanilla Minecraft, see the option 'minecraft'. Mods are identified by their mod ids.
+addons {
+ # enabled, buttons_only, hotkeys_only or disabled [default: enabled]
+ S:fastbench=enabled
+ # enabled, buttons_only, hotkeys_only or disabled [default: enabled]
+ S:minecraft=enabled
+general {
+ # Set this to true if you want the (de)compress feature to work outside of crafting GUIs (only works if installed on server) [default: false]
+ B:compressAnywhere=false
+ # A list of modid:name entries that will not be crafted by the compress key. [default: [ExtraUtilities:decorativeBlock1], [minecraft:sandstone], [minecraft:iron_trapdoor]]
+ S:compressBlacklist <
+ ExtraUtilities:decorativeBlock1
+ minecraft:sandstone
+ minecraft:iron_trapdoor
+ >
+ # Set this to true if you don't want the tweak buttons' tooltips to show. [default: false]
+ B:hideButtonTooltips=false
+ # This option is toggled by the 'Toggle Buttons' key that can be defined in the Controls settings. [default: false]
+ B:hideButtons=false
+ # We both know JEI is much better. This option hides Vanilla's crafting book button instead of moving it. [default: false]
+ B:hideVanillaCraftingGuide=false
+ # If set to true, right-clicking the result slot in a crafting table will craft a full stack. [default: true]
+ B:rightClickCraftsStack=true
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/enchdesc.cfg b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/enchdesc.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21d2ac0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/enchdesc.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Configuration file
+general {
+ # Should the mod generate a list of enchantments from the instance that have no description? [default: false]
+ B:exploreMode=false
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/entityculling.cfg b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/entityculling.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8887abc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/entityculling.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# Configuration file
+general {
+ # Ideally should be set to equal the render distance. Ram usage (in Bytes) = 1063 * (2x + 1) ^ 3
+ I:cacheSize=12
+ B:disabledInSpectator=true
+ # If you have a weak CPU enabling this option might help reducing the CPU usage.
+ B:enableRaytraceCache=false
+ # Disable all changes from this mod (This is not equal to removing the mod!).
+ B:enabled=true
+ # If enabled and OpenGl 4.4 is supported OpenGl based culling is used which is a lot faster and more accurate. If you have a weak GPU you might want to disable this.
+ B:openglBasedCulling=true
+ # Mode that is used to calculate the distance from camera to a raytrace end point.
+ # Valid values:
+ S:raytraceDistanceCalculator=SPHERICAL
+ # Used to calculate the raytrace distance limit. Points farther away than the limit are not raytraced. Distance limit = (renderDistance * 16 + adder) * multiplier
+ # Min: 0.0
+ # Max: 1024.0
+ D:raytraceDistanceLimitAdder=16.0
+ # Used to calculate the raytrace distance limit. Points farther away than the limit are not raytraced. Distance limit = (renderDistance * 16 + adder) * multiplier
+ # Min: 0.0
+ # Max: 1024.0
+ D:raytraceDistanceLimitMultiplier=1.0
+ # If you feel the need to increase this value because of entities being culled falsely then another modder probably messed up their render bounding boxes and you should report the issue to them. Alternatively you can use the (tile-)entityBoundingBoxGrowthList settings to fix bounding boxes on your own.
+ # Min: 0.0
+ # Max: 1024.0
+ D:raytraceThreshold=1.0
+ # If enabled tile entity bounding boxes are increased slightly to avoid issues when other mods don't correctly set their bounding boxes (requires opengl based culling). If you still have culling or flickering issues you can use the 'debugRenderBoxes', 'entityBoundingBoxGrowthList' and 'tileEntityBoundingBoxGrowthList' config options to try to fix the bounding box of that entity or tile entity.
+ B:tileEntityAABBGrowth=true
+ entity {
+ B:alwaysRenderBosses=true
+ B:alwaysRenderEntitiesWithName=true
+ B:alwaysRenderPlayers=true
+ B:alwaysRenderViewEntity=true
+ B:ignoreEndCrystalsWithBeam=true
+ # Skip rendering of entities that are not visible (hidden behind blocks). This might cause issues where an entity is partly behind a block and thus does not get rendered but it's usually not really noticable.
+ B:skipHiddenEntityRendering=true
+ # Tile entities which will always be rendered. (Accepts 'modid' or 'modid:entity_name')
+ S:skipHiddenEntityRenderingBlacklist <
+ >
+ # Entities with a width or height greater than this value will always get rendered.
+ # Min: 0.0
+ # Max: 1024.0
+ D:skipHiddenEntityRenderingSize=16.0
+ }
+ tileentity {
+ # Skip rendering of entities that are not visible (hidden behind blocks). This might cause issues where a tile entity is partly behind a block and thus does not get rendered but it's usually not really noticable.
+ B:skipHiddenTileEntityRendering=true
+ # Tile entities which will always be rendered. (Accepts 'modid' or 'modid:tile_entity_name')
+ S:skipHiddenTileEntityRenderingBlacklist <
+ enderio:tile_travel_anchor
+ >
+ # Tile entities with a width or height greater than this value will always get rendered.
+ # Min: 0.0
+ # Max: 1024.0
+ D:skipHiddenTileEntityRenderingSize=16.0
+ }
+ optifineshaderoptions {
+ B:entityShadowsCulling=true
+ B:entityShadowsCullingLessAggressiveMode=true
+ # Min: 0.0
+ # Max: 1024.0
+ D:entityShadowsCullingLessAggressiveModeDiff=4.0
+ B:tileEntityShadowsCulling=true
+ B:tileEntityShadowsCullingLessAggressiveMode=true
+ # Min: 0.0
+ # Max: 1024.0
+ D:tileEntityShadowsCullingLessAggressiveModeDiff=4.0
+ }
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/falling_tree.cfg b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/falling_tree.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d83c8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/falling_tree.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# Configuration file
+general {
+ # When set to true, the mod will cut down trees in creative too.
+ B:break_in_creative=false
+ # When set to true, a tree will only be chopped down if the player is sneaking.
+ B:reverse_sneaking=false
+tools {
+ # List of tools that should not be considered as tools.
+ # INFO: This wins over the whitelist.
+ S:blacklisted <
+ >
+ # Defines the number of times the damage is applied to the tool.
+ # ie: if set to 1 then breaking 5 logs will give 5 damage.
+ # ie: if set to 2 then breaking 5 logs will give 10 damage.
+ # If set to 0, it'll still apply 1 damage for every cut.
+ # INFO: This only applies when the tree is cut when using the mod.
+ # Min: 0
+ # Max: 2147483647
+ I:damage_multiplicand=1
+ # When set to true, the mod will be activated no matter what you have in your hand (or empty hand).
+ # INFO: Blacklist still can be use to restrict some tools.
+ B:ignore_tools=false
+ # When set to true, when a tree is broken and the tool is about to break we will just break enough blocks so that the tool is left at 1 of durability.
+ B:preserve=false
+ # Applies a speed modifier when breaking the tree.
+ # 0 will disable this, so the speed will be the default one of breaking a block.
+ # If set to 1 each log block will be counted once, so if the tree is 5 blocks tall it'll require the time of breaking 5 logs.
+ # If set to 2 each log block will be counted twice, so if the tree is 5 blocks tall, it'll require the time of breaking 10 logs
+ # INFO: Only in INSTANTANEOUS mode.
+ # WARNING: If you are on a server, this either has to be set to 0 or every player should have the mod. Else they'll have a weird effect of breaking the block but the block is still there.
+ # Min: 0.0
+ # Max: 50.0
+ D:speed_multiplicand=0.0
+ # Additional list of tools that can be used to chop down a tree.
+ # INFO: Items marked with the axe tag will already be whitelisted.
+ S:whitelisted <
+ >
+trees {
+ # When set to true this allow to have any kind of log in a tree trunk.
+ # Otherwise (false) the trunk will be considered as being only one kind of log.
+ B:allow_mixed_logs=false
+ # How to break the tree.
+ # Instantaneous will break it in one go.
+ # Shift down will make the tree fall down as you cut it, so you still have to break x blocks but don't have to climb the tree for them.
+ # Valid values:
+ S:break_mode=INSTANTANEOUS
+ # List of blocks that should not be considered as leaves.
+ # INFO: This wins over the whitelist.
+ S:leaves_blacklisted <
+ >
+ # When set to true, leaves that should naturally break will be broken instantly.
+ B:leaves_breaking=true
+ # Radius to force break leaves. If another tree is still holding the leaves they'll still be broken. If the leaves are persistent (placed by player) they'll also be destroyed.
+ # The radius is applied from one of the top most log blocks.
+ # INFO: break_leaves must be activated for this to take effect.
+ # INFO: Only in INSTANTANEOUS mode.
+ # Min: 0
+ # Max: 10
+ I:leaves_breaking_force_radius=0
+ # Additional list of blocks considered as leaves.
+ # INFO: Blocks marked with the leaves tag will already be whitelisted.
+ S:leaves_whitelisted <
+ >
+ # List of blocks that should not be considered as logs.
+ # INFO: This wins over the whitelist.
+ S:logs_blacklisted <
+ >
+ # The maximum size of a tree. If there's more logs than this value the tree won't be cut.
+ # INFO: Only in INSTANTANEOUS mode.
+ # Min: 1
+ # Max: 2147483647
+ I:logs_max_count=100
+ # Additional list of blocks considered as logs and that will be destroyed by the mod.
+ # INFO: Blocks marked with the log tag will already be whitelisted.
+ S:logs_whitelisted <
+ >
+ # The minimum amount of leaves that needs to be around the top most log in order for the mod to consider it a tree.
+ # INFO: Only in INSTANTANEOUS mode.
+ # Min: 0
+ # Max: 5
+ I:minimum_leaves_around_required=0
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/fastbench.cfg b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/fastbench.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2c82df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/fastbench.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Configuration file
+crafting {
+ # If the recipe book and all associated functionality are fully removed. [default: true]
+ B:"Disable Recipe Book"=true
+ # If a testing variant of shift-click crafting is enabled. [default: true]
+ B:"Experiemental Shift Crafting"=true
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/fastfurnace.cfg b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/fastfurnace.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4abb15a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/fastfurnace.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Configuration file
+general {
+ # If the furnace uses nbt-sensitive output matching. [default: true]
+ B:"Strict Matching"=true
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/foamfix.cfg b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/foamfix.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bfc0fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/foamfix.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+# Configuration file
+client {
+ # Clears caches on world unload a bit faster than usual. Prevents temporary memory leaks. More effective in Anarchy. [default: true]
+ B:clearCachesOnWorldUnload=true
+ # Clears the baked models generated in the first pass *before* entering the second pass, instead of *after*. While this doesn't reduce memory usage in-game, it does reduce it noticeably during loading. [default: true]
+ B:clearDuplicateModelRegistry=true
+ # Deduplicates IModels too. Takes a few seconds more, but shaves off another bit of RAM. [default: true]
+ B:deduplicateModelBakers=true
+ # Deduplicates baked models. The original feature. [default: true]
+ B:deduplicateModels=true
+ # The maximum amount of levels of recursion for the deduplication process. Smaller values will deduplicate less data, but make the process run faster. [default: 9, range: 1-2147483647]
+ I:deduplicateModelsMaxRecursion=9
+ # Step every X models on the progress bar while deduplicating baked models. [default: 1, range: 1-10000]
+ I:deduplicateModelsStepEvery=1
+ # Disables texture animations. [default: false]
+ B:disableTextureAnimations=false
+ # Initialize the options.txt and forge.cfg files with rendering performance-friendly defaults if not present. [default: true]
+ B:initOptions=true
+ # Makes vanilla creative tab search use JEI's lookups - saves a lot of RAM *and* gives you fancy JEI features! [default: true]
+ B:jeiCreativeSearch=true
+ # Remove unnecessary data from a pointlessly cached ModelLoader instance. [default: true]
+ B:modelLoaderCleanup=true
+ # Faster/less memory-churning construction mechanism for ModelResourceLocation objects. Identified by malte0811 in FerriteCore - implemented in a distinct way. [default: true]
+ B:modelResourceLocationFastConstruct=true
+ # Fix opening URLs on Linux-based installs. [default: true]
+ B:openUrlLinux=true
+ # More optimized multipart model condition storage. Inspired by malte0811's research. Now not broken! [default: true]
+ B:smallModelConditionsV2=true
+ # Wipes the IModel cache after baking is finished. Saves a lot of RAM, as most IModels will not be reloaded. [default: true]
+ B:wipeModelCache=true
+coremod {
+ # Stops certain non-Minecraft-related libraries from being ASM transformed. You shouldn't be transforming those anyway. [default: true]
+ B:blacklistLibraryTransformers=true
+ # Make 3D forms of items be rendered dynamically and cached when necessary. [default: true]
+ B:dynamicItemModels=true
+ # Optimizes ItemStack.isEmpty by removing a map lookup. Initially found by Aikar (Paper/0181). [default: true]
+ B:fasterAirItemLookup=true
+ # Speeds up entity lookup by optimizing ClassInheritanceMultiMap.getByClass. [default: true]
+ B:fasterEntityLookup=true
+ # Speeds up the hopper's calculations. [default: true]
+ B:fasterHopper=true
+ # Optimizes blockstate property equals and hashCode methods. [default: true]
+ B:fasterPropertyComparisons=true
+ # Fixes the server not removing unloaded entities/tile entities if no chunkloaders are active. Thanks to CreativeMD for finding this! [default: true]
+ B:fixWorldEntityCleanup=true
+ # Disables all coremod functionality. [default: false]
+ B:forceDisable=false
+ # The amount of ticks per player presence check for mob spawners. Set to 1 to disable the patch and match vanilla behaviour. [default: 10, range: 1-200]
+ I:mobSpawnerCheckSpeed=10
+ # Optimizes BlockPos mutable/immutable getters to run on the same variables, letting them be inlined and thus theoretically increasing performance. [default: true]
+ B:optimizedBlockPos=true
+ # Fix a bug in chunk serialization leading to crashes. Originally found and fixed by Aaron1011 of Sponge. [default: true]
+ B:patchChunkSerialization=true
+ # Replaces the default BlockState/ExtendedBlockState implementations with a far more memory-efficient variant. [default: true]
+ B:smallPropertyStorage=true
+debug {
+ # Should FoamFix count and list baked models during deduplication, per mod? [default: false]
+ B:countListBakedModels=false
+experimental {
+ # Optimizes the backing map for EntityDataManager, saving memory *and* CPU time! May cause issues, however - please test and report back! [default: false]
+ B:fasterEntityDataManager=false
+ # Unpacks all baked quads. Increases RAM usage, but might speed some things up. [default: false]
+ B:unpackBakedQuads=false
+general {
+ # Enable deduplication of redundant objects in memory. [default: true]
+ B:deduplicate=true
+ghostbuster {
+ # Checks if worlds do not unload after a specified amount of time, and notifies the user if that is the case. [default: true]
+ B:checkNonUnloadedWorldClients=true
+ # The amount of time FoamFix should wait for a world to be deemed non-unloaded. [default: 60, range: 10-3600]
+ I:checkNonUnloadedWorldTimeout=60
+ # Custom patch rules. Format: 'className;methodName;accessAloadPos;posAloadPos;radius'. An AloadPos is the position of the argument in the method - 1 for the first one, 2 for the second one, ...; the radius determines how many blocks have to be around the method for no early return. Untested - please use with care.
+ S:customPatchRulesRadius <
+ >
+ # Wrap ChunkProviderServers to be able to provide the /ghostbuster command for debugging ghost chunkloads. [default: false]
+ B:enableDebuggingWrapper=false
+ # For FoamFix debugging/development purposes only. [default: false]
+ B:nonUnloadedWorldsForceGCOnCheck=false
+ # Should beds be prevented from ghost chunkloading? [default: true]
+ B:patchBeds=true
+ # Should BoP grass be prevented from ghost chunkloading? [default: true]
+ B:patchBopGrass=true
+ # Should farmland be prevented from ghost chunkloading? [default: true]
+ B:patchFarmland=true
+ # Should fluids be prevented from ghost chunkloading? [default: true]
+ B:patchFluids=true
+ # Should the /ghostbuster debugger show neighbor updates? [default: false]
+ B:wrapperShowsNeighborUpdates=false
+launchwrapper {
+ # Remove Launchwrapper package manifest map (which is not used anyway). [default: true]
+ B:removePackageManifestMap=true
+ # Weaken LaunchWrapper's byte[] resource cache to make it cleanuppable by the GC. Safe. [default: true]
+ B:weakenResourceCache=true
+network {
+ # Enable micro-optimizations to reduce network churn, inspired by the Velocity project and Krypton mod. [default: true]
+ B:microOptimizations=true
+ # Set the packet compression level, from 0 to 9. -1 preserves the default settings. [default: -1, range: -1-9]
+ I:packetCompressionLevel=-1
+textures {
+ # If false, disables any patches from this category. [default: true]
+ B:enable=true
+ # Controls the faster animation path. 0 - disable, 2 - force enable, 1 (default) - enable on devices which have been shown to benefit from it. [default: 1, range: 0-2]
+ I:fasterAnimation=1
+ # The maximum amount of frames an animation can have for it to be cached. If you have a lot of VRAM, set higher. [default: 256, range: 0-2147483647]
+ I:maxAnimationFramesForCache=256
+ # Set to a number to disable animation updates past that mip level. -1 means update all. Higher numbers update more levels. To disable animation updates altogether, use the option for it. [default: -1, range: -1-4]
+ I:maxAnimationMipLevel=-1
+tweaks {
+ # Prevent redstone from causing light updates by removing its light level. [default: false]
+ B:disableRedstoneLight=false
+ # Do not delay lighting updates over other types of updates. [default: false]
+ B:immediateLightingUpdates=false
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/forge.cfg b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/forge.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f179571
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/forge.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# Configuration file
+client {
+ # Toggle off to make missing model text in the gui fit inside the slot.
+ B:zoomInMissingModelTextInGui=false
+ # Enable uploading cloud geometry to the GPU for faster rendering.
+ B:forgeCloudsEnabled=true
+ # Disable culling of hidden faces next to stairs and slabs. Causes extra rendering, but may fix some resource packs that exploit this vanilla mechanic.
+ B:disableStairSlabCulling=false
+ # Enable forge to queue all chunk updates to the Chunk Update thread. May increase FPS significantly, but may also cause weird rendering lag. Not recommended for computers without a significant number of cores available.
+ B:alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread=true
+ # Allow item rendering to detect emissive quads and draw them properly. This allows glowing blocks to look the same in item form, but incurs a very slight performance hit.
+ B:allowEmissiveItems=true
+ # Control the range of sky blending for colored skies in biomes.
+ I:biomeSkyBlendRange <
+ 2
+ 4
+ 6
+ 8
+ 10
+ 12
+ 14
+ 16
+ 18
+ 20
+ 22
+ 24
+ 26
+ 28
+ 30
+ 32
+ 34
+ >
+ # Enable the forge block rendering pipeline - fixes the lighting of custom models.
+ B:forgeLightPipelineEnabled=true
+ # When enabled, makes specific reload tasks such as language changing quicker to run.
+ B:selectiveResourceReloadEnabled=false
+general {
+ # Set to true to disable Forge's version check mechanics. Forge queries a small json file on our server for version information. For more details see the ForgeVersion class in our github.
+ B:disableVersionCheck=false
+ # Controls the number threshold at which Packet51 is preferred over Packet52, default and minimum 64, maximum 1024
+ I:clumpingThreshold=64
+ # Set to true to enable the post initialization sorting of crafting recipes using Forge's sorter. May cause desyncing on conflicting recipes. MUST RESTART MINECRAFT IF CHANGED FROM THE CONFIG GUI.
+ B:sortRecipies=true
+ # Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.
+ B:removeErroringEntities=false
+ # Set this to true to remove any TileEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.
+ B:removeErroringTileEntities=false
+ # Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behavior. Default: false
+ B:fullBoundingBoxLadders=false
+ # Base zombie summoning spawn chance. Allows changing the bonus zombie summoning mechanic.
+ D:zombieBaseSummonChance=0.1
+ # Chance that a zombie (or subclass) is a baby. Allows changing the zombie spawning mechanic.
+ D:zombieBabyChance=0.05
+ # Log cascading chunk generation issues during terrain population.
+ B:logCascadingWorldGeneration=true
+ # Fix vanilla issues that cause worldgen cascading. This DOES change vanilla worldgen so DO NOT report bugs related to world differences if this flag is on.
+ B:fixVanillaCascading=false
+ # The time in ticks the server will wait when a dimension was queued to unload. This can be useful when rapidly loading and unloading dimensions, like e.g. throwing items through a nether portal a few time per second.
+ I:dimensionUnloadQueueDelay=0
+ B:enableGlobalConfig=false
+version_checking {
+ # Enable the entire mod update check system. This only applies to mods using the Forge system.
+ B:Global=true
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/forgeChunkLoading.cfg b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/forgeChunkLoading.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f64846
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/forgeChunkLoading.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# Configuration file
+# defaults
+# Default configuration for forge chunk loading control
+defaults {
+ # Are mod overrides enabled?
+ B:enabled=true
+ # The default maximum number of chunks a mod can force, per ticket,
+ # for a mod without an override. This is the maximum number of chunks a single ticket can force.
+ I:maximumChunksPerTicket=25
+ # The default maximum ticket count for a mod which does not have an override
+ # in this file. This is the number of chunk loading requests a mod is allowed to make.
+ I:maximumTicketCount=200
+ # The number of tickets a player can be assigned instead of a mod. This is shared across all mods and it is up to the mods to use it.
+ I:playerTicketCount=500
+ # Unloaded chunks can first be kept in a dormant cache for quicker
+ # loading times. Specify the size (in chunks) of that cache here
+ I:dormantChunkCacheSize=0
+ # Load chunks asynchronously for players, reducing load on the server thread.
+ # Can be disabled to help troubleshoot chunk loading issues.
+ B:asyncChunkLoading=true
+# forge
+# Sample mod specific control section.
+# Copy this section and rename the with the modid for the mod you wish to override.
+# A value of zero in either entry effectively disables any chunkloading capabilities
+# for that mod
+forge {
+ # Maximum chunks per ticket for the mod.
+ I:maximumChunksPerTicket=25
+ # Maximum ticket count for the mod. Zero disables chunkloading capabilities.
+ I:maximumTicketCount=200
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/getittogetherdrops.cfg b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/getittogetherdrops.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61e4bac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/getittogetherdrops.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Configuration file
+general {
+ # Set to true if you want dropped items to also check above and below them, set to false if not ("false" is vanilla behavior)
+ B:checkY=true
+ # The radius (in blocks) that dropped items should check around them for other dropped items to combine with. ("0.5" is vanilla behavior)
+ # Min: 0.5
+ # Max: 500.0
+ D:radius=2.0
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/gravestone.cfg b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/gravestone.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73fea05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/gravestone.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# Configuration file
+gravestone {
+ # The names of the Dimensions for the Death Note [default: [-1: Nether], [0: Overworld], [1: The End]]
+ S:dimension_names <
+ -1: Nether
+ 0: Overworld
+ 1: The End
+ >
+ # If this is set to true you get a death note after you died [default: true]
+ B:enable_death_note=true
+ # If this is set to true every living entity will generate a gravestone [default: false]
+ B:enable_living_entity_graves=false
+ # If this is set to true the ghost of the dead player will defend him [default: true]
+ B:friendly_ghost=true
+ # The date format outputted by clicking the gravestone or displayed in the death note [default: yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss]
+ S:grave_date_format=yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss
+ # If this is set to true only the player that owns the gravestone and the admins can break the gravestone [default: false]
+ B:only_owners_can_break=false
+ # If this is set to true the death note will be taken out of your inventory when you destroyed the gravestone [default: false]
+ B:remove_death_note=false
+ # If this is set to true the players head will be rendered on the gravestone when there is a full block under it [default: true]
+ B:render_skull=true
+ # The blocks that can be replaced with a grave when someone dies on it [default: [minecraft:tallgrass], [minecraft:water], [minecraft:lava], [minecraft:yellow_flower], [minecraft:red_flower], [minecraft:double_plant], [minecraft:sapling], [minecraft:brown_mushroom], [minecraft:red_mushroom], [minecraft:torch], [minecraft:snow_layer], [minecraft:vine], [minecraft:deadbush], [minecraft:reeds], [minecraft:fire]]
+ S:replaceable_blocks <
+ minecraft:tallgrass
+ minecraft:water
+ minecraft:lava
+ minecraft:yellow_flower
+ minecraft:red_flower
+ minecraft:double_plant
+ minecraft:sapling
+ minecraft:brown_mushroom
+ minecraft:red_mushroom
+ minecraft:torch
+ minecraft:snow_layer
+ minecraft:vine
+ minecraft:deadbush
+ minecraft:reeds
+ minecraft:fire
+ >
+ # If this is set to true a ghost of the dead player will be spawned when the gravestone is broken [default: false]
+ B:spawn_ghost=false
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/ironchest.cfg b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/ironchest.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1badb8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/ironchest.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Configuration file
+enable-disable {
+ B:"Add Shulker Boxes to Creative Menu"=true
+ B:"Enable Shulker Box Recipes"=true
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/ironfurnaces.cfg b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/ironfurnaces.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44a63c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/ironfurnaces.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Configuration file
+general {
+ I:"Crystal Furnace Cook Time"=40
+ I:"Diamond Furnace Cook Time"=50
+ I:"Gold Furnace Cook Time"=66
+ I:"Iron Furnace Cook Time"=100
+ I:"Obsidian Furnace Cook Time"=50
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/jei/itemBlacklist.cfg b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/jei/itemBlacklist.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..376c740
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/jei/itemBlacklist.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Configuration file
+# advanced
+# Advanced config options to change the way JEI functions.
+advanced {
+ # List of ingredients that should not be displayed in the list. Format: modId[:name[:meta]]. Hide Ingredients Mode will automatically add or remove entries here. [Default: []]
+ S:itemBlacklist <
+ >
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/jei/jei.cfg b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/jei/jei.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5c9726
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/jei/jei.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# Configuration file
+# advanced
+# Advanced config options to change the way JEI functions.
+advanced {
+ # When true, adds new bookmarks to the front of the bookmark list. When false, adds new bookmarks to the end of the bookmark list. [default: true]
+ B:addBookmarksToFront=true
+ # Move the JEI search bar to the bottom center of the screen. [default: false]
+ B:centerSearchBarEnabled=false
+ B:debugModeEnabled=false
+ # Choose if JEI should give ingredients direct to the inventory (inventory) or pick them up with the mouse (mouse_pickup).
+ # [Default: mouse_pickup]
+ # [Valid: [inventory, mouse_pickup]]
+ # The maximum width of the ingredient list. [range: 4 ~ 100, default: 100]
+ I:maxColumns=100
+ # The maximum height of the recipe GUI. [range: 175 ~ 5000, default: 350]
+ I:maxRecipeGuiHeight=350
+ # How the mod name should be formatted in the tooltip for JEI GUIs. Leave blank to disable. [Default: blue italic] [Valid: [black, dark_blue, dark_green, dark_aqua, dark_red, dark_purple, gold, gray, dark_gray, blue, green, aqua, red, light_purple, yellow, white, obfuscated, bold, strikethrough, underline, italic]]
+ S:modNameFormat=blue italic
+ # Enable JEI memory usage optimizations. [default: true]
+ B:optimizeMemoryUsage=true
+# search
+# Options relating to the search bar.
+search {
+ # Search mode for Colors (prefix: ^)
+ # [Default: disabled]
+ # [Valid: [enabled, require_prefix, disabled]]
+ S:colorSearchMode=DISABLED
+ # Search mode for Creative Tab Names (prefix: %)
+ # [Default: disabled]
+ # [Valid: [enabled, require_prefix, disabled]]
+ S:creativeTabSearchMode=DISABLED
+ # Search mode for Mod Names (prefix: @)
+ # [Default: require_prefix]
+ # [Valid: [enabled, require_prefix, disabled]]
+ S:modNameSearchMode=REQUIRE_PREFIX
+ # Search mode for Ore Dictionary Names (prefix: $)
+ # [Default: disabled]
+ # [Valid: [enabled, require_prefix, disabled]]
+ S:oreDictSearchMode=DISABLED
+ # Search mode for resources ids (prefix: &)
+ # [Default: disabled]
+ # [Valid: [enabled, require_prefix, disabled]]
+ S:resourceIdSearchMode=DISABLED
+ # Search mode for Tooltips (prefix: #)
+ # [Default: enabled]
+ # [Valid: [enabled, require_prefix, disabled]]
+ S:tooltipSearchMode=ENABLED
+searchadvancedtooltips {
+ # config.jei.searchAdvancedTooltips.search.comment [default: false]
+ B:search=false
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/jei/searchColors.cfg b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/jei/searchColors.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..895f31a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/jei/searchColors.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Configuration file
+# searchcolors
+# config.jei.searchColors.comment
+searchcolors {
+ # config.jei.searchColors.searchColors.comment [Default: [White:EEEEEE, LightBlue:7492cc, Cyan:00EEEE, Blue:2222dd, LapisBlue:25418b, Teal:008080, Yellow:cacb58, GoldenYellow:EED700, Orange:d97634, Pink:D1899D, HotPink:FC0FC0, Magenta:b24bbb, Purple:813eb9, JadedPurple:43324f, EvilPurple:2e1649, Lavender:B57EDC, Indigo:480082, Sand:dbd3a0, Tan:bb9b63, LightBrown:A0522D, Brown:634b33, DarkBrown:3a2d13, LimeGreen:43b239, SlimeGreen:83cb73, Green:008000, DarkGreen:224d22, GrassGreen:548049, Red:963430, BrickRed:b0604b, NetherBrick:2a1516, Redstone:ce3e36, Black:181515, CharcoalGray:464646, IronGray:646464, Gray:808080, Silver:C0C0C0]]
+ S:searchColors <
+ White:EEEEEE
+ LightBlue:7492cc
+ Cyan:00EEEE
+ Blue:2222dd
+ LapisBlue:25418b
+ Teal:008080
+ Yellow:cacb58
+ GoldenYellow:EED700
+ Orange:d97634
+ Pink:D1899D
+ HotPink:FC0FC0
+ Magenta:b24bbb
+ Purple:813eb9
+ JadedPurple:43324f
+ EvilPurple:2e1649
+ Lavender:B57EDC
+ Indigo:480082
+ Sand:dbd3a0
+ Tan:bb9b63
+ LightBrown:A0522D
+ Brown:634b33
+ DarkBrown:3a2d13
+ LimeGreen:43b239
+ SlimeGreen:83cb73
+ Green:008000
+ DarkGreen:224d22
+ GrassGreen:548049
+ Red:963430
+ BrickRed:b0604b
+ NetherBrick:2a1516
+ Redstone:ce3e36
+ Black:181515
+ CharcoalGray:464646
+ IronGray:646464
+ Gray:808080
+ Silver:C0C0C0
+ >
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/jei/worldSettings.cfg b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/jei/worldSettings.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/jeresources/jeresources.cfg b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/jeresources/jeresources.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..543db0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/jeresources/jeresources.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Configuration file
+general {
+ # Blacklist dimensions from the JEI profiling scan
+ I:dimensionsBlacklist <
+ -11
+ >
+ # The build in compat code will not load and jsons will be loaded (requires MC restart)
+ B:diyData=true
+ # Blacklist enchants from the JEI Enchants View
+ S:enchantsBlacklist <
+ flimflam
+ soulBound
+ >
+ # Tabs added by JER are 'dungeon', 'enchantment', 'mob', 'villager', worldgen' and 'plant'
+ S:hiddenTabs <
+ >
+ # Changes the amount of items per column in the JEI dungeon and mob views
+ I:itemsPerColumn=4
+ # Changes the amount of items per row in the JEI dungeon view
+ I:itemsPerRow=4
+ # Mainly for pack devs. Features include but not limited to avg. blocks per chuck, entity ids, ...
+ B:showDevData=false
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/journeymap_server.cfg b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/journeymap_server.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a89f06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/journeymap_server.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Configuration file
+server {
+ # Players in this list have access to the Journeymap's Server Admin Panel
+ # Add users by name or UUID, Prefer UUID as it is more secure!
+ # Each value on a new line with the example format provided. (please delete the default values)
+ S:"Journeymap Server Admins" <
+ mysticdrew
+ 12341234132
+ >
+ # Default, all Ops have access to Server Admin UI in the Options screen.
+ # If set to false, only users in the Admin List will have access.
+ # If set to true, all ops and users in the Admin List will have access.
+ B:"Ops Admin Access"=true
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/particleculling.cfg b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/particleculling.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c67c91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/particleculling.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Configuration file
+general {
+ # The minimum amount of blocks behind which particles start to get culled. Only effective if "cullBehindBlocks" is turned on.
+ # Min: 1
+ # Max: 50
+ I:blockBuffer=1
+ # Set this to false if you do not want to cull particles that technically are in the player's view but are obstructed by blocks.
+ B:cullBehindBlocks=true
+ # Set this to true if you don't want particles to be rendered behind glass and other transparent blocks. This does nothing if "cullBehindBlocks" is turned off.
+ B:cullBehindGlass=false
+ # Set this to false to disable particle culling while being in spectator mode. This is useful to take screenshots without having particles removed.
+ B:cullInSpectator=true
+ # Set this to false to disable all of particle culling's features.
+ B:cullingEnabled=true
+ # Add particle classes here that should be ignored by Particle Culling.
+ # Example: To ignore Minecraft's breaking particles and any derivates, add "net.minecraft.client.particle.ParticleBreaking" to the list
+ S:ignoredParticles <
+ org.orecruncher.dsurround.client.fx.particle.mote.ParticleCollection
+ com.TominoCZ.FBP.particle.FBPParticleBlock
+ xzeroair.trinkets.client.particles.ParticleGreed
+ >
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/placebo.cfg b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/placebo.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e67dfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/placebo.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Configuration file
+general {
+ # If placebo will dump all event handlers to the log in post init. [default: false]
+ B:"Dump event handlers"=false
+ # If placebo will replace all ShapelessRecipes and ShapelessOreRecipes with FastShapelessRecipes. [default: true]
+ B:"Fast Shapeless Recipes"=true
+ # If patreon donor particles are enabled for this client. [default: true]
+ B:"Patreon Effects"=true
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/renderlib.cfg b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/renderlib.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39c77c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/renderlib.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# Configuration file
+general {
+ B:debugRenderBoxes=false
+ # Allows you to increase the render bounding boxes of entities (or all entities of a mod). Width increases the size on the X and Z axis. Top increases the size in the positive Y direction. Bottom increases the size in the negative Y direction. (Accepts 'modid=width,top,bottom' or 'modid:entity=width,top,bottom').
+ S:entityBoundingBoxGrowthList <
+ >
+ I:mainMenuFPS=60
+ # If set to true the main menu FPS is synced to the in game FPS (but clamped between 30 and 240).
+ B:mainMenuFPSSynced=false
+ B:openGLLogExtensions=false
+ B:showFrameTimes=false
+ # Allows you to increase the render bounding boxes of tile entities (or all entities of a mod). Width increases the size on the X and Z axis. Top increases the size in the positive Y direction. Bottom increases the size in the negative Y direction. (Accepts 'modid=width,top,bottom' or 'modid:tileentity=width,top,bottom').
+ S:tileEntityBoundingBoxGrowthList <
+ >
+ # Tile entities whose bounding boxes won't be cached (Accepts 'modid' or 'modid:tileentity').
+ S:tileEntityCachedBoundingBoxBlacklist <
+ >
+ # Most tile entities have static bounding boxes and thus they can be cached. Tile entities whose bounding boxes are likely to change every frame or so should be added to the blacklist. Tile entities whose bounding only change every once in a while should be covered by cache updates (update speed adjustable through tileEntityCachedBoundingBoxUpdateInterval)
+ B:tileEntityCachedBoundingBoxEnabled=true
+ # Every frame there is a 1 in x chance to update the cached bounding box. Higher = better performance, Lower = tile entities with dynamic bounding boxes get updated faster.
+ # Min: 1
+ # Max: 1000000
+ I:tileEntityCachedBoundingBoxUpdateInterval=100
+ opengldebugoutput {
+ # Better debugging of OpenGL errors. Might not be supported by your hardware/driver.
