From 31d99135978f176623bee4b136e0d04d67009769 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sebastian Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2024 01:11:19 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Reorder language strings --- lang/en/capquiz.php | 307 +++++++++--------- .../lang/en/capquizreport_attempts.php | 29 +- .../lang/en/capquizreport_questions.php | 33 +- 3 files changed, 186 insertions(+), 183 deletions(-) diff --git a/lang/en/capquiz.php b/lang/en/capquiz.php index 3493b32..587e20c 100755 --- a/lang/en/capquiz.php +++ b/lang/en/capquiz.php @@ -25,208 +25,197 @@ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); -$string['pluginname'] = 'CAPQuiz'; -$string['modulename'] = 'CAPQuiz'; -$string['modulenameplural'] = 'CAPQuizzes'; -$string['modulename_help'] = '

The CAPQuiz activity enables a teacher to create quizzes comprising of questions of various types. Questions can be rated to different difficulties while students are given an initial rating. Using these ratings CAPQuiz will match questions to individual students based on their skill level.

'; -$string['pluginadministration'] = 'CAPQuiz administration'; +$string['action'] = 'Action'; +$string['add_a_quiz_question'] = 'Add a question to the list'; +$string['add_star'] = 'Add star'; +$string['add_the_quiz_question'] = 'Add the question to the list'; +$string['add_to_quiz'] = 'Add to capquiz'; +$string['attempt'] = 'Attempt'; +$string['attempts'] = 'Attempts'; +$string['author'] = 'Author'; +$string['available_questions'] = 'Available questions'; $string['capquiz:addinstance'] = 'Add an instance of CAPQuiz'; +$string['capquiz:deleteattempts'] = 'Delete capquiz attempts'; $string['capquiz:instructor'] = 'Edit CAPQuiz instances'; +$string['capquiz:manage'] = 'Manage capquizzes'; $string['capquiz:student'] = 'Attempt CAPQuiz instances'; $string['capquiz:viewreports'] = 'View capquiz reports'; -$string['capquiz:deleteattempts'] = 'Delete capquiz attempts'; -$string['capquiz:manage'] = 'Manage capquizzes'; -$string['questions_in_list'] = 'Questions in the list'; -$string['add_a_quiz_question'] = 'Add a question to the list'; -$string['add_the_quiz_question'] = 'Add the question to the list'; -$string['add_to_quiz'] = 'Add to capquiz'; - -$string['question_list'] = 'Question list'; -$string['question_lists'] = 'Question lists'; +$string['capquizquestionid'] = 'CAPQuiz question id'; +$string['capquizreporttype'] = 'Report type'; +$string['choose_rating_system'] = 'Choose rating system'; +$string['choose_selection_strategy'] = 'Choose selection strategy'; +$string['chronological'] = 'Chronological'; +$string['classlist'] = 'Class list'; +$string['configure'] = 'Configure'; +$string['configure_capquiz'] = 'Configure CAPQuiz'; $string['configure_grading'] = 'Configure grading'; +$string['create_own_template'] = 'You can also create your own'; +$string['create_question_list'] = 'Create question list'; +$string['create_template'] = 'Make template'; +$string['created'] = 'Created'; -$string['add_star'] = 'Add star'; +$string['dashboard'] = 'Dashboard'; +$string['default_question_rating'] = 'Default question rating'; +$string['default_rating_numeric_rule'] = 'Default rating must be a numeric value'; +$string['default_rating_specified_rule'] = 'Default rating must be specified'; +$string['default_user_rating'] = 'Default user rating'; +$string['default_user_rating_required'] = 'Default user rating is required.'; $string['delete_star'] = 'Delete star'; -$string['stars_to_pass'] = 'Number of stars required for passing grade'; -$string['stars_to_pass_required'] = 'Stars for passing grade is required (0-5)'; -$string['due_time_grading'] = 'Time for final grading'; +$string['deleted_attempts'] = 'Deleted attempts'; +$string['deleted_grades'] = 'Deleted grades'; +$string['description'] = 'Description'; +$string['description_required'] = 