+ B:enabled=false
+ # Enable/Disable logging of high severity non-error messages. (You probably never want to enable this as a normal user)
+ B:logHighSeverity=false
+ # Enable/Disable logging of low severity non-error messages. (You probably never want to enable this as a normal user)
+ B:logLowSeverity=false
+ # Enable/Disable logging of medium severity non-error messages. (You probably never want to enable this as a normal user)
+ B:logMediumSeverity=false
+ # Enable/Disable logging of notification severity non-error messages. (You probably never want to enable this as a normal user)
+ B:logNotificationSeverity=false
+ }
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/splash.properties b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/splash.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60133c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/splash.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#Splash screen properties
+#Tue Mar 05 17:43:16 JST 2024
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/surge.cfg b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/surge.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc99bf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/surge.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Configuration file
+bugfix {
+ # Attempts to fix MC-2025 by saving entity AABB to NBT. [default: true]
+ B:fixMobsWallGlitching=true
+ # The maximum number of characters that can be entered in an anvil. [range: 32 ~ 1024, default: 256]
+ I:maxRenameLength=256
+loadtime {
+ # Improves model load times, by checking if an animated model exists before trying to load it. [default: true]
+ B:checkForAnimatedModels=true
+ # Improves model load times by completely removing Forge's animated models. This is a faster version of checkForAnimatedModels [default: false]
+ B:disableAnimatedModels=false
+ # Improves sound loading times by removing debug code for missing sounds and missing subtitles. [default: true]
+ B:disableDebugSoundInfo=true
+ # Optimizes Forge's id prefix checking. Also removes prefix warnings which significantly impact load time in large quantities. [default: true]
+ B:fastPrefixChecking=true
+misc {
+ # If true, the total load time will be printed in the console. [default: true]
+ B:showTotalLoadTime=true
+performance {
+ # Replace sheep breeding to check a predefined table rather than querying the recipe registry. [default: true]
+ B:sheepDyeBlendTable=true
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/theoneprobe.cfg b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/theoneprobe.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f651a54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/theoneprobe.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+# Configuration file
+# client
+# Client-side settings
+client {
+ # Color of the border of the box (0 to disable) [default: ff999999]
+ S:boxBorderColor=ff999999
+ # The distance to the bottom side of the screen. Use -1 if you don't want to set this [range: -1 ~ 10000, default: -1]
+ I:boxBottomY=-1
+ # Color of the box (0 to disable) [default: 55006699]
+ S:boxFillColor=55006699
+ # The distance to the left side of the screen. Use -1 if you don't want to set this [range: -1 ~ 10000, default: 5]
+ I:boxLeftX=5
+ # How much the border should be offset (i.e. to create an 'outer' border) [range: 0 ~ 20, default: 0]
+ I:boxOffset=0
+ # The distance to the right side of the screen. Use -1 if you don't want to set this [range: -1 ~ 10000, default: -1]
+ I:boxRightX=-1
+ # Thickness of the border of the box (0 to disable) [range: 0 ~ 20, default: 2]
+ I:boxThickness=2
+ # The distance to the top side of the screen. Use -1 if you don't want to set this [range: -1 ~ 10000, default: 5]
+ I:boxTopY=5
+ # Color of the border of the chest contents box (0 to disable) [default: ff006699]
+ S:chestContentsBorderColor=ff006699
+ # If true equal stacks will be compacted in the chest contents overlay [default: true]
+ B:compactEqualStacks=true
+ # If true the probe will automatically show extended information if it is in your main hand (so not required to sneak) [default: false]
+ B:extendedInMain=false
+ # true means shows harvestability with vanilla style icons [default: true]
+ B:harvestStyleVanilla=true
+ # If true then the probe hotkey must be held down to show the tooltip [default: false]
+ B:holdKeyToMakeVisible=false
+ # Toggle default probe visibility (client can override) [default: true]
+ B:isVisible=true
+ # 0 means don't show break progress, 1 is show as bar, 2 is show as text [range: 0 ~ 2, default: 1]
+ I:showBreakProgress=1
+ # If true show liquid information when the probe hits liquid first [default: false]
+ B:showLiquids=false
+ # Text style. Use a comma delimited list with colors like: 'red', 'green', 'blue', ... or style codes like 'underline', 'bold', 'italic', 'strikethrough', ... [default: red,bold]
+ S:textStyleError=red,bold
+ # Text style. Use a comma delimited list with colors like: 'red', 'green', 'blue', ... or style codes like 'underline', 'bold', 'italic', 'strikethrough', ... [default: white]
+ S:textStyleInfo=white
+ # Text style. Use a comma delimited list with colors like: 'red', 'green', 'blue', ... or style codes like 'underline', 'bold', 'italic', 'strikethrough', ... [default: blue]
+ S:textStyleInfoImportant=blue
+ # Text style. Use a comma delimited list with colors like: 'red', 'green', 'blue', ... or style codes like 'underline', 'bold', 'italic', 'strikethrough', ... [default: gray]
+ S:textStyleLabel=gray
+ # Text style. Use a comma delimited list with colors like: 'red', 'green', 'blue', ... or style codes like 'underline', 'bold', 'italic', 'strikethrough', ... [default: blue,italic]
+ S:textStyleModName=blue,italic
+ # Text style. Use a comma delimited list with colors like: 'red', 'green', 'blue', ... or style codes like 'underline', 'bold', 'italic', 'strikethrough', ... [default: white]
+ S:textStyleName=white
+ # Text style. Use a comma delimited list with colors like: 'red', 'green', 'blue', ... or style codes like 'underline', 'bold', 'italic', 'strikethrough', ... [default: gray,strikethrough]
+ S:textStyleObsolete=gray,strikethrough
+ # Text style. Use a comma delimited list with colors like: 'red', 'green', 'blue', ... or style codes like 'underline', 'bold', 'italic', 'strikethrough', ... [default: green]
+ S:textStyleOk=green
+ # Text style. Use a comma delimited list with colors like: 'red', 'green', 'blue', ... or style codes like 'underline', 'bold', 'italic', 'strikethrough', ... [default: white]
+ S:textStyleProgress=white
+ # Text style. Use a comma delimited list with colors like: 'red', 'green', 'blue', ... or style codes like 'underline', 'bold', 'italic', 'strikethrough', ... [default: yellow]
+ S:textStyleWarning=yellow
+ # The scale of the tooltips, 1 is default, 2 is smaller [range: 0.4 ~ 5.0, default: 1.0]
+ S:tooltipScale=1.0
+# providers
+# Provider configuration
+providers {
+ # Entity providers that should be excluded [default: ]
+ S:excludedEntityProviders <
+ >
+ # Providers that should be excluded [default: ]
+ S:excludedProviders <
+ >
+ # Order in which entity providers should be used [default: [theoneprobe:entity.default], [theoneprobe:entity.debug], [theoneprobe:entity.entity]]
+ S:sortedEntityProviders <
+ theoneprobe:entity.default
+ theoneprobe:entity.debug
+ theoneprobe:entity.entity
+ >
+ # Order in which providers should be used [default: [theoneprobe:default], [theoneprobe:debug], [theoneprobe:block]]
+ S:sortedProviders <
+ theoneprobe:default
+ theoneprobe:debug
+ theoneprobe:block
+ >
+# theoneprobe
+# The One Probe configuration
+theoneprobe {
+ # If true equal stacks will be compacted in the chest contents overlay [default: true]
+ B:compactEqualStacks=true
+ # A list of blocks for which we don't send NBT over the network. This is mostly useful for blocks that have HUGE NBT in their pickblock (itemstack) [default: ]
+ S:dontSendNBT <
+ >
+ # A list of blocks for which we don't show chest contents automatically except if sneaking [default: ]
+ S:dontShowContentsUnlessSneaking <
+ >
+ # If true the probe will automatically show extended information if it is in your main hand (so not required to sneak) [default: false]
+ B:extendedInMain=false
+ # How much time (ms) to wait before reporting an exception again [range: 1 ~ 10000000, default: 20000]
+ I:loggingThrowableTimeout=20000
+ # The maximum packet size to send an itemstack from client to server. Reduce this if you have issues with network lag caused by TOP [range: -1 ~ 32768, default: 20000]
+ I:maxPacketToServer=20000
+ # Is the probe needed to show the tooltip? 0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = yes and clients cannot override, 3 = probe needed for extended info only [range: 0 ~ 3, default: 3]
+ I:needsProbe=3
+ # Distance at which the probe works [range: 0.1 ~ 200.0, default: 6.0]
+ S:probeDistance=6.0
+ # Format for displaying RF: 0 = full, 1 = compact, 2 = comma separated [range: 0 ~ 2, default: 1]
+ I:rfFormat=1
+ # Alternate color for the RF bar [default: ff430000]
+ S:rfbarAlternateFilledColor=ff430000
+ # Color for the RF bar border [default: ff555555]
+ S:rfbarBorderColor=ff555555
+ # Color for the RF bar [default: ffdd0000]
+ S:rfbarFilledColor=ffdd0000
+ # Show animal owner setting (0 = not, 1 = always, 2 = sneak) [range: 0 ~ 2, default: 2]
+ I:showAnimalOwnerSetting=2
+ # Show brewing stand setting (0 = not, 1 = always, 2 = sneak) [range: 0 ~ 2, default: 1]
+ I:showBrewStandSetting=1
+ # Show if the block can be harvested (0 = not, 1 = always, 2 = sneak) [range: 0 ~ 2, default: 1]
+ I:showCanBeHarvested=1
+ # Show chest contents (0 = not, 1 = always, 2 = sneak) [range: 0 ~ 2, default: 2]
+ I:showChestContents=2
+ # Show chest contents in detail (0 = not, 1 = always, 2 = sneak), used only if number of items is below 'showItemDetailThresshold' [range: 0 ~ 2, default: 2]
+ I:showChestContentsDetailed=2
+ # If true show the color of the collar of a wolf [default: true]
+ B:showCollarColor=true
+ # A list of blocks for which we automatically show chest contents even if not sneaking [default: [storagedrawers:basicDrawers], [storagedrawersextra:extra_drawers]]
+ S:showContentsWithoutSneaking <
+ storagedrawers:basicDrawers
+ storagedrawersextra:extra_drawers
+ >
+ # Show the growth level of crops (0 = not, 1 = always, 2 = sneak) [range: 0 ~ 2, default: 1]
+ I:showCropPercentage=1
+ # If true show debug info with creative probe [default: true]
+ B:showDebugInfo=true
+ # Show harvest level (0 = not, 1 = always, 2 = sneak) [range: 0 ~ 2, default: 1]
+ I:showHarvestLevel=1
+ # Show horse stats setting (0 = not, 1 = always, 2 = sneak) [range: 0 ~ 2, default: 2]
+ I:showHorseStatSetting=2
+ # If the number of items in an inventory is lower or equal then this number then more info is shown [range: 0 ~ 20, default: 4]
+ I:showItemDetailThresshold=4
+ # Show lever/comparator/repeater settings (0 = not, 1 = always, 2 = sneak) [range: 0 ~ 2, default: 1]
+ I:showLeverSetting=1
+ # Show time to adulthood for baby mobs (0 = not, 1 = always, 2 = sneak) [range: 0 ~ 2, default: 1]
+ I:showMobGrowth=1
+ # Show mob health (0 = not, 1 = always, 2 = sneak) [range: 0 ~ 2, default: 1]
+ I:showMobHealth=1
+ # Show mob potion effects (0 = not, 1 = always, 2 = sneak) [range: 0 ~ 2, default: 2]
+ I:showMobPotionEffects=2
+ # Show mob spawner setting (0 = not, 1 = always, 2 = sneak) [range: 0 ~ 2, default: 1]
+ I:showMobSpawnerSetting=1
+ # Show mod name (0 = not, 1 = always, 2 = sneak) [range: 0 ~ 2, default: 1]
+ I:showModName=1
+ # How to display RF: 0 = do not show, 1 = show in a bar, 2 = show as text [range: 0 ~ 2, default: 1]
+ I:showRF=1
+ # Show redstone (0 = not, 1 = always, 2 = sneak) [range: 0 ~ 2, default: 1]
+ I:showRedstone=1
+ # Reveal monster eggs (0 = not, 1 = always, 2 = sneak) [range: 0 ~ 2, default: 0]
+ I:showSilverfish=0
+ # The maximum amount of slots (empty or not) to show without sneaking [range: 0 ~ 1000, default: 0]
+ I:showSmallChestContentsWithoutSneaking=0
+ # How to display tank contents: 0 = do not show, 1 = show in a bar, 2 = show as text [range: 0 ~ 2, default: 1]
+ I:showTank=1
+ # Show tank setting (0 = not, 1 = always, 2 = sneak) [range: 0 ~ 2, default: 2]
+ I:showTankSetting=2
+ # If true there will be a readme note for first-time players [default: true]
+ B:spawnNote=true
+ # If true there will be a bauble version of the probe if baubles is present [default: true]
+ B:supportBaubles=true
+ # Format for displaying tank contents: 0 = full, 1 = compact, 2 = comma separated [range: 0 ~ 2, default: 1]
+ I:tankFormat=1
+ # Alternate color for the tank bar [default: ff000043]
+ S:tankbarAlternateFilledColor=ff000043
+ # Color for the tank bar border [default: ff555555]
+ S:tankbarBorderColor=ff555555
+ # Color for the tank bar [default: ff0000dd]
+ S:tankbarFilledColor=ff0000dd
+ # The amount of milliseconds to wait before updating probe information from the server (this is a client-side config) [range: 10 ~ 100000, default: 300]
+ I:timeout=300
+ # The amount of milliseconds to wait before showing a 'fetch from server' info on the client (if the server is slow to respond) (-1 to disable this feature) [range: -1 ~ 100000, default: 2000]
+ I:waitingForServerTimeout=2000
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/travelersbackpack.cfg b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/travelersbackpack.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43903ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/travelersbackpack.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Configuration file
+general {
+ server {
+ # Enables wearing backpack directly from ground
+ B:"Backpack Block Wearable"=true
+ B:"Backpack's Abilities"=true
+ # Min: 250
+ # Max: 2147483647
+ I:"Configures Backpack Tanks Capacity"=4000
+ B:"Disable Crafting in Backpack inventory"=false
+ # Enables button in backpack gui, which allows to empty tank
+ B:"Empty Tank Button"=true
+ # Enables warning about modid change
+ B:"Enable warning"=false
+ # Enables backpacks spawning in loot chests
+ B:Loot=true
+ # Places backpack at place where player died
+ B:"Place Backpack on Death"=true
+ B:"Sleeping Bag Spawn Point"=false
+ B:"Tool Slots Accept Swords"=false
+ }
+ client {
+ # Enables auto message with backpack coords after player dies
+ B:"Backpack Coords Message"=true
+ # Disabling this option may improve performance
+ B:"Backpack Item Fluid Renderer"=true
+ # Enables tip, how to obtain a backpack, if there's no crafting recipe for it
+ B:"Obtain Tips"=true
+ B:"Old Gui Tank Render"=false
+ # Render backpack while player wears elytra
+ B:"Render Backpack with Elytra"=true
+ # Render tools in tool slots on the backpack, while worn
+ B:"Render Tools"=true
+ # Enables tool cycling via 'z' (default, check controls) + scroll combination, while backpack is worn
+ B:"Tool Cycling"=true
+ "overlay position" {
+ # Offsets to left side
+ I:"Offset X"=20
+ # Offsets to up
+ I:"Offset Y"=30
+ # Enables tanks and tool slots overlay, while backpack is worn
+ B:Overlay=true
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/vanillafix.cfg b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/vanillafix.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1112a21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/vanillafix.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Configuration file
+crashes {
+ B:disableReturnToMainMenu=false
+ I:errorNotificationDuration=30000
+ S:hasteURL=https://paste.dimdev.org
+ B:replaceErrorNotifications=false
+ # Valid values:
+ # LOG
+ S:scheduledTaskproblemAction=NOTIFICATION
+fixes {
+ B:bugFixes=true
+ B:crashFixes=true
+ B:modSupport=true
+ B:profiler=true
+ B:textureFixes=true
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/vanillafix/config_version b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/vanillafix/config_version
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56a6051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/files/config/vanillafix/config_version
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/AIImprovements-1.12-0.0.1b3.jar.link.json b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/AIImprovements-1.12-0.0.1b3.jar.link.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9909c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/AIImprovements-1.12-0.0.1b3.jar.link.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "com.builtbroken.ai.improvements:AI-Improvements:1.12-0.0.1b3@jar",
+ "name": "AI-Improvements",
+ "type": "ForgeMod",
+ "artifact": {
+ "size": 7266,
+ "url": "https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/2450/734/AIImprovements-1.12-0.0.1b3.jar",
+ "MD5": "b7530d2707a004353219ac8beceec173"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/AppleSkin-mc1.12-1.0.14.jar.link.json b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/AppleSkin-mc1.12-1.0.14.jar.link.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50b3196
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/AppleSkin-mc1.12-1.0.14.jar.link.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "squeek.appleskin:appleskin:1.0.14@jar",
+ "name": "AppleSkin",
+ "type": "ForgeMod",
+ "artifact": {
+ "size": 33683,
+ "url": "https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/2987/247/AppleSkin-mc1.12-1.0.14.jar",
+ "MD5": "b435860d5cfa23bc53d3b8e120be91d4"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/BetterFps-1.4.8.jar.link.json b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/BetterFps-1.4.8.jar.link.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6b863b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/BetterFps-1.4.8.jar.link.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "guichaguri.betterfps:betterfps:1.4.8@jar",
+ "name": "BetterFps",
+ "type": "ForgeMod",
+ "artifact": {
+ "size": 155196,
+ "url": "https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/2483/393/BetterFps-1.4.8.jar",
+ "MD5": "d36f4d3c0f96e99a9a1ad2e8eeda1fc4"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/Born In A Barn 1.8-1.12-1.2.jar.link.json b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/Born In A Barn 1.8-1.12-1.2.jar.link.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..542adb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/Born In A Barn 1.8-1.12-1.2.jar.link.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "com.chocohead.biab:Born in a Barn:1.0@jar",
+ "name": "Born In A Barn 1.8",
+ "type": "ForgeMod",
+ "artifact": {
+ "size": 4847,
+ "url": "https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/4581/880/Born In A Barn 1.8-1.12-1.2.jar",
+ "MD5": "9e6e5b7db2636c077d6ed8001609fc9a"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/Clumps-3.1.2.jar.link.json b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/Clumps-3.1.2.jar.link.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea52ecb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/Clumps-3.1.2.jar.link.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "com.blamejared:clumps:3.1.2@jar",
+ "name": "Clumps",
+ "type": "ForgeMod",
+ "artifact": {
+ "size": 13792,
+ "url": "https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/2666/198/Clumps-3.1.2.jar",
+ "MD5": "e0c4c4f04aeb0e0a48fc7534f9e7d6be"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/Controlling- b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/Controlling-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d48674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/Controlling-
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "us.getfluxed.controlsearch:controlling:",
+ "name": "Controlling",
+ "type": "ForgeMod",
+ "artifact": {
+ "size": 28932,
+ "url": "https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/4428/378/Controlling-",
+ "MD5": "03eebdb2a835a829f0a269b8ec0254fe"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/CraftingTweaks_1.12.2-8.1.9.jar.link.json b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/CraftingTweaks_1.12.2-8.1.9.jar.link.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96b87d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/CraftingTweaks_1.12.2-8.1.9.jar.link.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "net.blay09.mods:craftingtweaks:8.1.9@jar",
+ "name": "Crafting Tweaks",
+ "type": "ForgeMod",
+ "artifact": {
+ "size": 97854,
+ "url": "https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/2562/139/CraftingTweaks_1.12.2-8.1.9.jar",
+ "MD5": "ffd1e2b5c4f244f4a7c6d4ee2e4c2090"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/EnchantmentDescriptions-1.12.2-1.1.20.jar.link.json b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/EnchantmentDescriptions-1.12.2-1.1.20.jar.link.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36340ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/EnchantmentDescriptions-1.12.2-1.1.20.jar.link.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "net.darkhax:enchdesc:1.1.20@jar",
+ "name": "Enchantment Descriptions",
+ "type": "ForgeMod",
+ "artifact": {
+ "size": 17072,
+ "url": "https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/2898/966/EnchantmentDescriptions-1.12.2-1.1.20.jar",
+ "MD5": "0e5200aecbd4ecba622b49a8d0f6e2a7"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/EntityCulling-1.12.2-6.4.3.jar.link.json b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/EntityCulling-1.12.2-6.4.3.jar.link.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a775615
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/EntityCulling-1.12.2-6.4.3.jar.link.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "meldexun.entityculling:entityculling:6.4.3@jar",
+ "name": "EntityCulling",
+ "type": "ForgeMod",
+ "artifact": {
+ "size": 64471,
+ "url": "https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/5096/144/EntityCulling-1.12.2-6.4.3.jar",
+ "MD5": "0352844aca5151b45a6f5217dfb6d6ef"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/ExtraPlanets-1.12.2-0.7.7.jar.link.json b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/ExtraPlanets-1.12.2-0.7.7.jar.link.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf155b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/ExtraPlanets-1.12.2-0.7.7.jar.link.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "com.mjr:extraplanets:1.12.2-0.7.7@jar",
+ "name": "Extra Planets",
+ "type": "ForgeMod",
+ "artifact": {
+ "size": 8737844,
+ "url": "https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/4756/976/ExtraPlanets-1.12.2-0.7.7.jar",
+ "MD5": "4802a9f8a5cdc7791a490afb2cbf5c66"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/FTBUtilities- b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/FTBUtilities-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d205ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/FTBUtilities-
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "com.feed_the_beast:ftbutilities:",
+ "name": "FTB Utilities",
+ "type": "ForgeMod",
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+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/particleculling-1.12.2-v1.4.1.jar.link.json b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/particleculling-1.12.2-v1.4.1.jar.link.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8054d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/particleculling-1.12.2-v1.4.1.jar.link.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "bl4ckscor3.mod:particleculling:1.12.2-v1.4.1@jar",
+ "name": "Particle Culling",
+ "type": "ForgeMod",
+ "artifact": {
+ "size": 16945,
+ "url": "https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/4439/1/particleculling-1.12.2-v1.4.1.jar",
+ "MD5": "d606e00d3cdef231b46d443725e65471"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/spark-forge.jar.link.json b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/spark-forge.jar.link.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a86aa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/spark-forge.jar.link.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "me.lucko:spark:1.6.3@jar",
+ "name": "Spark",
+ "type": "ForgeMod",
+ "artifact": {
+ "size": 2827422,
+ "url": "https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/3542/217/spark-forge.jar",
+ "MD5": "c07cf059777db6201d98e6794e60e0b4"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/theoneprobe-1.12-1.4.28.jar.link.json b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/theoneprobe-1.12-1.4.28.jar.link.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c2d939
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/forgemods/required/theoneprobe-1.12-1.4.28.jar.link.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "mcjty.theoneprobe:theoneprobe:1.12-1.4.28@jar",
+ "name": "The One Probe",
+ "type": "ForgeMod",
+ "artifact": {
+ "size": 301893,
+ "url": "https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/2667/280/theoneprobe-1.12-1.4.28.jar",
+ "MD5": "63849a13a822b3b56308245eb8074a7e"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/servermeta.json b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/servermeta.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63b46b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/JiramasGalactic-1.12.2/servermeta.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "$schema": "file:///C:/git/ModPacks/schemas/ServerMetaSchema.schema.json",
+ "meta": {
+ "version": "1.0.0",
+ "name": "じらます宇宙Classic",
+ "description": "おなじみの宇宙Mod",
+ "icon": "",
+ "address": "",
+ "mainServer": false,
+ "autoconnect": false
+ },
+ "forge": {
+ "version": ""
+ },
+ "untrackedFiles": []
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/ChestTransporter.cfg b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/ChestTransporter.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c7572a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/ChestTransporter.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Configuration file
+general {
+ # Set this to false to prevent picking up of mob spawners [default: true]
+ B:pickupSpawners=true
+ # Set this to false to prevent the copper transporter to pick up mob spawners [default: true]
+ B:spawnerWithCopper=true
+ # Set this to false to prevent the diamond transporter to pick up mob spawners [default: true]
+ B:spawnerWithDiamond=true
+ # Set this to false to prevent the gold transporter to pick up mob spawners [default: true]
+ B:spawnerWithGold=true
+ # Set this to false to prevent the iron transporter to pick up mob spawners [default: true]
+ B:spawnerWithIron=true
+ # Set this to false to prevent the obsidian transporter to pick up mob spawners [default: true]
+ B:spawnerWithObsidian=true
+ # Set this to false to prevent the silver transporter to pick up mob spawners [default: true]
+ B:spawnerWithSilver=true
+ # Set this to false to prevent the tin transporter to pick up mob spawners [default: true]
+ B:spawnerWithTin=true
+ # Set this to false to prevent the wood transporter to pick up mob spawners [default: true]
+ B:spawnerWithWood=true
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/ComputerCraft.cfg b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/ComputerCraft.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a1a963
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/ComputerCraft.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Configuration file
+general {
+ # The fuel limit for Advanced Turtles
+ I:advancedTurtleFuelLimit=100000
+ # The disk space limit for computers and turtles, in bytes
+ I:computerSpaceLimit=1000000
+ # A comma seperated list of default system settings to set on new computers. Example: "shell.autocomplete=false,lua.autocomplete=false,edit.autocomplete=false" will disable all autocompletion
+ S:default_computer_settings=
+ # Set this to true to disable Lua 5.1 functions that will be removed in a future update. Useful for ensuring forward compatibility of your programs now.
+ B:disable_lua51_features=false
+ # Enable Command Block peripheral support
+ B:enableCommandBlock=false
+ # The disk space limit for floppy disks, in bytes
+ I:floppySpaceLimit=125000
+ # Enable the "http" API on Computers (see "http_whitelist" for more fine grained control than this)
+ B:http_enable=true
+ # A semicolon limited list of wildcards for domains that can be accessed through the "http" API on Computers. Set this to "*" to access to the entire internet. Example: "*.pastebin.com;*.github.com;*.computercraft.info" will restrict access to just those 3 domains.
+ S:http_whitelist=*
+ # The range of Wireless Modems at maximum altitude in clear weather, in meters
+ I:modem_highAltitudeRange=384
+ # The range of Wireless Modems at maximum altitude in stormy weather, in meters
+ I:modem_highAltitudeRangeDuringStorm=384
+ # The range of Wireless Modems at low altitude in clear weather, in meters
+ I:modem_range=64
+ # The range of Wireless Modems at low altitude in stormy weather, in meters
+ I:modem_rangeDuringStorm=64
+ # The fuel limit for Turtles
+ I:turtleFuelLimit=20000
+ # If set to true, Turtles will push entities out of the way instead of stopping if there is space to do so
+ B:turtlesCanPush=true
+ # Set whether Turtles require fuel to move
+ B:turtlesNeedFuel=true
+ # If set to true, Turtles will be unable to build, dig, or enter protected areas (such as near the server spawn point)
+ B:turtlesObeyBlockProtection=true
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/InvTweaks.cfg b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/InvTweaks.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b79b7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/InvTweaks.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#Inventory Tweaks Configuration
+#(Regarding shortcuts, all key names can be found at: http://www.lwjgl.org/javadoc/org/lwjgl/input/Keyboard.html)
+#Tue Mar 28 12:25:16 CEST 2017
+shortcutKeyOneItem=LCONTROL, RCONTROL
+shortcutKeyDrop=LALT, RALT
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/InvTweaksRules.txt b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/InvTweaksRules.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0571714
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/InvTweaksRules.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+| INVENTORY TWEAKS Mod - https://inventory-tweaks.readthedocs.org |
+| Sorting rules and general configuration |
+====== [ SETTINGS ] ======
+======== [ GETTING STARTED ] ========
+# Each line you type is a new constraint you add for sorting your inventory.
+# After any change, just press the sorting key to reload the settings. Some examples:
+# * "D1 sword" puts any sword in row D, column 1 (see grid below)
+# * "A edibleFood" fills the A row with food
+# * "1 ironPickaxe" fills the 1 column with an iron pickaxe
+# * "A1-C4 blocks" fills the rectangle with any blocks
+# * "D LOCKED" avoids items from the hotbar to move out of it when sorting
+# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
+# A [A1][A2][A3][A4][A5][A6][A7][A8][A9]
+# B [B1][B2][B3][B4][B5][B6][B7][B8][B9]
+# C [C1][C2][C3][C4][C5][C6][C7][C8][C9]
+# D [D1][D2][D3][D4][D5][D6][D7][D8][D9]
+# Open the 'InvTweaksTree.txt' file for a list of available keywords. If an item
+# is missing from the item tree (for example mod items), you can either add it
+# or create a rule by ID. Examples: "D5 203", "D9 12345-13"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/InvTweaksTree.txt b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/InvTweaksTree.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..725b185
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/InvTweaksTree.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1112 @@
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/JEI/itemBlacklist.cfg b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/JEI/itemBlacklist.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b85de1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/JEI/itemBlacklist.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Configuration file
+# advanced
+# Advanced config options to change the way JEI functions.
+advanced {
+ # List of items that should not be displayed in the item list. Format: modId[:name[:meta]]. Edit Mode will automatically add or remove entries here. [Default: []]
+ S:itemBlacklist <
+ >
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/JEI/jei.cfg b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/JEI/jei.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11ceb59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/JEI/jei.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# Configuration file
+# advanced
+# Advanced config options to change the way JEI functions.
+advanced {
+ # Move the JEI search bar to the bottom center of the screen. [default: false]
+ B:centerSearchBarEnabled=false
+ B:debugModeEnabled=false
+ # How the mod name should be formatted in the tooltip for JEI guis. Leave blank to disable. [Default: blue italic] [Valid: [black, dark_blue, dark_green, dark_aqua, dark_red, dark_purple, gold, gray, dark_gray, blue, green, aqua, red, light_purple, yellow, white, obfuscated, bold, strikethrough, underline, italic]]
+ S:modNameFormat=blue italic
+# search
+# Options relating to the search bar.
+search {
+ # Search mode for Item Colors (prefix: ^)
+ # [Default: disabled]
+ # [Valid: [enabled, require_prefix, disabled]]
+ S:colorSearchMode=DISABLED
+ # Search mode for Creative Tab Names (prefix: %)
+ # [Default: require_prefix]
+ # [Valid: [enabled, require_prefix, disabled]]
+ S:creativeTabSearchMode=REQUIRE_PREFIX
+ # Search mode for Mod Names (prefix: @)
+ # [Default: require_prefix]
+ # [Valid: [enabled, require_prefix, disabled]]
+ S:modNameSearchMode=REQUIRE_PREFIX
+ # Search mode for Ore Dictionary Names (prefix: $)
+ # [Default: require_prefix]
+ # [Valid: [enabled, require_prefix, disabled]]
+ S:oreDictSearchMode=REQUIRE_PREFIX
+ # Search mode for Tooltips (prefix: #)
+ # [Default: enabled]
+ # [Valid: [enabled, require_prefix, disabled]]
+ S:tooltipSearchMode=ENABLED
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/JEI/searchColors.cfg b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/JEI/searchColors.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..895f31a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/JEI/searchColors.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Configuration file
+# searchcolors
+# config.jei.searchColors.comment
+searchcolors {
+ # config.jei.searchColors.searchColors.comment [Default: [White:EEEEEE, LightBlue:7492cc, Cyan:00EEEE, Blue:2222dd, LapisBlue:25418b, Teal:008080, Yellow:cacb58, GoldenYellow:EED700, Orange:d97634, Pink:D1899D, HotPink:FC0FC0, Magenta:b24bbb, Purple:813eb9, JadedPurple:43324f, EvilPurple:2e1649, Lavender:B57EDC, Indigo:480082, Sand:dbd3a0, Tan:bb9b63, LightBrown:A0522D, Brown:634b33, DarkBrown:3a2d13, LimeGreen:43b239, SlimeGreen:83cb73, Green:008000, DarkGreen:224d22, GrassGreen:548049, Red:963430, BrickRed:b0604b, NetherBrick:2a1516, Redstone:ce3e36, Black:181515, CharcoalGray:464646, IronGray:646464, Gray:808080, Silver:C0C0C0]]
+ S:searchColors <
+ White:EEEEEE
+ LightBlue:7492cc
+ Cyan:00EEEE
+ Blue:2222dd
+ LapisBlue:25418b
+ Teal:008080
+ Yellow:cacb58
+ GoldenYellow:EED700
+ Orange:d97634
+ Pink:D1899D
+ HotPink:FC0FC0
+ Magenta:b24bbb
+ Purple:813eb9
+ JadedPurple:43324f
+ EvilPurple:2e1649
+ Lavender:B57EDC
+ Indigo:480082
+ Sand:dbd3a0
+ Tan:bb9b63
+ LightBrown:A0522D
+ Brown:634b33
+ DarkBrown:3a2d13
+ LimeGreen:43b239
+ SlimeGreen:83cb73
+ Green:008000
+ DarkGreen:224d22
+ GrassGreen:548049
+ Red:963430
+ BrickRed:b0604b
+ NetherBrick:2a1516
+ Redstone:ce3e36
+ Black:181515
+ CharcoalGray:464646
+ IronGray:646464
+ Gray:808080
+ Silver:C0C0C0
+ >
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/JEI/worldSettings.cfg b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/JEI/worldSettings.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22b86ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/JEI/worldSettings.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# Configuration file
+world-1639024596 {
+ B:cheatItemsEnabled=false
+ B:editEnabled=false
+ S:filterText=fermented
+ B:overlayEnabled=true
+world-1703668724 {
+ B:cheatItemsEnabled=false
+ B:editEnabled=false
+ S:filterText=diamond
+ B:overlayEnabled=true
+world-461766774 {
+ B:cheatItemsEnabled=false
+ B:editEnabled=false
+ S:filterText=quartz
+ B:overlayEnabled=true
+world-78688046 {
+ B:cheatItemsEnabled=false
+ B:editEnabled=false
+ S:filterText=
+ B:overlayEnabled=true
+world1101665689 {
+ B:cheatItemsEnabled=false
+ B:editEnabled=false
+ S:filterText=water
+ B:overlayEnabled=true
+world3556498 {
+ # Give items instead of showing the recipe.
+ B:cheatItemsEnabled=false
+ # Hide and unhide items by clicking them in the item list.
+ B:editEnabled=false
+ S:filterText=quart
+ # Show the list of items next to open guis.
+ B:overlayEnabled=true
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/ProjectE/ProjectE.cfg b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/ProjectE/ProjectE.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed9222c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/ProjectE/ProjectE.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# Configuration file
+difficulty {
+ # If true some ProjectE items require a nether star instead of a diamond. [default: false]
+ B:altCraftingMat=false
+ # The Tome of Knowledge can be crafted. [default: false]
+ B:craftableTome=false
+ # Amount of damage Katar 'C' key deals [range: 0.0 ~ 2.14748365E9, default: 1000.0]
+ S:katarDeathAura=1000.0
+ # Set to false to disable Gem Armor offensive abilities (helmet zap and chestplate explosion) [default: true]
+ B:offensiveAbilities=true
+effects {
+ # If true the Interdiction Torch only affects hostile mobs. If false it affects all non blacklisted living entities. [default: true]
+ B:interdictionMode=true
+ # Bonus ticks given by the Watch of Flowing Time while in the pedestal. 0 = effectively no bonus. [range: 0 ~ 256, default: 18]
+ I:timePedBonus=18
+ # Factor the Watch of Flowing Time slows down mobs by while in the pedestal. Set to 1.0 for no slowdown. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.1]
+ S:timePedMobSlowness=0.1
+items {
+ # If set to true, disables all radius-based mining functionaliy (right click of tools) [default: false]
+ B:disableAllRadiusMining=false
+ # Enable Watch of Flowing Time [default: true]
+ B:enableTimeWatch=true
+ # Allows the Harvest Goddess Band to passively grow tall grass, flowers, etc, on top of grass blocks. [default: false]
+ B:harvBandGrass=false
+ # Instead of vein mining the ore you right click with your Dark/Red Matter Pick/Star it vein mines all ores in an AOE around you like it did in ProjectE before version 1.4.4. [default: false]
+ B:pickaxeAoeVeinMining=false
+misc {
+ # Enable a more verbose debug logging [default: false]
+ B:debugLogging=false
+ # Show the EMC value as a tooltip on items and blocks [default: true]
+ B:emcToolTips=true
+ # A cooldown (in ticks) for Gem Chestplate explosion [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 0]
+ I:gemChestCooldown=0
+ # Show item Ore Dictionary names in tooltips (useful for custom EMC registration) [default: false]
+ B:odToolTips=false
+ # Show DM pedestal functions in item tooltips [default: true]
+ B:pedestalToolTips=true
+ # A cooldown (in ticks) for firing projectiles [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 0]
+ I:projectileCooldown=0
+ # The Philosopher's Stone overlay softly pulsates [default: false]
+ B:pulsatingOverlay=false
+ # Show stats as tooltips for various ProjectE blocks [default: true]
+ B:statToolTips=true
+ # False requires your hand be empty for Gem Armor Offensive Abilities to be readied or triggered [default: false]
+ B:unsafeKeyBinds=false
+# pedestalcooldown
+# Cooldown for various items within the pedestal. A cooldown of -1 will disable the functionality.
+# A cooldown of 0 will cause the actions to happen every tick. Use caution as a very low value could cause TPS issues.
+pedestalcooldown {
+ # Delay between Archangel Smite shooting arrows while in the pedestal. [range: -1 ~ 2147483647, default: 40]
+ I:archangelPedCooldown=40
+ # Delay between Body Stone healing 0.5 shanks while in the pedestal. [range: -1 ~ 2147483647, default: 10]
+ I:bodyPedCooldown=10
+ # Delay between Evertide Amulet trying to start rain while in the pedestal. [range: -1 ~ 2147483647, default: 20]
+ I:evertidePedCooldown=20
+ # Delay between Harvest Goddess trying to grow and harvest while in the pedestal. [range: -1 ~ 2147483647, default: 10]
+ I:harvestPedCooldown=10
+ # Delay between Ignition Ring trying to light entities on fire while in the pedestal. [range: -1 ~ 2147483647, default: 40]
+ I:ignitePedCooldown=40
+ # Delay between Life Stone healing both food and hunger by 0.5 shank/heart while in the pedestal. [range: -1 ~ 2147483647, default: 5]
+ I:lifePedCooldown=5
+ # Delay between Talisman of Repair trying to repair player items while in the pedestal. [range: -1 ~ 2147483647, default: 20]
+ I:repairPedCooldown=20
+ # Delay between Soul Stone healing 0.5 hearts while in the pedestal. [range: -1 ~ 2147483647, default: 10]
+ I:soulPedCooldown=10
+ # Delay between SWRG trying to smite mobs while in the pedestal. [range: -1 ~ 2147483647, default: 70]
+ I:swrgPedCooldown=70
+ # Delay between Volcanite Amulet trying to stop rain while in the pedestal. [range: -1 ~ 2147483647, default: 20]
+ I:volcanitePedCooldown=20
+ # Delay between Zero Ring trying to extinguish entities and freezing ground while in the pedestal. [range: -1 ~ 2147483647, default: 40]
+ I:zeroPedCooldown=40
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/ProjectE/customConversions/ODdefaults.json b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/ProjectE/customConversions/ODdefaults.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f96ffd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/ProjectE/customConversions/ODdefaults.json
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ "comment": "Various default values for OreDictionary names, from vanilla and other mods",
+ "comment_1": "This file is only shown as an example, it will be regenerated every time mapping occurs in order to let us",
+ "comment_2": "change default values. To specify your own custom values use a separate JSON or the /projecte commands ingame",
+ "values": {
+ "before": {
+ "OD|logWood": 32,
+ "OD|plankWood": 8,
+ "OD|treeSapling": 32,
+ "OD|stickWood": 4,
+ "OD|treeLeaves": 1,
+ "OD|blockGlass": 1,
+ "OD|blockCloth": 48,
+ "OD|stone": 1,
+ "OD|cobblestone": 1,
+ "OD|gemDiamond": 8192,
+ "OD|dustRedstone": 64,
+ "OD|dustGlowstone": 384,
+ "OD|dustCoal": 64,
+ "OD|dustCharcoal": 16,
+ "OD|dustSulfur": 32,
+ "OD|ingotThaumium": 2048,
+ "OD|itemSilicon": 32,
+ "OD|ingotOsmium": 512,
+ "OD|crystalCertusQuartz": 64,
+ "OD|crystalFluix": 256,
+ "OD|dustCertusQuartz": 32,
+ "OD|dustFluix": 128,
+ "OD|gemRuby": 2048,
+ "OD|gemSapphire": 2048,
+ "OD|gemPeridot": 2048,
+ "OD|blockMarble": 4,
+ "OD|blockGlassHardened": 192,
+ "OD|itemRubber": 32,
+ "OD|ingotUranium": 4096,
+ "OD|ingotCyanite": 1024,
+ "OD|shardAir": 64,
+ "OD|shardFire": 64,
+ "OD|shardWater": 64,
+ "OD|shardEarth": 64,
+ "OD|shardOrder": 64,
+ "OD|shardEntropy": 64,
+ "OD|shardNether": 64
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/ProjectE/customConversions/defaults.json b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/ProjectE/customConversions/defaults.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4db6f66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/ProjectE/customConversions/defaults.json
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+ "comment": "Default values for non-OreDictionary vanilla items",
+ "comment_1": "This file is only shown as an example, it will be regenerated every time mapping occurs in order to let us",
+ "comment_2": "change default values. To specify your own custom values use a separate JSON or the /projecte commands ingame",
+ "groups": {
+ "default": {
+ "comment": "Default conversion group",
+ "conversions": [
+ {
+ "output": "minecraft:grass|0",
+ "ingredients": {
+ "minecraft:dirt|0": 2
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "output": "minecraft:dirt|2",
+ "ingredients": {
+ "minecraft:dirt|0": 2
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "output": "minecraft:mycelium|0",
+ "ingredients": {
+ "minecraft:dirt|0": 2
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "output": "minecraft:grass_path|0",
+ "ingredients": [ "minecraft:grass|0" ]
+ },
+ {
+ "output": "minecraft:iron_horse_armor|0",
+ "ingredients": {
+ "minecraft:iron_ingot|0": 8
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "output": "minecraft:golden_horse_armor|0",
+ "ingredients": {
+ "minecraft:gold_ingot|0": 8
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "output": "minecraft:diamond_horse_armor|0",
+ "ingredients": {
+ "minecraft:diamond|0": 8
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "values": {
+ "before": {
+ "minecraft:cobblestone|0": 1,
+ "minecraft:stone|0": 1,
+ "minecraft:stone|1": 16,
+ "minecraft:stone|3": 16,
+ "minecraft:stone|5": 16,
+ "minecraft:stonebrick|2": 1,
+ "minecraft:stonebrick|3": 1,
+ "minecraft:end_stone|0": 1,
+ "minecraft:netherrack|0": 1,
+ "minecraft:dirt|0": 1,
+ "minecraft:sand|0": 1,
+ "minecraft:sand|1": 1,
+ "minecraft:snow|0": 1,
+ "minecraft:ice|0": 1,
+ "minecraft:deadbush|0": 1,
+ "minecraft:gravel|0": 4,
+ "minecraft:cactus|0": 8,
+ "minecraft:vine|0": 8,
+ "minecraft:web|0": 12,
+ "minecraft:waterlily|0": 16,
+ "minecraft:red_flower|0": 16,
+ "minecraft:red_flower|1": 16,
+ "minecraft:red_flower|2": 16,
+ "minecraft:red_flower|3": 16,
+ "minecraft:red_flower|4": 16,
+ "minecraft:red_flower|5": 16,
+ "minecraft:red_flower|6": 16,
+ "minecraft:red_flower|7": 16,
+ "minecraft:red_flower|8": 16,
+ "minecraft:double_plant|0": 32,
+ "minecraft:double_plant|1": 32,
+ "minecraft:double_plant|4": 32,
+ "minecraft:double_plant|5": 32,
+ "minecraft:yellow_flower|0": 16,
+ "minecraft:red_mushroom|0": 32,
+ "minecraft:brown_mushroom|0": 32,
+ "minecraft:reeds|0": 32,
+ "minecraft:soul_sand|0": 49,
+ "minecraft:obsidian|0": 64,
+ "minecraft:stained_hardened_clay|*": 64,
+ "minecraft:sponge|0": 128,
+ "minecraft:sponge|1": 128,
+ "minecraft:tallgrass|0": 1,
+ "minecraft:tallgrass|1": 1,
+ "minecraft:tallgrass|2": 1,
+ "minecraft:double_plant|2": 1,
+ "minecraft:double_plant|3": 1,
+ "minecraft:packed_ice|0": 4,
+ "minecraft:magma|0": 128,
+ "minecraft:chorus_plant|0": 64,
+ "minecraft:chorus_flower|0": 96,
+ "minecraft:wheat_seeds|0": 16,
+ "minecraft:beetroot_seeds|0": 16,
+ "minecraft:melon|0": 16,
+ "minecraft:wheat|0": 24,
+ "minecraft:nether_wart|0": 24,
+ "minecraft:apple|0": 128,
+ "minecraft:pumpkin|0": 144,
+ "minecraft:porkchop|0": 64,
+ "minecraft:beef|0": 64,
+ "minecraft:chicken|0": 64,
+ "minecraft:rabbit|0": 64,
+ "minecraft:mutton|0": 64,
+ "minecraft:fish|0": 64,
+ "minecraft:fish|1": 64,
+ "minecraft:fish|2": 64,
+ "minecraft:fish|3": 64,
+ "minecraft:carrot|0": 64,
+ "minecraft:beetroot|0": 64,
+ "minecraft:potato|0": 64,
+ "minecraft:poisonous_potato|0": 64,
+ "minecraft:chorus_fruit|0": 192,
+ "minecraft:string|0": 12,
+ "minecraft:rotten_flesh|0": 32,
+ "minecraft:slime_ball|0": 32,
+ "minecraft:egg|0": 32,
+ "minecraft:feather|0": 48,
+ "minecraft:rabbit_hide|0": 16,
+ "minecraft:rabbit_foot|0": 128,
+ "minecraft:spider_eye|0": 128,
+ "minecraft:gunpowder|0": 192,
+ "minecraft:ender_pearl|0": 1024,
+ "minecraft:blaze_rod|0": 1536,
+ "minecraft:ghast_tear|0": 4096,
+ "minecraft:dragon_egg|0": 262144,
+ "minecraft:potion|0": 0,
+ "minecraft:stick|0": 4,
+ "minecraft:saddle|0": 192,
+ "minecraft:name_tag|0": 192,
+ "minecraft:record_11|0": 2048,
+ "minecraft:record_13|0": 2048,
+ "minecraft:record_blocks|0": 2048,
+ "minecraft:record_cat|0": 2048,
+ "minecraft:record_chirp|0": 2048,
+ "minecraft:record_far|0": 2048,
+ "minecraft:record_mall|0": 2048,
+ "minecraft:record_mellohi|0": 2048,
+ "minecraft:record_stal|0": 2048,
+ "minecraft:record_strad|0": 2048,
+ "minecraft:record_wait|0": 2048,
+ "minecraft:record_ward|0": 2048,
+ "minecraft:iron_ingot|0": 256,
+ "minecraft:gold_ingot|0": 2048,
+ "minecraft:diamond|0": 8192,
+ "minecraft:flint|0": 4,
+ "minecraft:coal|0": 128,
+ "minecraft:redstone|0": 64,
+ "minecraft:glowstone_dust|0": 384,
+ "minecraft:quartz|0": 256,
+ "minecraft:prismarine_shard|0": 256,
+ "minecraft:prismarine_crystals|0": 512,
+ "minecraft:dye|0": 16,
+ "minecraft:dye|3": 128,
+ "minecraft:dye|4": 864,
+ "minecraft:enchanted_book|0": 2048,
+ "minecraft:emerald|0": 16384,
+ "minecraft:nether_star|0": 139264,
+ "minecraft:clay_ball|0": 16,
+ "minecraft:bone|0": 144,
+ "minecraft:snowball|0": 1,
+ "minecraft:filled_map|0": 1472
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/ProjectE/customConversions/example.json b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/ProjectE/customConversions/example.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28c7c92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/ProjectE/customConversions/example.json
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ NOTE: This file is an example. It will be regenerated each time mapping occurs, and is not actually parsed.
+ Files in this folder can be used to add Conversions and values to the EMC Calculation.
+ All files in this folder that end with .json will be loaded and can be enabled/disabled in the mapping.cfg.
+ A grammar is available at: https://gist.github.com/williewillus/9ebb0d04329526e31564
+ "comment": "An example for the custom conversion JSONs",
+ "groups": {
+ "boring_conversions": {
+ "comment": "Some normal conversions, different syntaxes are listed",
+ "conversions": [
+ // These work like AE2 autocrafting: You specify what goes in, and what comes out. PE does the rest.
+ {
+ "output": "minecraft:furnace|0",
+ "count": 1, // Can be omitted if it's 1
+ "ingredients": {
+ "minecraft:cobblestone|0": 8
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "out": "minecraft:iron_boots",
+ "ingr": [ "minecraft:iron_ingot", "minecraft:iron_ingot", "minecraft:iron_ingot", "minecraft:iron_ingot" ]
+ // Every occurrence counts once ^
+ },
+ // These make a "item group" that you can use in other conversions
+ // to represent the whole group at once (see the next conversion down)
+ { "o": "FAKE|AllSeeds", "i": [ "minecraft:pumpkin_seeds" ] },
+ { "o": "FAKE|AllSeeds", "i": [ "minecraft:wheat_seeds" ] },
+ { "o": "FAKE|AllSeeds", "i": [ "minecraft:melon_seeds" ] },
+ { "o": "FAKE|AllSeeds", "i": [ "minecraft:wheat_seeds" ] },
+ {
+ "o": "minecraft:grass|0",
+ "i": [ "FAKE|AllSeeds", "minecraft:dirt|0" ]
+ },
+ {
+ "o": "minecraft:bed|0",
+ "i": {
+ "minecraft:planks|*": 3, // * means all metas
+ "minecraft:wool|*": 3
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "o": "OD|gemDiamond",
+ "i": [ "OD|stone" ] // Ore Dictionary
+ },
+ {
+ "o": "FLUID|fluidDiamond",
+ "i": [ "minecraft:diamond|0" ] // Fluids too
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "values": {
+ "before": {
+ // Set values that'll be used to derive other values. You want most of your values here.
+ // "FREE" means the item will not contribute anything to the value of any other item it crafts into
+ // All the various item forms (normal, fake, OD, fluid) supported here
+ "minecraft:sponge": 1,
+ "OD|gemDiamond": "FREE"
+ },
+ "after": {
+ // Just like before, but happens after main calculation and won't be used to derive other values
+ // Used to "peg" an item at a certain value
+ },
+ "conversion": [
+ // These are like the group conversions above but are a bit special
+ // They are applied after main calculation and won't be used to derive other values
+ // Used to "peg" an item at a certain value relative to another item
+ {
+ "o": "OD|ingotGold",
+ "i": [ "minecraft:steak|0" ],
+ "evalOD": true // Peg this value for ALL ingotGold's
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/ProjectE/customConversions/metals.json b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/ProjectE/customConversions/metals.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5addba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/ProjectE/customConversions/metals.json
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ "comment": "Sets default conversions for various metals from other mods",
+ "comment_1": "This file is only shown as an example, it will be regenerated every time mapping occurs in order to let us",
+ "comment_2": "change default values. To specify your own custom values use a separate JSON or the /projecte commands ingame",
+ "groups": {},
+ "values": {
+ "before": {
+ "OD|ingotIron":256
+ },
+ "conversion": [
+ {"evalOD": true, "o": "OD|ingotObsidian", "c": 2, "i": {"minecraft:obsidian|0": 1}},
+ {"evalOD": true, "o": "OD|ingotGold", "c": 1, "i": {"OD|ingotIron":8}},
+ {"evalOD": true, "o": "OD|ingotCopper", "c": 2, "i": {"OD|ingotIron":1}},
+ {"evalOD": true, "o": "OD|ingotTin", "c": 1, "i": {"OD|ingotIron":1}},
+ {"evalOD": true, "o": "OD|ingotBronze", "c": 4, "i": {"OD|ingotCopper": 3, "OD|ingotTin": 1}},
+ {"evalOD": true, "o": "OD|ingotSilver", "c": 1, "i": {"OD|ingotIron":2}},
+ {"evalOD": true, "o": "OD|ingotLead", "c": 1, "i": {"OD|ingotIron":2}},
+ {"evalOD": true, "o": "OD|ingotNickel", "c": 1, "i": {"OD|ingotIron":4}},
+ {"evalOD": true, "o": "OD|ingotAluminum", "c": 2, "i": {"OD|ingotIron":1}},
+ {"evalOD": true, "o": "OD|ingotArdite", "c": 1, "i": {"OD|ingotIron":4}},
+ {"evalOD": true, "o": "OD|ingotCobalt", "c": 1, "i": {"OD|ingotIron":4}},
+ {"evalOD": true, "o": "OD|ingotAluminumBrass", "c": 64, "i": {"OD|ingotAluminum": 48, "OD|ingotCopper": 16}},
+ {"evalOD": true, "o": "OD|ingotManyullyn", "c": 1, "i": {"OD|ingotCobalt": 1, "OD|ingotArdite": 1}},
+ {"evalOD": true, "o": "OD|ingotAlumite", "c": 48, "i": {"OD|ingotAluminum": 80, "OD|ingotIron": 32, "OD|ingotObsidian": 32}},
+ {"evalOD": true, "o": "OD|ingotPlatinum", "c": 1, "i": {"OD|ingotIron":16}},
+ {"evalOD": true, "o": "OD|ingotElectrum", "c": 2, "i": ["OD|ingotGold", "OD|ingotSilver"]},
+ {"evalOD": true, "o": "OD|ingotInvar", "c": 3, "i": ["OD|ingotNickel", "OD|ingotIron", "OD|ingotIron"]},
+ {"evalOD": true, "o": "OD|ingotSignalum", "c": 4, "i": {"OD|ingotCopper": 3, "OD|ingotSilver":1 , "OD|dustRedstone":10}},
+ {"evalOD": true, "o": "OD|ingotLumium", "c": 4, "i": {"OD|ingotTin": 3, "OD|ingotSilver":1 , "OD|dustGlowstone":4}},
+ {"evalOD": true, "o": "OD|ingotEnderium", "c": 4, "i": {
+ "OD|ingotTin": 2, "OD|ingotSilver":1 , "OD|ingotPlatinum":1,
+ "minecraft:coal|1": 1, "OD|dustRedstone": 1, "minecraft:blaze_powder|0":1, "OD|dustSulfur": 1,
+ "minecraft:ender_pearl|0":4}
+ },
+ {"evalOD": true, "o": "OD|ingotElectricalSteel", "c": 1, "i": ["OD|ingotIron", "minecraft:coal|1", "OD|itemSilicon"]},
+ {"evalOD": true, "o": "OD|ingotEnergeticAlloy", "c": 1, "i": ["OD|dustRedstone", "OD|ingotGold", "OD|dustGlowstone"]},
+ {"evalOD": true, "o": "OD|ingotVibrantAlloy", "c": 1, "i": ["OD|ingotEnergeticAlloy", "minecraft:ender_pearl|0"]},
+ {"evalOD": true, "o": "OD|ingotRedstoneAlloy", "c": 1, "i": ["OD|dustRedstone", "OD|itemSilicon"]},
+ {"evalOD": true, "o": "OD|ingotConductiveIron", "c": 1, "i": ["OD|dustRedstone", "OD|ingotIron"]},
+ {"evalOD": true, "o": "OD|ingotPulsatingIron", "c": 1, "i": ["OD|ingotIron", "minecraft:ender_pearl|0"]},
+ {"evalOD": true, "o": "OD|ingotDarkSteel", "c": 1, "i": ["OD|ingotIron", "minecraft:coal|1", "minecraft:obsidian|0"]},
+ {"evalOD": true, "o": "OD|ingotSoularium", "c": 1, "i": ["OD|ingotGold", "minecraft:soul_sand|0"]},
+ {"evalOD": true, "o": "OD|ingotEnderiumBase", "c": 4, "i": {"OD|ingotTin": 2, "OD|ingotSilver":1 , "OD|ingotPlatinum":1}}
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/ProjectE/custom_emc.json b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/ProjectE/custom_emc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4affaca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/ProjectE/custom_emc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ "entries": [
+ {
+ "item": "actuallyadditions:itemMisc|5",
+ "emc": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "item": "actuallyadditions:blockMisc|3",
+ "emc": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "item": "minecraft:dirt|0",
+ "emc": 4096
+ },
+ {
+ "item": "minecraft:sand|0",
+ "emc": 4096
+ },
+ {
+ "item": "minecraft:gravel|0",
+ "emc": 4096
+ },
+ {
+ "item": "minecraft:iron_ingot|0",
+ "emc": 4096
+ },
+ {
+ "item": "minecraft:gold_ingot|0",
+ "emc": 16384
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/ProjectE/mapping.cfg b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/ProjectE/mapping.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da0bcfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/ProjectE/mapping.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# Configuration file
+enabledmappers {
+ # Allows other Mods to add Recipes to the EMC Calculation. [default: true]
+ B:APICustomConversionMapper=true
+ # Allows other mods to set EMC values using the ProjectEAPI [default: true]
+ B:APICustomEMCMapper=true
+ # Add mappings for Blocks that are created with Chisel. [default: false]
+ B:Chisel2Mapper=false
+ # Add Conversions for Crafting Recipes gathered from net.minecraft.item.crafting.CraftingManager [default: true]
+ B:CraftingMapper=true
+ # Uses json files within config/ProjectE/customConversions/ to add values and conversions [default: true]
+ B:CustomConversionMapper=true
+ # Uses the `custom_emc.json` File to add EMC values. [default: true]
+ B:CustomEMCMapper=true
+ # Adds Conversions for fluid container items and fluids. [default: true]
+ B:FluidMapper=true
+ # Blacklist some OreDictionary names from getting an EMC value [default: true]
+ B:OreDictionaryMapper=true
+ # Add Conversions for `FurnaceRecipes` [default: true]
+ B:SmeltingMapper=true
+general {
+ # Want to take a look at the internals of EMC Calculation? Enable this to write all the conversions and setValue-Commands to config/ProjectE/mappingdump.json [default: false]
+ B:dumpEverythingToFile=false
+ # Log known EMC Exploits. This can not and will not find all possible exploits. This will only find exploits that result in fixed/custom emc values that the algorithm did not overwrite. Exploits that derive from conversions that are unknown to ProjectE will not be found. [default: true]
+ B:logEMCExploits=true
+ # When the next EMC mapping occurs write the results to config/ProjectE/pregenerated_emc.json and only ever run the mapping again when that file does not exist, this setting is set to false, or an error occurred parsing that file. [default: false]
+ B:pregenerate=false
+mapperconfigurations {
+ oredictionarymapper {
+ # Set EMC=0 for everything that has an OD Name that starts with `ore`, `dust` or `crushed` besides `dustPlastic` [default: true]
+ B:blacklistOresAndDusts=true
+ }
+ customconversionmapper {
+ # Read file: ODdefaults.json? [default: true]
+ B:ODdefaults=true
+ # Read file: defaults.json? [default: true]
+ B:defaults=true
+ # Read file: metals.json? [default: true]
+ B:metals=true
+ # Create the default files if they are not present, yet. Will not overwrite them, only create them when they are not present. [default: true]
+ B:writeDefaultFiles=true
+ }
+ craftingmapper {
+ irecipeimplementations {
+ # Maps custom IRecipe's from ProjectE [default: true]
+ B:enablePECustomRecipeMapper=true
+ # Maps `IRecipe` crafting recipes that extend `ShapedOreRecipe` or `ShapelessOreRecipe`. This includes CraftingRecipes that use OreDictionary ingredients. [default: true]
+ B:enableVanillaOreRecipeMapper=true
+ # Maps `IRecipe` crafting recipes that extend `ShapedRecipes` or `ShapelessRecipes` [default: true]
+ B:enableVanillaRecipeMapper=true
+ }
+ }
+ smeltingmapper {
+ # If X has a value and is smelted from Y, Y will get a value too. This is an experimental thing and might result in Mappings you did not expect/want to happen. [default: false]
+ B:doBackwardsMapping=false
+ }
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/ProjectE/nbt_whitelist.json b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/ProjectE/nbt_whitelist.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aeae082
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/ProjectE/nbt_whitelist.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "items": [],
+ "__comment": "To add items to NBT Whitelist, simply add its registry name as a String to the above array"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/Simple Tree Farm Config.cfg b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/Simple Tree Farm Config.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de21a0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/Simple Tree Farm Config.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Configuration file
+general {
+ # The amount of energy used by the tree farm to break a block
+ # Min: 0
+ # Max: 2147483647
+ # The amount of energy used by the tree farm to place a sapling
+ # Min: 0
+ # Max: 2147483647
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/StorageDrawers.cfg b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/StorageDrawers.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac77aaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/StorageDrawers.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# Configuration file
+addons {
+blocks {
+ fulldrawers1 {
+ I:baseStorage=32
+ B:enabled=true
+ I:recipeOutput=1
+ }
+ fulldrawers2 {
+ I:baseStorage=16
+ B:enabled=true
+ I:recipeOutput=2
+ }
+ fulldrawers4 {
+ I:baseStorage=8
+ B:enabled=true
+ I:recipeOutput=4
+ }
+ halfdrawers2 {
+ I:baseStorage=8
+ B:enabled=true
+ I:recipeOutput=2
+ }
+ halfdrawers4 {
+ I:baseStorage=4
+ B:enabled=true
+ I:recipeOutput=4
+ }
+ compdrawers {
+ I:baseStorage=16
+ B:enabled=true
+ I:recipeOutput=1
+ }
+ controller {
+ B:enabled=true
+ I:range=12
+ }
+ trim {
+ B:enabled=true
+ I:recipeOutput=4
+ }
+ controllerslave {
+ B:enabled=true
+ }
+general {
+ B:creativeTabVanillaWoods=true
+ B:enableCreativeUpgrades=true
+ # Writes additional log messages while using the mod. Mainly for debug purposes. Should be kept disabled unless instructed otherwise.
+ B:enableDebugLogging=false
+ B:enableDrawerUI=true
+ B:enableFallbackRecipes=true
+ B:enableFramedDrawers=true
+ B:enableIndicatorUpgrades=true
+ B:enableItemConversion=true
+ B:enableLockUpgrades=true
+ B:enablePersonalUpgrades=true
+ B:enableQuantifiableUpgrades=true
+ B:enableRedstoneUpgrades=true
+ B:enableShroudUpgrades=true
+ B:enableSidedInput=true
+ B:enableSidedOutput=true
+ B:enableStorageUpgrades=true
+ B:enableTape=true
+ B:enableVoidUpgrades=true
+ # Inverts how shift works with drawers. If this is true, shifting will only give one item, where regular clicks will give a full stack. Leave false for default behavior.
+ B:invertShift=false
+ S:wailaStackRemainder=stack + remainder
+integration {
+ B:enableMineTweaker=true
+ B:enableWaila=true
+registries {
+ # Items should be in form domain:item or domain:item:meta. [default: [minecraft:clay, minecraft:clay_ball, 4]]
+ S:compactingRules <
+ minecraft:clay, minecraft:clay_ball, 4
+ >
+ # List of ore dictionary names to blacklist for substitution. [default: ]
+ S:oreBlacklist <
+ >
+ # List of ore dictionary names to whitelist for substitution. [default: ]
+ S:oreWhitelist <
+ >
+ B:registerExtraCompactingRules=true
+upgrades {
+ I:level2Mult=2
+ I:level3Mult=3
+ I:level4Mult=5
+ I:level5Mult=8
+ I:level6Mult=13
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/Waila.cfg b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/Waila.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72ea393
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/Waila.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# Configuration file
+general {
+ I:waila.cfg.alpha=80
+ I:waila.cfg.bgcolor=1048592
+ I:waila.cfg.fontcolor=10526880
+ I:waila.cfg.gradient1=5243135
+ I:waila.cfg.gradient2=2621567
+ I:waila.cfg.heartsperline=20
+ B:waila.cfg.keybind=true
+ B:waila.cfg.liquid=false
+ I:waila.cfg.maxhpbeforetext=40
+ B:waila.cfg.metadata=false
+ B:waila.cfg.newfilters=true
+ I:waila.cfg.posx=5000
+ I:waila.cfg.posy=100
+ I:waila.cfg.scale=100
+ B:waila.cfg.show=true
+ B:waila.cfg.showmode=true
+# modules
+# Those are the config keys defined in modules.
+# Server side, it is used to enforce keys client side using the next section.
+modules {
+ B:display.content=true
+ B:display.stacklimit=true
+ B:display.status=true
+ B:endertanks.showtankdata=true
+ B:facades.hidden=true
+ B:general.showcrop=true
+ B:general.showents=true
+ B:general.showhp=true
+ B:harvestability.currentlyharvestable=true
+ B:harvestability.currentlyharvestable.sneakingonly=false
+ B:harvestability.effectivetool=true
+ B:harvestability.effectivetool.sneakingonly=false
+ B:harvestability.harvestlevel=true
+ B:harvestability.harvestlevel.sneakingonly=false
+ B:harvestability.harvestlevelnum=false
+ B:harvestability.harvestlevelnum.sneakingonly=false
+ B:harvestability.minimal=false
+ B:harvestability.oresonly=false
+ B:harvestability.shearability=true
+ B:harvestability.shearability.sneakingonly=false
+ B:harvestability.silktouchability=true
+ B:harvestability.silktouchability.sneakingonly=false
+ B:harvestability.toolrequiredonly=true
+ B:harvestability.unharvestableonly=false
+ B:vanilla.comparator=true
+ B:vanilla.jukebox=true
+ B:vanilla.leverstate=true
+ B:vanilla.redstone=true
+ B:vanilla.repeater=true
+ B:vanilla.silverfish=true
+ B:vanilla.spawntype=true
+# server_forcing
+# Any key set to true here will ensure that the client is using the configuration set in the 'module' section above.
+# This is useful for enforcing false to 'cheating' keys like silverfish.
+server_forcing {
+ B:display.content=false
+ B:display.stacklimit=false
+ B:display.status=false
+ B:endertanks.showtankdata=false
+ B:facades.hidden=false
+ B:general.showcrop=false
+ B:general.showents=false
+ B:general.showhp=false
+ B:harvestability.currentlyharvestable=false
+ B:harvestability.currentlyharvestable.sneakingonly=false
+ B:harvestability.effectivetool=false
+ B:harvestability.effectivetool.sneakingonly=false
+ B:harvestability.harvestlevel=false
+ B:harvestability.harvestlevel.sneakingonly=false
+ B:harvestability.harvestlevelnum=false
+ B:harvestability.harvestlevelnum.sneakingonly=false
+ B:harvestability.minimal=false
+ B:harvestability.oresonly=false
+ B:harvestability.shearability=false
+ B:harvestability.shearability.sneakingonly=false
+ B:harvestability.silktouchability=false
+ B:harvestability.silktouchability.sneakingonly=false
+ B:harvestability.toolrequiredonly=false
+ B:harvestability.unharvestableonly=false
+ B:vanilla.comparator=false
+ B:vanilla.jukebox=false
+ B:vanilla.leverstate=false
+ B:vanilla.redstone=false
+ B:vanilla.repeater=false
+ B:vanilla.silverfish=false
+ B:vanilla.spawntype=false
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/WailaHarvestability.cfg b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/WailaHarvestability.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b75527d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/WailaHarvestability.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Configuration file
+main {
+ B:harvest.level.tooltip=false
+ S:is.currently.harvestable.string=✔
+ S:minimal.mode.separator= :
+ S:not.currently.harvestable.string=✘
+ S:shearability.string=✂
+ S:silk.touchability.string=✒
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/actuallyadditions.cfg b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/actuallyadditions.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9edf3c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/actuallyadditions.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
+# Configuration file
+"block crafting" {
+ # If the Recipe for the Advanced Item Laser Relay is Enabled
+ B:"Advanced Item Laser Relay"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Atomic Reconstructor is Enabled
+ B:"Atomic Reconstructor"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Bio Reactor is Enabled
+ B:"Bio Reactor"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Breaker is Enabled
+ B:Breaker=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Canola Press is Enabled
+ B:"Canola Press"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Casing is Enabled
+ B:Casing=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Charcoal Block is Enabled
+ B:"Charcoal Block"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Coal Generator is Enabled
+ B:"Coal Generator"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Coffee Machine is Enabled
+ B:"Coffee Machine"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Compost is Enabled
+ B:Compost=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Crusher is Enabled
+ B:Crusher=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Display Stand is Enabled
+ B:"Display Stand"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Double Crusher is Enabled
+ B:"Double Crusher"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Double Furnace is Enabled
+ B:"Double Furnace"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Dropper is Enabled
+ B:Dropper=true
+ # If the Recipe for the ESD is Enabled
+ B:ESD=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Empowerer is Enabled
+ B:Empowerer=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Ender Casing is Enabled
+ B:"Ender Casing"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Energizer is Enabled
+ B:Energizer=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Enervator is Enabled
+ B:Enervator=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Experience Solidifier is Enabled
+ B:"Experience Solidifier"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Farmer is Enabled
+ B:Farmer=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Feeder is Enabled
+ B:Feeder=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Fermenting Barrel is Enabled
+ B:"Fermenting Barrel"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Firework Box is Enabled
+ B:"Firework Box"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Fishing Net is Enabled
+ B:"Fishing Net"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Greenhouse Glass is Enabled
+ B:"Greenhouse Glass"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Heat Collector is Enabled
+ B:"Heat Collector"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Iron Casing is Enabled
+ B:"Iron Casing"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Item Interface is Enabled
+ B:"Item Interface"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Lamps is Enabled
+ B:Lamps=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Laser Relay is Enabled
+ B:"Laser Relay"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Lava Factory is Enabled
+ B:"Lava Factory"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Leaf Generator is Enabled
+ B:"Leaf Generator"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Liquid Collector is Enabled
+ B:"Liquid Collector"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Liquid Placer is Enabled
+ B:"Liquid Placer"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Long-Range Breaker is Enabled
+ B:"Long-Range Breaker"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Miner is Enabled
+ B:Miner=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Oil Generator is Enabled
+ B:"Oil Generator"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Phantom Booster is Enabled
+ B:"Phantom Booster"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Phantom Breaker is Enabled
+ B:"Phantom Breaker"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Phantom Energyface is Enabled
+ B:"Phantom Energyface"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Phantom Liquiface is Enabled
+ B:"Phantom Liquiface"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Phantom Placer is Enabled
+ B:"Phantom Placer"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Phantom Redstoneface is Enabled
+ B:"Phantom Redstoneface"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Phantomface is Enabled
+ B:Phantomface=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Placer is Enabled
+ B:Placer=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Player Interface is Enabled
+ B:"Player Interface"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Ranged Collector is Enabled
+ B:"Ranged Collector"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Repairer is Enabled
+ B:Repairer=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Shock Absorber is Enabled
+ B:"Shock Absorber"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Smiley Cloud is Enabled
+ B:"Smiley Cloud"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Solar Panel is Enabled
+ B:"Solar Panel"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Speed Upgrade is Enabled
+ B:"Speed Upgrade"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Storage Crate is Enabled
+ B:"Storage Crate"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Wood Casing is Enabled
+ B:"Wood Casing"=true
+"food crafting" {
+ # If the Recipe for the Bacon is Enabled
+ B:Bacon=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Baguette is Enabled
+ B:Baguette=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Big Cookie is Enabled
+ B:"Big Cookie"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Carrot Juice is Enabled
+ B:"Carrot Juice"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Cheese is Enabled
+ B:Cheese=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Chocolate is Enabled
+ B:Chocolate=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Chocolate Cake is Enabled
+ B:"Chocolate Cake"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Chocolate Toast is Enabled
+ B:"Chocolate Toast"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Fish And Chips is Enabled
+ B:"Fish And Chips"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the French Fries is Enabled
+ B:"French Fries"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the French Fry is Enabled
+ B:"French Fry"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Hamburger is Enabled
+ B:Hamburger=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Noodle is Enabled
+ B:Noodle=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Pizza is Enabled
+ B:Pizza=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Pumpkin Stew is Enabled
+ B:"Pumpkin Stew"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Rice Bread is Enabled
+ B:"Rice Bread"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Rice Dough is Enabled
+ B:"Rice Dough"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Spaghetti is Enabled
+ B:Spaghetti=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Sub Sandwich is Enabled
+ B:"Sub Sandwich"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Toast is Enabled
+ B:Toast=true
+"item crafting" {
+ # If the Recipe for the Advanced Coil is Enabled
+ B:"Advanced Coil"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Advanced Leaf Blower is Enabled
+ B:"Advanced Leaf Blower"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Bag is Enabled
+ B:Bag=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Battery is Enabled
+ B:Battery=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Black Quartz in a Crafting Table is Enabled
+ B:"Black Quartz in a Crafting Table"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Chest To Crate Upgrade is Enabled
+ B:"Chest To Crate Upgrade"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Coil is Enabled
+ B:Coil=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Crafting Table On A Stick is Enabled
+ B:"Crafting Table On A Stick"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Crate Keeper is Enabled
+ B:"Crate Keeper"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Crystal Tools is Enabled
+ B:"Crystal Tools"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Cup is Enabled
+ B:Cup=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Disenchanting Lens is Enabled
+ B:"Disenchanting Lens"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Double Battery is Enabled
+ B:"Double Battery"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Dough is Enabled
+ B:Dough=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Drill is Enabled
+ B:Drill=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Drill Core is Enabled
+ B:"Drill Core"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Drill Fortune Upgrades is Enabled
+ B:"Drill Fortune Upgrades"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Drill Placing Upgrade is Enabled
+ B:"Drill Placing Upgrade"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Drill Silk Touch Upgrade is Enabled
+ B:"Drill Silk Touch Upgrade"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Drill Size Upgrades is Enabled
+ B:"Drill Size Upgrades"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Drill Speed Upgrades is Enabled
+ B:"Drill Speed Upgrades"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Emerald Tools is Enabled
+ B:"Emerald Tools"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Ender Star is Enabled
+ B:"Ender Star"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Growth Ring is Enabled
+ B:"Growth Ring"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Handheld Filler is Enabled
+ B:"Handheld Filler"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Item Filter is Enabled
+ B:"Item Filter"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Killer Lens is Enabled
+ B:"Killer Lens"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Knife is Enabled
+ B:Knife=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Knife Blade is Enabled
+ B:"Knife Blade"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Knife Handle is Enabled
+ B:"Knife Handle"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Laser Wrench is Enabled
+ B:"Laser Wrench"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Leaf Blower is Enabled
+ B:"Leaf Blower"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Magnet Ring is Enabled
+ B:"Magnet Ring"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Mashed Food is Enabled
+ B:"Mashed Food"=true
+ # The ItemFood, IGrowable and IPlantable Items that can not be used to craft Mashed Food. These are the actual registered Item Names, the ones you use, for example, when using the /give Command.