'Description is required.'; $string['due_date_grading'] = 'Due date for final grading was {$a}.'; -$string['grading_is_completed'] = 'Grading is completed.'; -$string['grade_has_been_set_pass'] = 'You achieved {$a} stars, which is a passing grade.'; -$string['grade_has_been_set_fail'] = 'You achieved {$a} stars, which is a failing grade.'; -$string['graded_stars'] = 'Grade'; -$string['pass_or_fail'] = 'Pass / Fail'; -$string['grade_pass'] = 'Passed'; -$string['grade_fail'] = 'Failed'; -$string['regrade_all'] = 'Regrade all'; +$string['due_time_grading'] = 'Time for final grading'; -$string['import'] = 'Import'; -$string['home'] = 'Home'; -$string['name'] = 'Name'; -$string['next'] = 'Next'; -$string['merge'] = 'Merge'; -$string['stars'] = 'Stars'; -$string['title'] = 'Title'; -$string['author'] = 'Author'; -$string['created'] = 'Created'; -$string['grading'] = 'Grading'; -$string['remove'] = 'Remove'; -$string['rating'] = 'Rating'; -$string['action'] = 'Action'; -$string['select'] = 'Select'; -$string['status'] = 'Status'; -$string['created'] = 'Created'; -$string['publish'] = 'Publish'; -$string['template'] = 'Template'; -$string['username'] = 'Username'; -$string['lastname'] = 'Last name'; -$string['firstname'] = 'First name'; -$string['configure'] = 'Configure'; -$string['dashboard'] = 'Dashboard'; -$string['questions'] = 'Questions'; -$string['classlist'] = 'Class list'; -$string['description'] = 'Description'; -$string['matchmaking'] = 'Matchmaking'; -$string['rating_system'] = 'Rating system'; -$string['name_required'] = 'Name is required'; -$string['title_required'] = 'Title is required'; -$string['question_count'] = 'Question count'; -$string['create_template'] = 'Make template'; +$string['earned_first_star'] = 'You earned your first star in this activity!'; +$string['earned_level_star'] = 'You earned {$a} stars in this activity!'; $string['enrolled_students'] = 'Enrolled students'; -$string['configure_capquiz'] = 'Configure CAPQuiz'; -$string['create_question_list'] = 'Create question list'; -$string['other_question_lists'] = 'Other question lists'; -$string['nothing_here_yet'] = 'Nothing here yet'; -$string['reports'] = 'Reports'; -$string['attempts'] = 'Attempts'; -$string['attempt'] = 'Attempt'; - -$string['missing_question'] = 'This question is missing.'; +$string['erroraccessingreport'] = 'You cannot access this report'; +$string['false'] = 'False'; $string['field_required'] = 'This field is required'; -$string['description_required'] = 'Description is required.'; -$string['student_k_factor_required'] = 'Student k-factor is required.'; -$string['default_user_rating_required'] = 'Default user rating is required.'; -$string['question_k_factor_required'] = 'Question k-factor is required.'; +$string['firstname'] = 'First name'; -$string['your_rating'] = 'Your rating'; -$string['question_rating'] = 'Question rating'; +$string['grade_fail'] = 'Failed'; +$string['grade_has_been_set_fail'] = 'You achieved {$a} stars, which is a failing grade.'; +$string['grade_has_been_set_pass'] = 'You achieved {$a} stars, which is a passing grade.'; +$string['grade_pass'] = 'Passed'; +$string['graded_stars'] = 'Grade'; +$string['grading'] = 'Grading'; +$string['grading_is_completed'] = 'Grading is completed.'; -$string['need_to_log_in'] = 'You need to log in'; +$string['hideshow'] = 'Hide/Show'; +$string['home'] = 'Home'; -$string['no_enrolled_students'] = 'No students are enrolled'; -$string['no_questions_added_to_list'] = 'No questions added to the list'; -$string['no_matchmaking_strategy_selected'] = 'No selection strategy has been specified'; -$string['nothing_to_configure_for_strategy'] = 'There is nothing to configure for this strategy'; +$string['import'] = 'Import'; -$string['update_rating_explanation'] = '

The question ratings can be edited below. Changes are saved automatically.