+ S:"Mashed Food Crafting Exceptions" <
+ ActuallyAdditions:itemCoffee
+ >
+ # If the Recipe for the Mining Lens is Enabled
+ B:"Mining Lens"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Obsidian Tools is Enabled
+ B:"Obsidian Tools"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Paper Cone is Enabled
+ B:"Paper Cone"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Paxels is Enabled
+ B:Paxels=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Phantom Connector is Enabled
+ B:"Phantom Connector"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Player Probe is Enabled
+ B:"Player Probe"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Quadruple Battery is Enabled
+ B:"Quadruple Battery"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Quartz Tools is Enabled
+ B:"Quartz Tools"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Quintuple Battery is Enabled
+ B:"Quintuple Battery"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Rarmor Reconstructor Module is Enabled
+ B:"Rarmor Reconstructor Module"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Resonant Rice is Enabled
+ B:"Resonant Rice"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Rice Gadgets is Enabled
+ B:"Rice Gadgets"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Spawner Changer is Enabled
+ B:"Spawner Changer"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Tele Staff is Enabled
+ B:"Tele Staff"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Tiny Coal is Enabled
+ B:"Tiny Coal"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Triple Battery is Enabled
+ B:"Triple Battery"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Void Bag is Enabled
+ B:"Void Bag"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Water Ring is Enabled
+ B:"Water Ring"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Wings Of The Bats is Enabled
+ B:"Wings Of The Bats"=true
+"machine values" {
+ # By default, the Item Repairer only repairs items which are repairable in an anvil. Add an item's REGISTRY NAME here if you want it to be repairable.
+ S:"Item Repairer Extra Whitelist" <
+ tconstruct:pickaxe
+ tconstruct:shovel
+ tconstruct:hatchet
+ tconstruct:mattock
+ tconstruct:broadsword
+ tconstruct:longsword
+ tconstruct:frypan
+ tconstruct:battlesign
+ tconstruct:hammer
+ tconstruct:excavator
+ tconstruct:lumberaxe
+ tconstruct:cleaver
+ tconstruct:rapier
+ >
+ # If Energy Laser Relays should have energy loss
+ B:"Laser Relay Energy Loss"=true
+ # By default, the Vertical Digger mines everything that starts with 'ore' in the OreDictionary. If there is one that it can mine, but shouldn't be able to, put its REGISTRY NAME here. These are the actual registered Item Names, the ones you use, for example, when using the /give Command. This Config Option will apply in both modes.
+ S:"Vertical Digger Blacklist" <
+ >
+ # By default, the Vertical Digger mines everything that starts with 'ore' in the OreDictionary. If there is one that it can't mine, but should be able to, put its REGISTRY NAME here. These are the actual registered Item Names, the ones you use, for example, when using the /give Command. This Config Option only applies if the miner is in Ores Only Mode.
+ S:"Vertical Digger Extra Whitelist" <
+ >
+"mob drops" {
+ # Should Bat wings drop from Bats?
+ B:"Bat Wing Drop"=true
+ # If true, Mobs will randomly drop solidified XP occasionally.
+ B:"Solidified XP Drop"=true
+ # Should Cobwebs drop from spiders?
+ B:"Spider Cobweb Drop"=true
+other {
+ # Show Advanced Item Info when holding Control on every Item.
+ B:"Advanced Info"=true
+ # The maximum amount of characters that is displayed by the NBT view of the CTRL Advanced Info. Set to a zero to have no limit
+ I:"Advanced Info NBT Character Limit"=1000
+ # Show the 'Press Control for more Info'-Text on Item Tooltips
+ B:"Advanced Info Tooltips"=true
+ # The non-Actually Additions items that are used to configure blocks from the mod. The first one is the Redstone Torch used to configure the Redstone Mode, and the second one is the Compass used to configure Laser Relays. If another mod overrides usage of either one of these items, you can change the registry name of the used items (using blocks is not possible) here.
+ S:"Configuration Items" <
+ minecraft:redstone_torch
+ minecraft:compass
+ >
+ # The items that aren't allowed as outputs from OreDict Crusher recipes. Use this in case a mod, for example, adds a dust variant that can't be smelted into an ingot. Use REGISTRY NAMES, and if metadata is needed, add it like so: somemod:some_item@3
+ S:"Crusher Output Blacklist" <
+ >
+ # Ingots, Dusts and Ores that will be blacklisted from being auto-registered to be crushed by the Crusher. This list uses OreDictionary Names of the Inputs only.
+ S:"Crusher Recipe Exceptions" <
+ ingotBrick
+ ingotBrickNether
+ >
+ # If true, Cats drop Hairy Balls Occasionally.
+ B:"Do Cat Drops"=true
+ # If true, Actually Additions Checks for updates on World Load.
+ B:"Do update check"=true
+ # If this is set to true, breaking a block with the Drill will send an additional packet to the server notifying that the block is being broken. This reduces the amount of ghost blocks being created, however it results in a higher connection load and it could also change the behavior of some blocks being broken.
+ B:"Drill Digging Packet"=false
+ # Should Actually Additions Loot generate in dungeons??
+ B:"Dungeon Loot"=true
+ # If true, the booklet should be given to the player when he first crafts something from the Mod
+ B:"Give Booklet on First Craft"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Horse Armor -> Raw Materials (Crusher) is Enabled
+ B:"Horse Armor -> Raw Materials (Crusher)"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Lens of Detonation (Reconstructor) is Enabled
+ B:"Lens of Detonation (Reconstructor)"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Misc. Recipes like Soul Sand (Reconstructor) is Enabled
+ B:"Misc. Recipes like Soul Sand (Reconstructor)"=true
+ # By default, the Spawner Changer allows every living entity to be put into a spawner. If there is one that shouldn't be able to, put its MAPPING NAME here.
+ S:"Spawner Changer Blacklist" <
+ VillagerGolem
+ >
+ # Turn this on to make recipes for items from the mod really hard. (This is a joke feature poking fun at the whole FTB Infinity Expert Mode style of playing. You shouldn't really turn this on as it makes the mod completely unplayable.)
+ B:"Super Duper Hard Recipes"=false
+ # The amount of ticks waited before a TileEntity sends an additional Update to the Client
+ I:"Tile Entities: Update Interval"=5
+ # If true, Actually Additions' Update Checker searches for updates for the Minecraft Version you currently play on.
+ B:"Version Specific Update Checker"=true
+ # Should right-clicking a bowl on water blocks create a water bowl?
+ B:"Water Bowl"=true
+ # The amount of ticks it takes for a worm to die. When at 0 ticks, it will not die.
+ I:"Worm Death Time"=0
+ # If true, worms will drop from tilling the soil.
+ B:Worms=true
+"ring crafting" {
+ # If the Recipe for the Fire Resistance Ring is Enabled
+ B:"Fire Resistance Ring"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Haste Ring is Enabled
+ B:"Haste Ring"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Invisibility Ring is Enabled
+ B:"Invisibility Ring"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Jump Boost Ring is Enabled
+ B:"Jump Boost Ring"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Night Vision Ring is Enabled
+ B:"Night Vision Ring"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Regen Ring is Enabled
+ B:"Regen Ring"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Resistance Ring is Enabled
+ B:"Resistance Ring"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Speed Ring is Enabled
+ B:"Speed Ring"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Strength Ring is Enabled
+ B:"Strength Ring"=true
+ # If the Recipe for the Water Breathing Ring is Enabled
+ B:"Water Breathing Ring"=true
+"tool values" {
+ # By default, the AIOT can mine certain blocks. If there is one that it can't mine, but should be able to, put its REGISTRY NAME here. These are the actual registered Item Names, the ones you use, for example, when using the /give Command.
+ S:"AIOT Extra Whitelist" <
+ TConstruct:GravelOre
+ >
+ # If true,'Press key for more information' text should show when the item has a page in the booklet
+ B:"Booklet Quick Opening Info"=true
+ # By default, the Drill can mine certain blocks. If there is one that it can't mine, but should be able to, put its REGISTRY NAME here. These are the actual registered Item Names, the ones you use, for example, when using the /give Command.
+ S:"Drill Extra Whitelist" <
+ TConstruct:GravelOre
+ >
+"world gen" {
+ # Should Black Lotus generate in the World?
+ B:"Black Lotus Gen"=true
+ # The Amount of Black Lotus generating
+ I:"Black Lotus: Amount"=14
+ # Shold Black Quartz generate in the world?
+ B:"Black Quartz"=true
+ # Should Canola generate in the World?
+ B:"Canola Gen"=true
+ # The Amount of Canola generating
+ I:"Canola: Amount"=10
+ # Should Coffee Plants generate in the World?
+ B:"Coffee Gen"=true
+ # The Amount of Coffee generating
+ I:"Coffee: Amount"=6
+ # Should Custom Crop Fields exist?
+ B:"Crop Field: Existence"=true
+ # Should Canola generate in the World?
+ B:"Flax Gen"=true
+ # The Amount of Flax generating
+ I:"Flax: Amount"=8
+ # Should caves with trees and grass randomly generate underground?
+ B:"Generate Lush Caves"=true
+ # Should the Jam Villager and his House generate in the world?
+ B:"Jam Villager: Existence"=true
+ # The ID of the Jam Villager
+ I:"Jam Villager: ID"=493827
+ # The chances for lush caves to generate. The lower the number, the higher the chances.
+ I:"Lush Caves: Chance"=20
+ # The list of IDs that Actually Additions OreGen (Ex: Black Quartz) is banned in. This also applies for other world gen like lush caves.
+ I:"OreGen Dimension Blacklist" <
+ >
+ # The list of IDs of the dimensions that Actually Additions Plants (Rice for example) are banned in.
+ I:"Plant Blacklist" <
+ >
+ # Should Rice generate in the World?
+ B:"Rice Gen"=true
+ # The Amount of Rice generating
+ I:"Rice: Amount"=15
+ # Should Treasure Chests generate in the World?
+ B:"Treasure Chest Gen"=true
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/endercore/cropConfig.json b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/endercore/cropConfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee75a5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/endercore/cropConfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ [
+ {
+ "seed":"minecraft:wheat_seeds",
+ "block":"minecraft:wheat"
+ },
+ {
+ "seed":"minecraft:carrot",
+ "block":"minecraft:carrots"
+ },
+ {
+ "seed":"minecraft:potato",
+ "block":"minecraft:potatoes"
+ },
+ {
+ "seed":"minecraft:beetroot_seeds",
+ "block":"minecraft:beetroots",
+ "meta":3
+ },
+ {
+ "seed":"minecraft:nether_wart",
+ "block":"minecraft:nether_wart",
+ "meta":3
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/endercore/endercore.cfg b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/endercore/endercore.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fb0c20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/endercore/endercore.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# Configuration file
+enchants {
+ # Allow the Auto Smelt enchant to be registered.
+ # [default: true]
+ B:allowAutoSmelt=true
+ # Allow the XP Boost enchant to be registered.
+ # [default: true]
+ B:allowXPBoost=true
+general {
+ # Disabling this option will prevent any crops added to the config json from being right clickable.
+ # [default: true]
+ B:allowCropRC=true
+ # Disabling this option will prevent tick speedup (i.e. torcherino) on any TE that uses the base TE class from EnderCore
+ # [default: true]
+ B:allowExternalTickSpeedup=true
+ # The max amount of XP levels an anvil recipe can use.
+ # [default: 40]
+ I:anvilMaxLevel=40
+ # The way the game should have been made (Yes this is the fireworks thing).
+ # [default: false]
+ B:betterAchievements=false
+ # Control the behavior of invisible mode (disables all gameplay features). Having this setting be different between client and server could cause some desync, but otherwise is harmless.
+ # 0 - Default. Lets other mods request invisible mode. If none do, invisible mode is off.
+ # -1 (or below) - Never invisible, even if mods request it.
+ # 1 (or above) - Always invisible, even if no mods request it.
+ # [default: 0]
+ I:invisibleMode=0
+ # Fireworks display on new years eve
+ # [default: true]
+ B:newYearsFireworks=true
+ # Show durability on item tooltips.
+ # 0 - Off
+ # 1 - Always on
+ # 2 - Only with shift
+ # 3 - Only in debug mode
+ # [range: 0 ~ 3, default: 1]
+ I:showDurabilityTooltips=1
+ # Show oredictionary names of every item in its tooltip.
+ # 0 - Off
+ # 1 - Always on
+ # 2 - Only with shift
+ # 3 - Only in debug mode
+ # [range: 0 ~ 3, default: 2]
+ I:showOredictTooltips=2
+ # Show item registry names in tooltips.
+ # 0 - Off
+ # 1 - Always on
+ # 2 - Only with shift
+ # 3 - Only in debug mode
+ # [range: 0 ~ 3, default: 3]
+ I:showRegistryNameTooltips=3
+tweaks {
+ B:bookToPaperRecipe=true
+ # Makes boats stack to 16
+ # [default: true]
+ B:changeBoatStackSize=true
+ # Makes the bed stepSound wool instead of stone
+ # [default: true]
+ B:fixBedSound=true
+ # Allows packed ice to be mined with a pickaxe
+ # [default: true]
+ B:fixPackedIceTool=true
+ B:infinibow=true
+ B:shapelessPaperRecipe=true
+ B:slabToBlockRecipes=true
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/AlloySmelterRecipes_Core.xml b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/AlloySmelterRecipes_Core.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..909863d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/AlloySmelterRecipes_Core.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/AlloySmelterRecipes_User.xml b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/AlloySmelterRecipes_User.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bc5a68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/AlloySmelterRecipes_User.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/EnchanterRecipes_Core.xml b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/EnchanterRecipes_Core.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e4b52a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/EnchanterRecipes_Core.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/EnchanterRecipes_User.xml b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/EnchanterRecipes_User.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bdc1b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/EnchanterRecipes_User.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/EnderIO.cfg b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/EnderIO.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ca7158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/EnderIO.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,1596 @@
+# Configuration file
+"advanced settings" {
+ # This will flood your logfile with gigabytes of data filling up your harddisk very fast. DO NOT enable unless asked by an Ender IO developer!
+ B:debugTraceCapLimitsExtremelyDetailed=false
+ # This will flood your logfile with gigabytes of data filling up your harddisk very fast. DO NOT enable unless asked by an Ender IO developer!
+ B:debugTraceNBTActivityExtremelyDetailed=false
+ # This will flood your logfile with gigabytes of data filling up your harddisk very fast. DO NOT enable unless asked by an Ender IO developer!
+ B:debugTraceTELivecycleExtremelyDetailed=false
+ # Enable per tick sampling on individual power inputs and outputs. This allows slightly more detailed messages from the RF Reader but has a negative impact on server performance.
+ B:perInterfacePowerTrackingEnabled=false
+ # If true, transparent facades will not block the Beacon's beam. As side effect they will also let through a tiny amount of light.
+ B:transparentFacadesLetThroughBeaconBeam=true
+ # The distance from which XP will be gathered by the XP vacuum.
+ D:xpVacuumRange=10.0
+"aesthetic settings" {
+ # When true the the capacitor bank item wil get a power bar in addition to the gauge on the bank [default: false]
+ B:capacitorBankRenderPowerOverlayOnItem=false
+ # Valid values are between 0-1, smallest conduits at 0, largest at 1.
+ # In SMP, all clients must be using the same value as the server.
+ D:conduitScale=0.6
+"anchor settings" {
+ # Number of ticks cooldown between activations (1 sec = 20 ticks)
+ I:travelAnchorCooldown=0
+ # Maximum number of blocks that can be traveled from one travel anchor to another.
+ I:travelAnchorMaxDistance=96
+ # Travel Anchors send a chat warning when skipping inaccessible anchors
+ B:travelAnchorSkipWarning=true
+ # Add sneak as an option to activate travel anchors
+ B:travelAnchorSneak=true
+"autocrafter settings" {
+ # RF used per autocrafted recipe
+ I:crafterRfPerCraft=2500
+"capacitor values" {
+ # Alloy Smelter: Internal power buffer size (will be scaled by the used upgrade capacitor)
+ I:alloy_smelter_power_buffer=100000
+ S:alloy_smelter_power_buffer.scaler=POWER
+ # Alloy Smelter: Maximum power intake per tick (will be scaled by the used upgrade capacitor)
+ I:alloy_smelter_power_intake=80
+ S:alloy_smelter_power_intake.scaler=POWER
+ # Alloy Smelter: Power use per tick (will be scaled by the used upgrade capacitor)
+ I:alloy_smelter_power_use=20
+ S:alloy_smelter_power_use.scaler=POWER
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.attractor_power_buffer
+ I:attractor_power_buffer=100000
+ S:attractor_power_buffer.scaler=POWER
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.attractor_power_intake
+ I:attractor_power_intake=80
+ S:attractor_power_intake.scaler=QUADRATIC
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.aversion_power_buffer
+ I:aversion_power_buffer=100000
+ S:aversion_power_buffer.scaler=POWER
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.aversion_power_intake
+ I:aversion_power_intake=640
+ S:aversion_power_intake.scaler=CUBIC
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.aversion_range
+ I:aversion_range=16
+ S:aversion_range.scaler=RANGE
+ # Energy/Omni Buffer: Internal power buffer size (will be scaled by the used upgrade capacitor)
+ I:buffer_power_buffer=100000
+ S:buffer_power_buffer.scaler=POWER
+ # Energy/Omni Buffer: Maximum power intake per tick (will be scaled by the used upgrade capacitor)
+ I:buffer_power_intake=80
+ S:buffer_power_intake.scaler=POWER
+ # Crafter: Internal power buffer size (will be scaled by the used upgrade capacitor)
+ I:crafter_power_buffer=100000
+ S:crafter_power_buffer.scaler=POWER
+ # Crafter: Maximum power intake per tick (will be scaled by the used upgrade capacitor)
+ I:crafter_power_intake=500
+ S:crafter_power_intake.scaler=POWER10
+ # Crafter: Ticks per crafting operation (will be scaled by the used upgrade capacitor)
+ I:crafter_ticks=1
+ S:crafter_ticks.scaler=SPEED
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.farm_power_buffer
+ I:farm_power_buffer=250000
+ S:farm_power_buffer.scaler=RANGE
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.farm_power_intake
+ I:farm_power_intake=400
+ S:farm_power_intake.scaler=RANGE
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.farm_power_use
+ I:farm_power_use=10
+ S:farm_power_use.scaler=RANGE
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.farm_stack_limit
+ I:farm_stack_limit=16
+ S:farm_stack_limit.scaler=QUADRATIC
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.inv_panel_sensor_power_buffer
+ I:inv_panel_sensor_power_buffer=10000
+ S:inv_panel_sensor_power_buffer.scaler=POWER
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.inv_panel_sensor_power_intake
+ I:inv_panel_sensor_power_intake=10
+ S:inv_panel_sensor_power_intake.scaler=POWER
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.inv_panel_sensor_power_use
+ I:inv_panel_sensor_power_use=1
+ S:inv_panel_sensor_power_use.scaler=POWER
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.painter_power_buffer
+ I:painter_power_buffer=100000
+ S:painter_power_buffer.scaler=POWER
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.painter_power_intake
+ I:painter_power_intake=80
+ S:painter_power_intake.scaler=POWER
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.painter_power_use
+ I:painter_power_use=20
+ S:painter_power_use.scaler=POWER
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.power_monitor_power_buffer
+ I:power_monitor_power_buffer=10000
+ S:power_monitor_power_buffer.scaler=POWER
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.power_monitor_power_intake
+ I:power_monitor_power_intake=10
+ S:power_monitor_power_intake.scaler=POWER
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.power_monitor_power_use
+ I:power_monitor_power_use=1
+ S:power_monitor_power_use.scaler=POWER
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.sag_mill_power_buffer
+ I:sag_mill_power_buffer=100000
+ S:sag_mill_power_buffer.scaler=POWER
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.sag_mill_power_intake
+ I:sag_mill_power_intake=80
+ S:sag_mill_power_intake.scaler=POWER
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.sag_mill_power_use
+ I:sag_mill_power_use=20
+ S:sag_mill_power_use.scaler=POWER
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.slice_power_buffer
+ I:slice_power_buffer=100000
+ S:slice_power_buffer.scaler=POWER
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.slice_power_intake
+ I:slice_power_intake=160
+ S:slice_power_intake.scaler=QUADRATIC
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.soul_binder_power_buffer
+ I:soul_binder_power_buffer=100000
+ S:soul_binder_power_buffer.scaler=POWER
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.soul_binder_power_intake
+ I:soul_binder_power_intake=1000
+ S:soul_binder_power_intake.scaler=QUADRATIC
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.spawner_power_buffer
+ I:spawner_power_buffer=100000
+ S:spawner_power_buffer.scaler=POWER
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.spawner_power_intake
+ I:spawner_power_intake=200
+ S:spawner_power_intake.scaler=SPAWNER
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.spawner_speedup
+ I:spawner_speedup=1
+ S:spawner_speedup.scaler=QUADRATIC
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.stirling_power_buffer
+ I:stirling_power_buffer=100000
+ S:stirling_power_buffer.scaler=POWER
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.stirling_power_gen
+ I:stirling_power_gen=20
+ S:stirling_power_gen.scaler=QUADRATIC
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.stirling_power_time
+ I:stirling_power_time=1
+ S:stirling_power_time.scaler=BURNTIME
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.transceiver_power_buffer
+ I:transceiver_power_buffer=500000
+ S:transceiver_power_buffer.scaler=FIXED_1
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.weather_power_buffer
+ I:weather_power_buffer=100000
+ S:weather_power_buffer.scaler=POWER
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.weather_power_intake
+ I:weather_power_intake=80
+ S:weather_power_intake.scaler=POWER
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.weather_power_use
+ I:weather_power_use=20
+ S:weather_power_use.scaler=POWER
+"dark steel" {
+ # The type of fluid required to ignite cold fire [default: vapor_of_levity]
+ S:coldFireIgniterFluidType=vapor_of_levity
+ # The amount of fluid in mb used per usage. If set to <= 0 fluid use will be disabled
+ I:coldFireIgniterMbPerUse=10
+ # Chance that the dark steel anvil will take damage after repairing something.
+ D:darkSteelAnvilDamageChance=0.024000000208616257
+ # Max cost operation the anvil can perform. Vanilla limit is 40.
+ I:darkSteelAnvilMaxLevel=80
+ # Number of levels required for the Apiarist Armor upgrade.
+ I:darkSteelApiaristArmorCost=4
+ # The increase in efficiency when powered.
+ D:darkSteelAxeEffeciencyBoostWhenPowered=2.0
+ # Power use (RF) per damage/durability point avoided.
+ I:darkSteelAxePowerUsePerDamagePoint=750
+ # How much slower shift-harvesting logs is.
+ D:darkSteelAxeSpeedPenaltyMultiHarvest=4.0
+ # Jump height modifier applied when jumping with Dark Steel Boots equipped
+ D:darkSteelBootsJumpModifier=1.5
+ # Base amount of power used per jump (RF) dark steel boots. The second jump in a 'double jump' uses 2x this etc
+ I:darkSteelBootsJumpPowerCost=150
+ # The damage bonus applied to arrows fire from the bow.
+ D:darkSteelBowDamageBonus=0.0
+ # A list of the amount of draw speeds at the different upgrade levels. A vanilla bow draw speed is 20
+ I:darkSteelBowDrawSpeeds <
+ 30
+ 20
+ 18
+ 16
+ 14
+ >
+ # Multiplier that effects the speed with which arrows leave the bow.
+ D:darkSteelBowForceMultipliers <
+ 1.100000023841858
+ 1.2000000476837158
+ 1.2999999523162842
+ 1.399999976158142
+ 1.5
+ >
+ # The reduction in FOV when the bow is fullen drawn (the zoom level). A 'vanilla' bow has a value of 0.15
+ D:darkSteelBowFovMultiplier <
+ 0.25
+ 0.3
+ 0.35
+ 0.4
+ 0.45
+ >
+ # The amount of power (RF) used per hit.
+ I:darkSteelBowPowerUsePerDamagePoint=1000
+ # The power used to fully draw the bow
+ I:darkSteelBowPowerUsePerDraw=750
+ # The power used per tick to hold the boy fully drawn
+ I:darkSteelBowPowerUsePerTickDrawn=5
+ # If true, dark steel armor will drain power stored (RF) in power containers in the players inventory.
+ B:darkSteelDrainPowerFromInventory=false
+ # Number of levels required for the 'Elytra' upgrade.
+ I:darkSteelElytraCost=10
+ # Amount of power used (RF) per block height of fall distance damage negated.
+ I:darkSteelFallDistanceCost=75
+ # Number of levels required for the 'Glider' upgrade.
+ I:darkSteelGliderCost=4
+ # Horizontal movement speed modifier when gliding.
+ D:darkSteelGliderHorizontalSpeed=0.03
+ # Rate of altitude loss when gliding.
+ D:darkSteelGliderVerticalSpeed=-0.05
+ # Rate of altitude loss when sprinting and gliding.
+ D:darkSteelGliderVerticalSpeedSprinting=-0.15
+ # Number of levels required for the Goggles of Revealing upgrade.
+ I:darkSteelGogglesOfRevealingCost=4
+ # Number of levels required for the 'Jump 1' upgrade.
+ I:darkSteelJumpOneCost=4
+ # Number of levels required for the 'Jump 3' upgrade.
+ I:darkSteelJumpThreeCost=8
+ # Number of levels required for the 'Jump 2' upgrade.
+ I:darkSteelJumpTwoCost=6
+ # Speed boost, in blocks per tick, that the DS ladder gives over the vanilla ladder.
+ D:darkSteelLadderSpeedBoost=0.05999999865889549
+ # Number of levels required for the 'Night Vision' upgrade.
+ I:darkSteelNightVisionCost=4
+ # If set to a value > 0, the obsidian speed and power use will be used for all blocks with hardness >= to this value.
+ D:darkSteelPickApplyObsidianEffeciencyAtHardess=40.0
+ # Power use (RF) per damage/durability point avoided when shift-harvesting multiple logs
+ I:darkSteelPickAxeUsePerDamagePointMultiHarvest=1500
+ # The increase in efficiency when powered.
+ D:darkSteelPickEffeciencyBoostWhenPowered=2.0
+ # The efficiency when breaking obsidian with a powered Dark Pickaxe.
+ I:darkSteelPickEffeciencyObsidian=50
+ # When true the dark steel pick will be able to mine TiC Ardite and Cobalt [default: true]
+ B:darkSteelPickMinesTiCArdite=true
+ # The amount of power (RF) used to break an obsidian block.
+ I:darkSteelPickPowerUseObsidian=10000
+ # Power use (RF) per damage/durability point avoided.
+ I:darkSteelPickPowerUsePerDamagePoint=750
+ # A list of the amount of durability damage absorbed when items are powered. In order of upgrade level. 1=100% so items take no durability damage when powered.
+ D:darkSteelPowerDamgeAbsorptionRatios <
+ 0.5
+ 0.6
+ 0.7
+ 0.85
+ >
+ # Amount of power stored (RF) per crystal in the armor items recipe.
+ I:darkSteelPowerStorage=100000
+ # Base amount of power stored by dark steel items.
+ I:darkSteelPowerStorageBase=100000
+ # Amount of power stored by dark steel items with a level 1 upgrade.
+ I:darkSteelPowerStorageLevelOne=150000
+ # Amount of power stored by dark steel items with a level 3 upgrade.
+ I:darkSteelPowerStorageLevelThree=1000000
+ # Amount of power stored by dark steel items with a level 2 upgrade.
+ I:darkSteelPowerStorageLevelTwo=250000
+ # Enable / disable right click to place block using dark steel tools.
+ B:darkSteelRightClickPlaceEnabled=true
+ # The increase in effected area (radius) when powered and used on blocks.
+ I:darkSteelShearsBlockAreaBoostWhenPowered=4
+ # How much more durable as vanilla shears they are.
+ I:darkSteelShearsDurabilityFactor=5
+ # The increase in efficiency when powered.
+ D:darkSteelShearsEffeciencyBoostWhenPowered=2.0
+ # The increase in effected area (radius) when powered and used on sheep.
+ D:darkSteelShearsEntityAreaBoostWhenPowered=5.0
+ # Power use (RF) per damage/durability point avoided.
+ I:darkSteelShearsPowerUsePerDamagePoint=250
+ # If enabled allows the solar upgrade to charge non-darksteel armors that the player is wearing.
+ B:darkSteelSolarChargeOthers=true
+ # Cost in XP levels of the Solar I upgrade.
+ I:darkSteelSolarOneCost=4
+ # RF per SECOND generated by the Solar I upgrade. Split between all equipped DS armors.
+ I:darkSteelSolarOneGen=10
+ # Cost in XP levels of the Solar III upgrade.
+ I:darkSteelSolarThreeCost=24
+ # RF per SECOND generated by the Solar III upgrade. Split between all equipped DS armors.
+ I:darkSteelSolarThreeGen=80
+ # Cost in XP levels of the Solar II upgrade.
+ I:darkSteelSolarTwoCost=8
+ # RF per SECOND generated by the Solar II upgrade. Split between all equipped DS armors.
+ I:darkSteelSolarTwoGen=40
+ # Number of levels required for the 'Sound Locator' upgrade.
+ I:darkSteelSoundLocatorCost=4
+ # Number of ticks the 'Sound Locator' icons are displayed for.
+ I:darkSteelSoundLocatorLifespan=40
+ # Range of the 'Sound Locator' upgrade.
+ I:darkSteelSoundLocatorRange=40
+ # Number of levels required for the 'Speed 1' upgrade.
+ I:darkSteelSpeedOneCost=4
+ # Speed modifier applied when walking in the Dark Steel Boots with Speed I.
+ D:darkSteelSpeedOneSprintModifier=0.10000000149011612
+ # Speed modifier applied when walking in the Dark Steel Boots with Speed I.
+ D:darkSteelSpeedOneWalkModifier=0.15000000596046448
+ # Number of levels required for the 'Speed 3' upgrade.
+ I:darkSteelSpeedThreeCost=8
+ # Speed modifier applied when walking in the Dark Steel Boots with Speed I.
+ D:darkSteelSpeedThreeSprintMultiplier=0.5
+ # Speed modifier applied when walking in the Dark Steel Boots with Speed I.
+ D:darkSteelSpeedThreeWalkMultiplier=0.44999998807907104
+ # Number of levels required for the 'Speed 2' upgrade.
+ I:darkSteelSpeedTwoCost=6
+ # Speed modifier applied when walking in the Dark Steel Boots with Speed I.
+ D:darkSteelSpeedTwoSprintMultiplier=0.30000001192092896
+ # Speed modifier applied when walking in the Dark Steel Boots with Speed I.
+ D:darkSteelSpeedTwoWalkMultiplier=0.30000001192092896
+ # Number of levels required for the 'Spoon' upgrade.
+ I:darkSteelSpoonCost=4
+ # Amount of power stored (RF) per block walked when wearing the dark steel boots.
+ I:darkSteelSprintPowerCost=83
+ # Number of levels required for the 'Swim' upgrade.
+ I:darkSteelSwimCost=4
+ # The chance that an ender pearl will be dropped when using a dark steel sword (0 = no chance, 1 = 100% chance)
+ D:darkSteelSwordEnderPearlDropChance=1.05
+ # The chance for each looting level that an additional ender pearl will be dropped when using a dark steel sword (0 = no chance, 1 = 100% chance)
+ D:darkSteelSwordEnderPearlDropChancePerLooting=0.5
+ # The amount of power (RF) used per hit.
+ I:darkSteelSwordPowerUsePerHit=750
+ # The extra damage dealt when the sword is powered
+ D:darkSteelSwordPoweredDamageBonus=1.0
+ # The increase in attack speed when powered
+ D:darkSteelSwordPoweredSpeedBonus=0.4000000059604645
+ # The base chance that a skull will be dropped when using a powered dark steel sword (0 = no chance, 1 = 100% chance)
+ D:darkSteelSwordSkullChance=0.10000000149011612
+ # The chance per looting level that a skull will be dropped when using a powered dark steel sword (0 = no chance, 1 = 100% chance)
+ D:darkSteelSwordSkullLootingModifier=0.07500000298023224
+ # The base chance that a wither skull will be dropped when using a powered dark steel sword (0 = no chance, 1 = 100% chance)
+ D:darkSteelSwordWitherSkullChance=0.05000000074505806
+ # The chance per looting level that a wither skull will be dropped when using a powered dark steel sword (0 = no chance, 1 = 100% chance)
+ D:darkSteelSwordWitherSkullLootingModifie=0.05000000074505806
+ # Number of levels required for the 'The One Probe' upgrade.
+ I:darkSteelTOPCost=4
+ # Number of levels required for the 'Travel' upgrade.
+ I:darkSteelTravelCost=16
+ # Number of levels required for the 'Power 1.
+ I:darkSteelUpgradePowerOneCost=6
+ # Number of levels required for the 'Power 3' upgrade.
+ I:darkSteelUpgradePowerThreeCost=12
+ # Number of levels required for the 'Power 2.
+ I:darkSteelUpgradePowerTwoCost=8
+ # Number of levels required for the 'Empowered.
+ I:darkSteelUpgradeVibrantCost=4
+ # Amount of power stored (RF) per block walked when wearing the dark steel boots.
+ I:darkSteelWalkPowerCost=83
+ # The ratio of skull drops when a mob is killed by a 'FakePlayer', such as Killer Joe. When set to 0 no skulls will drop, at 1 the rate of skull drops is not modified
+ D:fakePlayerSkullChance=0.5
+ # Should the dark steel placement, when in the first (0th) slot, place the item in the last slot. If false, will place what's in the second slot.
+ B:shouldSlotZeroWrap=true
+ # The base chance that an Enderman Skull will be dropped when using TiC Cleaver
+ D:ticCleaverSkullDropChance=0.10000000149011612
+ # The base chance that a skull will be dropped when using a non dark steel sword (0 = no chance, 1 = 100% chance)
+ D:vanillaSwordSkullChance=0.05000000074505806
+"efficiency settings" {
+ # Number of millibuckets per tick extracted by pressurized fluid conduits auto extracting
+ I:advancedFluidConduitExtractRate=100
+ # Number of millibuckets per tick that can pass through a single connection to an pressurized fluid conduit.
+ I:advancedFluidConduitMaxIoRate=400
+ # Number of millibuckets per tick extracted by ender fluid conduits auto extracting
+ I:enderFluidConduitExtractRate=200
+ # Number of millibuckets per tick that can pass through a single connection to an ender fluid conduit.
+ I:enderFluidConduitMaxIoRate=800
+ # If enabled, conduits will change their light levels based on their contents.
+ B:fluidConduitDynamicLighting=true
+ # Number of millibuckets per tick extracted by a fluid conduits auto extracting
+ I:fluidConduitExtractRate=50
+ # Number of millibuckets per tick that can pass through a single connection to a fluid conduit.
+ I:fluidConduitMaxIoRate=200
+ # If true, 'line of sight' distance rather than conduit path distance is used to calculate priorities.
+ B:itemConduitUsePhyscialDistance=false
+ # The cost in RF of transporting a bucket of fluid via a Dimensional Transceiver.
+ I:transceiverBucketTransmissionCostRF=100
+ # When true: correct lighting is recalculated (client side) for conduit bundles when transitioning to from being hidden behind a facade. This produces better quality rendering but can result in frame stutters when switching to/from a wrench.
+ B:updateLightingWhenHidingFacades=false
+ # The range of the vacuum chest
+ I:vacumChestRange=6
+ # Maximum number of items the vacuum chest can effect at a time. (-1 for unlimited)
+ I:vacuumChestMaxItems=40
+ # The range of the wireless charger
+ I:wirelessChargerRange=24
+enchantments {
+ # If false the soul bound enchantment will not be available [default: true]
+ B:enchantmentSoulBoundEnabled=true
+ # The rarity of the enchantment. COMMON, UNCOMMON, RARE, VERY_RARE
+ S:enchantmentSoulBoundWeight=VERY_RARE
+"farm settings" {
+ # Disable the notification text above the farm block.
+ B:disableFarmNotifications=false
+ # The amount of power used by a farm per action (eg plant, till, harvest)
+ I:farmActionEnergyUseRF=500
+ # The amount of power used by a farm per wood block 'chopped'
+ I:farmAxeActionEnergyUseRF=1000
+ # Should axes in a farm take damage when breaking leaves?
+ B:farmAxeDamageOnLeafBreak=false
+ # The amount of power used by a farm per bone meal used
+ I:farmBonemealActionEnergyUseRF=160
+ # The amount of power used by a farm per bone meal try
+ I:farmBonemealTryEnergyUseRF=80
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.farmBonusSize
+ I:farmBonusSize=2
+ S:farmBonusSize.scaler=IDENTITY
+ # This setting controls whether essence berry bushes from TiC can be harvested by the farm.
+ B:farmEssenceBerriesEnabled=true
+ # If this is enabled the farm will move tools that can store RF and are empty to the output slots instead of using them.
+ B:farmEvictEmptyRFTools=true
+ # If this is enabled the farm will harvest jungle wood even if it has cocoa beans in its inventory.
+ B:farmHarvestJungleWhenCocoa=false
+ # Use this to add items that can be hoes in the farming station. They will be moved to the proper config section. Use the registry name (eg. modid:name).
+ S:farmHoes <
+ >
+ # This setting controls whether mana beans from Thaumcraft can be harvested by the farm.
+ B:farmManaBeansEnabled=false
+ # The amount of saplings the farm has to have in reserve to switch to shearing all leaves. If there are less saplings in store, it will only shear part the leaves and break the others for spalings. Set this to 0 to always shear all leaves.
+ I:farmSaplingReserveAmount=8
+ # If this is enabled the farm will stop if there is not at least one empty output slot. Otherwise it will only stop if all output slots are full.
+ B:farmStopOnNoOutputSlots=true
+ # The chance that a tool in the farm will take damage.
+ D:farmToolTakeDamageChance=1.0
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.farm_base_size
+ I:farm_base_size=1
+ S:farm_base_size.scaler=FIXED_1
+ ##########################################################################################################
+ # hoes
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
+ # Each value of this category is an item that could be a hoe. You can add more values.
+ ##########################################################################################################
+ hoes {
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"BiomesOPlenty:hoeAmethyst"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"BiomesOPlenty:hoeMud"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"Eln:Eln.Copper Hoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"IC2:itemToolBronzeHoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"MekanismTools:BronzeHoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"MekanismTools:GlowstoneHoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"MekanismTools:LapisLazuliHoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"MekanismTools:ObsidianHoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"MekanismTools:OsmiumHoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"MekanismTools:SteelHoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"ProjRed|Exploration:projectred.exploration.hoeperidot"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"ProjRed|Exploration:projectred.exploration.hoeruby"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"ProjRed|Exploration:projectred.exploration.hoesapphire"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"Steamcraft:hoeBrass"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"Steamcraft:hoeGildedGold"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"TConstruct:mattock"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"Thaumcraft:ItemHoeElemental"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"Thaumcraft:ItemHoeThaumium"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"Thaumcraft:ItemHoeVoid"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"TwilightForest:item.ironwoodHoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"TwilightForest:item.steeleafHoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"actuallyadditions:itemHoeCrystalBlack"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"actuallyadditions:itemHoeCrystalBlue"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"actuallyadditions:itemHoeCrystalGreen"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"actuallyadditions:itemHoeCrystalLightBlue"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"actuallyadditions:itemHoeCrystalRed"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"actuallyadditions:itemHoeCrystalWhite"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"actuallyadditions:itemHoeEmerald"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"actuallyadditions:itemHoeObsidian"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"actuallyadditions:itemHoeQuartz"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"appliedenergistics2:certus_quartz_hoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"appliedenergistics2:nether_quartz_hoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"basemetals:adamantine_hoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"basemetals:aquarium_hoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"basemetals:brass_hoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"basemetals:bronze_hoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"basemetals:coldiron_hoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"basemetals:copper_hoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"basemetals:cupronickel_hoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"basemetals:electrum_hoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"basemetals:invar_hoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"basemetals:lead_hoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"basemetals:mithril_hoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"basemetals:nickel_hoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"basemetals:platinum_hoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"basemetals:silver_hoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"basemetals:starsteel_hoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"basemetals:steel_hoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"basemetals:tin_hoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"calculator:ElectricHoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"calculator:EnrichedGoldHoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"calculator:FireDiamondHoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"calculator:FlawlessDiamondHoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"calculator:RedstoneHoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"calculator:ReinforcedHoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"calculator:ReinforcedIronHoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"calculator:WeakenedDiamondHoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"embers:hoeCopper"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"embers:hoeDawnstone"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"embers:hoeLead"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"embers:hoeSilver"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"ic2:bronze_hoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"magicalcrops:magicalcrops_AccioHoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"magicalcrops:magicalcrops_CrucioHoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"magicalcrops:magicalcrops_ImperioHoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"magicalcrops:magicalcropsarmor_AccioHoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"magicalcrops:magicalcropsarmor_CrucioHoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"magicalcrops:magicalcropsarmor_ImperioHoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"minecraft:diamond_hoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"minecraft:golden_hoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"minecraft:iron_hoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"minecraft:stone_hoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"minecraft:wooden_hoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"mysticalagriculture:inferium_hoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"mysticalagriculture:intermedium_hoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"mysticalagriculture:prudentium_hoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"mysticalagriculture:superium_hoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"mysticalagriculture:supremium_hoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"railcraft:tool_hoe_steel"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"roots:livingHoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"silentgems:Hoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"techreborn:bronzeHoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"techreborn:peridotHoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"techreborn:rubyHoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"techreborn:sapphireHoe"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"thermalfoundation:tool.hoeBronze"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"thermalfoundation:tool.hoeCopper"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"thermalfoundation:tool.hoeElectrum"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"thermalfoundation:tool.hoeInvar"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"thermalfoundation:tool.hoeLead"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"thermalfoundation:tool.hoeNickel"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"thermalfoundation:tool.hoePlatinum"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"thermalfoundation:tool.hoeSilver"=true
+ # Is this item a hoe that can be used in the farming station?
+ B:"thermalfoundation:tool.hoeTin"=true
+ }
+"fluid settings" {
+ # The delay in ticks between when nutrient distillation boosts your food value.
+ D:nutrientFluidFoodBoostDelay=400.0
+ # If enabled, Rocket Fuel will explode when in contact with fire.
+ B:rocketFuelIsExplosive=true
+inventorypanel {
+ # Internal power used per item extracted (not a stack of items) [range: 0.0 ~ 10.0, default: 10.0]
+ S:extractCostPerItem=12.0
+ # Internal power used per extract operation (independent of stack size) [range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 32.0]
+ S:extractCostPerOperation=32.0
+ # If true, the inv panel will not accept fluids and will be active permanently. [default: false]
+ B:inventoryPanelFree=false
+ # If true stack sizes will be drawn at a smaller size with a little more detail. [default: true]
+ B:inventoryPanelScaleText=true
+ # Internal power generated per mB. The default of 800/mB matches the RF generation of the Zombie generator. A panel tries to refill only once every second - setting this value too low slows down the scanning speed. [range: 1.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 800.0]
+ S:powerPerMB=800.0
+ # The type of fluid reqquired [default: [nutrient_distillation], [ender_distillation], [vapor_of_levity]]
+ S:remoteInventoryFluidTypes <
+ nutrient_distillation
+ ender_distillation
+ vapor_of_levity
+ >
+ # Capacity of the intrenal tank in MB
+ I:remoteInventoryMBCapacity <
+ 2000
+ 1000
+ 1500
+ >
+ # MB required to open the panel
+ I:remoteInventoryMBPerOpen <
+ 100
+ 25
+ 15
+ >
+ # Capacity of the intrenal energy storage in RF
+ I:remoteInventoryRFCapacity <
+ 60000
+ 120000
+ 150000
+ >
+ # RF used per tick when the panel is open
+ I:remoteInventoryRFPerTick <
+ 4
+ 6
+ 8
+ >
+ # Internal power used for scanning a slot [range: 0.0 ~ 10.0, default: 0.1]
+ S:scanCostPerSlot=0.1
+"item enabling" {
+ # Allows ME conduits. Only has an effect with AE2 installed. [default: true]
+ B:enableMEConduits=true
+ # Allows OC conduits. Only has an effect with OpenComputers installed. [default: true]
+ B:enableOCConduits=true
+ # Use the animated texture for OC conduits. [default: true]
+ B:enableOCConduitsAnimatedTexture=true
+ # If travelStaffBlinkThroughSolidBlocksEnabled is set to false and this is true: the travel staff can only be used to blink through transparent or partial blocks (e.g. torches). If both are false: only air blocks may be teleported through.
+ B:travelStaffBlinkThroughClearBlocksEnabled=true
+ # Allows the travel staff to blink through unbreakable blocks such as warded blocks and bedrock.
+ B:travelStaffBlinkThroughUnbreakableBlocksEnabled=false
+"killer joe settings" {
+ # The reach of attacks above and bellow Joe.
+ D:killerJoeAttackHeight=2.0
+ # The reach of attacks in front of Joe.
+ D:killerJoeAttackLength=4.0
+ # The reach of attacks to each side of Joe.
+ D:killerJoeAttackWidth=2.0
+ # The distance from which XP will be gathered to each side of Joe.
+ D:killerJoeHooverXpLength=10.0
+ # The distance from which XP will be gathered in front of Joe.
+ D:killerJoeHooverXpWidth=5.0
+ # Set whether the Killer Joe can attack through blocks.
+ B:killerJoeMustSee=false
+ # The number of millibuckets of nutrient fluid used per attack.
+ I:killerJoeNutrientUsePerAttackMb=5
+ # If enabled, picked up XP will be used for the enchantement 'Mending' on the weapon.
+ B:killerMending=true
+ # If enabled, Creepers will explode for the Killer Joe just like for any player.
+ B:killerProvokesCreeperExpolosions=false
+ # Set whether the Killer Joe swings even if PvP is off (that swing will do nothing unless killerPvPoffIsIgnored is enabled).
+ B:killerPvPoffDisablesSwing=false
+ # Set whether the Killer Joe ignores PvP settings and always hits players (killerPvPoffDisablesSwing must be off for this to work).
+ B:killerPvPoffIsIgnored=false
+"loot config" {
+ # Adds Darksteel Ingots to loot tables [default: true]
+ B:lootDarkSteel=true
+ # Adds Darksteel Boots to loot tables [default: true]
+ B:lootDarkSteelBoots=true
+ # Adds Electric Steel Ingots to loot tables [default: true]
+ B:lootElectricSteel=true
+ # Adds ender pearls to loot tables [default: true]
+ B:lootEnderPearl=true
+ # Adds ItemConduitProbe to loot tables [default: true]
+ B:lootItemConduitProbe=true
+ # Adds nether wart to loot tables [default: true]
+ B:lootNetherWart=true
+ # Adds Phased Gold Ingots to loot tables [default: true]
+ B:lootPhasedGold=true
+ # Adds Phased Iron Ingots to loot tables [default: true]
+ B:lootPhasedIron=true
+ # Adds quartz to loot tables [default: true]
+ B:lootQuartz=true
+ # Adds Redstone Alloy Ingots to loot tables [default: true]
+ B:lootRedstoneAlloy=true
+ # Adds The Ender to loot tables [default: true]
+ B:lootTheEnder=true
+ # Adds Travel Staff to loot tables [default: true]
+ B:lootTravelStaff=true
+"magnet settings" {
+ # If true the magnet can be put into the 'amulet' Baubles slot even if switched off (requires Baubles to be installed and magnetAllowInBaublesSlot to be on)
+ B:magnetAllowDeactivatedInBaublesSlot=false
+ # If true the magnet can be put into the 'amulet' Baubles slot (requires Baubles to be installed)
+ B:magnetAllowInBaublesSlot=true
+ # If true the magnet will also work in the main inventory, not just the hotbar
+ B:magnetAllowInMainInventory=false
+ # The BaublesType the magnet should be, 'AMULET', 'RING' or 'BELT' (requires Baubles to be installed and magnetAllowInBaublesSlot to be on)
+ S:magnetBaublesType=AMULET
+ # These items will not be picked up by the magnet. [default: [appliedenergistics2:item.ItemCrystalSeed], [Botania:livingrock], [Botania:manaTablet]]
+ S:magnetBlacklist <
+ appliedenergistics2:item.ItemCrystalSeed
+ Botania:livingrock
+ Botania:manaTablet
+ >
+ # Maximum number of items the magnet can effect at a time. (-1 for unlimited)
+ I:magnetMaxItems=20
+ # Amount of RF power stored in a fully charged magnet
+ I:magnetPowerCapacityRF=100000
+ # The amount of RF power used per tick when the magnet is active
+ I:magnetPowerUsePerTickRF=1
+ # Range of the magnet in blocks.
+ I:magnetRange=5
+misc {
+ # If true, the FOV keyboard controls can be used in survival and advanture mode. Otherwise they are limited to create and spectator modes. [default: false]
+ B:allowFovControlsInSurvivalMode=false
+ # If true, quite clear glass will connect textures with fused quartz. [default: false]
+ B:clearGlassConnectToFusedQuartz=false
+ # If false baubles intergation will be disabled even if Baubles is installed [default: true]
+ B:enableBaublesIntegration=true
+ # If true, quite clear glass and fused quartz of different colors will connect textures. [default: true]
+ B:glassConnectToTheirColorVariants=true
+ # If true, quite clear glass and fused quartz will connect textures with their respective enlightened and darkened variants. [default: true]
+ B:glassConnectToTheirVariants=true
+ # If true, painted glowstone will drop dust unless broken with silk touch [default: false]
+ B:paintedGlowstoneRequireSilkTouch=false
+ # If set to false redstone conduits will look the same whether they are recieving a signal or not. This can help with performance.
+ B:redstoneConduitsShowState=true
+ # Id of liquid XP fluid (WARNING: only for users who know what they are doing - changing this id can break worlds) - this should match with OpenBlocks when installed [default: xpjuice]
+ S:xpJuiceName=xpjuice
+ # Maximum level of XP the xp obelisk can contain.
+ I:xpObeliskMaxXpLevel=2147483647
+"mob attractor settings" {
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.attractorPowerPerTickLevelOne
+ I:attractorPowerPerTickLevelOne=20
+ S:attractorPowerPerTickLevelOne.scaler=QUADRATIC
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.attractorRangeLevelOne
+ I:attractorRangeLevelOne=16
+ S:attractorRangeLevelOne.scaler=QUADRATIC
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.spawnGuardPowerPerTickLevelOne
+ I:spawnGuardPowerPerTickLevelOne=80
+ S:spawnGuardPowerPerTickLevelOne.scaler=CUBIC
+ # When true slimes wont be allowed to spawn at all. Only added to aid testing in super flat worlds. [default: false]
+ B:spawnGuardStopAllSlimesDebug=false
+ # When true no squid will be spawned. [default: false]
+ B:spawnGuardStopAllSquidSpawning=false
+"mob config" {
+ # When set to true a list of all registered mobs will be dumped to config/enderio/mobTypes.txt The names are in the format required by EIOs mob blacklists. [default: false]
+ B:dumpMobNames=false
+"personal settings" {
+ # If true, adds durability tooltips to tools and armor
+ B:addDurabilityTootip=true
+ # If true, the RF/t and burn time of the fuel will be displayed in all tooltips for fluid containers with fuel.
+ B:addFuelTooltipsToAllFluidContainers=true
+ # If true, adds burn duration tooltips to furnace fuels
+ B:addFurnaceFuelTootip=true
+ # DEBUG: If true, TEs will flash when they recieve an update packet. [default: false]
+ B:debugUpdatePackets=false
+ # If true, only a handful of sample painter recipes will be shown in JEI. Enable this if you have timing problems starting a world or logging into a server.
+ B:jeiUseShortenedPainterRecipes=true
+ # Volume of machine sounds.
+ D:machineSoundVolume=1.0
+ # Can be used to disable the 'shrinking' effect of the telepad in case of conflicts with other mods.
+ B:telepadShrinkEffect=true
+ # The chance per level of Beheading that a skull will be dropped when using a TiC weapon
+ D:ticBeheadingSkullModifier=0.07500000298023224
+ # If true, machines will make sounds.
+ B:useMachineSounds=true
+ # If true, shift-mouse wheel will change the conduit display mode when the YetaWrench is equipped.
+ B:useSneakMouseWheelYetaWrench=true
+ # If true, shift-clicking the YetaWrench on a null or non wrenchable object will change the conduit display mode.
+ B:useSneakRightClickYetaWrench=false
+ # The chance per looting level that a skull will be dropped when using a non-dark steel sword (0 = no chance, 1 = 100% chance)
+ D:vanillaSwordSkullLootingModifier=0.05000000074505806
+ # What kind of overlay to use when holding the yeta wrench
+ #
+ # 0 - Sideways scrolling in ceter of screen
+ # 1 - Vertical icon bar in bottom right
+ # 2 - Old-style group of icons in bottom right [range: 0 ~ 2, default: 0]
+ I:yetaWrenchOverlayMode=0
+"power settings" {
+ # The maximum IO for a single capacitor in RF/t
+ I:capacitorBankMaxIoRF=5000
+ # The maximum storage for a single capacitor in RF
+ I:capacitorBankMaxStorageRF=5000000
+ # The maximum IO for a single tier one capacitor in RF/t
+ I:capacitorBankTierOneMaxIoRF=1000
+ # The maximum storage for a single tier one capacitor in RF
+ I:capacitorBankTierOneMaxStorageRF=1000000
+ # The maximum IO for a single tier three capacitor in RF/t
+ I:capacitorBankTierThreeMaxIoRF=25000
+ # The maximum storage for a single tier three capacitor in RF
+ I:capacitorBankTierThreeMaxStorageRF=25000000
+ # The maximum IO for a single tier two capacitor in RF/t
+ I:capacitorBankTierTwoMaxIoRF=5000
+ # The maximum storage for a single tier two capacitor in RF
+ I:capacitorBankTierTwoMaxStorageRF=5000000
+ # The amount of power generated per BC engine cycle. Examples: BC Oil = 30, BC Fuel = 60
+ I:fireWaterPowerPerCycleRF=80
+ # The total burn time. Examples: BC Oil = 5000, BC Fuel = 25000
+ I:fireWaterPowerTotalBurnTime=15000
+ # The amount of power generated per BC engine cycle. Examples: BC Oil = 30, BC Fuel = 60
+ I:hootchPowerPerCycleRF=60
+ # The total burn time. Examples: BC Oil = 5000, BC Fuel = 25000
+ I:hootchPowerTotalBurnTime=6000
+ # Maximum output in RF/t of the Advanced Photovoltaic Panels.
+ I:maxPhotovoltaicAdvancedOutputRF=40
+ # Maximum output in RF/t of the Photovoltaic Panels.
+ I:maxPhotovoltaicOutputRF=10
+ # Maximum output in RF/t of the Vibrant Photovoltaic Panels.
+ I:maxPhotovoltaicVibrantOutputRF=160
+ # The total amount of RF required to paint one block
+ I:painterEnergyPerTaskRF=2000
+ # When enabled Photovoltaic Panels of different kinds can join together as a multi-block
+ B:photovoltaicCanTypesJoins=true
+ # How often (in ticks) the Photovoltaic Panels should check the sun's angle.
+ I:photovoltaicRecalcSunTick=100
+ # If set to false power conduits of different tiers cannot be connected. in this case a block such as a cap. bank is needed to bridge different tiered networks [default: false]
+ B:powerConduitCanDifferentTiersConnect=false
+ # The maximum IO for the tier 1 power conduit
+ I:powerConduitTierOneRF=640
+ # The maximum IO for the tier 3 power conduit
+ I:powerConduitTierThreeRF=20480
+ # The maximum IO for the tier 2 power conduit
+ I:powerConduitTierTwoRF=5120
+ # The amount of power generated per BC engine cycle. Examples: BC Oil = 3, BC Fuel = 6
+ I:rocketFuelPowerPerCycleRF=160
+ # The total burn time. Examples: BC Oil = 5000, BC Fuel = 25000
+ I:rocketFuelPowerTotalBurnTime=7000
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.sliceAndSpliceLevelOnePowerPerTickRF
+ I:sliceAndSpliceLevelOnePowerPerTickRF=80
+ S:sliceAndSpliceLevelOnePowerPerTickRF.scaler=QUADRATIC
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.soulBinderLevelOnePowerPerTickRF
+ I:soulBinderLevelOnePowerPerTickRF=500
+ S:soulBinderLevelOnePowerPerTickRF.scaler=QUADRATIC
+ # Amount of energy lost when transfered by Dimensional Transceiver; 0 is no loss, 1 is 100% loss
+ D:transceiverEnergyLoss=0.1
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.transceiverMaxIoRF
+ I:transceiverMaxIoRF=40960
+ S:transceiverMaxIoRF.scaler=FIXED_1
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.transceiverUpkeepCostRF
+ I:transceiverUpkeepCostRF=10
+ S:transceiverUpkeepCostRF.scaler=FIXED_1
+ # Power use (RF/t) used by the vat.
+ I:vatPowerUserPerTickRF=20
+ # The amount of power generated per tick.
+ I:zombieGeneratorRfPerTick=80
+ # The number of ticks one bucket of fuel lasts.
+ I:zombieGeneratorTicksPerMbFuel=10000
+"poweredspawner settings" {
+ # The chance a broken spawner will be dropped when a spawner is broken. 1 = 100% chance, 0 = 0% chance
+ D:brokenSpawnerDropChance=1.0
+ # When a spawner is broken with these tools they will not drop a broken spawner [default: [RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_bedpick]]
+ S:brokenSpawnerToolBlacklist <
+ RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_bedpick
+ >
+ # The number of levels it costs to add a broken spawner
+ I:powerSpawnerAddSpawnerCost=16
+ # Number of seconds in which spawned entities are protected from despawning
+ I:poweredSpawnerDespawnTimeSeconds=120
+ # enderio.config.capacitor.poweredSpawnerLevelOnePowerPerTickRF
+ I:poweredSpawnerLevelOnePowerPerTickRF=160
+ S:poweredSpawnerLevelOnePowerPerTickRF.scaler=SPAWNER
+ # Min tick delay between spawns for a non-upgraded spawner
+ I:poweredSpawnerMaxDelayTicks=800
+ # Max number of entities in the nearby area until no more are spawned. A zero value will remove this check
+ I:poweredSpawnerMaxNearbyEntities=6
+ # Max distance of the closest player for the spawner to be active. A zero value will remove the player check
+ I:poweredSpawnerMaxPlayerDistance=0
+ # Number of tries to find a suitable spawning location
+ I:poweredSpawnerMaxSpawnTries=3
+ # Min tick delay between spawns for a non-upgraded spawner
+ I:poweredSpawnerMinDelayTicks=200
+ # Number of entities to spawn each time
+ I:poweredSpawnerSpawnCount=4
+ # Spawning range in X/Z
+ I:poweredSpawnerSpawnRange=4
+ # If true, regular spawn checks such as lighting level and dimension will be made before spawning mobs
+ B:poweredSpawnerUseVanillaSpawChecks=false
+ # Entities listed here cannot be spawned and must be cloned from a captured entity instead (Attention: Possibility of item duping!) [default: [chickens.ChickensChicken]]
+ S:soulVesselUnspawnableList <
+ chickens.ChickensChicken
+ >
+"recipe settings" {
+ # When enabled peaceful recipes are added for soulbinder based crafting components.
+ B:addPeacefulRecipes=false
+ # When enabled blocks with tile entities (e.g. machines) can be used as paint targets.
+ B:allowTileEntitiesAsPaintSource=true
+ # Automatically create alloy smelter recipes with double and triple inputs and different slot allocations (1+1+1, 2+1, 1+2, 3 and 2) for single-input recipes.
+ B:createSyntheticRecipes=true
+ # Base level cost added to all recipes in the enchanter.
+ I:enchanterBaseLevelCost=2
+ # The lapis cost is enchant level multiplied by this value
+ D:enchanterLapisCostFactor=3.0
+ # The final XP cost for an enchantment is multiplied by this value. To halve costs set to 0.5, to double them set it to 2
+ D:enchanterLevelCostFactor=0.75
+ # A comma-seperated list of durations in seconds. For these, self-reseting levers will be created. Set to 0 to disable the lever. Please note that you also need to supply a resource pack with matching blockstates and a language file for this to work. [default: 10,30,60,300]
+ S:leversEnabled=10,30,60,300
+ # How expensive should the crafting recipes be? 0=cheapest, 1=cheaper, 2=normal, 3=expensive
+ I:recipeLevel=2
+ # If set to false: No crafting recipes (crafting table and furnace) will be registered. You need to use Creative mode or something like minetweaker to add them yourself.
+ B:registerRecipes=true
+"rod of return settings" {
+ # If set to false the rod of return can only target a telepad.
+ B:rodOfReturnCanTargetAnywhere=false
+ # How much fluid the rod can store
+ I:rodOfReturnFluidStorage=200
+ # The type of fluid used by the rod. [default: ender_distillation]
+ S:rodOfReturnFluidType=ender_distillation
+ # How much fluid is used per teleport
+ I:rodOfReturnFluidUsePerTeleport=200
+ # Min number of ticks required to recharge the internal RF buffer
+ I:rodOfReturnMinTicksToRecharge=100
+ # Internal RF buffer for rod
+ I:rodOfReturnPowerStorage=2000000
+ # RF used per tick
+ I:rodOfReturnRfPerTick=35000
+ # Number of ticks the rod must be used before teleporting
+ I:rodOfReturnTicksToActivate=50
+"soul binder settings" {
+ # The number of levels required to create an attractor crystal.
+ I:soulBinderAttractorCystalLevels=4
+ # The number of RF required to create an attractor crystal.
+ I:soulBinderAttractorCystalRF=100000
+ # The number of levels required to change the type of a broken spawner.
+ I:soulBinderBrokenSpawnerLevels=8
+ # The number of RF required to change the type of a broken spawner.
+ I:soulBinderBrokenSpawnerRF=2500000
+ # The number of levels required to create an ender crystal.
+ I:soulBinderEnderCystalLevels=6
+ # The number of RF required to create an ender crystal.
+ I:soulBinderEnderCystalRF=150000
+ # Maximum level of XP the soul binder can contain.
+ I:soulBinderMaxXPLevel=40
+ # The number of levels required to create a precient crystal.
+ I:soulBinderPrecientCystalLevels=8
+ # The number of RF required to create a precient crystal.
+ I:soulBinderPrecientCystalRF=200000
+ # The number of levels required to re-animate a mob head.
+ I:soulBinderReanimationLevels=4
+ # The number of RF required to to re-animated a mob head.
+ I:soulBinderReanimationRF=100000
+ # The number of levels required to tune a pressure plate.
+ I:soulBinderTunedPressurePlateLevels=2
+ # The number of RF required to tune a pressure plate.
+ I:soulBinderTunedPressurePlateRF=250000
+ # Entities listed here will can not be captured in a Soul Vial [default: ]
+ S:soulVesselBlackList <
+ >
+ # When set to false, any mob with a 'boss bar' won't be able to be captured in the Soul Vial. Note: The Ender Dragon can not be captured, even with this enabled. This is a limitation of the dragon, not the Soul Vial. [default: false]
+ B:soulVesselCapturesBosses=false
+"staff settings" {
+ # Set the max zoomed size of a travel anchor as an aprox. percentage of screen height [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.2]
+ S:travelAnchorZoomScale=0.2
+ # Lists the blocks that cannot be teleported through in the form 'modID:blockName' [default: [minecraft:bedrock], [Thaumcraft:blockWarded]]
+ S:travelStaffBlinkBlackList <
+ minecraft:bedrock
+ Thaumcraft:blockWarded
+ >
+ # If set to false: the travel staff can not be used to shift-right click teleport, or blink.
+ B:travelStaffBlinkEnabled=true
+ # Minimum number of ticks between 'blinks'. Values of 10 or less allow a limited sort of flight.
+ I:travelStaffBlinkPauseTicks=10
+ # If set to false: the travel staff can be used to blink through any block.
+ B:travelStaffBlinkThroughSolidBlocksEnabled=true
+ # Max number of blocks teleported when shift clicking the staff.
+ I:travelStaffMaxBlinkDistance=16
+ # Maximum number of blocks that can be traveled using the Staff of Traveling.
+ I:travelStaffMaxDistance=256
+ # If set to false: the travel staff can not be used to shift-right click teleport, or blink, when held in the off-hand.
+ B:travelStaffOffhandBlinkEnabled=true
+ # If set to false: the travel staff can not be used to activate the Ender IO, when held in the off-hand.
+ B:travelStaffOffhandEnderIOEnabled=true
+ # If set to false: Teleportation targets will not be highlighted for travel items held in the off-hand.
+ B:travelStaffOffhandShowsTravelTargets=true
+ # If set to false: the travel staff can not be used to click teleport to Travel Anchors, when held in the off-hand.
+ B:travelStaffOffhandTravelEnabled=true
+ # Number of RF required per block traveled using the Staff of Traveling.
+ D:travelStaffPowerPerBlockRF=250.0
+telepad {
+ # If true, the coordinates cannot be set via the GUI, the coord selector must be used.
+ B:lockCoords=true
+ # If true, the dimension cannot be set via the GUI, the coord selector must be used.
+ B:lockDimension=true
+ # Power for a teleport is calculated by the formula:
+ # power = [this value] * ln(0.005*distance + 1)
+ I:powerCoefficient=100000
+ # The amount of RF required for an interdimensional teleport.
+ I:powerInterdimensional=100000
+ # The amount of RF in the internal buffer.
+ I:telepadEnergyBufferRF=100000
+ # The max amount of RF that can be used per tick. Higher values allow faster teleporting.
+ I:telepadEnergyUsePerTickRF=4000
+ # The type of fluid required to teleport entities [default: ender_distillation]
+ S:telepadFluidType=ender_distillation
+ # The max amount of fluid in mb used per teleport. If set to <= 0 fluid use will be disabled
+ I:telepadFluidUse=50
+ # If true, TelePads will also act as normal Travel Anchors.
+ B:telepadIsTravelAnchor=true
+"the one probe integration" {
+ # If true, 'The One Probe' by McJty will be supported [default: true]
+ B:topEnabled=true
+ # If true, the item count will be shown always, otherwise only it will only be shown on 'extended' mode (e.g. with shift pressed) [default: true]
+ B:topShowItemCountDefault=true
+ # If true, the mob list will be shown always, otherwise only it will only be shown on 'extended' mode (e.g. with shift pressed) [default: true]
+ B:topShowMobsByDefault=true
+ # If true, the power level will be shown always, otherwise only it will only be shown on 'extended' mode (e.g. with shift pressed) [default: true]
+ B:topShowPowerByDefault=true
+ # If true, the progress will be shown always, otherwise only it will only be shown on 'extended' mode (e.g. with shift pressed) [default: true]
+ B:topShowProgressByDefault=true
+ # If true, the range will be shown always, otherwise only it will only be shown on 'extended' mode (e.g. with shift pressed) [default: false]
+ B:topShowRangeByDefault=false
+ # If true, the resdstone status will be shown always, otherwise only it will only be shown on 'extended' mode (e.g. with shift pressed) [default: false]
+ B:topShowRedstoneByDefault=false
+ # If true, the side config will be shown always, otherwise only it will only be shown on 'extended' mode (e.g. with shift pressed) [default: false]
+ B:topShowSideConfigByDefault=false
+ # If true, the tank content will be shown always, otherwise only it will only be shown on 'extended' mode (e.g. with shift pressed) [default: true]
+ B:topShowTanksByDefault=true
+ # If true, the XP level will be shown always, otherwise only it will only be shown on 'extended' mode (e.g. with shift pressed) [default: true]
+ B:topShowXPByDefault=true
+weather {
+ # The fluid required (in mB) to set the world to clear weather
+ I:weatherObeliskClearFluid=2000
+ # The fluid required (in mB) to set the world to rainy weather
+ I:weatherObeliskRainFluid=500
+ # The fluid required (in mB) to set the world to thundering weather
+ I:weatherObeliskThunderFluid=1000
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/OreDictionaryPreferences_Core.xml b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/OreDictionaryPreferences_Core.xml
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+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/OreDictionaryPreferences_User.xml
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diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/PainterPaintSources_Core.xml b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/PainterPaintSources_Core.xml
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diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/PoweredSpawnerConfig_Core.json b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/PoweredSpawnerConfig_Core.json
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/PoweredSpawnerConfig_Core.json
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ // This is the CORE FILE. Do not edit. The RF cost per tick for spawners of each entity type is multiplied by these values
+ "costMultiplier": {
+ "Zombie" : "1",
+ "Creeper" : "1.5",
+ "Skeleton" : "2",
+ "Spider" : "1",
+ "CaveSpider" : "1",
+ "Silverfish" : "1",
+ "Witch" : "5",
+ "Slime" : "5",
+ "Enderman" : "10",
+ "SpecialMobs.SpecialEnderman" : "10",
+ "LavaSlime" : "2",
+ "PigZombie" : "5",
+ "Ghast" : "10",
+ "Blaze" : "5",
+ "SnowMan" : "1",
+ "VillagerGolem" : "10",
+ "Villager" : "1",
+ "Wolf" : "1",
+ "Ozelot" : "1",
+ "EntityHorse" : "1",
+ "Bat" : "0.5",
+ "Squid" : "0.5",
+ "Chicken" : "0.5",
+ "Sheep" : "0.5",
+ "Cow" : "0.5",
+ "Pig" : "0.5",
+ "MushroomCow" : "1",
+ "enderzoo.Enderminy" : "10",
+ "enderzoo.ConcussionCreeper" : "1.5",
+ "enderzoo.enderzoo.FallenKnight" : "1",
+ "enderzoo.WitherWitch" : "3",
+ "enderio.witherSkeleton" : "20"
+ },
+ "blackList": [
+ "VillagerGolem",
+ "Villager"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/PoweredSpawnerConfig_User.json b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/PoweredSpawnerConfig_User.json
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index 0000000..f8f2e22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/PoweredSpawnerConfig_User.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ // New entities are added, one already in _Core will have their values replaced with those in this file
+ "costMultiplier": {
+ }
+ // Adding a blackList section will completely replace the one in the core file.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/SAGMillRecipes_Core.xml b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/SAGMillRecipes_Core.xml
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+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/SAGMillRecipes_Core.xml
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diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/SAGMillRecipes_User.xml b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/SAGMillRecipes_User.xml
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/SAGMillRecipes_User.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/SliceAndSpliceRecipes_Core.xml b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/SliceAndSpliceRecipes_Core.xml
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/SliceAndSpliceRecipes_Core.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/SliceAndSpliceRecipes_User.xml b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/SliceAndSpliceRecipes_User.xml
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index 0000000..baed111
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/SliceAndSpliceRecipes_User.xml
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diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/VatRecipes_Core.xml b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/VatRecipes_Core.xml
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/VatRecipes_Core.xml
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diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/VatRecipes_User.xml b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/VatRecipes_User.xml
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index 0000000..b3f3bc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/VatRecipes_User.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/recipe_aliases_core.xml b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/recipe_aliases_core.xml
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+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/recipe_aliases_core.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
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diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/recipe_aliases_user.xml b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/recipe_aliases_user.xml
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+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/recipe_aliases_user.xml
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diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/recipe_items_core.xml b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/recipe_items_core.xml
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+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/recipe_items_core.xml
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+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/recipe_items_user.xml
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diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/recipe_machines_core.xml b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/recipe_machines_core.xml
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/recipe_machines_user.xml
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diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/recipe_materials_core.xml b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/recipe_materials_core.xml
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/recipe_materials_user.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/recipes.xsd b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/recipes.xsd
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/enderio/recipes.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+ Adds an alias into the system. The alias can be used in following elements just like the value itself. Aliases can be replaced.