'; -$string['question_list_no_questions'] = 'This capquiz has no questions. Add some questions from the question bank below.'; -$string['n_closest'] = 'N-closest'; -$string['chronological'] = 'Chronological'; -$string['no_strategy_specified'] = 'No strategy specified'; +$string['k_factor_numeric_rule'] = 'K-factor must be a numeric value'; -$string['one_star'] = '1 Star'; -$string['level_stars'] = '{$a} Stars'; -$string['earned_first_star'] = 'You earned your first star in this activity!'; -$string['earned_level_star'] = 'You earned {$a} stars in this activity!'; +$string['lastname'] = 'Last name'; $string['level_rating'] = 'Rating required for {$a} stars'; $string['level_rating_required'] = 'Rating required for {$a} stars is a required field'; +$string['level_stars'] = '{$a} Stars'; -$string['user_win_probability'] = 'Desired user win probability'; -$string['user_win_probability_required'] = 'Desired user win probability is required'; -$string['user_win_probability_help'] = 'This specifies the probability of a student answering the question correctly. A probability of 0.5 will make the matchmaking engine try to find a question with a similar rating as the student.'; -$string['choose_rating_system'] = 'Choose rating system'; -$string['choose_selection_strategy'] = 'Choose selection strategy'; -$string['number_of_questions_to_select'] = 'Number of questions to draw'; -$string['number_of_questions_to_select_help'] = 'This indicates how many questions are to be drawn from the question bank before matchmaking. A match is made by selecting a question randomly from these.'; -$string['number_of_questions_to_select_required'] = 'Number of questions to draw is required'; -$string['prevent_question_n_times'] = 'Prevent the same question to be used for N attempts'; -$string['prevent_question_n_times_help'] = 'This will prevent a student from being matched with the same question for the specified number of attempts.'; - -$string['available_questions'] = 'Available questions'; - -$string['tooltip_achieved_star'] = 'You have achieved this star!'; -$string['tooltip_lost_star'] = 'You have achieved this star, but your rating is currently below the star\'s threshold.'; -$string['tooltip_no_star'] = 'You have yet to achieve this star.'; -$string['tooltip_help_star'] = 'Every student has a proficiency rating in the CAPQuiz activity. This increases when successfully answering a question, and decreases with wrong answers. Stars are achieved at certain rating levels, and never lost. I.e. a student can sometimes lose rating points and fall below a star\'s threshold, without losing the star. It is suggested that a certain number of stars are required for a compulsory assignment. Hover your mouse over a star to see rating details.'; +$string['managecapquizreportplugins'] = 'Manage report plugins'; +$string['matchmaking'] = 'Matchmaking'; +$string['merge'] = 'Merge'; +$string['missing_question'] = 'This question is missing.'; +$string['modulename'] = 'CAPQuiz'; +$string['modulename_help'] = '

The CAPQuiz activity enables a teacher to create quizzes comprising of questions of various types. Questions can be rated to different difficulties while students are given an initial rating. Using these ratings CAPQuiz will match questions to individual students based on their skill level.

'; +$string['modulenameplural'] = 'CAPQuizzes'; +$string['moodlequestionid'] = 'Moodle question id'; -$string['select_template'] = 'Select one of these templates for your capquiz'; +$string['n_closest'] = 'N-closest'; +$string['name'] = 'Name'; +$string['name_required'] = 'Name is required'; +$string['need_to_log_in'] = 'You need to log in'; +$string['next'] = 'Next'; +$string['no_enrolled_students'] = 'No students are enrolled'; +$string['no_matchmaking_strategy_selected'] = 'No selection strategy has been specified'; +$string['no_questions_added_to_list'] = 'No questions added to the list'; +$string['no_strategy_specified'] = 'No strategy specified'; $string['no_templates_created'] = 'No templates have been created.'; -$string['create_own_template'] = 'You can also create your own'; - -$string['default_user_rating'] = 'Default user rating'; -$string['default_question_rating'] = 'Default question rating'; - -$string['default_rating_specified_rule'] = 'Default rating must be specified'; -$string['default_rating_numeric_rule'] = 'Default rating must be a numeric value'; - -$string['student_k_factor'] = 'Student k-factor'; -$string['question_k_factor'] = 'Question k-factor'; -$string['student_k_factor_help'] = 'A higher student k-factor will make ratings change faster. If a student answers correctly, the student will receive a higher rating gain and similarly will lose more rating if the question was answered correctly'; -$string['question_k_factor_help'] = 'A higher question k-factor will make question ratings change faster. Question ratings will only change if one question is answered correctly and the other question is answered incorrectly, in no particular order. The question that is answered incorrectly will gain rating, since it \'won\' over the question that was answered correctly.'; - -$string['student_k_factor_specified_rule'] = 'Student k-factor must be specified'; -$string['question_k_factor_specified_rule'] = 'Question k-factor must be specified'; -$string['k_factor_numeric_rule'] = 'K-factor must be a numeric value'; - -$string['publish_explanation'] = '

Students are unable to answer questions as long as the capquiz is not published. This is useful if you\'re still building your question list and modifying question ratings. Similarly, modifying the default student rating before a capquiz has been published ensures that all students are given the same initial rating.

Students can answer questions once the capquiz has been published. After this point you can still modify your question list and assign different rating to questions. However, modifying the default student rating will not influence rating of students that has already entered the capquiz, but will influence the initial rating of students that has yet to enter the capquiz.

Once CAPQuiz has been published, it can not be reverted and will be visible to students.

'; -$string['template_explanation'] = '

A template is a read-only copy of a question list. Templates allow instructors to reuse question lists between courses or semesters, and can be shared with other instructors. Since a template is a copy of it\'s original question list, instructors can be sure that ratings won\'t be influenced when sharing between CAPQuiz instances. However, if multiple question lists are created from the same template, any changes made to the original question in the question bank will be visible in all templates and question lists. This includes renaming the question title, changing correct answers, descriptions and marks.

'; -$string['template_no_questions_in_list'] = '

There doesn\'t seem to be any questions in the question list for this CAPQuiz instance. Creating a template requires questions in the question list. Add some questions and come back to create your template.

'; -$string['publish_no_questions_in_list'] = '

There doesn\'t seem to be any questions in the question list for this CAPQuiz instance. You must have at least one question before you can publish

'; -$string['publish_already_published'] = '

This CAPQuiz is already published

'; - -$string['published'] = 'Published'; +$string['noreports'] = 'No reports accessible'; $string['not_published'] = 'Not published'; -$string['question_list_not_published'] = 'The question list is not yet published'; - -$string['question_list_settings'] = 'Question list settings'; -$string['you_finished_capquiz'] = 'You have finished this capquiz!'; +$string['nothing_here_yet'] = 'Nothing here yet'; +$string['nothing_to_configure_for_strategy'] = 'There is nothing to configure for this strategy'; +$string['number_of_questions_to_select'] = 'Number of questions to draw'; +$string['number_of_questions_to_select_help'] = 'This indicates how many questions are to be drawn from the question bank before matchmaking. A match is made by selecting a question randomly from these.'; +$string['number_of_questions_to_select_required'] = 'Number of questions to draw is required'; -$string['deleted_grades'] = 'Deleted grades'; -$string['deleted_attempts'] = 'Deleted attempts'; +$string['one_star'] = '1 Star'; +$string['other_question_lists'] = 'Other question lists'; -$string['privacy:metadata:core_question'] = 'The CAPQuiz activity stores question usage information in the core_question subsystem.'; +$string['pass_or_fail'] = 'Pass / Fail'; +$string['pluginadministration'] = 'CAPQuiz administration'; +$string['pluginname'] = 'CAPQuiz'; +$string['prevent_question_n_times'] = 'Prevent the same question to be used for N attempts'; +$string['prevent_question_n_times_help'] = 'This will prevent a student from being matched with the same question for the specified number of attempts.'; $string['privacy:metadata:capquiz_attempt'] = 'Details about each attempt on a CAPQuiz.'; -$string['privacy:metadata:capquiz_attempt:userid'] = 'The user who made the attempt.'; $string['privacy:metadata:capquiz_attempt:time_answered'] = 'The time that the attempt was answered.'; $string['privacy:metadata:capquiz_attempt:time_reviewed'] = 'The time that the attempt was reviewed.'; +$string['privacy:metadata:capquiz_attempt:userid'] = 'The user who made the attempt.'; $string['privacy:metadata:capquiz_user'] = 'Additional details stored about the user'; -$string['privacy:metadata:capquiz_user:userid'] = 'The CAPQuiz user.'; -$string['privacy:metadata:capquiz_user:rating'] = 'The rating of the user.'; $string['privacy:metadata:capquiz_user:highest_level'] = 'The user\'s highest number of stars achieved.'; - +$string['privacy:metadata:capquiz_user:rating'] = 'The rating of the user.'; +$string['privacy:metadata:capquiz_user:userid'] = 'The CAPQuiz user.'; $string['privacy:metadata:capquiz_user_rating'] = 'Details about each user rating created in a CAPQuiz.'; $string['privacy:metadata:capquiz_user_rating:capquiz_user_id'] = 'The user who\'s rating it is.'; -$string['privacy:metadata:capquiz_user_rating:rating'] = 'The user\'s rating.'; $string['privacy:metadata:capquiz_user_rating:manual'] = 'Whether or not the user rating was created manually'; +$string['privacy:metadata:capquiz_user_rating:rating'] = 'The user\'s rating.'; $string['privacy:metadata:capquiz_user_rating:timecreated'] = 'The time that the user rating was created'; +$string['privacy:metadata:core_question'] = 'The CAPQuiz activity stores question usage information in the core_question subsystem.'; +$string['publish'] = 'Publish'; +$string['publish_already_published'] = '