+ Restricts this alias to only be used if thegiven config value has the given value.
+ Restricts this alias to only be used if the given elements descriptor can (not) be found in the game. Use this to prevent replacing good aliases with bad ones.
+ Restricts this alias to only be used if the recipe level is in the given range.
+ The name of the alias. You can use anything here, but be aware that you share the namespace with all other game elements.
+ A descriptor naming an item, block, ordict or another alias.
+ A single recipe. It can have any number of crafting or any number of smelting variants (no mixing), but at any time only one of them may be active.
+ Restricts this recipe to only be used if the given config value has the given value.
+ Restricts this recipe to only be used if the given game element can (not) be found in the game.
+ Restricts this recipe to only be used if the recipe level is within the given bounds.
+ Crafting variants are crafted in a crafting table.
+ Restricts this variant to only be used if the given config value has the given value.
+ Restricts this variant to only be used if the given game element can (not) be found in the game.
+ Restricts this variant to only be used if the recipe level is within the given bounds.
+ A grid represents a shaped recipe. All items must be in the exact position they are given here. If
+ the recipe is smaller than 3x3, it may be moved in the grid.
+ An item to be used for crafting.
+ The size of the grid in the form "width 'x' height". Default is "3x3".
+ A shapeless recipe only required the given items to be in the grid, regardless of their position.
+ An item to be used for crafting.
+ The result of the crafting.
+ Restricts this output to only be used if the given config value has the given value.
+ Restricts this output to only be used if the given game element can (not) be found in the game.
+ Restricts this output to only be used if the recipe level is within the given bounds.
+ If true, a special recipe class will be used that will copy over all nbt from the first input item of
+ the same type.
+ Smelting variants are crafted in a furnace (or alloy smelter in furnace mode).
+ Restricts this variant to only be used if the given config value has the given value.
+ Restricts this variant to only be used if the given game element can (not) be found in the game.
+ Restricts this variant to only be used if the recipe level is within the given bounds.
+ The result of the smelting.
+ Restricts this output to only be used if the given config value has the given value.
+ Restricts this output to only be used if the given game element can (not) be found in the game.
+ Restricts this output to only be used if the recipe level is within the given bounds.
+ The number of items to smelt into.
+ The chance to get 1 EXP from the smelting one output item. Note that this is always for one item,
+ regardless of the recipe size. The number must be between 0.0 (for no EXP) and 1.0 for a 100% chance.
+ If this attribute is missing it's value will be taken from already existing smelting recipes that
+ produce this item (really recommended for stuff that already has vanilla smelting recipes). If there's
+ no existing smelting, it will be 0.
+ Please note that items have the possibility to override this value.
+ If set to true, the recipe will be registered for the Tinkers' Smeltery. For this to work, the output item must already be registered with Tinkers to smelt into a fluid.
+ If set to true, the recipe will be registered for the Vanilla Furnace.
+ Smelting variants are crafted in Tinkers' casting table.
+ Restricts this variant to only be used if the given config value has the given value.
+ Restricts this variant to only be used if the given game element can (not) be found in the game.
+ Restricts this variant to only be used if the recipe level is within the given bounds.
+ Items that represent the fluid (type and amount) that needs to be put into the cast.
+ Only valid for Tinkers recipe.
+Number of input items needed for the output. Note that this is applied to the amount of fluid, not the number of items to smelt.
+ The Tinkers cast to use.
+ The result of the casting process.
+ If a recipe is required, it is an error if none of its variants is valid.
+ A display name. Used for error messages only.
+ If a recipe is disabled it will not be registered and it will not check the validity of its content. Use this in the user file to disable core recipes.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/endertanks.cfg b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/endertanks.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a329f54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/endertanks.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# Configuration file
+# color-values
+# Color Values for Bands,
+# Format: Decimal Values (0 to 16,777,215)
+# You can use this website to get the decimal value of any color:
+# http://www.colorhexa.com
+# Or by using the Color Mixer from this website:
+# http://www.mathsisfun.com/hexadecimal-decimal-colors.html
+color-values {
+ # [range: 0 ~ 16777215, default: 2500134]
+ I:Black=2500134
+ # [range: 0 ~ 16777215, default: 3292826]
+ I:Blue=3292826
+ # [range: 0 ~ 16777215, default: 5650466]
+ I:Brown=5650466
+ # [range: 0 ~ 16777215, default: 3373205]
+ I:Cyan=3373205
+ # [range: 0 ~ 16777215, default: 4605510]
+ I:Gray=4605510
+ # [range: 0 ~ 16777215, default: 3821086]
+ I:Green=3821086
+ # [range: 0 ~ 16777215, default: 8296912]
+ I:LightBlue=8296912
+ # [range: 0 ~ 16777215, default: 11120559]
+ I:LightGray=11120559
+ # [range: 0 ~ 16777215, default: 4832573]
+ I:Lime=4832573
+ # [range: 0 ~ 16777215, default: 12411333]
+ I:Magenta=12411333
+ # [range: 0 ~ 16777215, default: 14517579]
+ I:Orange=14517579
+ # [range: 0 ~ 16777215, default: 14195370]
+ I:Pink=14195370
+ # [range: 0 ~ 16777215, default: 8996546]
+ I:Purple=8996546
+ # [range: 0 ~ 16777215, default: 10828341]
+ I:Red=10828341
+ # [range: 0 ~ 16777215, default: 16777215]
+ I:White=16777215
+ # [range: 0 ~ 16777215, default: 12892206]
+ I:Yellow=12892206
+# upgrade-items
+# Items used to upgrade the EnderTanks
+upgrade-items {
+ # Items Listed upgrade storage capacity by 'LargeCapacityUpgrade'
+ # [default: [minecraft:ender_eye]]
+ S:LargeCapacity <
+ minecraft:ender_eye
+ >
+ # Items Listed are used to make the tanks personal
+ # [default: [ore:gemDiamond]]
+ S:Personal <
+ ore:gemDiamond
+ >
+ # Items Listed are used to increase the tanks internal pump
+ # [default: [minecraft:piston]]
+ S:Pump <
+ minecraft:piston
+ >
+ # Items Listed upgrade storage capacity by 'SmallCapacityUpgrade'
+ # [default: [ore:enderpearl]]
+ S:SmallCapacity <
+ ore:enderpearl
+ >
+# upgrade-settings
+# NOTE: Capacity numbers are in buckets
+upgrade-settings {
+ # Maximum capacity an EnderTank holds.
+ # [range: 16 ~ 512, default: 256]
+ I:CapacityMax=256
+ # Minimum capacity an EnderTank holds.
+ # [range: 4 ~ 64, default: 32]
+ I:CapacityMin=32
+ # Capacity increased by 'LargeCapacity' Items.
+ # [range: 4 ~ 32, default: 16]
+ I:LargeCapacityUpgrade=16
+ # How many internal pump upgrades can a tank have?
+ # default internal pump is only 1/4 bucket, upgrades make it a bucket per upgrade.
+ # [range: 0 ~ 8, default: 4]
+ I:PumpUpgrades=4
+ # Capacity increased by 'SmallCapacity' Items.
+ # [range: 2 ~ 16, default: 8]
+ I:SmallCapacityUpgrade=8
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/extrautils2.cfg b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/extrautils2.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13d6990
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/extrautils2.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# Configuration file
+"dimension ids" {
+ I:"Deep Dark"=-11325
+ I:ExtraUtils2_Quarry_Dim=-9999
+enabled {
+ B:AnalogCrafter=true
+ B:AngelBlock=true
+ B:AngelRing=true
+ B:BagOfHolding=true
+ B:BiomeMarker=true
+ B:Book=true
+ B:Boomerang=true
+ B:ChunkLoader=true
+ B:CompressedCobblestone=true
+ B:CompressedDirt=true
+ B:CompressedGravel=true
+ B:CompressedNetherrack=true
+ B:CompressedSand=true
+ B:Contract=true
+ B:Crafter=true
+ B:CreativeChest=true
+ B:CreativeEnergy=true
+ B:CreativeHarvest=true
+ B:CursedEarth=true
+ B:DecorativeBedrock=true
+ B:DecorativeGlass=true
+ B:DecorativeSolid=true
+ B:DecorativeSolidWood=true
+ B:"Deep Dark"=true
+ B:Drum=true
+ B:EnderLilly=true
+ B:EnderShard=true
+ B:ExtraUtils2_Quarry_Dim=true
+ B:FakeCopy=true
+ B:Filter=true
+ B:FilterFluids=true
+ B:FlatTransferNode=true
+ B:GlassCutter=true
+ B:GoldenLasso=true
+ B:Indexer=true
+ B:IndexerRemote=true
+ B:IneffableGlass=true
+ B:Ingredients=true
+ B:ItemBuildersWand=true
+ B:ItemCreativeBuildersWand=true
+ B:ItemCreativeDestructionWand=true
+ B:ItemDestructionWand=true
+ B:Klein=true
+ B:LawSword=true
+ B:Machine=true
+ B:MagicApple=true
+ B:Miner=true
+ B:MiniChest=true
+ B:MoonStone=true
+ B:Opinium=true
+ B:PassiveGenerator=true
+ B:PlayerChest=true
+ B:PowerBattery=true
+ B:PowerManager=true
+ B:PowerOverload=true
+ B:PowerTransmitter=true
+ B:Quarry=true
+ B:QuarryProxy=true
+ B:RainbowGenerator=true
+ B:RedOrchid=true
+ B:RedstoneClock=true
+ B:RedstoneLantern=true
+ B:Resonator=true
+ B:Scanner=true
+ B:Screen=true
+ B:SimpleDecorative=true
+ B:SoundMuffler=true
+ B:Spotlight=true
+ B:SunCrystal=true
+ B:SuperMobSpawner=true
+ B:Synergy=false
+ B:Teleporter=true
+ B:Terraformer=true
+ B:TrashCan=true
+ B:TrashCanEnergy=true
+ B:TrashCanFluid=true
+ B:TrashChest=true
+ B:Trowel=true
+ B:User=true
+ B:WateringCan=true
+ B:WoodenStickPoke=true
+ B:Wrench=true
+ B:additionalVanillaRecipes=true
+ B:pipe=true
+ B:potion_fizzy_lifting=true
+ B:potion_gravity=true
+ B:potion_greek_fire=true
+ B:potion_love=true
+ B:potion_relapse=true
+ B:potion_second_chance=true
+ B:sickle_diamond=true
+ B:sickle_gold=true
+ B:sickle_iron=true
+ B:sickle_stone=true
+ B:sickle_wood=true
+ B:spike_creative=true
+ B:spike_diamond=true
+ B:spike_gold=true
+ B:spike_iron=true
+ B:spike_stone=true
+ B:spike_wood=true
+ B:squidSpawnRestrictions=true
+ B:throwEnderPearlsInCreative=true
+ B:villager_alchemist=true
+ B:villager_red_mechanic=true
+ B:villager_shady_merchant=true
+ B:wall_world_type=true
+energy {
+ I:"Quantum Quarry: Energy Per Operation"=2000
+settings {
+ B:WallWorld_GiveSpawnItems=true
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/fastleafdecay.cfg b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/fastleafdecay.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbf71ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/fastleafdecay.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Configuration file
+# main
+# There are 20 ticks in a second. Default settings are 4 minimum and 11 maximum decay time.
+main {
+ # Maximum time in ticks for leaf decay. Must be higher than MinimumDecayTime!
+ I:MaximumDecayTime=11
+ # Minimum time in ticks for leaf decay. Must be lower than MaximumDecayTime!
+ I:MinimumDecayTime=4
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/forge.cfg b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/forge.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca5b6a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/forge.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# Configuration file
+client {
+ # Replace the vanilla bucket models with Forges own dynamic bucket model. Unifies bucket visuals if a mod uses the Forge bucket model.
+ B:replaceVanillaBucketModel=false
+ # The timestamp of the last reminder to update to Java 8 in number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT. Nag will show only once every 24 hours. To disable it set this to some really high number.
+ D:java8Reminder=0.0
+ # Disable culling of hidden faces next to stairs and slabs. Causes extra rendering, but may fix some resource packs that exploit this vanilla mechanic.
+ B:disableStairSlabCulling=false
+ # Enable forge to queue all chunk updates to the Chunk Update thread. May increase FPS significantly, but may also cause weird rendering lag. Not recommended for computers without a significant number of cores available.
+ B:alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread=false
+general {
+ # Set to true to disable Forge's version check mechanics. Forge queries a small json file on our server for version information. For more details see the ForgeVersion class in our github.
+ B:disableVersionCheck=false
+ # Controls the number threshold at which Packet51 is preferred over Packet52, default and minimum 64, maximum 1024
+ I:clumpingThreshold=64
+ # Set to true to enable the post initialization sorting of crafting recipes using Forge's sorter. May cause desyncing on conflicting recipes. MUST RESTART MINECRAFT IF CHANGED FROM THE CONFIG GUI.
+ B:sortRecipies=true
+ # Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.
+ B:removeErroringEntities=false
+ # Set this to true to remove any TileEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.
+ B:removeErroringTileEntities=false
+ # Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behavior. Default: false
+ B:fullBoundingBoxLadders=false
+ # Control the range of sky blending for colored skies in biomes.
+ I:biomeSkyBlendRange <
+ 2
+ 4
+ 6
+ 8
+ 10
+ 12
+ 14
+ 16
+ 18
+ 20
+ 22
+ 24
+ 26
+ 28
+ 30
+ 32
+ 34
+ >
+ # Base zombie summoning spawn chance. Allows changing the bonus zombie summoning mechanic.
+ D:zombieBaseSummonChance=0.1
+ # Chance that a zombie (or subclass) is a baby. Allows changing the zombie spawning mechanic.
+ D:zombieBabyChance=0.05
+ # Enable the forge block rendering pipeline - fixes the lighting of custom models.
+ B:forgeLightPipelineEnabled=true
+ B:enableGlobalConfig=false
+version_checking {
+ # Enable the entire mod update check system. This only applies to mods using the Forge system.
+ B:Global=true
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/forgeChunkLoading.cfg b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/forgeChunkLoading.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3051bdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/forgeChunkLoading.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# Configuration file
+# Forge
+# Sample mod specific control section.
+# Copy this section and rename the with the modid for the mod you wish to override.
+# A value of zero in either entry effectively disables any chunkloading capabilities
+# for that mod
+Forge {
+ # Maximum chunks per ticket for the mod.
+ I:maximumChunksPerTicket=25
+ # Maximum ticket count for the mod. Zero disables chunkloading capabilities.
+ I:maximumTicketCount=200
+# defaults
+# Default configuration for forge chunk loading control
+defaults {
+ # Are mod overrides enabled?
+ B:enabled=true
+ # The default maximum number of chunks a mod can force, per ticket,
+ # for a mod without an override. This is the maximum number of chunks a single ticket can force.
+ I:maximumChunksPerTicket=25
+ # The default maximum ticket count for a mod which does not have an override
+ # in this file. This is the number of chunk loading requests a mod is allowed to make.
+ I:maximumTicketCount=200
+ # The number of tickets a player can be assigned instead of a mod. This is shared across all mods and it is up to the mods to use it.
+ I:playerTicketCount=500
+ # Unloaded chunks can first be kept in a dormant cache for quicker
+ # loading times. Specify the size (in chunks) of that cache here
+ I:dormantChunkCacheSize=0
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/harvestcraft.cfg b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/harvestcraft.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d208fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/harvestcraft.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+# Configuration file
+beehiverarity {
+ # The higher the value, the more beehives are generated. [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 10]
+ I:beekeeping=10
+crops {
+ I:cropfoodRestore=1
+ D:cropsaturationRestore=0.6000000238418579
+ B:cropsdropSeeds=false
+ B:enablecropspecialplanting=true
+ D:mealsaturation=1.2000000476837158
+ D:meatymealsaturation=1.600000023841858
+ D:snacksaturation=0.6000000238418579
+drops {
+ # [default: [harvestcraft:cactusfruitItem]]
+ S:aridGarden <
+ harvestcraft:cactusfruitItem
+ >
+ # [default: [harvestcraft:raspberryItem], [harvestcraft:oatsItem], [harvestcraft:ryeItem], [harvestcraft:celeryItem], [harvestcraft:peasItem], [harvestcraft:beetItem], [harvestcraft:rutabagaItem], [harvestcraft:broccoliItem], [harvestcraft:cauliflowerItem], [harvestcraft:cabbageItem], [harvestcraft:spinachItem], [harvestcraft:cottonItem]]
+ S:frostGarden <
+ harvestcraft:raspberryItem
+ harvestcraft:oatsItem
+ harvestcraft:ryeItem
+ harvestcraft:celeryItem
+ harvestcraft:peasItem
+ harvestcraft:beetItem
+ harvestcraft:rutabagaItem
+ harvestcraft:broccoliItem
+ harvestcraft:cauliflowerItem
+ harvestcraft:cabbageItem
+ harvestcraft:spinachItem
+ harvestcraft:cottonItem
+ >
+ # [default: [harvestcraft:whitemushroomItem], [harvestcraft:blackberryItem], [harvestcraft:zucchiniItem], [harvestcraft:radishItem], [harvestcraft:rhubarbItem], [harvestcraft:tealeafItem], [harvestcraft:garlicItem], [harvestcraft:sweetpotatoItem], [harvestcraft:turnipItem], [harvestcraft:spiceleafItem], [harvestcraft:beanItem], [harvestcraft:leekItem], [harvestcraft:scallionItem], [harvestcraft:tomatoItem], [harvestcraft:cottonItem]]
+ S:shadedGarden <
+ harvestcraft:whitemushroomItem
+ harvestcraft:blackberryItem
+ harvestcraft:zucchiniItem
+ harvestcraft:radishItem
+ harvestcraft:rhubarbItem
+ harvestcraft:tealeafItem
+ harvestcraft:garlicItem
+ harvestcraft:sweetpotatoItem
+ harvestcraft:turnipItem
+ harvestcraft:spiceleafItem
+ harvestcraft:beanItem
+ harvestcraft:leekItem
+ harvestcraft:scallionItem
+ harvestcraft:tomatoItem
+ harvestcraft:cottonItem
+ >
+ # [default: [harvestcraft:brusselsproutItem], [harvestcraft:spiceleafItem], [harvestcraft:blueberryItem], [harvestcraft:asparagusItem], [harvestcraft:cranberryItem], [harvestcraft:riceItem], [harvestcraft:seaweedItem], [harvestcraft:waterchestnutItem], [harvestcraft:okraItem], [harvestcraft:cottonItem]]
+ S:soggyGarden <
+ harvestcraft:brusselsproutItem
+ harvestcraft:spiceleafItem
+ harvestcraft:blueberryItem
+ harvestcraft:asparagusItem
+ harvestcraft:cranberryItem
+ harvestcraft:riceItem
+ harvestcraft:seaweedItem
+ harvestcraft:waterchestnutItem
+ harvestcraft:okraItem
+ harvestcraft:cottonItem
+ >
+ # [default: [harvestcraft:grapeItem], [harvestcraft:pineappleItem], [harvestcraft:kiwiItem], [harvestcraft:sesameseedsItem], [harvestcraft:curryleafItem], [harvestcraft:bambooshootItem], [harvestcraft:cantaloupeItem], [harvestcraft:gingerItem], [harvestcraft:coffeebeanItem], [harvestcraft:soybeanItem], [harvestcraft:eggplantItem], [harvestcraft:cottonItem]]
+ S:tropicalGarden <
+ harvestcraft:grapeItem
+ harvestcraft:pineappleItem
+ harvestcraft:kiwiItem
+ harvestcraft:sesameseedsItem
+ harvestcraft:curryleafItem
+ harvestcraft:bambooshootItem
+ harvestcraft:cantaloupeItem
+ harvestcraft:gingerItem
+ harvestcraft:coffeebeanItem
+ harvestcraft:soybeanItem
+ harvestcraft:eggplantItem
+ harvestcraft:cottonItem
+ >
+ # [default: [harvestcraft:strawberryItem], [harvestcraft:barleyItem], [harvestcraft:cornItem], [harvestcraft:cucumberItem], [harvestcraft:wintersquashItem], [harvestcraft:mustardseedsItem], [harvestcraft:onionItem], [harvestcraft:parsnipItem], [harvestcraft:peanutItem], [minecraft:potato], [minecraft:carrot], [harvestcraft:lettuceItem], [harvestcraft:artichokeItem], [harvestcraft:bellpepperItem], [harvestcraft:chilipepperItem], [minecraft:wheat], [harvestcraft:cottonItem]]
+ S:windyGarden <
+ harvestcraft:strawberryItem
+ harvestcraft:barleyItem
+ harvestcraft:cornItem
+ harvestcraft:cucumberItem
+ harvestcraft:wintersquashItem
+ harvestcraft:mustardseedsItem
+ harvestcraft:onionItem
+ harvestcraft:parsnipItem
+ harvestcraft:peanutItem
+ minecraft:potato
+ minecraft:carrot
+ harvestcraft:lettuceItem
+ harvestcraft:artichokeItem
+ harvestcraft:bellpepperItem
+ harvestcraft:chilipepperItem
+ minecraft:wheat
+ harvestcraft:cottonItem
+ >
+enablebeehivegeneration {
+ # Enable generation of beehives. [default: true]
+ B:beekeeping=true
+"fruit trees" {
+ B:almondtreeGeneration=true
+ B:appletreeGeneration=true
+ B:apricottreeGeneration=true
+ B:avocadotreeGeneration=true
+ B:bananatreeGeneration=true
+ B:cashewtreeGeneration=true
+ B:cherrytreeGeneration=true
+ B:chestnuttreeGeneration=true
+ B:cinnamontreeGeneration=true
+ B:coconuttreeGeneration=true
+ I:coniferousfruittreeRarity=48
+ B:datetreeGeneration=true
+ B:dragonfruittreeGeneration=true
+ B:duriantreeGeneration=true
+ B:figtreeGeneration=true
+ B:gooseberrytreeGeneration=true
+ B:grapefruittreeGeneration=true
+ B:lemontreeGeneration=true
+ B:limetreeGeneration=true
+ B:mangotreeGeneration=true
+ B:mapletreeGeneration=true
+ B:nutmegtreeGeneration=true
+ B:olivetreeGeneration=true
+ B:orangetreeGeneration=true
+ B:papayatreeGeneration=true
+ B:paperbarktreeGeneration=true
+ B:peachtreeGeneration=true
+ B:peartreeGeneration=true
+ B:pecantreeGeneration=true
+ B:peppercorntreeGeneration=true
+ B:persimmontreeGeneration=true
+ B:pistachiotreeGeneration=true
+ B:plumtreeGeneration=true
+ B:pomegranatetreeGeneration=true
+ B:starfruittreeGeneration=true
+ I:temperatefruittreeRarity=48
+ I:tropicalfruittreeRarity=64
+ B:vanillabeantreeGeneration=true
+ B:walnuttreeGeneration=true
+gardens {
+ B:enablearidgardenGeneration=true
+ B:enablefrostgardenGeneration=true
+ B:enablegardenSpread=true
+ B:enableshadedgardenGeneration=true
+ B:enablesoggygardenGeneration=true
+ B:enabletropicalgardenGeneration=true
+ B:enablewindygardenGeneration=true
+ I:gardenRarity=2
+ # Garden spread rate. 100 means a garden spawns every tick. 1 means a garden spawns with a probability of 1% per tick. [range: 1 ~ 100, default: 30]
+ I:gardenSpreadRate=30
+ I:gardendropAmount=3
+ I:gardenspreadMax=8
+general {
+ # Enables harvesting by right-clicking. [default: true]
+ B:enableEasyHarvest=true
+ B:squiddropCalamari=true
+"market currency" {
+ I:marketcurrencyBonemeal=0
+ I:marketcurrencyChicken=0
+ I:marketcurrencyCow=0
+ I:marketcurrencyHorse=0
+ I:marketcurrencyPig=0
+ I:marketcurrencySeeds=0
+ I:marketcurrencySheep=0
+ I:marketcurrencyconiferousSaplings=0
+ I:marketcurrencytemperateSaplings=0
+ I:marketcurrencytropicalSaplings=0
+"market prices" {
+ I:marketbonemealPrice=3
+ I:marketchickenPrice=3
+ I:marketcowPrice=9
+ I:markethorsePrice=12
+ I:marketpigPrice=6
+ I:marketsaplingPrice=3
+ I:marketseedPrice=1
+ I:marketsheepPrice=6
+"market sales" {
+ B:marketsellBonemeal=true
+ B:marketsellChicken=true
+ B:marketsellCow=true
+ B:marketsellHorse=true
+ B:marketsellPig=true
+ B:marketsellSeeds=true
+ B:marketsellSheep=true
+ B:marketsellconiferousSaplings=true
+ B:marketselltemperateSaplings=true
+ B:marketselltropicalSaplings=true
+"miscellaneous recipes" {
+ B:enablecroptoseedRecipe=true
+ B:enablelistAllwaterfreshwater=true
+ B:enablelistAllwatervanillawaterbucket=true
+ B:enablesaltfromwaterbucketrecipe=true
+ B:enabletofuasmeatinRecipes=true
+ B:enabletofuasmilkinRecipes=true
+ I:fishtrapbaitrecipeamount=4
+ I:freshmilkfrombucket=4
+ I:freshwaterfrombucket=1
+ I:fruitbaitrecipeamount=4
+ I:grainbaitrecipeamount=4
+ I:marketblockrecipeItem=0
+ I:veggiebaitrecipeamount=4
+seeds {
+ B:artichokeseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:asparagusseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:bambooshootseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:barleyseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:beanseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:beetseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:bellpepperseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:blackberryseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:blueberryseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:broccoliseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:brusselsproutseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:cabbageseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:cactusfruitseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:candleberryseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:cantaloupeseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:cauliflowerseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:celeryseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:chilipepperseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:coffeeseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:cornseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:cottonseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:cranberryseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:cucumberseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:curryleafseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:eggplantseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:garlicseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:gingerseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:grapeseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:kiwiseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:leekseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:lettuceseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:mustardseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:oatsseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:okraseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:onionseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:parsnipseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:peanutseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:peasseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:pineappleseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:radishseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:raspberryseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:rhubarbseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:riceseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:rutabagaseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:ryeseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:scallionseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:seaweedseeddropfromgrass=false
+ I:seedrarity=1
+ B:sesameseedsseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:soybeanseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:spiceleafseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:spinachseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:strawberryseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:sweetpotatoseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:teaseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:tomatoseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:turnipseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:waterchestnutseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:whitemushroomseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:wintersquashseeddropfromgrass=false
+ B:zucchiniseeddropfromgrass=false
+"shipping bin prices" {
+ I:shippingbincropPrice=32
+"shipping bin purchases" {
+ B:shippingbinbuyCrops=true
+ B:shippingbinenablevanillaMCCrops=true
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/hopperducts.cfg b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/hopperducts.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5662a9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/hopperducts.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Configuration file
+general {
+ I:cooldownTime=8
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/kleeslabs.cfg b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/kleeslabs.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..853c009
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/kleeslabs.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Configuration file
+compat {
+ # [default: true]
+ B:BiomesOPlenty=true
+ # [default: true]
+ B:Botania=true
+ # [default: true]
+ B:Forestry=true
+ # [default: true]
+ B:"Missing Pieces"=true
+ # [default: true]
+ B:Quark=true
+general {
+ # If Require Sneaking is enabled. Set this to true to invert the sneaking check for breaking only half a slab. [default: false]
+ B:"Invert Sneaking Check"=false
+ # Set this to true to only break half a slab when the player is sneaking. [default: false]
+ B:"Require Sneaking"=false
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/mcjtylib.cfg b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/mcjtylib.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1bc019
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/mcjtylib.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+# Configuration file
+# general
+# General settings for all mods using mcjtylib
+general {
+ # If true then blocks using mcjtylib will have ownership tagged on them (useful for the rftools security manager)
+ B:manageOwnership=true
+ # The maximum amount of dimensional shards that can be infused in a single machine
+ I:maxInfuse=256
+# style
+# Style settings for all mods using mcjtylib
+style {
+ # Color: standard bevel bright border color
+ S:colorBackgroundBevelBright=ffffff
+ # Color: standard bevel dark border color
+ S:colorBackgroundBevelDark=2b2b2b
+ # Color: standard background color
+ S:colorBackgroundFiller=c6c6c6
+ # Color: button bottom right border
+ S:colorButtonBorderBottomRight=777777
+ # Color: button top left border
+ S:colorButtonBorderTopLeft=eeeeee
+ # Color: disabled button bottom right border
+ S:colorButtonDisabledBorderBottomRight=777777
+ # Color: disabled button top left border
+ S:colorButtonDisabledBorderTopLeft=eeeeee
+ # Color: disabled button background
+ S:colorButtonDisabledFiller=c6c6c6
+ # Color: disabled button background gradient
+ S:colorButtonDisabledFillerGradient1=b1b1b1
+ # Color: disabled button background gradient
+ S:colorButtonDisabledFillerGradient2=e1e1e1
+ # Color: external border around buttons and some other components
+ S:colorButtonExternalBorder=0
+ # Color: button background
+ S:colorButtonFiller=c6c6c6
+ # Color: button background gradient
+ S:colorButtonFillerGradient1=b1b1b1
+ # Color: button background gradient
+ S:colorButtonFillerGradient2=e1e1e1
+ # Color: hovering button bottom right border
+ S:colorButtonHoveringBorderBottomRight=999ebb
+ # Color: hovering button top left border
+ S:colorButtonHoveringBorderTopLeft=a5aac5
+ # Color: hovering button background
+ S:colorButtonHoveringFiller=a2a7c2
+ # Color: hovering button background gradient
+ S:colorButtonHoveringFillerGradient1=8d92ad
+ # Color: hovering button background gradient
+ S:colorButtonHoveringFillerGradient2=babfda
+ # Color: selected button bottom right border
+ S:colorButtonSelectedBorderBottomRight=bcc5ff
+ # Color: selected button top left border
+ S:colorButtonSelectedBorderTopLeft=5c669d
+ # Color: selected button background
+ S:colorButtonSelectedFiller=7f89bf
+ # Color: selected button background gradient
+ S:colorButtonSelectedFillerGradient1=6a74aa
+ # Color: selected button background gradient
+ S:colorButtonSelectedFillerGradient2=949ed4
+ # Color: cycle button disabled small triangle
+ S:colorCycleButtonTriangleDisabled=888888
+ # Color: cycle button small triangle
+ S:colorCycleButtonTriangleNormal=0
+ # Color: energy bar bottom right border
+ S:colorEnergyBarBottomRight=ffffff
+ # Color: energy bar high energy level
+ S:colorEnergyBarHighEnergy=dd0000
+ # Color: energy bar low energy level
+ S:colorEnergyBarLowEnergy=631111
+ # Color: energy bar spacer (between every energy level bar)
+ S:colorEnergyBarSpacer=430000
+ # Color: energy bar text
+ S:colorEnergyBarText=ffffff
+ # Color: energy bar top left border
+ S:colorEnergyBarTopLeft=2b2b2b
+ # Color: list background
+ S:colorListBackground=8b8b8b
+ # Color: list highlighted gradient
+ S:colorListHighlightedGradient1=717120
+ # Color: list highlighted gradient
+ S:colorListHighlightedGradient2=515110
+ # Color: list selected gradient
+ S:colorListSelectedGradient1=616161
+ # Color: list selected gradient
+ S:colorListSelectedGradient2=414141
+ # Color: list selected and highlighted gradient
+ S:colorListSelectedHighlightedGradient1=bbbb00
+ # Color: list selected and highlighted gradient
+ S:colorListSelectedHighlightedGradient2=999900
+ # Color: list separator line
+ S:colorListSeparatorLine=5c5c5c
+ # Color: slider bottom right border
+ S:colorSliderBottomRight=ffffff
+ # Color: slider background
+ S:colorSliderFiller=636363
+ # Color: slider knob bottom right border
+ S:colorSliderKnobBottomRight=333333
+ # Color: slider knob bottom right border while dragging
+ S:colorSliderKnobDraggingBottomRight=bcc5ff
+ # Color: slider knob background while dragging
+ S:colorSliderKnobDraggingFiller=7f89bf
+ # Color: slider knob top left border while dragging
+ S:colorSliderKnobDraggingTopLeft=5c669d
+ # Color: slider knob background
+ S:colorSliderKnobFiller=8b8b8b
+ # Color: slider knob bottom right border while hovering
+ S:colorSliderKnobHoveringBottomRight=777c99
+ # Color: slider knob background while hovering
+ S:colorSliderKnobHoveringFiller=858aa5
+ # Color: slider knob top left border while hovering
+ S:colorSliderKnobHoveringTopLeft=a5aac5
+ # Color: slider knob little marker lines
+ S:colorSliderKnobMarkerLine=4e4e4e
+ # Color: slider knob top left border
+ S:colorSliderKnobTopLeft=eeeeee
+ # Color: slider top left border
+ S:colorSliderTopLeft=2b2b2b
+ # Color: text disabled
+ S:colorTextDisabled=a0a0a0
+ # Color: textfield bottom right border
+ S:colorTextFieldBottomRight=ffffff
+ # Color: textfield cursor
+ S:colorTextFieldCursor=0
+ # Color: textfield background
+ S:colorTextFieldFiller=c6c6c6
+ # Color: textfield backbground while focused
+ S:colorTextFieldFocusedFiller=eeeeee
+ # Color: textfield backbground while hovering
+ S:colorTextFieldHoveringFiller=dadada
+ # Color: textfield top left border
+ S:colorTextFieldTopLeft=2b2b2b
+ # Color: text as used in lists
+ S:colorTextInListNormal=151515
+ # Color: text normal
+ S:colorTextNormal=303030
+ # Color: toggle button disabled bottom right border
+ S:colorToggleDisabledBorderBottomRight=777777
+ # Color: toggle button disabled top left border
+ S:colorToggleDisabledBorderTopLeft=eeeeee
+ # Color: toggle button disabled background
+ S:colorToggleDisabledFiller=c6c6c6
+ # Color: toggle button normal bottom right border
+ S:colorToggleNormalBorderBottomRight=777777
+ # Color: toggle button normal top left border
+ S:colorToggleNormalBorderTopLeft=eeeeee
+ # Color: toggle button normal background
+ S:colorToggleNormalFiller=c6c6c6
+ # Color: toggle button disabled text
+ S:colorToggleTextDisabled=a0a0a0
+ # Color: toggle button normal text
+ S:colorToggleTextNormal=303030
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/oreexcavation.cfg b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/oreexcavation.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b52538f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/oreexcavation.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Configuration file
+general {
+ # Allow players to use shape mining [default: true]
+ B:"Allow Shapes"=true
+ # Use alternate check for tool validity (e.g. swords on webs) [default: false]
+ B:"Alt Tools"=false
+ # Skips spawning drops in world adding them directly to your inventory [default: false]
+ B:"Auto Pickup"=false
+ # Blocks blacklisted from being excavated [default: ]
+ S:"Block Blacklist" <
+ >
+ # Amount of exaustion per block excavated [range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028235E38, default: 0.1]
+ S:Exaustion=0.1
+ # Experience cost per block excavated [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 0]
+ I:Experience=0
+ # Hides update notifications [default: false]
+ B:"Hide Updates"=false
+ # Ignores whether or not the held tool is valid [default: false]
+ B:"Ignore Tool"=false
+ # Inverts the block blacklist to function as a whitelist [default: false]
+ B:"Invert Block Blacklist"=false
+ # Inverts the tool blacklist to function as a whitelist [default: false]
+ B:"Invert Tool Blacklist"=false
+ # The maximum number of blocks that can be excavated at once [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 128]
+ I:Limit=128
+ # How many excavations should be kept in undo history (may lead to exploits) [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 3]
+ I:"Max Undos"=3
+ # Excavation mode (-1 Disabled, 0 = Keybind, 1 = Sneak, 2 = Always) [range: -1 ~ 2, default: 0]
+ I:Mode=0
+ # Allows players to cancel excavation by releasing the keys [default: true]
+ B:"Must Hold"=true
+ # Limit excavation to standard tool types (Picks, Shoves, Axes & Shears) [default: false]
+ B:"Only Standard Types"=false
+ # Allow excavation with an open hand [default: true]
+ B:"Open Hand"=true
+ # How far from the origin an excavation can travel [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 16]
+ I:Range=16
+ # How many blocks per tick can be excavated [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 64]
+ I:Speed=64
+ # Temporarily reduces excavation speed if TPS begins to slow down [default: true]
+ B:"TPS Guard"=true
+ # Tools blacklisted from excavating [default: ]
+ S:"Tool Blacklist" <
+ >
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/oreexcavation_overrides.json b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/oreexcavation_overrides.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c0fe22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/oreexcavation_overrides.json
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ "overrides": [
+ {
+ "itemID": "minecraft:wooden_pickaxe",
+ "metadata": -1,
+ "speed": 1,
+ "limit": 0,
+ "range": 0,
+ "exaustion": 0.1,
+ "experience": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "itemID": "minecraft:wooden_shovel",
+ "metadata": -1,
+ "speed": 1,
+ "limit": 0,
+ "range": 0,
+ "exaustion": 0.1,
+ "experience": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "itemID": "minecraft:wooden_axe",
+ "metadata": -1,
+ "speed": 1,
+ "limit": 0,
+ "range": 0,
+ "exaustion": 0.1,
+ "experience": 0
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/oreexcavation_shapes.json b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/oreexcavation_shapes.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9c17b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/oreexcavation_shapes.json
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ "shapes": [
+ {
+ "name": "1x2",
+ "depth": -1,
+ "reticle": 12,
+ "mask": [
+ "OOOOO",
+ "OOOOO",
+ "OOXOO",
+ "OOXOO",
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "3x3",
+ "depth": -1,
+ "reticle": 12,
+ "mask": [
+ "OOOOO",
+ "OXXXO",
+ "OXXXO",
+ "OXXXO",
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "5x5",
+ "depth": -1,
+ "reticle": 12,
+ "mask": [
+ "XXXXX",
+ "XXXXX",
+ "XXXXX",
+ "XXXXX",
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/rftools/rftools.cfg b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/rftools/rftools.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b08c9cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/rftools/rftools.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,1915 @@
+# Configuration file
+# blockprotector
+# Settings for the block protector machine
+blockprotector {
+ # Maximum RF storage that the block protector can hold
+ I:blockProtectorMaxRF=500000
+ # RF per tick that the block protector can receive
+ I:blockProtectorRFPerTick=20000
+ # The maximum distance between the protector and the protected blocks (on one axis)
+ I:maxProtectDistance=10
+ # The RF that is consumed to protect a block right next to the explosion with a radius of 8 (standard TNT). Further distances will reduce power usage, bigger radius will increase power usage.