This CAPQuiz is already published

'; +$string['publish_explanation'] = '

Students are unable to answer questions as long as the capquiz is not published. This is useful if you\'re still building your question list and modifying question ratings. Similarly, modifying the default student rating before a capquiz has been published ensures that all students are given the same initial rating.

Students can answer questions once the capquiz has been published. After this point you can still modify your question list and assign different rating to questions. However, modifying the default student rating will not influence rating of students that has already entered the capquiz, but will influence the initial rating of students that has yet to enter the capquiz.

Once CAPQuiz has been published, it can not be reverted and will be visible to students.

'; +$string['publish_no_questions_in_list'] = '

There doesn\'t seem to be any questions in the question list for this CAPQuiz instance. You must have at least one question before you can publish

'; +$string['published'] = 'Published'; -$string['userratings'] = 'User ratings'; -$string['userrating'] = 'User rating'; +$string['question_count'] = 'Question count'; +$string['question_k_factor'] = 'Question k-factor'; +$string['question_k_factor_help'] = 'A higher question k-factor will make question ratings change faster. Question ratings will only change if one question is answered correctly and the other question is answered incorrectly, in no particular order. The question that is answered incorrectly will gain rating, since it \'won\' over the question that was answered correctly.'; +$string['question_k_factor_required'] = 'Question k-factor is required.'; +$string['question_k_factor_specified_rule'] = 'Question k-factor must be specified'; +$string['question_list'] = 'Question list'; +$string['question_list_no_questions'] = 'This capquiz has no questions. Add some questions from the question bank below.'; +$string['question_list_not_published'] = 'The question list is not yet published'; +$string['question_list_settings'] = 'Question list settings'; +$string['question_lists'] = 'Question lists'; +$string['question_rating'] = 'Question rating'; +$string['questionid'] = 'Question id'; $string['questionrating'] = 'Question rating'; +$string['questions'] = 'Questions'; +$string['questions_in_list'] = 'Questions in the list'; + +$string['rating'] = 'Rating'; +$string['rating_system'] = 'Rating system'; +$string['regrade_all'] = 'Regrade all'; +$string['remove'] = 'Remove'; $string['report'] = 'report'; +$string['reportplugin'] = 'Report plugins'; +$string['reports'] = 'Reports'; +$string['reportshowonlyanswered'] = 'Show only answered attempts'; +$string['reportshowonlyanswered_help'] = 'Show only attempts by students that have been answered and submitted.'; +$string['select'] = 'Select'; +$string['select_template'] = 'Select one of these templates for your capquiz'; $string['settings'] = 'CAPQuiz settings'; -$string['hideshow'] = 'Hide/Show'; -$string['noreports'] = 'No reports accessible'; - +$string['stars'] = 'Stars'; +$string['stars_to_pass'] = 'Number of stars required for passing grade'; +$string['stars_to_pass_required'] = 'Stars for passing grade is required (0-5)'; +$string['status'] = 'Status'; +$string['strftimedatetimeseconds'] = '%d %B %Y, %I:%M:%S %p'; +$string['student_k_factor'] = 'Student k-factor'; +$string['student_k_factor_help'] = 'A higher student k-factor will make ratings change faster. If a student answers correctly, the student will receive a higher rating gain and similarly will lose more rating if the question was answered correctly'; +$string['student_k_factor_required'] = 'Student k-factor is required.'; +$string['student_k_factor_specified_rule'] = 'Student k-factor must be specified'; $string['subplugintype_capquizreport'] = 'Report'; $string['subplugintype_capquizreport_plural'] = 'Reports'; -$string['reportplugin'] = 'Report plugins'; -$string['managecapquizreportplugins'] = 'Manage report plugins'; -$string['capquizreporttype'] = 'Report type'; -$string['erroraccessingreport'] = 'You cannot access this report'; -$string['true'] = 'True'; -$string['false'] = 'False'; -$string['questionid'] = 'Question id'; -$string['moodlequestionid'] = 'Moodle question id'; -$string['capquizquestionid'] = 'CAPQuiz question id'; -$string['userid'] = 'User id'; +$string['template'] = 'Template'; +$string['template_explanation'] = '

A template is a read-only copy of a question list. Templates allow instructors to reuse question lists between courses or semesters, and can be shared with other instructors. Since a template is a copy of it\'s original question list, instructors can be sure that ratings won\'t be influenced when sharing between CAPQuiz instances. However, if multiple question lists are created from the same template, any changes made to the original question in the question bank will be visible in all templates and question lists. This includes renaming the question title, changing correct answers, descriptions and marks.

'; +$string['template_no_questions_in_list'] = '

There doesn\'t seem to be any questions in the question list for this CAPQuiz instance. Creating a template requires questions in the question list. Add some questions and come back to create your template.

'; $string['timeanswered'] = 'Time answered'; $string['timereviewed'] = 'Time reviewed'; -$string['strftimedatetimeseconds'] = '%d %B %Y, %I:%M:%S %p'; -$string['reportshowonlyanswered'] = 'Show only answered attempts'; -$string['reportshowonlyanswered_help'] = 'Show only attempts by students that have been answered and submitted.'; +$string['title'] = 'Title'; +$string['title_required'] = 'Title is required'; +$string['tooltip_achieved_star'] = 'You have achieved this star!'; +$string['tooltip_help_star'] = 'Every student has a proficiency rating in the CAPQuiz activity. This increases when successfully answering a question, and decreases with wrong answers. Stars are achieved at certain rating levels, and never lost. I.e. a student can sometimes lose rating points and fall below a star\'s threshold, without losing the star. It is suggested that a certain number of stars are required for a compulsory assignment. Hover your mouse over a star to see rating details.'; +$string['tooltip_lost_star'] = 'You have achieved this star, but your rating is currently below the star\'s threshold.'; +$string['tooltip_no_star'] = 'You have yet to achieve this star.'; +$string['true'] = 'True'; + +$string['update_rating_explanation'] = '

The question ratings can be edited below. Changes are saved automatically.