+ I:rfForExplosionProtection=10000
+ # The RF that is consumed to protect against a single harvest attempt
+ I:rfForHarvestAttempt=2000
+ # Amount of passive RF/tick used for every protected block
+ I:rfPerProtectedBlock=5
+# booster
+# Settings for the booster
+booster {
+ # Maximum RF storage that the booster can hold
+ I:boosterMaxRF=200000
+ # RF per tick that the the booster can receive
+ I:boosterRFPerTick=1000
+ # Multiplier for the module to calculate RF consumption for a single usage
+ D:energyMultiplier=500000.0
+# builder
+# Settings for the builder
+builder {
+ # Maximum RF storage that the builder can hold
+ I:builderMaxRF=10000000
+ # RF per tick that the builder can receive
+ I:builderRFPerTick=50000
+ # RF per entity move operation for the builder
+ I:builderRfPerEntity=5000
+ # RF per block operation for the builder when used to build
+ I:builderRfPerOperation=500
+ # RF per player move operation for the builder
+ I:builderRfPerPlayer=40000
+ # Base RF per block operation for the builder when used as a quarry or voider (actual cost depends on hardness of block)
+ I:builderRfPerQuarry=300
+ # RF per block that is skipped (used when a filter is added to the builder)
+ I:builderRfPerSkipped=50
+ # If true we allow the clearing quarry cards to be crafted (these can be heavier on the server)
+ B:clearingQuarryAllowed=true
+ # The cost of collecting an item (builder 'collect items' mode))
+ I:collectRFPerItem=20
+ # The RF/t per area to keep checking for items in a given area (builder 'collect items' mode))
+ D:collectRFPerTickPerArea=0.5
+ # The cost of collecting 1 XP level (builder 'collect items' mode))
+ D:collectRFPerXP=2.0
+ # How many ticks we wait before collecting again (with the builder 'collect items' mode)
+ I:collectTimer=10
+ # How much more expensive a move accross dimensions is
+ D:dimensionCostFactor=5.0
+ # The RF per operation of the builder is multiplied with this factor when using the fortune quarry shape card
+ D:fortunequarryShapeCardFactor=2.0
+ # Maximum dimension of the shape when a shape card is used in the builder
+ I:maxBuilderDimension=512
+ # Maximum offset of the shape when a shape card is used in the builder
+ I:maxBuilderOffset=260
+ # Maximum dimension for the space chamber
+ I:maxSpaceChamberDimension=128
+ # If true we go back to the old (wrong) sphere/cylinder calculation for the builder/shield
+ B:oldSphereCylinderShape=false
+ # If true we allow quarry cards to be crafted
+ B:quarryAllowed=true
+ # The base speed (number of blocks per tick) of the quarry
+ I:quarryBaseSpeed=8
+ # If true the quarry will chunkload a chunk at a time. If false the quarry will stop if a chunk is not loaded
+ B:quarryChunkloads=true
+ # Multiply the infusion factor with this value and add that to the quarry base speed
+ I:quarryInfusionSpeedFactor=20
+ # If true the quarry will also quarry tile entities. Otherwise it just ignores them
+ B:quarryTileEntities=true
+ # If true we allow shape cards to be crafted. Note that in order to use the quarry system you must also enable this
+ B:shapeCardAllowed=true
+ # If true a holo hud with current progress is shown above the builder
+ B:showProgressHud=true
+ # The RF per operation of the builder is multiplied with this factor when using the silk quarry shape card
+ D:silkquarryShapeCardFactor=3.0
+ # Maximum RF storage that the space projector can hold
+ I:spaceProjectorMaxRF=100000
+ # RF per tick that the space projector can receive
+ I:spaceProjectorRFPerTick=1000
+ # Can Tile Entities be moved? 'forbidden' means never, 'whitelist' means only whitelisted, 'blacklist' means all except blacklisted, 'allowed' means all
+ S:tileEntityMode=whitelist
+ # The RF per operation of the builder is multiplied with this factor when using the void shape card
+ D:voidShapeCardFactor=0.5
+# coalgen
+# Settings for the coal generator
+coalgen {
+ # Amount of RF generated per tick
+ I:generatePerTick=60
+ # RF per tick that the generator can charge items with
+ I:generatorChargePerTick=1000
+ # Maximum RF storage that the generator can hold
+ I:generatorMaxRF=500000
+ # RF per tick that the generator can send
+ I:generatorRFPerTick=2000
+ # Amount of ticks generated per coal
+ I:ticksPerCoal=600
+# crafter
+# Settings for the crafter
+crafter {
+ # Maximum RF storage that the crafter can hold
+ I:crafterMaxRF=50000
+ # RF per tick that the crafter can receive
+ I:crafterRFPerTick=500
+ # Amount of RF used per crafting operation
+ I:rfPerOperation=100
+ # How many operations to do at once in fast mode
+ I:speedOperations=5
+# elevator
+# Settings for the elevator
+elevator {
+ # The volume for the elevator sound (1.0 is default, 0.0 is off)
+ D:baseElevatorVolume=1.0
+ # Maximum RF storage that the generator can hold
+ I:elevatorMaximumRF=150000
+ # RF per tick that the evelator block can receive
+ I:elevatorRFPerTick=1000
+ # Relative volume of the elevator looping sound. With 1.0 the looping sound has equal loudness as the elevator base volume
+ D:loopVolumeFactor=1.0
+ # Maximum platform size that can be moved
+ I:maxPlatformSize=11
+ # Distance from the end at which speed will start going down again
+ D:maxSpeedDistanceEnd=2.0
+ # Distance from the start at which maximum speed is reached
+ D:maxSpeedDistanceStart=5.0
+ # Maximum elevator speed
+ D:maximumSpeed=0.3
+ # Mimumum elevator speed
+ D:minimumSpeed=0.1
+ # Amount of RF used per height level when moving
+ I:rfPerHeightUnit=500
+# endergenic
+# Settings for the endergenic generator
+endergenic {
+ # The amount of particles to spawn whenever a pearl is lost (use 0 to disable)
+ I:endergenicBadParticles=10
+ # The chance (in 1/10 percent, so 1000 = 100%) that an endergenic pearl is lost while trying to hold it
+ I:endergenicChanceLost=5
+ # The amount of particles to spawn whenever energy is generated (use 0 to disable)
+ I:endergenicGoodParticles=10
+ # The amount of RF that every endergenic will keep itself (so that it can hold pearls)
+ I:endergenicKeepRf=2000
+ # The amount of RF that is consumed every tick to hold the endergenic pearl
+ I:endergenicRfHolding=500
+ # The amount of RF per tick that this generator can give from its internal buffer to adjacent blocks
+ I:endergenicRfOutput=20000
+ # Multiplier for power generation
+ D:powergenFactor=2.0
+# environmental
+# Settings for the environmental controller
+environmental {
+ # Set to true to make the blindness module work on players
+ B:blindnessAvailable=false
+ # RF per tick/per block for the blindness module
+ D:blindnessRFPerTick=0.009999999776482582
+ # Maximum RF storage that the environmental controller can hold
+ I:environmentalMaxRF=500000
+ # The minimum RF/tick usage that an active controller consumes
+ I:environmentalMinRFUsage=5
+ # RF per tick that the the environmental controller can receive
+ I:environmentalRFPerTick=20000
+ # RF per tick/per block for the feather falling plus module
+ D:featherfallingPlusRFPerTick=0.003000000026077032
+ # RF per tick/per block for the feather falling module
+ D:featherfallingRFPerTick=0.0010000000474974513
+ # RF per tick/per block for the flight module
+ D:flightRFPerTick=0.004000000189989805
+ # RF per tick/per block for the glowing module
+ D:glowingRFPerTick=0.0010000000474974513
+ # RF per tick/per block for the haste plus module
+ D:hastePlusRFPerTick=0.003000000026077032
+ # RF per tick/per block for the haste module
+ D:hasteRFPerTick=0.0010000000474974513
+ # RF per tick/per block for the luck module
+ D:luckRFPerTick=0.0020000000949949026
+ # When the environmental controller is used on mobs the power usage is multiplied with this
+ D:mobsPowerMultiplier=2.0
+ # RF per tick/per block for the night vision module
+ D:nightvisionRFPerTick=0.0010000000474974513
+ # RF per tick/per block for the noTeleport module
+ D:noTeleportRFPerTick=0.0020000000949949026
+ # RF per tick/per block for the peaceful module
+ D:peacefulRFPerTick=0.0010000000474974513
+ # Set to true to make the poison module work on players
+ B:poisonAvailable=false
+ # RF per tick/per block for the poison module
+ D:poisonRFPerTick=0.019999999552965164
+ # RF per tick/per block for the regeneration plus module
+ D:regenerationPlusRFPerTick=0.0044999998062849045
+ # RF per tick/per block for the regeneration module
+ D:regenerationRFPerTick=0.001500000013038516
+ # RF per tick/per block for the saturation plus module
+ D:saturationPlusRFPerTick=0.003000000026077032
+ # RF per tick/per block for the saturation module
+ D:saturationRFPerTick=0.0010000000474974513
+ # Set to true to make the slowness module work on players
+ B:slownessAvailable=false
+ # RF per tick/per block for the slowness module
+ D:slownessRFPerTick=0.012000000104308128
+ # RF per tick/per block for the speed plus module
+ D:speedPlusRFPerTick=0.003000000026077032
+ # RF per tick/per block for the speed module
+ D:speedRFPerTick=0.0010000000474974513
+ # RF per tick/per block for the wather breathing module
+ D:watherBreathingRFPerTick=0.0010000000474974513
+ # Set to true to make the weakness module work on players
+ B:weaknessAvailable=false
+ # RF per tick/per block for the weakness module
+ D:weaknessRFPerTick=0.009999999776482582
+# general
+# General settings
+general {
+ # Oregen for dimensional shards in case RFTools Dimensions is present
+ I:dimensionalShardOregenWithDimensions <
+ >
+ # Oregen for dimensional shards in case RFTools Dimensions is not present
+ I:dimensionalShardOregenWithoutDimensions <
+ -1
+ 1
+ >
+ # Craftability of dimensional shards if RFTools Dimension is present: 0=not, 1=easy, 2=hard
+ I:dimensionalShardRecipeWithDimensions=0
+ # Craftability of dimensional shards if RFTools Dimension is not present: 0=not, 1=easy, 2=hard
+ I:dimensionalShardRecipeWithoutDimensions=2
+ # Enable the block protector recipe.
+ B:enableBlockProtectorRecipe=true
+ # Enable the builder recipe.
+ B:enableBuilderRecipe=true
+ # Enable the dialing device recipe.
+ B:enableDialingDeviceRecipe=true
+ # Enable the endergenic generator recipe.
+ B:enableEndergenRecipe=true
+ # Enable the matter receiver recipe.
+ B:enableMatterReceiverRecipe=true
+ # Enable the matter transmitter recipe.
+ B:enableMatterTransmitterRecipe=true
+ # Enable the shield projector recipe.
+ B:enableShieldProjectorRecipe=true
+ # If true dump a lot of logging information about various things in RFTools. Useful for debugging.
+ B:logging=false
+ # Amount of injections needed to get a fully absorbed mob essence
+ I:maxMobInjections=10
+ # Maximum y level for dimensional shard ores
+ I:oreMaximumHeight=40
+ # Maximum number of veins for dimensional shard ores
+ I:oreMaximumVeinCount=3
+ # Maximum vein size of dimensional shard ores
+ I:oreMaximumVeinSize=8
+ # Minimum y level for dimensional shard ores
+ I:oreMinimumHeight=2
+ # Minimum vein size of dimensional shard ores
+ I:oreMinimumVeinSize=5
+ # Set to true to enable retrogen
+ B:retrogen=true
+ # The ID for the RFTools villager. -1 means disable, 0 means to automatically assigns an id, any other number will use that as fixed id
+ I:villagerId=10
+# infuser
+# Settings for the infuser
+infuser {
+ # Amount of RF used per tick while infusing
+ I:generatePerTick=600
+ # Maximum RF storage that the infuser can hold
+ I:infuserMaxRF=60000
+ # RF per tick that the infuser can receive
+ I:infuserRFPerTick=600
+# livingmatter
+# Blocks and items that are seen as living for the spawner
+livingmatter {
+ S:living.0 <
+ B
+ minecraft:leaves
+ 0.5
+ >
+ S:living.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:leaves2
+ 0.5
+ >
+ S:living.10 <
+ B
+ minecraft:red_mushroom
+ 0.4
+ >
+ S:living.11 <
+ B
+ minecraft:pumpkin
+ 0.9
+ >
+ S:living.12 <
+ B
+ minecraft:vine
+ 0.4
+ >
+ S:living.13 <
+ B
+ minecraft:waterlily
+ 0.4
+ >
+ S:living.14 <
+ B
+ minecraft:cocoa
+ 0.8
+ >
+ S:living.15 <
+ I
+ minecraft:apple
+ 1.0
+ >
+ S:living.16 <
+ I
+ minecraft:wheat
+ 1.1
+ >
+ S:living.17 <
+ I
+ minecraft:wheat_seeds
+ 0.4
+ >
+ S:living.18 <
+ I
+ minecraft:potato
+ 1.5
+ >
+ S:living.19 <
+ I
+ minecraft:carrot
+ 1.5
+ >
+ S:living.2 <
+ B
+ minecraft:sapling
+ 0.5
+ >
+ S:living.20 <
+ I
+ minecraft:pumpkin_seeds
+ 0.4
+ >
+ S:living.21 <
+ I
+ minecraft:melon_seeds
+ 0.4
+ >
+ S:living.22 <
+ I
+ minecraft:beef
+ 1.5
+ >
+ S:living.23 <
+ I
+ minecraft:porkchop
+ 1.5
+ >
+ S:living.24 <
+ I
+ minecraft:mutton
+ 1.5
+ >
+ S:living.25 <
+ I
+ minecraft:chicken
+ 1.5
+ >
+ S:living.26 <
+ I
+ minecraft:rabbit
+ 1.2
+ >
+ S:living.27 <
+ I
+ minecraft:rabbit_foot
+ 1.0
+ >
+ S:living.28 <
+ I
+ minecraft:rabbit_hide
+ 0.5
+ >
+ S:living.29 <
+ I
+ minecraft:beetroot
+ 0.8
+ >
+ S:living.3 <
+ B
+ minecraft:hay_block
+ 1.5
+ >
+ S:living.30 <
+ I
+ minecraft:beetroot_seeds
+ 0.4
+ >
+ S:living.31 <
+ I
+ minecraft:chorus_fruit
+ 1.5
+ >
+ S:living.32 <
+ I
+ minecraft:fish
+ 1.5
+ >
+ S:living.33 <
+ I
+ minecraft:reeds
+ 1.0
+ >
+ S:living.4 <
+ B
+ minecraft:melon_block
+ 1.0
+ >
+ S:living.5 <
+ B
+ minecraft:cactus
+ 0.4
+ >
+ S:living.6 <
+ B
+ minecraft:red_flower
+ 0.3
+ >
+ S:living.7 <
+ B
+ minecraft:yellow_flower
+ 0.3
+ >
+ S:living.8 <
+ B
+ minecraft:chorus_flower
+ 1.1
+ >
+ S:living.9 <
+ B
+ minecraft:brown_mushroom
+ 0.4
+ >
+# mobspawnamounts
+# Amount of materials needed to spawn mobs
+mobspawnamounts {
+ S:Bat.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:feather
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:Bat.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:dirt
+ 0
+ 0.2
+ >
+ S:Bat.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 10.0
+ >
+ S:Blaze.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:blaze_rod
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:Blaze.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:netherrack
+ 0
+ 0.5
+ >
+ S:Blaze.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 30.0
+ >
+ S:CaveSpider.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:string
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:CaveSpider.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:dirt
+ 0
+ 0.2
+ >
+ S:CaveSpider.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 10.0
+ >
+ S:Chicken.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:feather
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:Chicken.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:dirt
+ 0
+ 0.2
+ >
+ S:Chicken.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 15.0
+ >
+ S:Cow.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:leather
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:Cow.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:dirt
+ 0
+ 0.2
+ >
+ S:Cow.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 20.0
+ >
+ S:Creeper.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:gunpowder
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:Creeper.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:dirt
+ 0
+ 0.5
+ >
+ S:Creeper.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 20.0
+ >
+ S:EnderDragon.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:experience_bottle
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:EnderDragon.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:end_stone
+ 0
+ 100.0
+ >
+ S:EnderDragon.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 200.0
+ >
+ S:Enderman.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:ender_pearl
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:Enderman.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:end_stone
+ 0
+ 0.5
+ >
+ S:Enderman.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 40.0
+ >
+ S:Endermite.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:ender_pearl
+ 0
+ 0.05
+ >
+ S:Endermite.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:end_stone
+ 0
+ 0.2
+ >
+ S:Endermite.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 10.0
+ >
+ S:EntityHorse.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:leather
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:EntityHorse.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:dirt
+ 0
+ 0.5
+ >
+ S:EntityHorse.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 30.0
+ >
+ S:Ghast.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:ghast_tear
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:Ghast.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:netherrack
+ 0
+ 1.0
+ >
+ S:Ghast.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 50.0
+ >
+ S:Guardian.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:prismarine_shard
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:Guardian.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:dirt
+ 0
+ 0.2
+ >
+ S:Guardian.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 30.0
+ >
+ S:LavaSlime.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:magma_cream
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:LavaSlime.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:netherrack
+ 0
+ 0.2
+ >
+ S:LavaSlime.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 10.0
+ >
+ S:MushroomCow.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:leather
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:MushroomCow.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:dirt
+ 0
+ 1.0
+ >
+ S:MushroomCow.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 20.0
+ >
+ S:Ozelot.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:fish
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:Ozelot.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:dirt
+ 0
+ 1.0
+ >
+ S:Ozelot.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 20.0
+ >
+ S:Pig.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:leather
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:Pig.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:dirt
+ 0
+ 0.2
+ >
+ S:Pig.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 20.0
+ >
+ S:PigZombie.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:gold_nugget
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:PigZombie.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:netherrack
+ 0
+ 0.5
+ >
+ S:PigZombie.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 20.0
+ >
+ S:PolarBear.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:fish
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:PolarBear.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:dirt
+ 0
+ 0.2
+ >
+ S:PolarBear.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 20.0
+ >
+ S:Rabbit.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:rabbit_stew
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:Rabbit.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:dirt
+ 0
+ 0.2
+ >
+ S:Rabbit.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 10.0
+ >
+ S:Sheep.spawnamount.0 <
+ B
+ minecraft:wool
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:Sheep.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:dirt
+ 0
+ 0.2
+ >
+ S:Sheep.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 20.0
+ >
+ S:Shulker.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:ender_pearl
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:Shulker.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:end_stone
+ 0
+ 0.2
+ >
+ S:Shulker.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 20.0
+ >
+ S:Silverfish.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:iron_ingot
+ 0
+ 0.05
+ >
+ S:Silverfish.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:dirt
+ 0
+ 0.2
+ >
+ S:Silverfish.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 10.0
+ >
+ S:Skeleton.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:bone
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:Skeleton.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:dirt
+ 0
+ 0.5
+ >
+ S:Skeleton.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 20.0
+ >
+ S:Slime.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:slime_ball
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:Slime.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:dirt
+ 0
+ 0.5
+ >
+ S:Slime.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 15.0
+ >
+ S:SnowMan.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:snowball
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:SnowMan.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:dirt
+ 0
+ 1.0
+ >
+ S:SnowMan.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 15.0
+ >
+ S:Spider.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:string
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:Spider.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:dirt
+ 0
+ 0.2
+ >
+ S:Spider.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 15.0
+ >
+ S:Squid.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:dye
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:Squid.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:dirt
+ 0
+ 0.5
+ >
+ S:Squid.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 10.0
+ >
+ S:StraySkeleton.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:bone
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:StraySkeleton.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:netherrack
+ 0
+ 0.5
+ >
+ S:StraySkeleton.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 20.0
+ >
+ S:Villager.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:book
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:Villager.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:dirt
+ 0
+ 5.0
+ >
+ S:Villager.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 30.0
+ >
+ S:VillagerGolem.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:iron_ingot
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:VillagerGolem.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:dirt
+ 0
+ 6.0
+ >
+ S:VillagerGolem.spawnamount.2 <
+ B
+ minecraft:red_flower
+ 0
+ 0.5
+ >
+ S:Witch.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:glass_bottle
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:Witch.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:dirt
+ 0
+ 1.0
+ >
+ S:Witch.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 30.0
+ >
+ S:WitherBoss.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:nether_star
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:WitherBoss.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:soul_sand
+ 0
+ 0.5
+ >
+ S:WitherBoss.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 100.0
+ >
+ S:WitherSkeleton.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:bone
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:WitherSkeleton.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:netherrack
+ 0
+ 0.5
+ >
+ S:WitherSkeleton.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 30.0
+ >
+ S:Wolf.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:bone
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:Wolf.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:dirt
+ 0
+ 0.5
+ >
+ S:Wolf.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 20.0
+ >
+ S:Zombie.spawnamount.0 <
+ I
+ minecraft:rotten_flesh
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:Zombie.spawnamount.1 <
+ B
+ minecraft:dirt
+ 0
+ 0.2
+ >
+ S:Zombie.spawnamount.2 <
+ L
+ 0
+ 20.0
+ >
+ S:"minecraft:stray.spawnamount.0" <
+ I
+ minecraft:bone
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:"minecraft:stray.spawnamount.1" <
+ B
+ minecraft:netherrack
+ 0
+ 0.5
+ >
+ S:"minecraft:stray.spawnamount.2" <
+ L
+ 0
+ 20.0
+ >
+ S:"minecraft:wither_skeleton.spawnamount.0" <
+ I
+ minecraft:bone
+ 0
+ 0.1
+ >
+ S:"minecraft:wither_skeleton.spawnamount.1" <
+ B
+ minecraft:netherrack
+ 0
+ 0.5
+ >
+ S:"minecraft:wither_skeleton.spawnamount.2" <
+ L
+ 0
+ 30.0
+ >
+# mobspawnrf
+# Amount of RF needed to spawn mobs
+mobspawnrf {
+ I:Bat=100
+ I:Blaze=1000
+ I:CaveSpider=500
+ I:Chicken=500
+ I:Cow=800
+ I:Creeper=800
+ I:EnderDragon=100000
+ I:Enderman=2000
+ I:Endermite=400
+ I:EntityHorse=1000
+ I:Ghast=2000
+ I:Guardian=1000
+ I:LavaSlime=600
+ I:MushroomCow=800
+ I:Ozelot=800
+ I:Pig=800
+ I:PigZombie=1200
+ I:PolarBear=1500
+ I:Rabbit=300
+ I:Sheep=800
+ I:Shulker=600
+ I:Silverfish=400
+ I:Skeleton=800
+ I:Slime=600
+ I:SnowMan=600
+ I:Spider=500
+ I:Squid=500
+ I:StraySkeleton=800
+ I:Villager=2000
+ I:VillagerGolem=2000
+ I:Witch=1200
+ I:WitherBoss=20000
+ I:WitherSkeleton=1500
+ I:Wolf=800
+ I:Zombie=800
+ I:"minecraft:stray"=800
+ I:"minecraft:wither_skeleton"=1500
+# networkmonitor
+# Settings for the network monitor item
+networkmonitor {
+ # Time (in seconds) to hilight a block in the world
+ I:hilightTime=5
+ # Maximum amount of blocks to show in monitor (do NOT increase above 1800!)