'; +$string['user_win_probability'] = 'Desired user win probability'; +$string['user_win_probability_help'] = 'This specifies the probability of a student answering the question correctly. A probability of 0.5 will make the matchmaking engine try to find a question with a similar rating as the student.'; +$string['user_win_probability_required'] = 'Desired user win probability is required'; +$string['userid'] = 'User id'; +$string['username'] = 'Username'; +$string['userrating'] = 'User rating'; +$string['userratings'] = 'User ratings'; + +$string['you_finished_capquiz'] = 'You have finished this capquiz!'; +$string['your_rating'] = 'Your rating'; diff --git a/report/attempts/lang/en/capquizreport_attempts.php b/report/attempts/lang/en/capquizreport_attempts.php index 4096ea4..7618787 100644 --- a/report/attempts/lang/en/capquizreport_attempts.php +++ b/report/attempts/lang/en/capquizreport_attempts.php @@ -23,24 +23,31 @@ * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ +$string['ansstate'] = 'answer state'; +$string['answerstate'] = 'Answer state'; +$string['attemptsfilename'] = 'attempts'; + +$string['correct'] = 'Correct'; + +$string['false'] = 'False'; + $string['pluginname'] = 'Attempts'; $string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The capquizreport attempts plugin does not store any personal data.'; -$string['attemptsfilename'] = 'attempts'; -$string['userprevrating'] = 'User\'s previous rating'; -$string['questionprevrating'] = 'Question\'s previous rating'; -$string['uprevrating'] = 'user\'s previous rating'; $string['qprevrating'] = 'question\'s previous rating'; $string['qrating'] = 'question rating'; -$string['urating'] = 'user rating'; -$string['ansstate'] = 'answer state'; -$string['answerstate'] = 'Answer state'; $string['question'] = 'Question'; +$string['questionprevrating'] = 'Question\'s previous rating'; +$string['questionprevratingmanual'] = 'Previous rating manually updated'; + +$string['rating_manually_updated'] = 'Previous rating was manually updated'; $string['response'] = 'Response'; $string['rightanswer'] = 'Right answer'; + $string['true'] = 'True'; -$string['false'] = 'False'; -$string['correct'] = 'Correct'; + +$string['uprevrating'] = 'user\'s previous rating'; +$string['urating'] = 'user rating'; +$string['userprevrating'] = 'User\'s previous rating'; + $string['wrong'] = 'Wrong'; -$string['questionprevratingmanual'] = 'Previous rating manually updated'; -$string['rating_manually_updated'] = 'Previous rating was manually updated'; diff --git a/report/questions/lang/en/capquizreport_questions.php b/report/questions/lang/en/capquizreport_questions.php index f897801..fc08a56 100644 --- a/report/questions/lang/en/capquizreport_questions.php +++ b/report/questions/lang/en/capquizreport_questions.php @@ -23,26 +23,33 @@ * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ +$string['ansstate'] = 'answer state'; +$string['answerstate'] = 'Answer state'; +$string['attemptid'] = 'Attempt id'; + +$string['correct'] = 'Correct'; + +$string['false'] = 'False'; + $string['pluginname'] = 'Questions'; $string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The capquizreport questions plugin does not store any personal data.'; -$string['questionsfilename'] = 'questions'; -$string['userprevrating'] = 'User\'s previous rating'; -$string['questionprevrating'] = 'Question\'s previous rating'; -$string['uprevrating'] = 'user\'s previous rating'; $string['qprevrating'] = 'question\'s previous rating'; $string['qrating'] = 'question rating'; -$string['urating'] = 'user rating'; -$string['ansstate'] = 'answer state'; -$string['answerstate'] = 'Answer state'; $string['question'] = 'Question'; +$string['questionprevrating'] = 'Question\'s previous rating'; +$string['questionprevratingmanual'] = 'Previous rating manually updated'; +$string['questionsfilename'] = 'questions'; + +$string['rating_manually_updated'] = 'Previous rating was manually updated'; $string['response'] = 'Response'; $string['rightanswer'] = 'Right answer'; + +$string['timecreated'] = 'Time created'; $string['true'] = 'True'; -$string['false'] = 'False'; -$string['correct'] = 'Correct'; + +$string['uprevrating'] = 'user\'s previous rating'; +$string['urating'] = 'user rating'; +$string['userprevrating'] = 'User\'s previous rating'; + $string['wrong'] = 'Wrong'; -$string['questionprevratingmanual'] = 'Previous rating manually updated'; -$string['rating_manually_updated'] = 'Previous rating was manually updated'; -$string['timecreated'] = 'Time created'; -$string['attemptid'] = 'Attempt id';