+ I:maximumBlocks=500
+# powercell
+# Settings for the powercell
+powercell {
+ # How much better is the advanced cell with RF and RF/t
+ I:advancedFactor=4
+ # The maximum cost factor for extracting energy out of a powercell for blocks in other dimensions or farther away then 10000 blocks
+ D:powerCellCostFactor=1.1
+ # At this distance the cost factor will be maximum. This value is also used when power is extracted from cells in different dimensions
+ D:powerCellDistanceCap=10000.0
+ # As soon as powercells are not connected this value will be taken as the minimum distance to base the cost factor from
+ D:powerCellMinDistance=100.0
+ # A multiplier for the distance if RFTools dimensions are involved. If both sides are RFTools dimensions then this multiplier is done twice
+ D:powerCellRFToolsDimensionAdvantage=0.5
+ # RF per tick that the powrcell can charge items with
+ I:powercellChargePerTick=30000
+ # Maximum RF storage that a single cell can hold
+ I:rfPerNormalCell=1000000
+ # Base amount of RF/tick that can be extracted/inserted in this block
+ I:rfPerTick=5000
+ # How much worse is the simple cell with RF and RF/t
+ I:simpleFactor=4
+quarryreplace {
+ # Use this block for the builder to replace with [default: minecraft:dirt]
+ S:builder=minecraft:dirt
+# screen
+# Settings for the screen system
+screen {
+ # Additional characters that should be supported by the truetype system
+ S:additionalCharacters=
+ # RF per tick/per block for the button module
+ I:buttonRFPerTick=0
+ # RF per tick/per block for the clock module
+ I:clockRFPerTick=1
+ # RF per tick/per block for the computer module
+ I:computerRFPerTick=4
+ # RF per tick/per block for the counter plus module
+ I:counterPlusRFPerTick=30
+ # RF per tick/per block for the counter module
+ I:counterRFPerTick=4
+ # RF per tick/per block for the dimension module
+ I:dimensionRFPerTick=6
+ # RF per tick that the the screen controller can receive
+ I:dimletResearcherRFPerTick=1000
+ # RF per tick/per block for the dump module
+ I:dumpRFPerTick=0
+ # RF per tick/per block for the elevator button module
+ I:elevatorButtonRFPerTick=0
+ # RF per tick/per block for the energy plus module
+ I:energyPlusRFPerTick=30
+ # RF per tick/per block for the energy module
+ I:energyRFPerTick=4
+ # RF per tick/per block for the fluid plus module
+ I:fluidPlusRFPerTick=30
+ # RF per tick/per block for the fluid module
+ I:fluidRFPerTick=4
+ # The default truetype font to use
+ S:fontName=rftools:fonts/ubuntu.ttf
+ # The size of the font
+ D:fontSize=40.0
+ # RF per tick/per block for the itemstack plus module
+ I:itemstackPlusRFPerTick=30
+ # RF per tick/per block for the itemstack module
+ I:itemstackRFPerTick=4
+ # RF per tick/per block for the machine information module
+ I:machineInfoRFPerTick=4
+ # RF per tick/per block for the redstone module
+ I:redstoneRFPerTick=4
+ # Maximum RF storage that the screen controller can hold
+ I:screenControllerMaxRF=60000
+ # RF per tick/per block for the text module
+ I:textRFPerTick=0
+ # Set to true for TrueType font, set to false for vanilla font
+ B:useTruetype=true
+# shield
+# Settings for the shield system
+shield {
+ # Set this to false if you don't want invisible shield rendering mode to be possible
+ B:allowInvisibleShield=true
+ # Set this to true if you have a corrupted world due to a bad camo block in the shield system. Load your world, remove the offending block from the shield, exit MC and then set this back to false
+ B:disableShieldBlocksToUncorruptWorld=false
+ # The looting kill bonus
+ I:lootingKillBonus=3
+ # Maximum distance at which you can add disjoint shield sections to a composed shield
+ I:maxDisjointShieldDistance=64
+ # Maximum dimension of the shape when a shape card is used
+ I:maxShieldDimension=256
+ # Maximum offset of the shape when a shape card is used
+ I:maxShieldOffset=128
+ # Amount of dimensional shards per looting kill. Remember that this is per block that does damage
+ I:shardsPerLootingKill=2
+ # The amount of damage to do for a single spike on one entity
+ D:shieldDamage=5.0
+ # Maximum RF storage that the shield block can hold
+ I:shieldMaxRF=200000
+ # Maximum size (in blocks) of a tier 1 shield
+ I:shieldMaxSize=256
+ # RF per tick that the shield block can receive
+ I:shieldRFPerTick=5000
+ # Base amount of RF/tick for every 10 blocks in the shield (while active)
+ I:shieldRfBase=8
+ # RF/tick for every 10 blocks added in case of camo mode
+ I:shieldRfCamo=2
+ # The amount of RF to consume for a single spike of damage for one entity
+ I:shieldRfDamage=1000
+ # The amount of RF to consume for a single spike of damage for one entity (used in case of player-type damage)
+ I:shieldRfDamagePlayer=2000
+ # RF/tick for every 10 block addeds in case of shield mode
+ I:shieldRfShield=2
+# spawner
+# Settings for the spawner system
+spawner {
+ # The amount of blocks that the matter beamer will use send in one operation (every 20 ticks)
+ I:beamerBlocksPerSend=1
+ # Maximum RF storage that the matter beamer can hold
+ I:beamerMaxRF=200000
+ # RF per tick that the matter beamer can receive
+ I:beamerRFPerTick=1000
+ # RF per tick that the matter beamer will use for sending over a single object
+ I:beamerRfPerSend=2000
+ # The maximum distance that a laser can travel between the beamer and the spawner
+ I:maxBeamDistance=8
+ # The maximum amount of energized matter that this spawner can store (per type)
+ I:spawnerMaxMatterStorage=6400
+ # Maximum RF storage that the spawner can hold
+ I:spawnerMaxRF=200000
+ # RF per tick that the spawner can receive
+ I:spawnerRFPerTick=2000
+# storage
+# Settings for the modular storage system
+storage {
+ # If true we automatically set the focus on the search field when opening the GUI for the modular storage. Set to false if you don't want that
+ B:autofocusSearch=false
+ # If true we clear the search field when opening the GUI for the modular storage. Set to false if you don't want that
+ B:clearSearchOnOpen=true
+ # Background color for group lines
+ I:groupBackground=-1123021
+ # Foreground color for group lines
+ I:groupForeground=-16777216
+ # The height for the smallest style modular storage GUI
+ I:modularStorageGuiHeight1=236
+ # The height for the middle style modular storage GUI
+ I:modularStorageGuiHeight2=320
+ # The height for the tallest style modular storage GUI
+ I:modularStorageGuiHeight3=490
+ # RF/tick to share an inventory to all dimensions
+ I:remoteShareGlobal=50
+ # RF/tick to share an inventory to the same dimension
+ I:remoteShareLocal=10
+ # Maximum RF storage that the remote storage block can hold
+ I:remoteStorageMaxRF=100000
+ # RF per tick that the remote storage block can receive
+ I:remoteStorageRFPerTick=300
+ # Extra RF per usage per storage tier
+ I:tabletExtraRFUsage=100
+ # Maximum RF storage that the storage tablet can hold
+ I:tabletMaxRF=20000
+ # RF per tick that the storage tablet can receive
+ I:tabletRFPerTick=500
+ # RF per usage of the storage tablet
+ I:tabletRFUsage=100
+ # RF per usage of the storage tablet when used in combation with the scanner module
+ I:tabletRFUsageScanner=100
+# storageconfig
+# Generic item module categories for various items
+storageconfig {
+ S:biomesoplenty.common.blocks.BlockBOPFlower=Flowers
+ S:biomesoplenty.common.blocks.BlockBOPFlower2=Flowers
+ S:biomesoplenty.common.itemblocks.ItemBlockFlower=Flowers
+ S:biomesoplenty.common.itemblocks.ItemBlockFlower2=Flowers
+ S:biomesoplenty.common.items.ItemBOPBucket=Buckets
+ S:buildcraft.builders=Machines
+ S:codechicken.chunkloader.ItemChunkLoader=Machines
+ S:codechicken.microblock.ItemMicroPart=Microblocks
+ S:codechicken.microblock.ItemSaw=Tools
+ S:cofh.core.item.ItemBucket=Buckets
+ S:cofh.thermalexpansion.block.device=Machines
+ S:com.rwtema.extrautils.block.BlockEnderthermicPump=Machines
+ S:com.rwtema.extrautils.tileentity.enderquarry.BlockEnderMarkers=Technical
+ S:com.rwtema.extrautils.tileentity.enderquarry.BlockEnderQuarry=Machines
+ S:com.rwtema.extrautils.tileentity.enderquarry.BlockQuarryUpgrades=Technical
+ S:com.rwtema.extrautils.tileentity.generators.BlockGenerator=Machines
+ S:com.rwtema.extrautils.tileentity.transfernodes.BlockTransferPipe=Technical
+ S:crazypants.enderio.block.BlockDarkSteelPressurePlate=Technical
+ S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.BlockConduitBundle=Technical
+ S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.facade.BlockConduitFacade=Technical
+ S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.gas.ItemGasConduit=Technical
+ S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.item.ItemExtractSpeedUpgrade=Technical
+ S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.item.ItemItemConduit=Technical
+ S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.item.filter.ItemBasicItemFilter=Technical
+ S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.item.filter.ItemExistingItemFilter=Technical
+ S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.item.filter.ItemModItemFilter=Technical
+ S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.liquid.ItemLiquidConduit=Technical
+ S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.power.ItemPowerConduit=Technical
+ S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.redstone.ItemRedstoneConduit=Technical
+ S:crazypants.enderio.fluid.ItemBucketEio=Buckets
+ S:crazypants.enderio.item.ItemConduitProbe=Technical
+ S:crazypants.enderio.item.ItemMagnet=Technical
+ S:crazypants.enderio.item.skull=Skulls
+ S:crazypants.enderio.machine=Machines
+ S:crazypants.enderio.machine.spawner.ItemBrokenSpawner=Machines
+ S:crazypants.enderio.material.ItemCapacitor=Technical
+ S:crazypants.enderio.material.ItemMachinePart=Technical
+ S:crazypants.enderio.rail.BlockEnderRail=Technical
+ S:extrabiomes.blocks.BlockCustomFlower=Flowers
+ S:mcjty.lib.container.GenericBlock=Machines
+ S:mcjty.rftools.blocks.MachineBase=Machines
+ S:mcjty.rftools.blocks.MachineFrame=Machines
+ S:mcjty.rftools.blocks.shield.ShieldTemplateBlock=Machines
+ S:mcjty.rftools.blocks.spaceprojector.SpaceChamberBlock=Machines
+ S:mcjty.rftools.blocks.spaceprojector.SpaceChamberCardItem=Technical
+ S:mcjty.rftools.blocks.teleporter.DestinationAnalyzerBlock=Machines
+ S:mcjty.rftools.blocks.teleporter.MatterBoosterBlock=Machines
+ S:mcjty.rftools.items.devdelight.DevelopersDelightItem=Technical
+ S:mcjty.rftools.items.dimensionmonitor.DimensionMonitorItem=Technical
+ S:mcjty.rftools.items.dimensionmonitor.PhasedFieldGeneratorItem=Technical
+ S:mcjty.rftools.items.dimlets.DimletTemplate=Dimlets
+ S:mcjty.rftools.items.dimlets.EmptyDimensionTab=Dimlets
+ S:mcjty.rftools.items.dimlets.KnownDimlet=Dimlets
+ S:mcjty.rftools.items.dimlets.RealizedDimensionTab=Dimlets
+ S:mcjty.rftools.items.dimlets.UnknownDimlet=Dimlets
+ S:mcjty.rftools.items.envmodules=Modules
+ S:mcjty.rftools.items.manual.RFToolsManualDimensionItem=Books
+ S:mcjty.rftools.items.manual.RFToolsManualItem=Books
+ S:mcjty.rftools.items.netmonitor.NetworkMonitorItem=Technical
+ S:mcjty.rftools.items.parts.DimletControlCircuitItem=Dimlet Parts
+ S:mcjty.rftools.items.parts.DimletEnergyModuleItem=Dimlet Parts
+ S:mcjty.rftools.items.parts.DimletMemoryUnitItem=Dimlet Parts
+ S:mcjty.rftools.items.parts.DimletTypeControllerItem=Dimlet Parts
+ S:mcjty.rftools.items.parts.EfficiencyEssenceItem=Dimlet Parts
+ S:mcjty.rftools.items.parts.MediocreEfficiencyEssenceItem=Dimlet Parts
+ S:mcjty.rftools.items.parts.PeaceEssenceItem=Dimlet Parts
+ S:mcjty.rftools.items.parts.SyringeItem=Dimlet Parts
+ S:mcjty.rftools.items.screenmodules=Modules
+ S:mcjty.rftools.items.smartwrench.SmartWrenchItem=Technical
+ S:mcjty.rftools.items.storage=Modules
+ S:mcjty.rftools.items.teleportprobe.ChargedPorterItem=Technical
+ S:mcjty.rftools.items.teleportprobe.TeleportProbeItem=Technical
+ S:net.minecraft.block.BlockButtonStone=Technical
+ S:net.minecraft.block.BlockCake=Food
+ S:net.minecraft.block.BlockCarrot=Food
+ S:net.minecraft.block.BlockCommandBlock=Technical
+ S:net.minecraft.block.BlockDaylightDetector=Technical
+ S:net.minecraft.block.BlockDispenser=Technical
+ S:net.minecraft.block.BlockDropper=Technical
+ S:net.minecraft.block.BlockFlower=Flowers
+ S:net.minecraft.block.BlockFurnace=Technical
+ S:net.minecraft.block.BlockHopper=Technical
+ S:net.minecraft.block.BlockJukebox=Technical
+ S:net.minecraft.block.BlockLever=Technical
+ S:net.minecraft.block.BlockNote=Technical
+ S:net.minecraft.block.BlockOre=Ores
+ S:net.minecraft.block.BlockPistonBase=Technical
+ S:net.minecraft.block.BlockPotato=Food
+ S:net.minecraft.block.BlockPressurePlate=Technical
+ S:net.minecraft.block.BlockPressurePlateWeighted=Technical
+ S:net.minecraft.block.BlockRail=Technical
+ S:net.minecraft.block.BlockRailDetector=Technical
+ S:net.minecraft.block.BlockRailPowered=Technical
+ S:net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneComparator=Technical
+ S:net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneLight=Technical
+ S:net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneRepeater=Technical
+ S:net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneTorch=Technical
+ S:net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneWire=Technical
+ S:net.minecraft.block.BlockSapling=Saplings
+ S:net.minecraft.block.BlockTNT=Technical
+ S:net.minecraft.block.BlockTripWire=Technical
+ S:net.minecraft.block.BlockTripWireHook=Technical
+ S:net.minecraft.block.BlockWood=null
+ S:net.minecraft.block.BlockWorkbench=Technical
+ S:net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor=Armor
+ S:net.minecraft.item.ItemBook=Books
+ S:net.minecraft.item.ItemBow=Weapons
+ S:net.minecraft.item.ItemBucket=Buckets
+ S:net.minecraft.item.ItemFlintAndSteel=Tools
+ S:net.minecraft.item.ItemFood=Food
+ S:net.minecraft.item.ItemHoe=Tools
+ S:net.minecraft.item.ItemMinecart=Technical
+ S:net.minecraft.item.ItemPotion=Potions
+ S:net.minecraft.item.ItemRecord=Records
+ S:net.minecraft.item.ItemRedstone=Technical
+ S:net.minecraft.item.ItemShears=Tools
+ S:net.minecraft.item.ItemSkull=Skulls
+ S:net.minecraft.item.ItemSword=Weapons
+ S:net.minecraft.item.ItemTool=Tools
+ S:powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.block=Machines
+ S:powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.ItemLaserFocus=Technical
+ S:powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.ItemLogicUpgradeCard=Technical
+ S:powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.ItemPortaSpawner=Technical
+ S:powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.ItemSafariNet=Technical
+ S:powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.base.ItemFactoryBucket=Buckets
+ S:powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.gun.ItemSafariNetLauncher=Technical
+ S:powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.tool.ItemRedNetMemoryCard=Technical
+ S:powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.tool.ItemRedNetMeter=Technical
+ S:powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.tool.ItemXpExtractor=Technical
+ S:thermalexpansion.block.cell=Machines
+ S:thermalexpansion.block.device.ItemBlockDevice=Machines
+ S:thermalexpansion.block.dynamo.ItemBlockDynamo=Machines
+ S:thermalexpansion.block.machine=Machines
+ S:thermalexpansion.item.ItemCapacitor=Technical
+ S:thermalexpansion.item.tool.ItemIgniter=Technical
+ S:thermalexpansion.item.tool.ItemMultimeter=Technical
+ S:thermalexpansion.item.tool.ItemWrench=Technical
+ S:thermalfoundation.block.BlockOre=Ores
+# storagemonitor
+# Settings for the storage scanner machine
+storagemonitor {
+ # If this is true then opening the storage scanner GUI will automatically select the starred inventory view
+ B:hilightStarredOnGuiOpen=true
+ # Time (in seconds) to hilight a block in the world
+ I:hilightTime=5
+ # If this is true then requesting items from the storage scanner will go straight into the player inventory and not the output slot
+ B:requestStraightToInventory=true
+ # Amount of RF used to insert an item
+ I:rfPerInsert=20
+ # Amount of RF used to request an item
+ I:rfPerRequest=100
+ # Maximum RF storage that the storage scanner can hold
+ I:scannerMaxRF=50000
+ # RF per tick that the storage scanner can receive
+ I:scannerRFPerTick=500
+teleporter {
+ # Maximum RF storage that the advanced charged porter item can hold (note that teleporting this way uses 50% more RF then with a matter transmitter)
+ I:advancedChargedPorterMaxRF=1000000
+ # The speed bonus for the advanced charged porter (compared to the normal one)
+ I:advancedSpeedBonus=4
+ # Comma separated list of dimension ids that the teleportation system can't teleport to
+ S:blacklistedTeleportationDestinations=
+ # Comma separated list of dimension ids that the teleportation system can't teleport from
+ S:blacklistedTeleportationSources=
+ # Maximum RF storage that the charged porter item can hold (note that teleporting this way uses 50% more RF then with a matter transmitter)
+ I:chargedPorterMaxRF=200000
+ # RF per tick that the the charged porter item can receive
+ I:chargedPorterRFPerTick=2000
+ # The amount of ticks that a matter transmitter with destination checker will wait before checking a receiver in case the chunk is not loaded (-1 to disable this check completely)
+ I:checkUnloadedChunk=-1
+ # The amount of ticks that a matter transmitter with destination checker will wait before checking a receiver in case the world is not loaded (-1 to disable this check completely)
+ I:checkUnloadedWorld=-1
+ # Maximum RF storage that the dialing device can hold
+ I:dialerMaxRF=50000
+ # RF per tick that the dialing device can receive
+ I:dialerRFPerTick=100
+ # The horizontal range the dialing device uses to check for transmitters. These are the transmitters the dialing device will be able to control
+ I:horizontalDialerRange=10
+ # If this is true then all usages of the teleport system are logged
+ B:logTeleportUsages=false
+ # If this is true then the RFTools teleportation system cannot be used to travel in the same dimension
+ B:preventInterdimensionalTeleports=false
+ # Maximum RF storage that the matter receiver can hold
+ I:receiverMaxRF=100000
+ # RF per tick that the matter receiver can receive
+ I:receiverRFPerTick=500
+ # This is the amount of RF that is consumed at a boosted transmitter in case the receiver doesn't have enough power
+ I:rfBoostedTeleport=20000
+ # The amount of RF that is consumed by the matter transmitter when a dial is active
+ I:rfDialedConnectionPerTick=10
+ # The amount of RF/tick an idle dialed transmitter consumes
+ I:rfMatterIdleTick=0
+ # The amount of RF consumed when the dialing device checks for the capabilities of a receiver ('Check' button)
+ I:rfPerCheck=5000
+ # The amount of RF consumed when dialing a transmitter to another receiver
+ I:rfPerDial=1000
+ # This is the amount of RF that is consumed at the receiving side for every teleport. This RF is only consumed when the teleportation actually happens
+ I:rfPerTeleportReceiver=5000
+ # The amount of RF that is consumed by a matter transmitter when the player goes to stand in the teleportation beam allowing the teleportation process to start. This version is for a teleportation to another dimension and in this case 'rfStartTeleportDist' is not used. This value also acts as the maximum rf that can be consumed for a local teleport
+ I:rfStartTeleportDim=100000
+ # For every unit in distance this value is added to the initial RF cost for starting the teleportation. This value is not used when teleporting to another dimension
+ I:rfStartTeleportDist=10
+ # The amount of RF that is consumed by a matter transmitter when the player goes to stand in the teleportation beam allowing the teleportation process to start. This value is used for a teleport in the same dimension. In addition to this value the 'rfStartTeleportDist' is also added per traveled distance
+ I:rfStartTeleportLocal=5000
+ # For the duration of the teleport process this value represents the amount of RF that is consumed by the matter transmitter for every tick
+ I:rfTeleportPerTick=500
+ # The base time used for a teleportation to another dimension. The 'timeTeleportDist' value is not used
+ I:timeTeleportBaseDim=50
+ # The base time used for a teleportation for a local teleport. The 'timeTeleportDist' value is added per distance traveled
+ I:timeTeleportBaseLocal=5
+ # The amount of time that is added depending on distance for a local teleport. This value is in militicks which means that 1000 is one tick and one tick is 1/20 of a second
+ I:timeTeleportDist=10
+ # Maximum RF storage that the matter transmitter can hold. This should be at least equal to 'rfStartTeleportDim'
+ I:transmitterMaxRF=200000
+ # RF per tick that the matter transmitter can receive. It is recommended to keep this at least equal to 'rfTeleportPerTick'
+ I:transmitterRFPerTick=1000
+ # The vertical range the dialing device uses to check for transmitters
+ I:verticalDialerRange=5
+ # The volume for the teleporting sound (1.0 is default)
+ D:volumeTeleport=1.0
+ # The volume for the error sound when teleportation fails (1.0 is default)
+ D:volumeTeleportError=1.0
+ # Set this to false to disable the 'whoosh' message on teleport
+ B:whooshMessage=true
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/simpleskyblock.cfg b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/simpleskyblock.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23f9585
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/simpleskyblock.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Configuration file
+general {
+ # Disable the possibility to change mob spawner in the Nether. Since you can only have blaze spawners there in vanilla.
+ B:"Disable Nether Spawner Change"=true
+ # Always create the starting bonus chest. This option is mostly for server maps, which can't use the create world gui.
+ B:"Force Bonus Chest"=false
+ # Size of the starting island, ranging from 0 to 3. Value 0 will disable the island generation.
+ I:"Spawn Island Size"=2
+generation {
+ # Create the stronghold portal room. If set to false, nothing of the stronghold will be created.
+ B:"Create Stronghold Portal Room"=true
+ # Remove the bedrock ceiling of the Nether. (Only for SSB Nether)
+ B:"Remove Nether Ceiling"=false
+ # Remove the bedrock floor of the Nether. (Only for SSB Nether)
+ B:"Remove Nether Floor"=true
+ # Disable the SSB world generation for the Nether and use the default generation. Overrides Nether bedrock options.
+ B:"Use Default Nether"=false
+mechanics {
+ # Use bone meal on podzol for ferns and dead bushes.
+ B:"Enable Bone Meal on Podzol"=true
+ # Cave spiders can drop cob webs when killed by player.
+ B:"Enable Cob Web Drop"=true
+ # Enable the additional SSB crafting recipes.
+ B:"Enable Crafting Recipes"=true
+ # Enable the green villager and his SSB recipes. Disabling this will convert already spawned forester into random villagers!
+ B:"Enable Forester Villager"=true
+ # Gravel drops sand when mined with an pickaxe.
+ B:"Enable Gravel Drop Sand"=true
+ # Guardians struck by lightning will turn into elder guardians.
+ B:"Enable Guardian Lightning"=true
+ # Extend the loot table of nether fortress chest with some items.
+ B:"Enable Nether Loot Change"=true
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/splash.properties b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/splash.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18e8db8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/splash.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#Splash screen properties
+#Tue Mar 28 12:24:29 CEST 2017
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/treechopper.cfg b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/treechopper.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d17f58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/treechopper.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# Configuration file
+data {
+ # Put new axe between < and >
+ S:"Axe Types" <
+ item.hatchetWood
+ item.hatchetStone
+ item.hatchetIron
+ item.hatchetGold
+ item.hatchetDiamond
+ item.mud_axe
+ item.psi:psimetalAxe
+ item.tconstruct.lumberaxe
+ item.tconstruct.mattock
+ item.tconstruct.hatchet
+ item.brain_stone_axe
+ item.stable_pulsating_brain_stone_axe
+ item.adobe_axe
+ item.ObsidianAxe
+ item.LazuliAxe
+ item.OsmiumAxe
+ item.BronzeAxe
+ item.GlowstoneAxe
+ item.SteelAxe
+ item.LapisLazuliAxe
+ item.peridotAxe
+ item.rubyAxe
+ item.sapphireAxe
+ item.bronzeAxe
+ item.mud_axe
+ ic2.chainsaw
+ >
+ # Put new log between < and >
+ S:"Log Types" <
+ tile.log
+ tile.log_0
+ tile.log_1
+ tile.log_2
+ tile.log_3
+ tile.log_4
+ tile.pamCinnamon
+ tile.pamPaperbark
+ tile.pamMaple
+ tile.for.pile_wood
+ tile.for.logs.vanilla.fireproof.1
+ tile.for.logs.vanilla.fireproof.0
+ tile.for.logs.fireproof.7
+ tile.for.logs.fireproof.6
+ tile.for.logs.fireproof.5
+ tile.for.logs.fireproof.4
+ tile.for.logs.fireproof.3
+ tile.for.logs.fireproof.2
+ tile.for.logs.fireproof.1
+ tile.for.logs.fireproof.0
+ tile.for.logs.7
+ tile.for.logs.6
+ tile.for.logs.5
+ tile.for.logs.4
+ tile.for.logs.3
+ tile.for.logs.2
+ tile.for.logs.1
+ tile.for.logs.0
+ ic2.rubber_wood
+ tile.terraqueous.trunk
+ tile.techreborn.rubberlog
+ >
+settings {
+ I:"Break speed [DEFAULT: 10]"=10
+ B:"Decay leaves"=true
+ B:"Ignore axe durability"=false
+ B:"Look for roots"=false
+ B:"Plant sapling automatically"=false
+ B:"Plant sapling on tree position"=false
+ B:"Reverse function"=false
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/treegrowingsimulator.cfg b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/treegrowingsimulator.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cc5ae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/treegrowingsimulator.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Configuration file
+tweaks {
+ # Energy (in RF) that is gotten each time the engine is "bumped," meaning every time you crouch or sprint
+ I:energyPerBump=25
+ # Show bonemeal particles when appropriate. Not sure why you would turn this off, but eh
+ B:showParticles=true
+ # The amount of ticks (times 5) you must be crouching or sprinting before bonemeal is applied
+ I:waitTime=100
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/unidict/IntegrationModule.cfg b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/unidict/IntegrationModule.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c588580
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/unidict/IntegrationModule.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Configuration file
+integrations {
+ B:AbyssalCraft=true
+ B:AdvancedRocketry=true
+ B:AdvancedSolarPanels=false
+ B:AppliedEnergistics2=true
+ B:BaseMetals=true
+ B:BloodMagic=true
+ B:Chickens=true
+ B:Crafting=true
+ B:Embers=true
+ B:EnderIo=true
+ B:Forestry=true
+ B:Foundry=true
+ B:Furnace=true
+ B:ImmersiveEngineering=true
+ B:IndustrialCraft2=true
+ B:Mekanism=true
+ B:ModularMachines=true
+ B:RailCraft=true
+ B:RefinedStorage=false
+ B:TechReborn=true
+ B:ThermalExpansion=true
+ B:WaterPower=false
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/unidict/UniDict.cfg b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/unidict/UniDict.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bed419f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/config/unidict/UniDict.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+# Configuration file
+~CONFIG_VERSION: 1.10.2-2.8
+dump {
+ # Enable this to keep track of all the entries.
+ # the output file will be saved on "config\unidict\dump" folder.
+ # once the file is generated, you must delete it to re-generate. [default: false]
+ B:entriesDump=false
+ # Enable this to keep track of all the kinds.
+ # the output file will be saved on "config\unidict\dump" folder.
+ # once the file is generated, you must delete it to re-generate. [default: false]
+ B:kindsDump=false
+ # Enable this to keep track of all the unificated entries.
+ # the output file will be saved on "config\unidict\dump" folder.
+ # once the file is generated, you must delete it to re-generate. [default: false]
+ B:unifiedEntriesDump=false
+general {
+ # auto hide items in JEI? [default: true]
+ B:autoHideInJEI=true
+ # put here entries that you don't want to hide in JEI.
+ # only works if keepOneEntry is false. [default: ]
+ S:autoHideInJEIEntryBlackList <
+ >
+ # put here kinds that you don't want to hide in JEI.
+ # only works if keepOneEntry is false. [default: [ore]]
+ S:autoHideInJEIKindBlackList <
+ ore
+ >
+ # keep only one entry per ore dict entry? [default: false]
+ B:keepOneEntry=false
+ # mods listed here will be blacklisted in keepOneEntry.
+ # must be the exact modID. [default: ]
+ S:keepOneEntryModBlackList <
+ >
+ # Enable this if you have mods that depends on UniDict but you don't like the unification. [default: false]
+ B:libraryMode=false
+ # If Enabled, the ingredients of all the new recipes created by Crafting Integration will be registered as ItemStacks.
+ # Enable this if you don't like the cycling through the possibilities of JEI. [default: false]
+ B:registerNewCraftingIngredientsAsItemStacks=false
+ # This allows to the user register their own ore entries before the Unification happen.
+ # this is mainly useful when the user is trying to unify things that aren't registered previously in the Ore Dictionary.
+ #
+ # Format:
+ # weirdStone+minecraft:stone#1
+ # The example above will register Granite as weirdStone. [default: ]
+ S:userRegisteredOreDictEntries <
+ >
+inputreplacement {
+ # Enabling this will remove all non-standard items as input of the Furnace. [default: false]
+ B:furnace=false
+ # Enabling this will remove all non-standard items as input of IC2 Machine Recipes.
+ # Note: this will only affect recipes that doesn't uses OreDictionary. [default: false]
+ B:ic2=false
+ # Enabling this will remove all non-standard items as input of Mekanism Machine Recipes. [default: false]
+ B:mekanism=false
+modules {
+ # Integration Module.
+ # if false all the Integrations will be disabled.
+ # [default: true]
+ B:integration=true
+resources {
+ # what kind of child do you want to make a standard?
+ # [default: [ore], [dustTiny], [dustSmall], [chunk], [dust], [nugget], [ingot], [block], [plate], [gear], [rod]]
+ S:childrenOfMetals <
+ ore
+ dustTiny
+ dustSmall
+ chunk
+ dust
+ nugget
+ ingot
+ block
+ plate
+ gear
+ rod
+ >
+ # Here you can put a list to custom unify them.
+ # must be in this format "ResourceName:kind1|kind2|...". [default: [Obsidian:dustTiny|dust], [Stone:dust], [Obsidian:dust|dustSmall], [Coal:dust|dustSmall], [Sulfur:dust|dustSmall], [Salt:dust]]
+ S:customUnifiedResources <
+ Obsidian:dustTiny|dust
+ Stone:dust
+ Obsidian:dust|dustSmall
+ Coal:dust|dustSmall
+ Sulfur:dust|dustSmall
+ Salt:dust
+ >
+ # enabling this allow you to specify the "owner" of each entry.
+ # it also will make "S:ownerOfEveryThing" be ignored for this entry. [default: false]
+ B:enableSpecificEntrySort=false
+ # enabling this allow you to specify the "owner" of each kind.
+ # it also will make "S:ownerOfEveryThing" be ignored for this kind. [default: false]
+ B:enableSpecificKindSort=false
+ # list of things to do unifying things.
+ # [default: [Iron], [Gold], [Copper], [Tin], [Silver], [Lead], [Nickel], [Platinum], [Zinc], [Aluminium], [Aluminum], [Alumina], [Chromium], [Chrome], [Uranium], [Iridium], [Osmium], [Bronze], [Steel], [Brass], [Invar], [Electrum], [Cupronickel], [Constantan]]
+ S:metalsToUnify <
+ Iron
+ Gold
+ Copper
+ Tin
+ Silver
+ Lead
+ Nickel
+ Platinum
+ Zinc
+ Aluminium
+ Aluminum
+ Alumina
+ Chromium
+ Chrome
+ Uranium
+ Iridium
+ Osmium
+ Bronze
+ Steel
+ Brass
+ Invar
+ Electrum
+ Cupronickel
+ Constantan
+ >
+ # all the entries will be sorted according to the modID list below
+ # must be the exact modID.
+ # [default: [minecraft], [thermalfoundation], [substratum], [ic2], [mekanism], [immersiveengineering], [techreborn]]
+ S:ownerOfEveryThing <
+ minecraft
+ thermalfoundation
+ substratum
+ ic2
+ mekanism
+ immersiveengineering
+ techreborn
+ >
+ # resources to be black-listed.
+ # this exists to avoid duplicates.
+ # this affect the API. [default: [Aluminum], [Alumina], [Chrome], [Constantan]]
+ S:resourceBlackList <
+ Aluminum
+ Alumina
+ Chrome
+ Constantan
+ >
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/scripts/MineTweakerRecipeMaker.zs b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/scripts/MineTweakerRecipeMaker.zs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b6c539
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/scripts/MineTweakerRecipeMaker.zs
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// File generated by MineTweakerRecipeMaker
+// ================================================================================
+// This file is read and changed by the mod.
+// If you remove/edit any of the markers, IT WILL STOP WORKING!
+// If you want to make manual edits, make a backup of this file!
+// Markers look like this: "//#MARKER something"
+// They indicate where calls should be placed, so that MineTweaker does them in the correct order.
+// Removes come first, then stuff is added.
+// ================================================================================
+// ================================================================================
+// ================================================================================
+// ================================================================================
+// ================================================================================
+// ================================================================================
+// ================================================================================
+recipes.addShaped(, [[, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]);
+recipes.addShaped(, [[, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]);
+recipes.addShaped(, [[, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]);
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/scripts/projecte_default.zs b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/scripts/projecte_default.zs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..355f6d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/files/scripts/projecte_default.zs
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+import mods.projecte.PhiloStone;
+import mods.projecte.KleinStar;
+#Example script for projecte
+#addPhiloSmelting(output, input, (optional) fuel), fuel can be any item. Defaults to coal
+#PhiloStone.addPhiloSmelting(, );
+#PhiloStone.addPhiloSmelting(, , );
+#PhiloStone.addPhiloSmelting(, , );
+#addWorldTransmutation(output,(optional)sneakOutput, input), two or three parameters
+#PhiloStone.removeWorldTransmutation(, , );
+#PhiloStone.addWorldTransmutation(, , );
+# or
+#PhiloStone.addWorldTransmutation(, );
+#KleinStar.addShaped(, [[, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]);
+#KleinStar.addShapeless(, [, ]);
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/ActuallyAdditions-1.10.2-r105.jar.link.json b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/ActuallyAdditions-1.10.2-r105.jar.link.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b099887
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/ActuallyAdditions-1.10.2-r105.jar.link.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod:actuallyadditions:1.10.2-r105@jar",
+ "name": "Actually Additions",
+ "type": "ForgeMod",
+ "artifact": {
+ "size": 2478660,
+ "url": "https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/2392/124/ActuallyAdditions-1.10.2-r105.jar",
+ "MD5": "03ffefcfd9cabdb1faa3efbb57e60a27"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/BetterFps-1.3.2.jar.link.json b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/BetterFps-1.3.2.jar.link.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2409b79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/BetterFps-1.3.2.jar.link.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "me.guichaguri:betterfps:1.3.2@jar",
+ "name": "BetterFps",
+ "type": "ForgeMod",
+ "artifact": {
+ "size": 62980,
+ "url": "https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/2310/14/BetterFps-1.3.2.jar",
+ "MD5": "47794cef01de8f9164a276d101cbb995"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/Chameleon-1.10-2.2.2.jar.link.json b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/Chameleon-1.10-2.2.2.jar.link.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dac0bb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/Chameleon-1.10-2.2.2.jar.link.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "com.jaquadro.minecraft.chameleon:Chameleon:1.10-2.2.2@jar",
+ "name": "Chameleon",
+ "type": "ForgeMod",
+ "artifact": {
+ "size": 94810,
+ "url": "https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/2355/632/Chameleon-1.10-2.2.2.jar",
+ "MD5": "19e80437f28779f68fcc363031d3e064"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/ChestTransporter-1.10.2-2.5.10.jar.link.json b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/ChestTransporter-1.10.2-2.5.10.jar.link.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3653f62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/ChestTransporter-1.10.2-2.5.10.jar.link.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "cubex2.mods.chesttransporter:ChestTransporter:1.10.2-2.5.10@jar",
+ "name": "Chest Transporter",
+ "type": "ForgeMod",
+ "artifact": {
+ "size": 120834,
+ "url": "https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/2397/100/ChestTransporter-1.10.2-2.5.10.jar",
+ "MD5": "4fe158aba4ff6cd65d3035c0505a1277"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/ComputerCraft1.80pr0.jar.link.json b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/ComputerCraft1.80pr0.jar.link.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc77c4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/ComputerCraft1.80pr0.jar.link.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "dan200.computercraft:ComputerCraft:1.80pr0@jar",
+ "name": "ComputerCraft",
+ "type": "ForgeMod",
+ "artifact": {
+ "size": 1534141,
+ "url": "https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/2311/39/ComputerCraft1.80pr0.jar",
+ "MD5": "039bc1dc8cafc26e0b7e8d49cefa88bb"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/CraftTweaker-1.10.2-3.0.24.jar.link.json b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/CraftTweaker-1.10.2-3.0.24.jar.link.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..565ae83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/CraftTweaker-1.10.2-3.0.24.jar.link.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "com.blamejared:MineTweaker3:1.10.2-3.0.24@jar",
+ "name": "MineTweaker 3",
+ "type": "ForgeMod",
+ "artifact": {
+ "size": 867551,
+ "url": "https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/2392/420/CraftTweaker-1.10.2-3.0.24.jar",
+ "MD5": "bcaef2617335e911968c6378a425d892"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/EnderCore-1.10.2- b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/EnderCore-1.10.2-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40979e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/EnderCore-1.10.2-
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "com.enderio.core:endercore:1.10.2-",
+ "name": "EnderCore",
+ "type": "ForgeMod",
+ "artifact": {
+ "size": 465580,
+ "url": "https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/2370/656/EnderCore-1.10.2-",
+ "MD5": "da03856af1bcfd4ecf4b0edbd205cd00"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/EnderIO-1.10.2-3.1.179.jar.link.json b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/EnderIO-1.10.2-3.1.179.jar.link.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea67792
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/EnderIO-1.10.2-3.1.179.jar.link.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "crazypants.enderio:EnderIO:1.10.2-3.1.179@jar",
+ "name": "Ender IO",
+ "type": "ForgeMod",
+ "artifact": {
+ "size": 4945557,
+ "url": "https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/2392/869/EnderIO-1.10.2-3.1.179.jar",
+ "MD5": "17e876355a49d344048932f75b36f79c"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/FTBLib-1.10.2-3.4.5.jar.link.json b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/FTBLib-1.10.2-3.4.5.jar.link.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45ac1d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/FTBLib-1.10.2-3.4.5.jar.link.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "com.feed_the_beast:ftbl:1.10.2-3.4.5@jar",
+ "name": "FTBLib",
+ "type": "ForgeMod",
+ "artifact": {
+ "size": 696064,
+ "url": "https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/2397/480/FTBLib-1.10.2-3.4.5.jar",
+ "MD5": "c0782c018d19e04f97986793db0e4ea3"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/FTBUtilities-1.10.2-3.4.4.jar.link.json b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/FTBUtilities-1.10.2-3.4.4.jar.link.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d98735
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/FTBUtilities-1.10.2-3.4.4.jar.link.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "com.feed_the_beast:ftbu:1.10.2-3.4.4@jar",
+ "name": "FTBUtilities",
+ "type": "ForgeMod",
+ "artifact": {
+ "size": 604904,
+ "url": "https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/2397/481/FTBUtilities-1.10.2-3.4.4.jar",
+ "MD5": "540858ba110f2b4a5d377e39c9d276c2"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/FastLeafDecay-v11.jar.link.json b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/FastLeafDecay-v11.jar.link.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34a3cfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/FastLeafDecay-v11.jar.link.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "net.olafkeijsers:fastleafdecay:v11@jar",
+ "name": "Fast Leaf Decay",
+ "type": "ForgeMod",
+ "artifact": {
+ "size": 4802,
+ "url": "https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/2318/159/FastLeafDecay-v11.jar",
+ "MD5": "b11e8eea1578659abe1b2e3f777d0ae0"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/InventoryTweaks-1.61-58.jar.link.json b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/InventoryTweaks-1.61-58.jar.link.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5afbe43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/InventoryTweaks-1.61-58.jar.link.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "invtweaks:inventorytweaks:1.61-58-a1fd884@jar",
+ "name": "Inventory Tweaks",
+ "type": "ForgeMod",
+ "artifact": {
+ "size": 230808,
+ "url": "https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/2315/240/InventoryTweaks-1.61-58.jar",
+ "MD5": "d1c7fede0527f38a1c8b561416cb7154"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/KleeSlabs_1.10.2-3.3.5.jar.link.json b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/KleeSlabs_1.10.2-3.3.5.jar.link.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d96abf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/KleeSlabs_1.10.2-3.3.5.jar.link.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "net.blay09.mods:kleeslabs:3.3.5@jar",
+ "name": "KleeSlabs",
+ "type": "ForgeMod",
+ "artifact": {
+ "size": 22388,
+ "url": "https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/2326/335/KleeSlabs_1.10.2-3.3.5.jar",
+ "MD5": "4d66bd0ff9097f2704800bbb58373b3a"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/MineTweakerRecipeMaker-1.10.2- b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/MineTweakerRecipeMaker-1.10.2-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92f8f65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/MineTweakerRecipeMaker-1.10.2-
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "net.doubledoordev:mtrm:",
+ "name": "MineTweakerRecipeMaker",
+ "type": "ForgeMod",
+ "artifact": {
+ "size": 33318,
+ "url": "https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/2344/49/MineTweakerRecipeMaker-1.10.2-",
+ "MD5": "ee3e0babcfe11d90b78b649e7d5db40b"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/OreExcavation-1.2.84.jar.link.json b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/OreExcavation-1.2.84.jar.link.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acd5611
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/OreExcavation-1.2.84.jar.link.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "oreexcavation.core:oreexcavation:1.2.84@jar",
+ "name": "OreExcavation",
+ "type": "ForgeMod",
+ "artifact": {
+ "size": 167569,
+ "url": "https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/2369/56/OreExcavation-1.2.84.jar",
+ "MD5": "bd42e8424bb13f055600c165c0fe51b5"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/Pam's HarvestCraft 1.9.4-1.10.2h.jar.link.json b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/Pam's HarvestCraft 1.9.4-1.10.2h.jar.link.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bb0d1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/Pam's HarvestCraft 1.9.4-1.10.2h.jar.link.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "com.pam:harvestcraft:1.9.4-1.10.2g@jar",
+ "name": "Pam's HarvestCraft",
+ "type": "ForgeMod",
+ "artifact": {
+ "size": 3055612,
+ "url": "https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/2341/593/Pam%27s%20HarvestCraft%201.9.4-1.10.2h.jar",
+ "MD5": "49095051cacbf4a1554374f58c3f74da"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/ProjectE-1.10.2-PE1.2.0.jar.link.json b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/ProjectE-1.10.2-PE1.2.0.jar.link.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30491e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/ProjectE-1.10.2-PE1.2.0.jar.link.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "moze_intel.projecte:ProjectE:1.10.2-PE1.2.0@jar",
+ "name": "ProjectE",
+ "type": "ForgeMod",
+ "artifact": {
+ "size": 1421001,
+ "url": "https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/2371/609/ProjectE-1.10.2-PE1.2.0.jar",
+ "MD5": "ac3cb87575fce0d607fab26b1b55eace"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/SeiASkyBlockAddon-1.10.2-v1.5.jar.link.json b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/SeiASkyBlockAddon-1.10.2-v1.5.jar.link.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c40da2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/SeiASkyBlockAddon-1.10.2-v1.5.jar.link.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "id": "seia.skyblockaddon:SeiASkyBlockAddon:1.10.2-v1.5@jar",
+ "name": "SeiA's SkyBlock Addon",
+ "type": "ForgeMod",
+ "artifact": {
+ "size": 12889,
+ "url": "https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/2321/262/SeiASkyBlockAddon-1.10.2-v1.5.jar",
+ "MD5": "2c58e84193cc5af3b067ff2fe64e5d56"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/SimpleSkyBlock-1.10.2-1.1.0.jar.link.json b/servers/SkyBlock-ProjectE-1.10.2/forgemods/required/SimpleSkyBlock-1.10.2-1.1.0.jar.link.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6efb356
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